Madison College Library Harrisonburg, Virginia \<>i i.n Miidison College. Harrisonburg, Va. Friday, September 26, 1975 No. 6 City Residents Move To Limit Rooming Houses By JENNIFER GOINS in the section of town bounded Harrisonburg residents by Newman and Grace streets concerned by the increasing to the north and south, and Ott number of rooming houses and Main streets to the east being established to ac- _ and west. comodate students will ask These residents are con- the city council to insist on cerned about the increasing vigorous enforcement of traffic, parking, noise, and zoning and parking or- litter problems caused by the dinances. conversion of large single- The South Mason Street family dwellings to rooming Neighborhood Association will houses for eight to 10 students ask the council: to clearly - who may own eight to 10 define terms such as tourist cars, said Smith. home, rooming, fraternity and In the past, there were sorority houses, and sub- several small apartment stantially lower the number of buildings and private homes residents permitted in a in the neighborhood. But they rooming house to a number always blended into the neigh- more suited to neighborhood borhood, according to Smith. living. During the past five years, "We are not really an the area has been under in- organization," said Dr. creasing pressure to expand Richard H. Smith, spokesman the number of boarding for the group. The loosely houses in the neighborhood, joined group of citizens reside which is convenient to the Madison campus. As a result, the neigh- Off-Campus borhood has become susceptible to deterioration Expenses and exploitation of absentee landlords, said Smith. Cheaper \bout 90 people attended a Board of -Zoning Appeals By FRANK RATHBUN hearing called to determine An off-campus student can the legality of converting save about $100 a semester in single-family houses to living expenses, according to rooming houses. Forty-six FRED STORASKA TELLS onlooking crowd how to protect themselves against rape a limited survey conducted by citizens supported a petition, a Breeze reporter. presented by Madison art Total cost for living ex- instructor Jerry Coulter, that penses per semester at a residence at 498 S. Mason Serious Rape Talk Madison is $634. About one Street was in violation of city third of this - $276 - goes code. The dwelling is rented toward a dining hall contract. to eight Madison students. The remaining $358 is for With A Sense Of Humor room and laundry services. The board ruled that the By MELAN1E RHOADES However, Storaska was quick to point out All utilities, except an off- house was not in violation of "Bill, I can't make love...(struggle)...please that the blame cannot be completely placed on campus phone, are included in the code because the code the man either. this figure. stop and let me explain...(more struggle)...! allows for both single-family CAN'T MAKE LOVE!" As Bill pulled her "The blame must be placed on a society Students renting rooms and dwellings and rooming houses down to him she knew what she had to do-she which conditions men to be aggressive when apartments in the in an R-2 residential area. urinated on him. there are men who would like to play the Harrisonburg area are passive role and women who would like to be currently paying anywhere A number of residents Fred Storaska's lecture topic last Thursday aggressive. This is the biggest cause of rape," between $50 and $100 a month, raised questions about the night was rape. What made the lecture dif- he said. depending on where one lives definition of a rooming house. ferent, besides Storaska's sense of humor Rejection is the key to a rapist, according to and how many people share They claimed that a building about a most violent and humiliating crime in Storaska. "People love to be treated like the rent. Utilities, for those that is occupied solely by America, was the aspect of rape he discussed. people and the rapist is a human being who has who have to pay them, range (Continued on Page 6) Women are told how to avoid rape or what to do experienced rejection and expects always to be in the area of $15 a month. after the rape, but Storaska tells women what shunned." For those eating off- to do about the actual rape itself. The best way to help yourself out of a rape campus, the cost of food will In The Breeze Returning for the third time to Madison, situation is to make the attacker feel like a vary, depending on the in- Storaska entertained the audience with stories human being, thus making him forget the dividual, but $45 a month Today.... of actual rape cases but he also gave listeners rejected feeling, according to Storaska. seems to be the average. sound advice on how to protect themselves if Storaska's program for protecting yourself Taking an average monthly SGA Election they are ever in a rape situation. against rape is what he calls "intelligent rent of $75 and the cost of food Results - p. 8 Storaska dwelled on the fact that the woman resistance." The plan consists of "going along and utilities, the off-campus is often blamed as the perpetrator of the crime. with the rapist till you see a chance to react student will spend ap- But he said, "I am taking the blame com- and get away." proximately $135 a month, or Record, Book pletely off women. Nothing she does, nothing This plan does not include what many of us $546 a semester. Thus, a Review* she wears, nothing she says justifies a man have probably heard about protecting our- savings of around $100 a semester. pages 3, 4, 5 divorcing himself from the human race and becoming an animal." (Continued on Page 7) Page 2, THE BREEZE, Friday. September 26, 197^ The Lighter Side •vOMOCflYirW* J Down And Out In Sunny Frisco Twice in the past two weeks we have seen something that the American public does not often get a chance to see-- a President of the United States being mugged by his own secret service guards. How much humiliation can one man stand? He must get paid at least five times what his blue serge and wing-tip guards get a year, yet they get to push him around, throw him on the ground and shove him rudely . into automobiles like he was some derelict. It's like watching Telly Savalas roust a junkie. Which is why press secretary Ronald Nessen called a special meeting of the president's guards yesterday to inform them of some new regulations regarding the protection of the president. "First of all boys, the boss has been a little unhappy with your treatment 1 - fORD /WARCHfJO/V" of him recently." "But, Ron, what else could we do? They both had guns!" "Nevertheless, he feels that you made hinr look silly in the eyes of the nation. Remember, The Crusaders Rack Jazz he's a little sensitive still about falling all over the place in Austria. Every time he hits the ground now, he looks around for breadth to its music. Carlton has a smooth, By GREGORY BYRNE photographers, figuring the Washington Post fluid style of playing that compliments the At some point in the mid-sixties, musicians will run another 'Big Dummy Ford' photo front mellower, ensemble-jazz numbers the group began to realize that modern music was page. And ■ you have to 'remember, he was performs, but he can also funk with the best of becoming too categorized and parochial. New chewing gum both times." them. His presence is most strongly felt on the terms began to find their way into the musical opening cut, "Creole," a pace setter for the jargon; rock lost its roll, country-, raga-, and "So what?" album. This funky, upbeat number clearly classical-rock began to emerge in the new shows the influence of talented black musical terminology of the day. Jazz was dead "Well, any day now they're bound to put one musicians like Stevie Wonder and Billy as far as the general public was concerned. In and one together and say that he really fell Preston, without degenerating into the min- many ways this period paralleled the bleak because. ." dless repetition and tripe that other, less early fifties when absolutely nothing was talented groups fall prey to. "Yeah, we got it." happening musically. For the essential thing about the Crusader's "He just feels that it is beneath the dignity of Just as the saving grace of the fifties music is control. Their years in the music the president to be thrown around like a sack of world have taught them that control is potatoes. 'They never throw Breshnev doldrums was the coming of rock'n roll, so, many felt that a fusion of rock, jazz, and everything in jazz, where even the im- around,' he said the other day." classical motifs would bring new life to the provisations must be carried out in a tight rhythmic environment "What else?" musical world of the sixties. Hence, ex- perimentation began, resulting in some of the finest music of the time-and some of the worst. The most compelling cut on the album is the "Something really weird happened the last title song. Here too is clearly shown the time. You may have noticed that when he hit blending of the mellower jazz style with upbeat the ground,'he landed in a three point stance. With the exception of the first Blood Sweat rock interludes. Carlton's guitar trades off He suddently started shouting 'Red left' over and Tears album, "Child is Father to the licks with Wilton Felder's tenor sax in an in- and over again and nearly demolished a by- Man," and one or two Chicago tunes, the fusion tricate display of the group's tightness.
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