Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 1980 Daily Egyptian 1980 6-27-1980 The aiD ly Egyptian, June 27, 1980 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_June1980 Volume 64, Issue 168 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, June 27, 1980." (Jun 1980). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1980 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in June 1980 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'Daily 13gyptian fridav. JunE' Ti. I!.. tl- Vol. 64. No. Ifill Southern Illinois University ·: :· ·r~{'-~: J ';. ~ SID appropriations . ·' - ·t' ..~ headed to governor Ry Jacqui Koszczuk the legislature Thursday. Rep three weeks when he has Staff Writf'r James Rea. D-Christopher. rt!Ceived the entire proposed A double victory for the SIU tacl;ed a $600.000 ethacoal budget. system in the General pro)ect onto pending SenatE' In the casE' of a veto. Rich Assembly Thursday SE'nt both legislation despitt: Sit: op- mond. who sponsored the House the Davies Gym renovation position. SIU-C officials earlier bill. said he would work for <m project and next year's $149.9 said the University is not yet override. million appropriation-with an prepared to undertake an Kenneth Buzbee. D- 8.5 perce11t salary increase ethacoal project which would Carbondale. guided the Davies intact-to the governor's desk involve ronverting htgh sulfur bill through the Senate. for the final test coal and ethanol to low suifur In :\laY the St>nate added l Special legislation for a $3.34 coaL percent, ·fJr about $92.1.000 mere million refurbishment of the 56- The gover'lOr had recom- in Sit: salary monies. to year-old gym made it through mended to the legislature only a Thompson's suggested salary the Senate by a vote of 33-10. 7.5 percent increase in salaries increase. A move by a Hou.c;e with one senator abstaming. <on a 100 percent base>. and last appropriations committee to said Keith Sandt>rs. Sll' spring dropped the Davies cut the rate back by 1 percent governmental relations officer. project from the top-priority list failed when the full House House sponsor Bruce Rich- of h1gher education capital supported a counter amend- mood. D-Murphysboro .. development projects. ment by Richmond. manuevered the bill sue- Tha_l left Sander.s only The Dav1es project ranked cessfully through that charr.~r "cautiously optimistic' about 15th on the Illinois Board of _.··::_; in May. ~e chances lor the _governor's Higher Education's priority list. ,.-·-- A!ld w1th ~nate approval stgnature on thP. Davtes bill. but But Thompson removed it A...:.:.... behmd ~t. sn, system s ap- he satd.~e has recetv~ "mixed before submitting the list to the propnation passed m the House. s1gnals of Thor_npson s current legislature. further frustrating .. 119-20. !<lance on salanes. the Vniversity's 11-year battle ...... However b!'1~ht thmgs looked He said the governor in- to obtain funds. 10 the legislature. both dicated "at one point he might Plans for the home of - measures need the blessing of sign it :-"ith the 8:5 percent. But women ·s intercollegiatE' S&aff pllele 11J Mel.. le Bell Gov .. James R. Thompson who other limes. for mst~nce in the a.hletics and physical education :\lake-up ards& Mary Boyle llelpa _..._. o-.. n.-.. has 10 the_ past reststed the H?use Approl!natt~ns Com- include a new heating and prepare for her role as WUhelmir.a Murray Ia &be Summer DaviN ~t ~ w"U- ~ mtttee, the ~bltcans all ventilatioo system. a hot water Playhouse presentation "The i>assiGa of Dracala." see s&ol'y ud proposed salary mcrease as tt voted agamst 1~. ~ystem_. a new roof a!'!~ flooring, Photos iD &oday's Focus section. 'now stands. Thompson w11l probably act msulation and addit1onal fire In other SIU-related action in on the two measures in two or escapes. Bill limiting federal help on strtdent loans passed Bv !\lichael !\lonson ment subsidies came in the seven percent interest rates. program was getting out of down on abuses in the staff Writer form of an amendment to a bill and the federal student loan control appears to be the main program." In a move that could ad­ authorizing $36 billion in aid to structure intact. reason for the Senate amend­ According to Rep. Paul verselv effect over 5.000 SIU-C colleges and students over the According to Joe Camille. ment to end interest subsidi'-!5. Simon. the conference com­ students. the U.S. Senate voted next five vears. The amend­ director of student work and mittee. where the differences financial assistance, 5,319 SlU­ Tom Hall. an aide to Sen. between the House and Senate Tuesday to sharply curtail ment passed by a 56-41 margin. Howard Metzenbaum. the federal interest subsidies for the bill itself by a 92-4 one. A far e students would feel the brunt versions will be ironed out. is if the Senate amendment amendment's sponsor. said that shaping up as a major bat­ the Guaranteed Student Loan different and more costlv House the costs of the GSLP have Program. version of the bill was pcissed by survivE's the conference com­ UejUound. mittee. Camille said that SIU-C tripled from $500 million to $1.5 Under the bill. which must go the House last fall. billion in the last three vears. to a joint House-Senate con­ The bill now moves to the students received a little over S9 gus million dollars in financial He also said that the. loan ference committee for final House-Senate confer~nce volume doubled in the last vear action. interest on guarant~ committee, where a major assistance from the GSLP. alone. · Bode student loans would no longer battle over the curtailment of The proposed Senate be excused during the years interest subsidies is expected. amendment's cost to student "We have some evidence that actually spent in college, but In addition. the Senate votec: to borrowers. according to the many of the people taking out would be payable later. Under raise the interest rates for loans recently weren't using the current law. the govern· guaranteed loans from seven to ~~~f~o~~~ Baud~:!r ~~;ce.; them to futher their education, Gus says Congress isn't so ment pa~s all the loan interest nine percent and to entirely student who borrowed $4,000 but for inve:<tment purposes, ·• dumlr-lhe tougher they maile during the actual years of restructure the federal student from the GSLP during their Hall said. "Tht! program wasn't it &o finance an educatioo. the st-.. dy. Joan program. The House educational career. designed for that purpose and more attractive a hitch iD the The pr<>posal to end govern- elected to keP.p the ~ubsidies. Fear that the guaranteed loan the amendment will help cut military will be. Draft registration begins July 21; Draft registration protest set lor July 4 at Federal Building opponents call it unconstitutional Bv Scott Canon the audience about counseling \\'ASH.INGTON iAPl registration as unconstitutional may not be able to do that" .sian Writer that will be available to young Peacetime draft registration because women don't have to However. she said. all Two Carbondale lawvers. a men faced with registration in for men was set Thursday to register. registration forms filled out professor from SIU-C and two mid-July. begin next July 21. but op­ "We think this lawsuit is now next month and all computer members of a human rights Speakers at the rally will also ponents filed suit to try to kill it the best way to stop draft lists and other records would group are scheduled to speak at include James Diefenbach. a as unconstitutional sex registration entirely." said have to be destroyed if an anti-draft registration rally professor in the Slll-C discri"llination. ACLU Executive Director Ira registration is later ruled un­ in Carbondale next week. Philosophy De:pa:tment. ;.~nd Sdective Service Director Glasser. constitutional. The rally will take place at Brian Brid~eford ?.nd Matthew Bernard Rostker said President "We believe that under President Carter asked 1:30 p.m. Friday. July 4 1 not Meigha11 ·.vho a~ on the staff of Carter will issue a current rulings on sex Congress for authority to Saturdav. Julv 5. 11s was in­ PROFf Wee!..tv. an alternative proclamation. possibly next discriminatinn by the U.S. register women as well as men correctly re'ported in the new:;paper published in Car­ Tuesday. instructing all 20- Supreme Court. riraft but both the House and Senate Thursday edition of the Daily bondale and affiliated with the year-old men to register the registration for men only lli voted no. Egyptian. I ;Jational PROUT organization. weeK starting July 21. unconstitutional" Congress did approve, with a Jan Sussler and Jim Roberts Prout is a group coPcerned with He satd all HI-year-old men Isabelle Katz Pinzler. a rinal vote in the House Wed­ are the Carbondale lawyers who human rights. wtll be required to register the law-..·t>r in the case. said the nesd..y. Carter's request for will speak at the rally m front of The rallv is being sponsored Wt.'t'k starting July 28. ACLU will trv to block $13.3 million to renew the Federal Building. Sussler the local chapter of the But the American Civil registration from· taking plac,· registration for men onlv.
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