PRSRT STD U.S. 3267$*( 3$,' The Roundup ECRWSS Postal Customer Phone (406) 433-3306 Fax (406) 433-4114 %XVLQHVV2IÀFH 0DLOLQJ$GGUHVV E-mail address: /RFDWHGDW:HVW0DLQ P.O. Box 1207 [email protected] 6LGQH\07 6LGQH\07 Wednesday, June 30, 2021 Volume 47 • Number 21 New Ribfest Performer Wynonna Judd Announced Scan me to save & for Aug. 13 in Watford City VKDUHWKLVZHHN·VLVVXH By Anna Dragseth This year the annual Best of the West Ribfest and Street Fair is bringing Wynonna Judd to Watford City. Parmalee was originally scheduled to perform at the Ribfest but recently cancelled. The free concert will be held at 6 p.m., Friday, Aug.13 on Main Street, Watford City. “She is the greatest female country singer since Patsy Cline,” according to Rolling Stone Magazine. To date, Wynonna has sold over 30-million albums worldwide and is one of the most widely recognized and awarded female country singers of the 1990s. According to, she rose to fame in the 1980s with her mother, Naomi, in the country music duo ”The Judds.” The group received over 60 industry awards, with countless FKDUWLQJVLQJOHVLQFOXGLQJ1RKLWVVXFKDV´0DPD+H·V &UD]\µ´:K\1RWPHµDQG´*UDQGSD 7HOO0H¶%RXW7KH Good Ole Days).” Since 1991, Wynonna pursued her solo career, where she released eight studio albums, a live album, a holiday album, and two compilation albums, in addition to more than VLQJOHV +HU ÀUVW WKUHH VLQJOHV ZHUH ´6KH ,V +LV 2QO\ 1HHGµ´,6DZWKH/LJKWµDQG´1R2QH(OVHRQ(DUWKµ$OO three reached number one on the US country singles charts FRQVHFXWLYHO\DQG´7R%H/RYHGE\<RXµDOVRKLWQXPEHURQH in 1996, her fourth number one and top ten hit. ,Q:\QRQQDGHFLGHGWRUHXQLWHZLWKKHUPRWKHUIRU DWRXUEHJLQQLQJRQ1HZ<HDU·V(YH$PRQWKODWHU:\QRQQD UHOHDVHGKHUÀIWKVRORDOEXP1HZ'D\'DZQLQJ7KLVDOEXP WKHÀUVWRIKHUFDUHHUWKDW:\QRQQDFRSURGXFHGLQFOXGHG a four-song bonus disc entitled Big Bang Boogie composed RIIRXUQHZ-XGG·VVRQJV :\QRQQD·VPRVWUHFHQWUHFRUGLQJZDV:\QRQQD WKH Big Noise, released on Feb. 12, 2016, and she released the VLQJOH´&RRO<D·µWKDWVDPHPRQWK,Q2FW:\QRQQD UHOHDVHGDQHZH[WHQGHGSOD\WLWOHG¶5HFROOHFWLRQV·YLD$QWL Records. There will be tons of food, music and fun at the event - for more information on the Ribfest, check out their Facebook :\QRQQD-XGG 3URPRWLRQDOSKRWR page: Best of the West Ribfest and Street Fair. Independence Day Events Scheduled Throughout The MonDak Area By Anna Dragseth 7KH 0RQ'DN DUHD KDV VHYHUDO ,QGHSHQGHQFH 'D\ events planned throughout the 4th of July weekend. Arnegard will be hosting several events Sunday, July 4. Starting at 8:30 a.m. there will be a 5K run/walk starting on 'XULQJWKH WK$YHULJKWLQIURQWRIWKHÀUHGHSDUWPHQW FKHFNLQVWDUWV /DPEHUWWKRI-XO\ at 8 a.m. and there will be a fee of $10 per runner), a parade 3DUDGH%URWKHUV will begin at 11 a.m. (parade registration starts at 9 a.m.), Gordan and Grant followed by lunch at noon, and afternoon games will begin .QDSSLQDFDUSDVVHG at 2 p.m. There will be cornhole tournaments taking place GRZQWRDQGÀ[HG throughout the day starting at 3 p.m. and bounce castles, XSE\WKHLUIDWKHU sponge toss, tractor pull, and a dunk tank. There will also be several vendors, a street dance at 6 p.m. (music from KDXOLQJDWUDLOHUIXOORI WKH7HUU\:DXJK%DQG DQGDÀUHZRUNVVKRZDWWKHEDOO IDPLO\IULHQGV park on N. Main St. Medora will be having its annual 4th of July parade - beginning at 3:30 p.m. MDT and commencing on the east HQGRIWRZQDQGÀQLVKLQJEDFNLQWKDWVDPHVSRW0HGRUD 5LJKW'DUUHOO ZLOOKDYHDSURIHVVLRQDOO\SURGXFHGÀUHZRUNVVKRZWKDWZLOO Hysted and his OLJKWXSWKH%DGODQGVDWSP0'77KHÀUHZRUNVZLOO PRWKHU3K\OLV JRRIIIURPWKHZHVWVLGHRIWKH/LWWOH0LVVRXUL5LYHUQHDU throw candy the Medora Campground - the best viewing area will be at 0HGRUD·V&KLPQH\3DUN IURPD Williston will be hosting a family-fun weekend July 3 0RGHO$VSRUW and 4. This will take place at Harmon Park at 11 a.m. with FRXSHLQWKH :LOOLVWRQ·VEHVWIRRGYHQGRUVIDFHSDLQWLQJZDWHUVOLGHVDQG $UQHJDUG ERXQFHKRXVHVJDPHVDQGUDIÁHV7KHUHZLOODOVREHDQ WKRI-XO\ adult comedy show featuring Andrew Ouellette at 9:30 p.m. SDUDGH at the Raymond Center - tickets for the show will be $45 at WKHGRRUWKLVZLOOEHIROORZHGE\DIUHHÀUHZRUNVVKRZ7KHUH will also be races on July 3 at the Williston Basin Speedway, TNT Fireworks Presents-Rock the Race - gates open at 5 p.m. and the races will begin at 7 p.m. Sidney will host a classic car show, BBQ, and live music 98th Annual Wolf Point Wild Horse at 2650 S. Central Ave on July 3 from 2-6 p.m. This will be KHOGLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKD'UDJJLQJ0DLQ(YHQW0RUHLQIR on this can be found on the Sidney Montana Dragging Main Stampede July 8-10 Facebook page. /DPEHUWZLOOEHFHOHEUDWLQJ,QGHSHQGHQFH'D\-XO\ and 4. July 3, there will be school activities all day. From 9 0DUYLQ%URRNPDQ6WDGLXP:ROI3RLQW07 p.m. to midnight; dance to “The Relics” on Main Street. On -XO\WKHUHZLOOEHDFRIIHHDQGEUHDNIDVWVRFLDODW/DPEHUW The Wolf Point Wild 7 p.m. July 8-10. er Stand on Main Street, Stampede tickets available School cafeteria from 7-10 a.m.; non-denominational church Horse Stampede will cele- Other events and festiv- 7(7:36WDPSHGH5RXQGXS June 24 by calling 406-653- VHUYLFH7KHUHZLOOEHDOLWWOHW\NHV·ELNHSDUDGHDQGWKHQWKH brate its 98th year July 8-10 ities set for the 98th week- *ROI7RXUQDPHQW 7KXUVGD\ 1770 or stop in at the Main main parade on Main Street at 11 a.m. followed by a Main in Wolf Point hosted by the end celebration include the 7RXJK(QRXJKWR:HDU3LQN Street ticket booth in Wolf Street BBQ, car show, ping pong ball drop, water park, talent Montana Pro Rodeo Circuit KVCK Country Showdown, 1LJKW*XQ5DIÁH0XVHXP Point. For more informa- show at the old gym, and bingo. At 5 p.m. There will be a 2020 Medium Rodeo of the Miss Wild Horse Stampede Pancake Breakfast, Wild tion contact The Wolf Point 6PRNLQ· -RNLQ·%%4VXSSHUDW7RZQDQG&RXQWU\5HSDLU <HDUFRPPLWWHH DORQJ ZLWK 0LVV7HHQ:LOG +RUVH +RUVH5DFHDQG(YHQW&DO- &KDPEHU RI &RPPHUFH followed by softball games, kickball, music on Main Street the many dedicated Stadium Stampede Contest, Class FXWWD·VHDFKQLJKWDWWKHUR- Agriculture at 406-653-2012, E\ UHFRUGLQJ DUWLVW -RVK .HKU DW SP DQG D ÀUHZRUNV committee and community 5HXQLRQV ´%OXH -HDQV deo, Human Stampede, Kids wolfpointchamber@gmail. show at 10 p.m. volunteers. American Dreams” 2-day Stick Horse Rodeo hosted com, www.wolfpointcham- Culbertson will have a 4th of July Freedom Run, starting RAM and Cinch Jeans Parade, Carnival, Cowboy by Miss Rodeo Montana and or Facebook. at 7 a.m. at the Culbertson City Park - there will be options 6KLUWV35&$5RGHRDFWLRQ Church, Street Dance, the Art in the Park. of participating in the 5k or 10k distance. will be held each evening at famous Catholic Hamburg- Wolf Point Wild Horse 2A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 2021 OBITUARIES EVENTS SEND US YOUR EVENTS! THE ROUNDUP: PO Box 1207 •111 West Main • Sidney, MT Richard “Dick” Amundson, 406-433-3306 • Fax: 406-433-4114 • Email: [email protected] RICHLAND COUNTY 71, Fairview, MT Events in Sidney unless otherwise listed. MT Zone. Wed., June 30 Memorial services for Dick Amundson, 71, Fairview, MT 10 a.m. -4 p.m. - Rural Schools of the MonDak Region are at 11 a.m., Saturday, July 3, 2021, at Fulkerson-Steven- - On display thru July 17. - Bill Lord: Prairie Rose - On son Memorial Chapel, Sidney, MT, with Vance Amundson display thru July 31. Walter Piehl Retrospective Exhibit RIÀFLDWLQJ - On display thru Aug. 14. MonDak Heritage Center, The Fulkerson-Stevenson Funeral Home, Sidney, MT Tues.-Fri., 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sat., 1-4 p.m. For more information call 406-433-3500, e-mail mdhc@richland. LVFDULQJIRUWKHIDPLO\ org or visit Remembrances, condolences and pictures may be Thurs., July 1, 8 and Fri., July 16 shared with the family at 5 p.m. - Hamburgers In The Park Fairview - Sharbono WEEKLY FRAUD TIP Dick passed away on June 24, 2021, at his home in Park, $7 plate. Fairview, MT. Fri., July 2 BROUGHT TO YOU BY 6:30 p.m. - Cymbeline by Montana Shakespeare in the Parks - Veterans Memorial Park. Free to the public. Meet Misty Anderson, Operationsations For more information call 406-433-3500. ǔˡƬƺȸƏɎ³ɎȒƬǸȅƏȇ ƏȇǸǣȇȇ Vernon “Bud” Dodge, 94 Sat., July 3 ,³ǣƳȇƺɵِ³ǝƺǣɀǴɖɀɎƏȵǝȒȇƺƬƏǼǼƏǼǼ 9 a.m. - Bobby Rehbein Memorial Service Lambert ƏɯƏɵǔȒȸǝƺǼȵƏȇɀɯƺȸǣȇǕ MT Park - All family and friends are welcome. ȷɖƺɀɎǣȒȇɀȒȇɀƏǔƺƫƏȇǸǣȇǕƏȇƳȇƳ Sidney, MT 2-6 p.m. - Classic Car Show & BBQ - Frontier Tires and Glass, 2650 S Central Ave., old M&R Cycles Building. In ȵȸȒɎƺƬɎǣȇǕɵȒɖȸƏɀɀƺɎɀƫɵ )XQHUDOVHUYLFHVIRU9HUQRQ´%XGµ'RGJH6LGQH\ conjunction with Dragging Main. ȵȸƺɮƺȇɎǣȇǕǣƳƺȇɎǣɎɵɎǝƺǔɎِçȒɖɖ MT were held at 2 p.m., Friday, June 25, 2021 at Fulker- Sat., July 3 & Sun., July 4 ȅƏɵƏǼɀȒɀɎȒȵƫɵɎȒɮǣɀǣɎɯǣɎǝǝ Misty son-Stevenson Memorial Chapel, Sidney, MT with Pastor Lambert 4th of July Celebration - July 3 - All school xǣɀɎɵɎȒǼƺƏȸȇȅȒȸƺȒȇ Anderson 5LFKDUG(YDQVRIÀFLDWLQJ activities all day, 9 p.m. - midnight; dance to “The Relics” 433-8600 ȵȸƺɮƺȇɎǣȇǕǔȸƏɖƳƏȇƳ Visitation was 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Thursday, June 24, 2021 on Main Street. - July 4 - Coffee and breakfast social ȵȸȒɎƺƬɎǣȇǕɵȒɖȸǣƳƺȇɎǣɎɵِ at Lambert School cafeteria, non-denomination Church at Fulkerson-Stevenson Memorial Chapel under the care of VHUYLFH/LWWOH7\NHV·%LNH3DUDGHIROORZHGE\0DLQ 301 W. Holly Street Fulkerson-Stevenson Funeral Home, Sidney, MT. Parade, Main Street BBQ, car show, Ping Pong ball Remembrances, condolences and pictures may be drop, water park open, Fox Lake Center museum social; /DPEHUW·V*RW7DOHQWWKRI-XO\YDULHW\VKRZROGJ\P Member FDIC | Equal Housing Lender shared with the family at Bud passed away Monday, June 21, 2021 at Sidney ELQJR6PRNLQ· -RNLQ·%%46XSSHUVRIWEDOODQGNLFNEDOO Health Center Extended Care, Sidney, MT. games, music on Main Street. Fireworks at dusk. Tues., July 6, 13, 20, 27 6-8 p.m. - Open Shooting - Sidney Trap Club. Open to the public through Sept. 1. For more information call Norman Harold Kostad, 89 406-480-5594. Sat., July 10 th 9:30 a.m. - Lone Tree Chapter of ABATE of Montana Watford City, ND Presents 9-1-1 Hero Run%HQHÀWLQJ/RQH7UHHDQG 1RUPDQ+DUROG.RVWDG:DWIRUG&LW\1'SDVVHG Sidney Volunteer Fire Dept.
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