The University- -Of Melbourne

The University- -Of Melbourne

THE UNIVERSITY- -OF MELBOURNE MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY PRESS UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE CONSERVATORIUM OF MUSIC Established 1894 Directos—Тнg Окмохn РкоrEssoк or Music, SIR BERNARD HEINZE, Kt.B., LL.D. (British Columbia), Mus. Doc. (W.A.), M.A., F.R.C.M., Degré Supérieur, Schola Cantorum, Paris. Vice-Director-REVEREND PERCY JONES, Ph.D., MusDoc. Registrar of the University—F. H. JOHNSTON, В.A., B.Com., L.C.A., J.P. Secretary—IAN PAULL FIDDIAN, Barrister and Solicitor. THE ORMOND CHAIR OF MUSIC AND THE CONSERVATORIUM The Chair of Music was founded in the University of Melbourne by the generous endowment (120,0001 of the late Mr. Francis Ormond in 1891. Three years later, in 1894. the Conservatorium was established. THE BUILDING The present building consists of twenty teaching rooms, a fine lecture hall, concert hall (known as Melba Hall), Director's room, administrative offices, library, social room and staff and students' rooms. AIM OF THE CONSERVATORIUM The chief aim of the Conservatorium is гo provide a general course of musical education, while provision is also made for specialization in any particular subject. CONTENTS Page Dates for 1956 .. .. .. „ Á Faculty of Music and Teaching Staff .. s Annual Report of the Dean of the Faculty .. 8 Courses of Study . .. .. .. .. 10 Introductory School 10 Degree and Diploma School .. .. 10 Degree in School Music . .. 10 Master School .. .. 10 Single Studies .. .. 10 Opera School , .. .. .. 11 University Conservatorium Symphony Orchestras . 11 Extra Classes .. .. • .. .. 11 Table of Fees .. .. .. .. 11 University Sports, Union and S.R.C. Fees .. 12 Payment of Fees and Entry .. .. .. 12 Admission .. .. .. .. 12 Matriculation and Faculty Pre-requisites .. 13 Graduation .. 14 Library .. .. 14 Orchestral Instruments .. 14 Normal Pitch Standards . 14 Student Facilities .. 14 Student Guidance . .. .. 15 Union .. .. .. 15 Rules of Conservatorium affecting Students . 1б Exhibitions 17 Bursaries .. .. .. .. 18 Scholarships .. 19 Prizes ,. • .. .. 20 The Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme .. 21 Education Department Studentships .. .. 22 Cowrie Scholarship Trust Fund . .. 23 Students' Loan Fund 23 Diary 2з Regulations—. Degree of Bachelor of Music .. 24 Degree of Doctor of Music 29 Diploma in Music .. .. .. .. 29 Diploma of Master School in Music .. 34 Certificate for Music in Schools . .. .. .. .. .. 35 Details of Subjects .. .. .. .. 36 3 DATES FOR 1956 Jan. 27—Last day of entry for lectures and payment of fees for First Term. Last day of entry for Exhibitiońs and Scholarships. Feb. , 3—Last day of entry for degrees to be conferred on 24th March and 11th. _ April.. 6-Examinations for Exhibitions and Scholarships begin, ,, . 20—First.Term begins (Practical Work only). • r C 24—Last day •of entry for May Public Examination in Music and Art of; •-Speech, including Licentiate Diploma (Music). Ipíar. 12—Lectures begin. 24—Annual Commencement. Degrees .conferred. 29—Lectures cease prior to Easter recess. • 30—Good Friday. April • 4—Lectures resume. 11—Degrees. conferred. .• • . • 12—Matriculation of new students. 17—Matriculation of new. students. • 18, 19, 20—Public Examinations. in Music (Theory) and Art of Speech (Theory). Лґау 18—Last day of payment of fees for Second Term. 19—First Term ends. June 2—Lait day 'of entry for Licentiate Diploma Examinations. 4—Second Term begins. '11—Queen s Birthday. University holiday. 29—Last day ы entry for degrees to be conferred on 6th August. July 11—Last day of entry for September. Public Examinations in . Music and Art of Speech. '27—Last day of entry for Annual Examinations. Aug. ..6—Degrees conferred. 10—Last day for payment of fees- for Third Term. - - 11—Second Terms ends.. .. 27—Third Term begins... .. Sept. 24, 25, 26-Public Examinations in Music (Theory) and Art of Speech •- (Theory). • • • . Oct 5—Last day for payment of fees for Fourth Term. 6—Third Term ends. 22—Fourth Term and Examinations begin. Nov. 16—Last day of entry for degrees to be conferred on 18th December. Dec. ..9—Fourth Term ends. .. .. .18—Degrees conferred. UNI цERSITY' CONSERVATORIUM 0 ЛtIUSю°'д Director'—T as ORØND aor sso or Móe , SIR` BERNARD HEINZE, Kt.B., LL.D. (Britiab ColumbiaІ Р Е К гс ), Mus.Doс. (W.A.), М.А.,• F.R.C.М., Degré Supérieur, Schola Cantorum, Paris. Ρ :Yic'-Dirп tor—REVEREND PERCY.JONES, Ph.D., Мus.Dpc.. -,.,... Registrar of the Uпivrr,ity-F. H. JонNsTON, B.A., B.Com., L.с.n., J.P. Secretary-IAN PAULL FIDDIAN, Barrister and Solicitor FACULTY. OF MUSIC Deaп—PROFESSOIR SIR BERNARD HEINZE THE VICE-CHANCELLOR . ts'.¡-,41 , ТНЕ VICE-DIRECTOR ' ' ' ;Members of the Conservatorium Staff appointed annually,: M ISS CARRIE CAIRNDUFF MR. A. E. Н. NICKSON • MISS E. FRASER MR. R. SHEPHERD MISS BERTHA JORGENSEN MR. J. A. STEELE MR.. G. W. McKEOWN MR. V, STEPHENSON MR: T. L. MIDDLETON `` MR. H. TOUZEAU Member of Conservatorium Finance Committee appointed annually: Member of the Professorial' Board appointed annually: PROFESSOR FRANCIS. : Other members appointed annually: MRS. HERBERT BROOKES MR. J. SUTTON CROW PROFESSOR BURKE ASSOC. PROF. DURAS MRS. CLAUDE COUCHMAN МISS• RUTH FLOCKART TEACHING STAFF ' ' THEORETICAL THE ORMOND PROFESSOR DR. PERCY JONES MR. A. E. H. NICKSON, F.R.C.O., A.R.CId. Orchestration; Harmony; Counterpoint; .1 MR. J. A. STEELE, Mus. Bac. Composition; Music A, B and C MISS PHYLLIS ALLINSON, Mus. Bac, . MR. DORIAN LE GALLIENNE MR. BERNARD DE OLEVEIRA, Dip. Mus. MR. JOHN INGRAM, Mua. Baca.- Tir ars: - . miss VALERIE FAWCETT. Mus. Bac, MR. IVAR DORUM, Mus. Bac. PRACTICAL INTRODUCTORY SCHOOL Piánotort' MISS ELSIE FRASER ' MR. A. E. H. NICKSON, F.R.C.O., ALC M. MR. G. W. McKEOWN, Dip. Mus. ' MIss PHYLLIS ALLINSON, Mus. Bae, Miss RENNIE SIMMONS MR. HENRI PENN Miss LEONI.MILLER MISS BETTY CHISHOLM, Mus. Bac., Dip. Ed. Miss LUCY BECKER, Dip. Mus. MR. VICTOR STEPHENSEN, Dip. Mus. MR. MACK ' JOBT, Mus. Bac., Dip. Mus. M.S., A.R.C.M. MR. MAX COOKE, Dip. Mus. MISS JUNE McLEAN, Mus. Bac. MR. RONALD FARREN PRICE, Dip. Mull., MISS NANCY WEIR 5 CLIFFORD, piaиoJortè (Coutiuu'e') MISS MAY Mus. Bac. (Second Study) MR. JOHN INGRAM, Mus. Bac. (Second Study) MISS MARY CROMPTON, Mus. Bac. (Second Study MISS JEAN STARLING, Mus. Bac. (Second Study) MISS BERNICE LEHMANN, Dip. Mus. (SecondStudy) . MISS ISABEL BIDDELL, Dip. Mus. MR. T. LESLIE MIDDLETON MISS CARRIE CAIRNDUFF, Dip. Mus. MISS RITA MILLER MR. DAN HARDY NIISS THEA PHILIPS MISS ELSA HAAS MR. VICTOR HARDING, A.R. .M. MRS. ELSTON THOMAS С MR. VALENTINE WOFF MISS MAY CLIFFORD (Second Study) prgaa MR. A. E. H. NICKSON, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. MR. GEORGE FINDLAY, Mus. Bac. MR. LANCE HARDY, . В.Mus., London, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. Yi /iw MR. W. MALLINSON, Dip. lu'. о MR. FRANZ O. SCHIEBLICI-I MISS BERTHA JORGENSEN MR. BASIL JONES MR. NATHAN GUTMAN MR. PAUL McDERMOTT, Dip. Mu'. MR. BORIS STUPEL MR. HARRY HUTCHINS MISS HERMIA BARTON MR. JOHN GLICKMAN Yiol . .• . MR. W. MALLINSON, Dip. Mus. а т MR. MISOHA KOGAN Fiolo ll . MR. HENRI TOUZEAU г о MISS VALERIE AWBURN, Mus. Bac. (Second Study) MISS OTTI VE1T ' MISS MARIANNE MAXWELL, Mus. Bac. (Second Study) String 'Bass ' . MR. JOHN O'BRIEN MISS MARIANNE MAXWELL, Mus. Bac. Flute MR. L. R. BARKLAIB, Dip. Mus. MISS AUDREY WALKLATE, Mus. Bac. (Second Study) Oboe MISS TAMARA COATES, L.R.A.M. MR. C. McFEE MR. JIRI TANCIBUDEK Clarinet MR T WHITE MISS ISABEL CARTER, Mus. Bac., ARC.'. Bassoon MR ALBERT BRIGLIA MR. THOMAS W IGHTMAN French Hora . MR. ROY WHITE Tгumр't MR. M. SIMPSON Trоmbone . .. MR. H. WILLIS Percussion MR. G. CRAIG MR. E. LIGHTON DEGREE AND DIPLOMA SCHOOL Pianoforte MR. J. A. STEELS, Mus. Bac. MISS BETTY CHISHOLM, Mus. Bac., MISS ELSIE FRASER Dip. Ed. MISS RIEKE PARKER MISS LUCY SECKER; Dip. Mus• MR. H. WELSFORD SMITHERS, Dip. Mus. MR. VICTOR STEPHENSEN, Dip. Mus. MR. G. W. McKEOWN. Dip. ius. MR. MACK JOST, Mus. Bac., Dip. Mus. MR. WALDEMAR SEIDEL M.S., A.R.C.M. MR. ROY SHEPHERD MR. MAX COOKE, Dip. Mus. IR. RAYMOND LAMBERT MISS JUNE McLEAN, Mus. Bac. MISS PHYLLIS ALLINSON, Mus. Bac. MISS MAY CLIFFORD (Second Study) MISS RENNIE SIMMONS MR. JOHN INGRAM, Mus Bac. (Second MR. JASCHA SPIVAKOVSKY Study) 'MISS VERA BRADFORD, Dip. Mus. MISS MARV CROMPTON, Mus. Bac. MISS ISOBEL CARTER, Mus. Bac., A.R.C.M. (Second Study) MR. HENRI PENN MISS JEAN STARLING, Mus. Bac. MR. RONALD FARREN PRICK, Dip. Mus. (Second Study) MISS NANCY WEIR MISS BERNICE LEHMANN. Dip. Mus. MISS LEONI MILLER . (Second Study) 6 MISS I. M. BIDDELL, Dip. Mue. MR. T. L. MIDDLETON MR. ADOLF SPIVAKOVSKY MISS CARRIE CAIRNDUFF MISS RITA MILLER MR. DAN HARDY IPS MISS ELSA HAAS MRS. ELSTON THOMAS MR. VALENTINE WOFF MR. VICTOR HARDING, A.R.C.M. MISS MAY CLIFFORD (Second Study) Organ MR A E H NICKSON, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. MR. GEORGE FINDLAY, Mus. Bac. MR. LANCE HARDY, B.Mus., London, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. fiolin MR. W. MALLINSON, Dip. Mus. MR. FRANZ O. SCHIEBLICН MISS BERTHA JORGENSEN MR. BASIL JONES MR. NATHAN GUTMAN ' MR. PAUL McDERMOTT, Dip. Mue. MR. BORIS STUPEL MR. HARRY HUTCHINS MISS HERMIA BARTON , MR. JOHN GLICKMAN Yiola, fiolonullo, Sнriпg Bass, Flutq Oboe, Claria". Вагнооп, Егепгн Нorв, Тu'mрeе aadllarp— . Same as Introductory School. OTHER CLASSES i"strionestal Er'semble THE ORMOND PROFESSOR ME. HENRI TOUZEAU MR. PAUL MtDERMOTT, Dip. Ми.. Focal Ensemble and Opera . THE ORMOND PROFESSOR MR. DAN HARDY . л'companying Class MR H W SMITHERS, Dip. Mus. Sigtet Reading Clarrf М IISS BETTTY CHTSHOLM, Mus. Bac., Dip. Ed. MISS JUNE McLEAN, Mus. Bac. English Diction, Art of Speech, and Dramatic Art Classes . .. M1SS EILEEN O'KEEFE MISS DOROTHY DWYER, L.T.C.L. MR. H. W. TRAYNOR. B.A. MISS RUTH CONABERE German MISS D. R. COVERLID, M.A., Dip. Ed.

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