DOCUMENT RESUME ED 395 866 SO 026 105 AUTHOR Grauer, Kit, Ed. TITLE Community. INSTITUTION International Society for Education through Art, Arnhem (Netherlands). REPORT NO ISSN-0268-2346 PUB DATE 95 NOTE 33p. AVAILABLE FROM InSEA, P.O. Box 1109, 6801 EC Arnhem, The Netherlands. PUB TYPE Collected Works Serials (022) Viewpoints (Opinion/Position Fapers, Essays, etc.)(120) LANGUAGE English; Spanish JOURNAL CIT InSEA News; v2 n2 Aug 1995 EDRS PRICE MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Aesthetic Values; *Art Education; Art Therapy; Built Environment; Childrens Art; Clothing Design; Community Education; *Cultural Context; Early Childhood Education; Foreign Countries; Japanese Culture; Multicultural Education; Refugees; *School Community Relationship; Teacher Education; Visual Arts; War IDENTIFIERS Bosnia and Herzegovina: Croatia; Reggio Emilia Approach ABSTRACT Art in context of community is the theme of this newsletter. The theme is introduced in an editorial "Community-Enlarging the Definition" (Kit Grauer) .Related articles include:(1) "The Children's Bridge is not Destroyed: Heart in the Middle of the World" (Emil Robert Tanay);(2) "Making Bridges: The Sock Doll Project" (Anami Naths);(3) "Community Arts: Society & Culture" (Maro Socratous Tozzetti);(4) "Teacher Education in Eatonville, Florida: Building on Zona Neale Hurston's Legacy" (Kristin G. Congdon);(5) "Reggio Emilia: Early Childhood Education Links" (Sally A. Meyers);(6) "A Community of Teachers: Anything That Is Worth Doing Is Worth Overdoing" (Enid Zimmerman); (7)"A Community Context into Art Classes" (M. Cristina Biazus);(8) "Educacion Para El Siglo XXI" (Olga Blinder);(9) "The Outing of School Art: Art, Design & Community" (Stuart MacDonald);(10) "A Regina Community Project with National Flavour" (Tanya McElree) ;and (11) "Community, Identity, & Japanese Aesthetics: Culture of Being 'cute'.(Kawaii)" (Itsuro Ikeuchi) .This issue also contains a special homage to Eleanor Hipwell.(NF) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. VOLUME 2, NUMBER 2, 1995 ISSN #02682346Editorial: Community - Enlarging the Definition InSEA is the International Kit Grauer Non-Governmental World Organization for Education Homage to Eleanor Hipwell Arnee Humbert & Al Hurwitz through Art in consultative relations with UNESCO Theme: Community PH 1; If. I r.W.,:k'.1.I tAtrrii,a, The Cb;ldren's Bridge is Not Destroyed: Pi:fp [ Heart in the Middle of the World Emil Robert Tanay Croatia MED Making Bridges: The Sock Doll Project .1C, Anami Naths Canada : InEE Community Arts: Society & Culture Maro Socratous Tozzetti Australia Teacher Education in Eatonville, Florida: InEEMBuilding on Zona Neale Hurston's Legacy Kristin G. Congdon *USA Reggio Emilia: Early Childhood Education Links NEWS Community, Learning & Art Sally A. Myers Italy A Community of Teachers: Anything that is worth doing is worth Overdoing Enid Zimmerman USA A Community Context into Art Classes M. Cristina Biazus Brazil Educacion Para El Siglo XXI Olga Blinder Paraguay The Outing of School Art: Art, Design & Community Stuart MacDonald Scotland A Regina Community Project with National Flavour Tanya McElree Canada Community, Identity, & Japanese Aesthetics: Culture of being*"cute" (Kawaii) Itsuro Ikeuchi Japan A man chasing me in my dreams Manyana Jurisic, Croatia REPORTS & NEWS RAPPORTS ET NOUVELLES NAEA honours lnSEA membersInSEA Congress Taiwan, Ii s OF PARTMENT CE EDUCATION 1995InSEA WORLD CONGRESS 1996 Call for PAPERS EDI.ICATIONAL RESOORCI S INF-ORMATiN CENTER tEttIC, ' it rnont litboo, 1,111 ti,, poi Corning InSEA Conferences InSEA Asian Regional Congress Taiwan, R.O.C. November 10-15, 1995 rA /' I., I th WORLD CONGRESS 1996 Lille, France ()r I III I,' July 8-14, 1996 InEEB INSEA NEWS August 1995 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Editorial InSEMCommunity: Enlarging the Definition Kit Grauer University of British Columbia, Canada INSEA News Volume 2, Number 2, 1995 Think globally....act locally is more choice, content and caring were the key- Editor : Kit Grauer than just a popular slogan when you read stones of this program. Student teachers this issue of InSEA NEWS. Once again, the assigned to a middle class elementary school authors in this newsletter provide InSEA that had adopted a poor section of town was members with awareness and deeper the theme of M. Crisstina Biazus' article from Editorial Board insights into art educa tion a round the world. Brazil. Again community is the context and Our theme is Community, and according to art is the vehicle to build meaningful educa- Doug Boughton, Australia my dictionary definition; a community is a tional experiences. Olga Blinder provides a number of people having common ties or historical perspective on Art Education in Andrea Karpati, Hungary interests; living in the same place; sharingParaguay. Stuart MacDonald describes the Meri-Helga Mantere, Finland together a likeness, similarity or identity. As resurgence of community education in the Norihisa Naskase, japan this issue of InSEA NEWS demonstrates, Scottish context with specific reference to community can mean that and much more built environmental education, art and de- Ivone Mendes Richter, Brazil when it is the theme of art educators. Emil sign. The 1997 InSEA Congress in Glasgow Enid Zimmerman, USA Tanay returns us to war torn Croatia and will provide a platform for further explora- Bosnia to find a way of building community tion of this issue. In Saskatchewan, a First with children through art. The real bridge he Nation's fashion designer was invited back crosses to reach children divided by war, he to share his work and provide the commu- layout & designPeter Scurr builds metaphorically in his attempts to unite nity, especially the young people with hope these children at a deeper level through their and inspiration. Tanya McElree writes of the art. That bridge is extended into a Canadian importance of community involvement and classroom as Anami Naths recounts how the INSEA News is the official publication of partnerships in making this prolect success- children in her scl-ool used art to under- the International Society for Education ful. Finally, Itsuro Ikeuchi describes how through Art. stand and respond o the children of Croatia modern Japanese culture is defined by iden- and Bosnia. In produc ing sock dolls for other tity and aesthetics with special reference to children and paintings of hope, children Reprinting for educational purposes is the phenomena of "cuteness" or "Kawaii". encouraged. Credit should be given to InSEA. who did not suffer from war speak through their art with empathy. Arts Alive as Maro Socratous Tozzetti explains is the Australian Articles and regional reports are welcome example of building multicultural commu- at all times. Please send copy to nity through the arts. In Fairfield, a city where 112 nationalities reside, art unites Kit Grauer, Faculty of Education, InSEA members will be The University of British Columbia, people of all ages and cultures. Community 2125 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada takes on a different meaning for the mem- saddened to learn of the V6T 1Z4. bers of Eatonville, Florida where Kristen untimely deaths of two e-mail grauerk @ unixg.ubc.ca Congdon explains how the community is united against a divisive highway and through an world councillors: Abstracts are welcome with articles. arts festival and museum. We learn how an Authors are encouraged to submit Afro American community celebrates its art Duane Hagen photographs and/or art work. and culture and provides an inspirational model for others to follow. SallyMyers takes United States us to Italy where the community of Reggio Themes for articles for 19951996 are: Emilia provides exemplary early childhood Research Issues education in schools that make learning and Norman Tornini the languages of art are the focal points. In (October 15, 1995 deadline) Argentina InSEA History la Directions 1945 this town took preschool education 'March 15, 1996 deadline) seriously and developed a curriculum that lAulticulturalism became the envy of much of the world. From To the memory of these June 15, 1996 deadline) understandings gained through young chil- exemplary art educators, Gender Issues dren in Italy, we return to the United States and Enid Zimmerman's article on building a this issue of InSEA News October 15, 1996 deadline) community of committed teachers in a uni- is dedicated versity summer program aimed at teaching the artistically talented. Collaboration, 2 INSEA NEWS August 1995InSEM Hommage a Eleanore Hipwell I was, I am so sad, so desperate since retired, as the College of Hereford was the I have read on the last INSEA Newsletter, that most important part of her life, with INSEA. my very dear friend, Eleanor Hipwell, was However, she lived during 18 years, rai appris avec une grande tristesse le dead. not really retired, as she was still in activity, deces de ma gra nde arnie, Eleanore Hipwell. She was a very great lady, I cannot magistrate in the City of Hereford, working C'eta it une grande dame et j'ai bien du mal a spea k about her in the past, as she is always so for the Church, for the Library of Hereford, en prier au passe tellement elle est presente et much alive in my heart. correcting each year the international bacca- le sera toujours. Her personality, her sense of organi- laureate, she was still on the staff last June, Sa personnalite, son sens de z,a lion were so strong, her possibility of listen- even sick! l'organisation, de la gestion, son sens das ing the others, of understanding the others Writing these words, I just wanted to autres etaitexceptionnel. Elle m'a tout appris, was so large that a lot of friends can speak as give her an Homage of all of us, to tell her m'a fait decouvrir l'INSEA, cette rencontre I do, and will deeply regret her. 1NSEA withouther will not be alive, and, as is mondiale, cette grande famille ou nous nous If INSEA became an important ONG, strongly alive, Eleanor will always be alive in tetxuuvonstoussurla mere longueur d'ondes, it is thanks to her she has settled the account our heart.
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