A text at exstare.net Destiny of the God A true story about the existence of Fate Written by: Firesoul Click on desired chapter to read it Table of Contents "The God”.....................................................................11 World Religions............................................................23 Abrahamitic Traditions.................................................60 - Judaism -...................................................................................................................61 - Christianity -.............................................................................................................66 - Islam -.......................................................................................................................74 - Conclusion -..............................................................................................................80 Indian & South East Asian Religions............................82 Magic and Medicine Men.............................................97 A Reportage: The Truths VS Tales.............................114 - Personal Presentation -...........................................................................................118 - True Dreams -.........................................................................................................144 Bibliography I advice you to read the books always having the truth in mind. Exstare.net doesn't take responsibility for these texts. Because of © copyright, some publications can't be downloaded. Problems reading the texts? You need a .txt, PDF or ePub reader app. • Apocrypha: Gospel of Mary - The Suppposed Gospel According to Mary Magdalene (The Gospel of Mary) – Gospel of Thomas - The Gospel according to the supposed disciple Thomas from the Nag Hamadi Library – The Infancy Gospel of Thomas – Gospel of Judas -- Gospel of Peter – Gospel of Philip – Egerton Papyrus 2 -- Gospelof Q -- Odes of Solomon, TRANSLATION FROM THE SYRIAC BY SAMUEL ZINNER TRANSLATIONS FROM THE COPTIC AND GREEK BY MARK M. MATTISON [2020]. -- The strangers book – The Infancy Gospel of James – Gospel of Truth – From Robert M. Grant, Gnosticism (Harper & Brothers, New York, 1961), as quoted in Willis Barnstone, The Other Bible, Harper & Row, San Francisco, [1984]. • Aspects of ancient egyptian curses and blessings, Nordh Katarina, Gotab Stockholm [1966]. • Atharvaveda, Translated With a Critical and Exegetical Commentary BY WILLIAM DWIGHT WHITNEY, CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, PUBLISHED BY HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1905]. • Bardo Thodol - The Tibetan book of the dead - Or the After-Death Experiences on the Bardo Plane, English translation by Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup Compiled and Edited by W. Y. Evans- Wentz • Behind stone walls, Berit Backer - Edited by Robert Elsie and Antonia Young, introduction and photographs by Ann Christine Eek [2003]. • Bhagavata Purana - Translated by N.Krishnaswamy. • Bhavisya Purana • Book of Enoch, Translated from an Ethiopic Ms. in the Bodleian Libeaey By the late Richard Laurance, LL.D. Archbishop OP Cashel, the text now corrected from his latest notes with introduction by London Kegan Paul, Trench & CO., 1, Faternoster Square [1883]. • Book of Shadows, An index of books in magic by various authors, [1999]. • Britannica Encyclopedia of World Religions, Wendy Doniger, [2006]. • Buddha-karita of Asvaghosha, Book XV. Part I. • Buddhist Scriptures, by E.J. Thomas, [1913]. • Carlos Castaneda. "Teachings of Don Juan", "A Separate Reality", "Journey to Ixtlan", "Tales of Power", "The second ring of power", "The Eagle’s Gift", "Fire from Within", "Power of Silence", "The Art of Dreaming” • Confucian Analekts, in five volumes, transl. by James Legge. • Dao De Jing (Tao Te Ching), Lao-Tzu, translated by J. Legge, (Sacred Books of the East, Vol 39) [1891]. • Edda, transl. from Icelandic by Henry Adams & William Reaves - Codex Regius, The Edda in original Icelandic - The Prose Edda of Snorri Sturluson, transl. from Icelandic by Arthur Gilchrist, New York, The American-Scandinavian Foundation, [1916]. • Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion, Editors: David A. Leeming, Springer, Boston, MA, New York, [2014]. • Fatalistic Beliefs, Ringren Helmer, Publisher Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm [1964]. • Folklig Läkekonst, Tillhagen Carl-Herman, Tredje upplagan, LTs Förlag, Falköping [1958]. • Garuda Purana, transl. by Ernest Wood and S.V. Subrahmanyam, [1911]. • Ginza Rba - Mandaean Scriptures and Fragments, The Canonical Prayerbook of the Mandaeans (Sabians), E.S. Drower, Leiden, [1959]. • Guru Grant Sahib - The book of sikhism with translation • Hadith, Kutub al-Sittah / The six Books - chosen from among hundreds of collections as sahih hadith / true traditions. Assumed sayings and actions of Prophet Muhamad: - Sahih Bukhari - Compiled by imam Bukhari; - Sahih Muslim - Compiled by imam Muslim; - Ibn Majah - Compiled by Ibn Majah; - Abu Dawud - Volume1. Volume2. Volume3. Volume4. Volume5. - Tirmidhi - Volume1. Volume2. Volume3. Volume4. Volume5. Volume6. - Nasai - Volume1. Volume2. Volume3. Volume4. Volume5. Volume6. • Hallucinogenic Plants - A Golden Guide - By Richards Evans Schultes [1976]. • Herodotus, The History of, parallel English/Greek, tr. G. C. Macaulay, [1890]. • Intelligent Design - MESSAGE FROM THE DESIGNERS, RAEL, Nova Distribution, [2005]. • Jaina Sutras, Part I - Part II, tr. by Hermann Jacobi, The Sacred Books of the East translated by various Oriental scholars and edited by F. Max Müller Vol. xxii. Gaina Sutras Translated from Prakrit by Hermann Jacobi in two parts [1884]. • Jataka - Volume I. tr. by Robert Chalmers, Oxford, [1895]. - Vol I - Vol II - Vol III – Vol IV – Vol V – Vol VI - • Kalevala - The epic poem of Finland - Transl. by John Martin Crawford, [1888]. • Kebra Nagast - The Queen of Sheba and her only son Menyelek, tr by Sir E.A Willis Budge, One of the holy books of Rastafarianism and the Ethiopian Church, In Parentheses Publications, Cambridge Ontario, [2000]. • Khorde Avesta - One of the holy books of Zoroastrianism - TRANSLITERATED AND TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH With Cop Explanatory Notes Prepared by Prof. Ervad MANECK FURDOONJI KANGA M.A. from the Gujarati original Khordeh-Avesta-BaMayeni of Ervad KAVASJI EDULJI KANGA. (first Edition published in 1880 and Thirteenth edition in 1976.) FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH, [2013]. • King James' Bibel - Authorized Version of the King James Bible, Cambridge edition, edited by the Gutenberg Project. • Kitab Al Aqdas - The book of Bahaism • Kojiki, transl. by B.H. Chamberlain, [1882]. • Liber 777 - VEL PROLEGOMENA SYMBOLICA AD SYSTEMAM SCEPTICOMYSTICÆVIÆ EXPLICANDÆ, FVNDAMENTVM HIEROGLYPHICVMSANCTISSIMORVM SCIENTIÆ SVMMÆ, Aleister Crowley, London and Felling-onTyne, The Walter Scott Publishing Co., Ltd., [1909]. • Lotus Sutra, Translated from the Chinese of Kumārajiva by Tsugunari Kubo and Akira Yuyama, Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, [2007]. • Mahabharata (BhagavadGita: chapter 6) of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Tr. into English Prose from the Original Sanskrit Text by Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1883-1896]. - Vol I – Vol II – Vol III – Vol IV – Vol V – Vol VI – Vol VII – Vol VIII – Vol IX – Vol X – - Vol XI – Vol XII – Vol XIII – Vol XIV – Vol XV – Vol XVI – Vol XVII – VolXVIII • Mayan Codices: - Madrid Codex, One of three surviving books of the Mayans before the Spanish conquest - Dresden Codex - The complete Förstemann version of the Dresden Codex - Dresden Codex - The complete Kingsborough version of the Dresden Codex - Paris Codex - Aztec Borgia Codex • Metaphysical beliefs, McIntyre Alistair, SCM Press LTD, London [1957]. • Models of Madness, Read, Mosher, Bentall, London [2004]. • Nagualism - A study in native American folklore and History, Daniel Brinton, Pensylvania [1895]. • Necronomicon – The Complete works of H.P Lovecraft - The Complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft contains all Lovecraft's solo writings as an adult, beginning in 1917 with "The Tomb" and ending in 1935 with "The Haunter of the Dark." His collaborative works and revisions are not included. ---- The Al Azif Necronomicon - Original title Al Azif – azif being the word used by the Arabs to designate that nocturnal sound (made by insects) supposed to be the howling of daemons. Composed by Abdul Alhazred, a mad poet of Sanaa, in Yemen, who is said to have flourished during the period of the Ommiade caliphs, circa 700 A. D. ---- The John Doe Necronomicon ---- The Necronomicon Spellbook ---- The Simon Necronomicon • Nytt blikk på religion, Ingvild Sælid Gilhus, Lisbeth Mikaelsson, [2012]. • Om psykoser och psykosbehandling, Levander Sonja, Förlaget Mareld, Stockholm [2007]. • Orientalism: Western Conceptions of the Orient, Edward W. Said, Pantheon books [1978]. • Origin of Species - Charles Darwin, New York [1859]. • PopulVuh - translated by Dennis Tedlock with commentary based on the ancient knowledge of the modern Quiche Maya • Pyramid Texts - Book of the dead - The Pyramid Texts - • Quran: The Noble Qur'an - English translation of Meanings & Commentary - Printed by King Fahd Complex in Medinah, K.S.A. Written by Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din al-Hilali & Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan. - Arabic Quran – PDF - Arabic Quran - .txt • Ramayana, Condensed into English Verse by Romesh C. Dutt • Religions of Africa, by E. Thomas Lawson, HarperCollins Publishers Inc, [1985]. • Rigveda, transl. by Ralph T.H Grifith, Kotagiri India [1896]. • Samaveda, transl. by Ralph T.H. Griffith [1895]. • Schamaner, Red. Thomas P. Larsson, Bokförlaget Nya Doxa, Falun [2000]. • Schizophrenia, Strauss John S & Carpenter
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