,27 Office of the Sub- divisional Officer, Pakur (Confidential Section) Order Government of Jharkhand, Department of Home, Prison and Disaster Management (Disaster Management Department) has issued various measures for strict compliance for containment of COVID- 19 Epidemic vide letter No. 248, dated 30.03.2020. In Pakur District 2 and several others in the surroundings, COVID-19 positive case has been detected in the Village- Paderkola, Block- Amrapara , P,S- Amrapara, District- Pakur, which requires detailed measures for active contact tracing. To facilitate this, it is necessary to make the area as a micro containment zone and to restrict public from entering into and going out of the micro Containment Zone. Now therefore in larger public interest and with a view to contain the spread of COVID-19. I, under signatory hereby direct to implement the following directions:- A. The following ard4 are indicated as micro Containment Zone boundary: (v) North- House of lotin Maraiya (Kairatola) (ri) South- House of Manik Murmu (vii) East- House of.Gopal Tudu (viii) West- Jojo Tola B. There will be Buff(i zone at all sides in the radius of 500 Meter of the micro Containment Zone. C. And whereas mentioned lvith clause 3 of MHA order, dated 01-05-2020 in the Containment Zone, following activities shall be undertaken by the Incident Commandbr -curn- Block Development Officer, Amrapara with the help of special cel1s constituted for the purpose mentioned below. (i) Contact tracing to be done by special Cell under the leadership of Sri Pramod Kumar Das, Executive Magistrate' Pakur, SDPO, Maheshpur and B.D.O. , Amrapara. (ii) Special Cell for I{ome or Institutional Quarantine of individual on risk assessment to be headed by Medical Officer Dr. Prem Kumar Mdrandi, Medical Officer, MOIC, CHC Amrapara, Dr. Salini Kumari, Senior Dentist, Amrapara will assist Dr. Prem Kumar Marandi for the above purpose. This iisk assessment will be based on symptoms, contact with confirmed cases & travel history. (iii)Testingofallcaseswithsevet.eAcuteRespiratoryInfection(SARI)Influenza by Dr' Ajay like illness (ILI) and other symptoms specified by M'O'H'F'W to be done Kumar Sinha' Medical Officer, MBBS, Amrapara' (iv)HousetohousesurveyandsurveillancewillbesupervisedbyDistrictSocial MBBS' A special Welfare Officer, Pakur (9234697556), & Dr' Sanjay Kumar Jha' teamshouldbeconstitutedforthispurposebyBlockdevelopmentofficerAmrapara. strategies counseling and educating people and establishing effective communication rvillbedonebyDr.SanjayKumarJha,MedicalOfficer'MBBS'PHC/APHC' Amtalla. Prem (v) Clinical management of all cases as per protocol to be done by Dr' KumarMarandi,MedicalOfficer,MOIC,CHCAmraparaandsupervisedbyCivil Surgeon, Pakur. (vi)BDoAmrapara&BPo(MGNREGA),Amraparawillensureregular sanitization and Cleanliness of the area. coverage (vii) The Incident cilmmander -cum- BDO, Amrapara shall ensure 1000/o of Aarogya Setu App amdng the residents of containment zone' .f D.Asperclause6ofMHAguid.lin.dated0l.05.2020allvehicularmovementof thepublictransportandper$tinalmovernentwillbestoppedintheMicrocontainment supply of essential items, zone excluding ihe vehicles permitted for medical emergencies, be undertaken by the sanitation, health suweillanpe and other necessary activities to only vehicles for officials of District Admir*stration. However, in the buffer zone situated in the buffer zone shall transportation of essential items for the wholesale shops beallowedfromT.00AMtog.OQPMsubjecttoobtainedvehiclepermissionfromthe shall ensure recording the concemed Incident Commander.tThe Incident Commander details of people moving in &,out of perimeter' zone shall strictly remain at E. A11 the inhabitants within the mlcro containment containment zone of home. The entire shopping establishnrent inside the micro However, wholesale shops whatsoever nature shall be llosed with immediate effect. shall be allowed to remain open dealing with essential grocery items and medical shops supply of essentials and medical tiom 7:00 AM to 9:00, PM in the Buffer Zone only. The requirementwillbeensuredthroughvariousteamsformedbytheDistrictAdministration' of the micro F. A1l the Govt. and Private institutions within the boundary ContainmentZonewtdbufferzoneareherebyclosedforthwith. the Nodal Officers to ensure G. The following Officers are herely declared as of the containment zone' Srnooth supply of essentials/ facilities in respect f (i) Sri Shivnarayan Yadav, District Supply Officer, Pakur (9931539103) (ii) Shri Abhash Chandra Sah,Marketing Officer VC, Amrapara. (iii) Shri Jayraj Kumar Das, JE, Amrapara Block. Shri Ravindra Kumar Choudhary' D.C.L.R. Pakur and Sri Laxmi Narayan Kishore, Exe. Magistrate, Pakur shall ensure all necessary support for delivery and availability of essential items. H. Control Room:- Control Room is functioning already. Incident commander -cum- Block Development Officer, Amrapara will coordinate with all the above Officiats and Personnel involved in Contact Tracing and movement restrictions in the micro Containment Zone. B.D.O. Amrapara shall exercise over all supervision. This order comes into effect immediately, i.e from O3lOgl2O2O arfld will continue tirl turther order. "rlir\, \r, Sub- divisional Officer, Pakur. tl u.*o No. I I /CoVDd'g. P4fur, dated 0 oqnbW 7. Copy forwarded to the officers edical Offrcers concerned for information ihd necessar) action. 8. Copy forwarded to the District Supply Officer, Pakur / D.C.L.& Pakur/ Exe. Magittrate, Pakur / B.D.O. Amraparal O.C. Amrapara for information' and necessary action. 9. Copy forwarded to the S.D.P.O, Maheshpur for information & necessary action. a 10. Copy to the Civil surgeon-cum-Chief Medical officer, Pakur 'for information 4nd necessary action. 11. Copy forwarded to Superindent of Police, Pakur for information and necessary action. Kindly deploy police forces in adequate nos. along the boundry of Micro Containment Zone. 12. Copy to the Deputy Commissioner, Pakur for information and necessary action. "(Qt.t" Sub- divisional Officer, Pakur..
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