SHEER GENIUS AND TOTALLY COOL! IT’S ZOMO! CONTENT Furniture 3 Founded in 2003, the Zomo brand is a division of Headphones 12 GSM-Multimedia GmbH. Developed by Dj’s with a total understanding of the club and nightlife scenes. Pro Stands 18 Zomo products - used by serious Dj’s and found in all good record stores. Laptop Stands 20 Equipment Cases 21 Racks & Equipments 42 Record cases 43 Bags 44 CD-Bags & Cases 50 Accessories 52 Snap this QR code and get an instant access to www.zomo.de Capacity 75/25 Trolley 19” Rack Unit Number of items held inside Classic Cut Luxury travelling with trolley 1 unit = 44.45mm Notebook Size 50/50 Adjustable Panel Rotation Maximum notebook size Half cut for perfect storage Adjustable position/location Rotatable Pro Flight Removable Lid Wheels Cable Cover Extreme flight proofed quality Removable top part Wheels for easy transporting Protect & arrange cables Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de FURNITURE 3 Berlin MK2 Deckstand Miami MK2 Deckstand Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de 4 FURNITURE Miami MK2 Toxic Deckstand LT D Berlin MK2 Toxic Deckstand LT D Powerkit PK1 Acryl Front Laptop Tray Acryl Headphone Tray Acryl Powerkit PK2 Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de FURNITURE 5 Milano Studio Desk Vegas Deckstand Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de 6 FURNITURE Ibiza 120 Deckstand Ibiza 150 Deckstand Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de FURNITURE 7 Detroit 120 Detroit 150 Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de 8 FURNITURE WALL 60 120 VS-Box 1/45 50 VS-Box 50 VS-Box 100 7” 250 240 VS-Box Space VS-Box 200 VS-Box 200/2 7” 250 Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de FURNITURE 9 250 VS-Box 100/2 7” 250 VS-Box 100/1 7” 480 80 VS-Box 400 VS-Box CD/DVD Divider VS-Box 100/4 7” 250 Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de 10 FURNITURE CS-Box 100 250 CS-Box 100/2 250 VS-Box 7/100 7” 250 VS-Box 7/200 7” 250 Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de FURNITURE 11 250 250 VS-Rack Loft VS-Rack Studio VS-Rack Wall 7” 250 VS-Rack Cube 250 VS-Rack Cube Connector Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de 12 HEADPHONES HD-120 HD-1200 Toxic HD-1200 Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de HEADPHONES 13 HD-3000 - Black HD-3000 - WHITE HD-500 Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de 14 HEADPHONES HD-25 Earpads HD-25 SP Earpads HD-25 Cables Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de HEADPHONES 15 HDJ-500 Earpads HDJ-1500 Earpads HDJ-1000 Earpads Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de 16 HEADPHONES HDJ-2000 Earpads RPDH-1200 Earpads RPDJ-1210/1200 Earpads Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de HEADPHONES 17 XD-53 Earpads MDR-V700 Earpads K518 Earpads Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de 18 PRO STANDS Zomo Pro Stands are the best solution for placing your cool DJ decks in a very compact space. They also offer the most convenient way to work with several decks in a confined space. Zomo professional equipment brackets are totally solid and long lasting. These stands are adjustable for height , angle of slope as well as angle of rotation. Now all your equipment can be positioned close at hand with quick adjustment options always available. All Zomo stawnds are compatible and the panels are fully interchangeable ready for when you next upgrade or change your setup. The powder coated surface guarantees maximum protection against scratches and other damage. Zomo stands, panels and baseplates are available separately or in set packs for quick start solutions! More styles of Zomo Pro Stand, visit: www.zomo.de P-2000/2 NXS2 P-2000 NXS2 P2000/2 P2000 P900/2 P900 Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de PRO STANDS 19 P850/2 P850 P400/2 P400 P350/2 P350 UNI-12 UNI-L Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de 20 LAPTOP STANDS Maschine KP3 LS-10 LS-50 LS-1 LS-1S Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de EQUIPMENT CASES 21 1 x XDJ-XZ 1 x XDJ-XZ + Laptop 1 x DDJ-800 + Laptop P-XDJ-XZ NSE NEW P-XDJ-XZ Plus NSE NEW P-DDJ-800 PLUS NSE NEW 1 x Roland DJ-707M + Laptop 1 x Denon Prime 4 1 x SL-1210 MK7 DJ-707M PLUS NSE NEW D-PRIME-4 NSE NEW T-10 NSE NEW Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de 22 EQUIPMENT CASES P-DDJ-1000 NSE NEW P-DDJ-1000 Plus NSE NEW P-DDJ PLUS NSE P-DDJ RB Plus NSE P-DDJ-RR Plus NSE P-DDJ-RZX NSE Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de EQUIPMENT CASES 23 1 x DDJ-SB + Laptop 1 x DDJ-SB3 + Laptop 1 x DDJ-SR + Laptop P-DDJ-SB Plus NSE P-DDJ-SB3 Plus NSE P-DDJ-SR PlusNSE 1 x DDJ-SR2 + Laptop 1 x DDJ-SX + Laptop 1 x DDJ-SX3 + Laptop P-DDJ-SR2 Plus NSE P-DDJ-SX Plus NSE P-DDJ-SX3 Plus NSE NEW Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de 24 EQUIPMENT CASES 1 x DDJ-SZ + Laptop 1 x DDJ-Ergo 2 x XDJ-700 P-DDJ-SZ Plus NSE ERGO NSE P-XDJ-700 NSE NEW 1 x XDJ-Aero 1 x XDJ-Aero + Laptop 1 x XDJ-R1 P-XDJ-AERO NSE P-XDJ-AERO Plus NSE P-XDJ-R1 NSE Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de EQUIPMENT CASES 25 1 x XDJ-R1+ Laptop 1 x XDJ-R1 + CD/DVD 1 x XDJ-RR P-XDJ-R1 Plus NSE P-XDJ-R1 EXTRA NSE P-XDJ-RR NSE NEW 1 x XDJ-RR + Laptop 1 x XDJ-RXp 1 x XDJ-RX + Laptop P-XDJ-RR Plus NSE NEW P-XDJ-RX NSE P-XDJ-RX Plus NSE Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de 26 EQUIPMENT CASES 1 x XDJ-RX2 1 x XDJ-RX2 + Laptop 2 x Turntables + 1 x Pioneer S9 P-XDJ-RX2 NSE P-XDJ-RX2 Plus NSE SET PLX9 NSE 2 x Turntables + 1 x Pioneer S9 + Laptop 2 x CDJ-200/350/400 + 12” Mixer 2 x CDJ-200/350/400 + 12” Mixer + Laptop SET PLX9 Plus NSE SET-200 NSE SET-200 Plus NSE Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de EQUIPMENT CASES 27 2 x CDJ-2000/900/850 + DJM-800/700/600 2 x 12” Player + 1 x Pioneer S9 2 x 12” Player + 1 x Pioneer S9 + Laptop SET-2000 NSE SET-2009 NSE SET-2009 Plus NSE 2 x CDJ-2000/900/850 + DJM-2000 2 x CDJ-2000/900/850 + DJM-900 2 x CDJ-2000 + 12“ Mixer SET-2200 NSE SET-2900 NSE SET-2900 MK2 NSE Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de 28 EQUIPMENT CASES 2 x CDJ-2000 + 12“ Mixer + Laptop 2 x CDJ-350 + 12“ Mixer2 2 x Pioneer XDJ-700 + 12“ Mixer SET-2900 MK2 Plus NSE SET-350 NSE SET-700 NSE 2 x Pioneer XDJ-700 + Pioneer DJM-450 2 x CDJ-2000/900/850 + DJM-800/700/600 2 x PLX-1000/PLX-500 + DJM-900 SET-750 NSE P-2000/12 Plus NSE PLX-1900 NSE Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de EQUIPMENT CASES 29 2 x PLX-1000/PLX-500 + DJM-900 + Laptop 1 x DJM-S3 1 x DJM-S9 PLX-1900 Plus NSE S3 NSE S9 NSE 1 x DJM-T1 1 x DJM-Tour1 1 x DJM-800, DJM-700, DJM-600, Xone92, etc DJM-T1 NSE DJM-TOUR1 NSE PM-800 NSE Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de 30 EQUIPMENT CASES 1 x DJM-800, DJM-700, DJM-600, etc + laptop 1 x DJM-900 Nexus 1 x DJM-900 NXS2 PM-800 Plus NSE PM-900 NSE PM-900 MKII NSE 1 x DJM-900 NXS2 + Laptop 1 x DJM-2000 1 x DJM-2000 Plus PM-900 MKII Plus NSE PM-2000 NSE PM-2000 Plus NSE Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de EQUIPMENT CASES 31 1 x DJM-800 + MC-1000 + Laptop 1 x CDJ-Tour1 1 x CDJ-2000, CDJ-900, CDJ-850, CDJ-800, etc P-MC Plus NSE CDJ-TOUR1 NSE PC-2000 NSE 1 x CDJ-2000 NXS2 1 x Turntable 1 x Toraiz SP-16 PC-2000 MK2 NSE T-2 NSE TORAIZ SP-16 NSE Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de 32 EQUIPMENT CASES 1 x Rane Twelve 1 x Seventy Two 2 x Rane Twelve + Seventy Two + Laptop RANE TWELVE NSE NEW RANE SEVENTY TWO NSE NEW RANE TWELVE 72 Plus NSE NEW 1 x NI S2 + Laptop 1 x NI S2 MK3 + Laptop 1 x NI S4 + laptop S2 Plus NSE S2 MK3 Plus NSE NEW S4 Plus NSE Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de EQUIPMENT CASES 33 1 x NI S4 MK3 + laptop 1 x NI S5 + laptop 1 x NI S8 + Laptop S4 MK3 Plus NSE NEW S5 Plus NSE S8 Plus NSE 1 x NI Maschine MK2 1 x NI Maschine MK2 + Laptop 1 x NI Maschine Studio N-MASCHINE NSE N-MASCHINE Plus NSE MASCHINE STUDIO Plus NSE Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de 34 EQUIPMENT CASES 1 x NI Z2 1 x Denon SC-2900 2 x Denon SC-5000 Z2 NSE SC-2900 NSE DN-SC5000 NSE 1 x Denon X1800 1 x Denon X1800 + 2x Denon VL-12 1 x Denon X1800 + 2x Denon VL-12 + laptop DN-X1800 NSE VLX-1800 NSE VLX-1800 Plus NSE Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de EQUIPMENT CASES 35 1 x Denon X1800 + 2x Denon SC5000 + Laptop 1 x Denon MC3000/MC6000 1 x Denon MC7000 SCX-1800 Plus NSE DN-MC3000/6000 Plus NSE MC-7000 NSE 1 x Denon MC7000 + Laptop 1 x Denon MCX8000 1 x Numark NS6/4TRAK MC-7000 Plus NSE MCX8000 NSE NS6/4TRAK NSE Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de 36 EQUIPMENT CASES 1 x Numark NS6/4TRAK + Laptop 1 x Numark NV 2 x Numark CDMix USB NS6/4TRAK Plus NSE NV Plus NSE N-CDMIX-U NSE 1 x DJ-808 1 x DJ-808 + Laptop 1 x Akai APC-40 MKII + laptop DJ-808 NSE DJ-808 Plus NSE APC-40 Plus NSE Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de EQUIPMENT CASES 37 1 x Akai MPC-R 1 x Akai MPC-R + Laptop 1 x DJ-Tech TRX MPC-R NSE MPC-R Plus NSE TRX NSE 1 x Xone:43 1 x Xone DX 1 x Xone DX + Laptop XONE 43 NSE XONE DX NSE XONE DX Plus NSE Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de 38 EQUIPMENT CASES 1 x Xone 4D 1 x Xone 4D + laptop XONE 4D MK2 NSE XONE 4D MK2 Plus NSE 1 x Vestac VCI-300 + Laptop 1 x Vestac VCI-400 + Laptop V-300 Plus NSE VCI-400 Plus NSE Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de EQUIPMENT CASES 39 MFC-20 NEW MFC-30 NEW MFC-40 NEW MFC-50 NEW Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de 40 EQUIPMENT CASES MFC-S4 MFC-6000 CDJ-13 DJM-2000 VC-1 VC-2 Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de EQUIPMENT CASES 41 CDJ-2000/CDJ-1000/CDJ-900/CDJ- 800/DJM-800/DN-S3700/DN-X1700 CDJ-200/400/DJM-400/AXIS VC-3 CDJ-1 CDJ-10 Universal Equipment 1 x Technics Turntable 1 x Xone 4D 1 x Xone 92 Uni-1 SL-12 Xone 4D MK2 Xone 92 Detailed information on all products on www.zomo.de 42 RACK & EQUIPMENT Zomo Pro Rackcases are specially built for studio use.
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