Vol. 89 No. 1,045 January 2019 TESTIMONY For the study and defence of the holy Scripture In this issue: NEW SERIES: The Lord’s apostles 35 2019: another significant anniversary 21 Understanding a difficult parable 7 Evolution: the implications for inspiration 14 Contents 2018Testimony, Subject January Index2019 pull-out Contents A TESTIMONY Publishing Editor: JEREMY THOMAS. 22 Kingswood Close, Kings Norton, Birmingham, B30 3NX. Tel. 0121 444 6810; email: [email protected] Section Editors: Contents DAVID BURGES. 7 Whitehead Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PW. Tel. 01789 842692; email: [email protected] Publishing Editor’s column 1 World watchman Science; Archaeology Miriam of Masada January 2019 EDWARD CARR. 46 New Street, Barbara Booker 3 Shaun Maher 29 Donisthorpe, DE12 7PG. “The yoke in his youth” Tel. 01530 271522; Elohim: the angels or God email: [email protected] Himself? Peter Banyard 32 Exhortation P. H. Adams 5 The rock and the sons of SHAUN MAHER. 5 Birch Court, Unfaithful management thunder: three apostles and Doune, FK16 6JD. Richard Morgan 7 how they grew Tel. 01786 842996; 1. The three primary apostles email: [email protected] Iron sharpens iron (7) 11 and their names Watchman Genesis 1–2: inspiration and George Booker 35 ERIC MARSHALL. The Pines, honesty (Review) P.S. Ling Common Road, Castle Mark Allfree Rising, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, 14 Jeremiah PE31 6AE. Tel. 01553 631279; Prophetic frameworks Mark Vincent 39 email: [email protected] Jamie Whittaker 16 York scenes Exposition For those who would be 11. Jubbergate JEREMY THOMAS (see above) kings (3) Neil Galilee II Principles, preaching and Edward Carr problems 20 100 years on from Versailles 13 Alpha GEOFF HENSTOCK. Geoff Henstock Crescent, Panorama 5041, 21 Testimony books S. Australia. Tel. 8277-0730; email: Putting off [email protected] Ray Ginn 26 Australia Editor; Prophecy; Reviews Articles for publication Articles to be considered for publication are welcome and should be Testimony website: forwarded to the Publishing Editor (in Australia, the local editor) in the http://testimonymagazine.com first instance. Publication of articles in the Testimony does not presume editorial endorsement except on matters of fundamental doctrine, as defined in the Birmingham Amended Statement of Faith. I “You are also to count off seven sabbaths of years for yourself, seven times seven years, so that you have the time of the seven sabbaths of years, namely, forty-nine years. You shall then sound a ram’s horn abroad on the tenth day of the seventh month; on the day of atonement you shall sound a horn all through your land. You shall thus consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim a release through the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you, and each of you shall return to his own property, and each of you shall return to his family. You shall have the fiftieth year as a jubilee; you shall not sow, nor reap its aftergrowth, nor gather in from its untrimmed vines. For it is a jubilee; it shall be holy to you. You shall eat its crops out of the field” (Lev. 25:8-12, NASB). Cover picture: Shofar, Jim Willey. Publishing Editor’s column IBLE PROPHECIES which cover very ex- (v. 3), which persecutes the people of God during tended periods of time teach the reader of the time of the pagan Roman Empire but then BScripture that, from God’s point of view, disappears from the scene for a while, having things in “the kingdom of men” (Dan. 4:25,32, delegated “his power and his throne and great AV ) 1 do not remain the same for very long. Daniel authority” to a beast that emerges from the sea 2 and the Book of Revelation are good examples (13:1,2). This beast continues the dragon’s ‘dirty of this. Each of these prophecies extends from work’ for some time, but in turn morphs into the events in the prophet’s own day until the com- “scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names” (17:3) ing of the Kingdom of God, which will “crush which will arise, in the days prior to the second and put an end to all [human] kingdoms [and] coming of Christ, to pursue a further programme endure forever” (2:44). The fragile nature of hu- of persecution of the saints. As in Daniel 2, this man governments over the passage of time is is a reminder to the faithful that things do not clear from such prophecies. remain the same for long. The prophet Daniel perceived that King Nebu- chadnezzar of Babylon had been lying awake at Change: sudden or gradual? night, anxious about what would happen to his The transfer of power from empire to empire or mighty empire once he was no longer around: “O from kingdom to kingdom is sometimes very king, while on your bed your thoughts turned sudden. Babylon fell to the Medo-Persians in a to what would take place in the future” (v. 29). single night (Dan. 5:30). In Revelation, towards It was revealed to him by God: “After you there the end of each of the three main sections of will arise another kingdom inferior to you, then the prophecy there is an earthquake, indicative another third kingdom . Then there will be a of devastating changes as one era passes to the fourth kingdom . .” (vv. 39,40). The king took im- next (6:12; 11:13; 16:18). Such dramatic changes, mense pride in the city that he had done so much however, are seldom part of everyday life. In to glorify and beautify—“Is this not Babylon the the experience of most of the people of God, the great, which I myself have built as a royal resi- changes which come in the affairs of human his- dence by the might of my power and for the glory tory, even if expected, are gradual—on a day-to- of my majesty?” (4:30)—yet within a generation day basis imperceptible. Amongst the instances of the king’s death the city and the empire fell. of great change that we could select from Bible Revelation, drawing heavily on the symbology history, perhaps few occurred with the abruptness of Old Testament prophecies, helps to fill out the of Daniel 5. A fourth-century disciple of Christ long-term picture outlined in Daniel 2. In Revela- tion 12 we are introduced to “a great red dragon” 1. Other Bible quotations are from the NASB. Testimony, January 2019 Contents 1 did not go to bed one night in a pagan empire King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, “a stone . cut and wake up next morning in a Christian one. out without hands [strikes] the statue on its feet The change from pagan Rome to Christian Rome of iron and clay” (Dan. 2:34). was gradual and cannot have been felt in all parts In a time of growing uncertainty, I have found of the empire at the same time. it very helpful to reflect on some of the things that The gradual nature of political change in our are most certain about our discipleship, namely world can be a threat to our preparedness to meet God’s unbreakable promises, and the guarantee the Lord at his coming. Because things seem much of everlasting life in His Kingdom for those who the same from one day to the next, life often feels remain faithful to Him. In contrast to the world very stable. At such times it becomes harder to of fragile human affairs in which we are asked imagine what the sudden changes brought about to live out our probation, it is a real comfort to by the Kingdom of God will be like—or even to be able to look ahead to what the writer to the remember that the changes will come. With this Hebrews calls “a kingdom which cannot be in mind, the Apostle Peter warned his readers shaken,” and in that confident hope to seek to of those who would arise (within the ecclesias?) cultivate “gratitude, by which we may offer to and pour scorn on their expectation of Christ’s God an acceptable service with reverence and return, saying, “Where is the promise of his awe” (Heb. 12:28). coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, Times of great political uncertainty need not all continues just as it was from the beginning throw us off course, therefore; they can be a great of creation” (2 Pet. 3:4). Peter’s antidote to this motivator towards meaningful progress in our dangerous thinking was to remind the believ- discipleship. At the beginning of 2019 our Lord ers that there had been times in human history still has not come; but come he will, and in that when God had intervened, suddenly and with expectation we do well to consider Peter’s ques- catastrophic consequences—and that He would tion, “what sort of people ought you to be [?]” one day intervene again. From the Old Testament (2 Pet. 3:11). Peter supplies the only correct answer: Scriptures he cites the example of the Flood (v. “be diligent to be found by him in peace, spotless 6). Peter’s exhortation was especially pertinent and blameless” (v. 14). in the light of God’s coming judgments on the Mosaic order, which is what he appears to refer * * * * * to next (v. 7). The current members of the committee of The Preparing through uncertainty Testimony are as follows: Here in the UK, there is more than a sniff of • Mark Allfree (Nottingham, Forest Road) political uncertainty in the air.
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