- -a-i 4 aa I m,. _ «l'Ori»*«t.' aludrd a -.-aft .. with a banse ia this f I ¦ the Ber*h M*w * 'ew e' the K - r it klnml rHliDV ' o>»naf*jrde 1' FviUse city far the down tarda gabta Er» Omab~b Jr*r KumiTKn.A ip>adil let *f areeeaa prirc<*«I'ArrDiai«. roictraetioB of a aew a iu)« of wh.eh tvn* CITY HUMS. .¦* aaal 4-HUm> m*m$ ¦¦ Pushing hitmeif into hixh mendiaa circle for th« to* era1, breUxg jce-ta, vfl sns*. T-< < ti »imOwn, MM 19] tality in (.»t»T«i»» ..al ae aaw «dvo« Ii l'o .i.reecded a «v . e» ala-aw . *.. ana*J seme t<> have beea at at.: ef . tranit Ultra retard tie ;.'aye-a ef r>« work. Th* Oaverntr* II ok Ittaaa ¦ar mmm »m . a* I i aare, ,,,e,n*' sVf im*, Obeervatery Albany, < e: a*,». wm raa «wer «i ** circ'es BOMB :» inrlesod <ve'e«a*y Be] ;.: i e-»<- if Dar tag « Thatktgi*:ng week re a*»- e* are )**r* Patty hT aitii M»-LLii3 loafaouseer !te. Braedway. A ».HeU (»liion. "..» me-at for tb- ana ef ike United Statet Coeat Sar- m: i the .'i;^ ': "i by IM polUo» aremr ad cm BOOM M are alee »'*.»¦ Muii thee-ere tana a* by ».^.wd *i<» '11a f.»-: diaa circle twaetery dwelling rarfeaa have pal Batydayaflmaeea ivarn .«¦.«- a»t»I ts» MTtOM ol lebte hir'h, BOaBOWhet 'ey will be one of which M<1« re <» v, r.»#. %m mtav eh rt. t'frl aiaimereaam [ i at Prtt, Jnrrta, ferta week ttit itt*<i. N«w KtvliM.i iaf hat*aa*rj Batrem -r«« .I«f !.uu.an t* »« we Aaiericaaa nay well be The tela- w« ( «trag eay ei»g'e plows *i b< Th* n«h*it attirtment of Sitat MWilliaft0*d f*f pro«d. The ade!-* rh af lb* C'ou 7 '.'art Hon.** ia pe- re«rd t< tke JrBot of the <vjmp«,t at Tnirtt *wa«I M i'nH«l * ten Bad i«w are lb* or-*r of the <it ao:oa of ¦¦ tlk t m*m ta tfct* «: . i -ar te aa ba b Ter/ be feet 1a abort, the work of a hm-e pt;ert day . a. debt* but on tba whole p »J«d part leopeiato length-ia rr'nrita '»'!?. The ado-* meetitg ('«'wtr BDaaa »wwl»? hold an in^paewt Hall ^e Ct Pfand *l >ad ar« «r*r*d a «aa. law . eure at ia to ...u» -. r.-ii »i * atothen »i : \ * v J rtnei, and '". isstraau be aa large as the largeat ia at I'i<a>aijt C,r"t*. M by .V faat, ia abou' eorap'ete1 flmjt ef th» tape I i i R. foan . ¦...«..'.«'".¦ Mil. r 'Jjfra wh*a it appe*.*d that tbt t*,;i*eer * w«r * ? . ..«.. 'u* *>-»** Du»b lese, tail time, tbe Fag'iih pap r» ara tie world, tkat at Orcenwich, and to have all the tt . r<* k a**nreit, ten test high, ia parltla.i] into itzvtwfrd uoH in INrti rW, rp-a Hi .» r*r »ard aaa tseeltltt r<r»r<*,na. A ehndar .1 ¦Menajaj traaraa seen the rein when i m« ditaac-a ah**i, I a»«l m p.r ja d. ab»» »ywti* lapeM . >f Frince Leo, anl I ¦oel rsemt improve man ta, with additional la> taaeuag-boue Fuj»« fj| an tha latter oir al l f.-:«n :'«. tr l »a* awake u» the real character at l>af)L oeg It, tha iteam whis le. MrA Oaa-hl ii v lnij »t itryi hm at s-iy Dr. Gould'a own ta tax mit« opet tha track, and had aaaadad La«Ir« *i m»m »aa m (. aaa «tiavi« fat taeraMree rred n»t speak of kiatery great l*ng'h. provementd nggeeted by experi- A at ran bar (f aerie here died ia l''ab R«v»)e, ai?ki far the first tint* vaator, to aa . »ce aa an ebsetver. Ha ia eoncdent that neit g*> Cocaty Th« i-.eneed »j;»ar»d t.i v.a»e heard tha whistt, a* At eM titna be eocVevared gel appointment itb ta ia at* their tieir lav at Nik o a. Bftida the -Jam br-the-i, F.-as- veaaa but th« will see thought ba coaetqaeae* aVkkbag *th*f t-wk. aal ai aa tra.a as- |A|.»» | »¦ t<> Prince Alberl, breaking Botnaatr Albaay in poeeeeeion of the ft'-ra 1: ant the exceaeiva drouth ecu Jroaae. an« w» b*u-s t»v*r«. asw r* awppod h^ion 'ha re*.. aut-de-camp it** h*v.ng Aa'oia*, . KaToarru «>r rHS8*71 a to him. fir.eat meridian circle in the paela, 1 and wm intut Tub Tweapteaaml mui of the preset! war ia god:end world Such tbinga crw 4 up tava smaller stream*. BaaMBhl lBw*rBetef Jehew At the bsal ml froal»d bt repped baok agai* .".m iaa» '«et ea»i»«* t<^b Bi*»*. -air. fpraaaatp -..Hi itaa payers. in Lond^a aa tba of are ti a credit to the l'ait*d State*. While The hara iwavw a the eorn 'n >*eed wo sto t bii t, al i»* f**t B. at aaa .-.. ¦. i . a a -, ».«. a a anna Ui*B He appeared repre.eiitative uJy fcraa-bf ppers aaar'j ire*a ,A d ta he amai r tun 1»- !%.../, ij» ta «a. to oße- an alliance re I er f>OTcn<ancat ia and her at I.*r-ti an1 la. Bppaata MJs*, Kehert. frx-k ¦a tka IHaaai ar>a» Ohliii aaa-rtori rawant Lie Caucasian Prince* offCMl einkiag debasing ia Itreiervi t nrh'b ta and had ob ibwk OOSt, a i ... aarm ia . « aaat ara a»a varuauiaaa Messrs. O l'ratt aad J. W. Fox started oa tha l'.th tad .eovn.pu.hed a< a ail bat h:gh'. .t Ua k «17. aid eefraarie te tba tak iah Miaiatry against Rue- the eyee of the world by making ita grand object inoafU paataraim^t »at a B \ Fka 1« *«».« ai a.'aawa'aa. for Grera Bheat to ascrta-a «hart IM MCtkaai ün* daaeer, and wh* « ms tion in tha Mack t bj ta, blat Or^-a-t etat, aia Ha verioue proelaonationa ia the the extension ef .Slavery, her inventora and actea- eupias pts present a published aad located it . it re aava belotiaiwd to aaapioMUA Ifvaraaeaaaa*, | ia which h* the Czar with tif-e mea are lendier? her a which of ti a Temory crease* that river, iboat ac-rpery which ru *« da-mc tboir lut e<.g*«-*- »upp^*e<l 1 . r* on p»pers, charged gradually glory *, Di i' s a -t» iha upper f»ery. 'o*d»d wtb ran'r^ad boa wheh raa aih'>ro at Spajtea A Goon ll»M) may he acquired with aeri hia value aorne will not s">n fad*. aect Ma. Yrce M«th.u Ork« aaa- ¦).«¦,§> i't cnif arizing upon possessions. Il tha Mit by perforoia-s . la ua ..aaaa. ai Mr. TawMaaal bfO 17 Mar cBlert rharada» when i au T bot aritb hi* dianmoda In t In connection with tbia I am remiaded thebuparcbuednrat »on frora Loa afaaparlff meeit ara aaaui;i >ad. and there it do douat Dayail Ciaab tajH *.a .* -.«-»¦ 1« uMaH Palkaaaa, Bmkajaa |)S,(HaJ,(WO, steeling eubject, (aa frata County, very it a>*mi hare n->t darad of the Kos-snta af the intereat excited the newa of Dr. PWpa, it cd the of the Salt tba Be»*'i will BbaaoV a<« her ertw, who Is53 b*> took advaLtaje afalr, rep- great by hard. IIa haa mounted top Lata aaa üb th»:r esviabie reputtt«n. by i .-.-a u to n»e-« . a *o«t au«.-«*-! t* ] raaMtbtf klmeelf aa pcreocutod. like the geet Kane'a r» turn. Dr. Kane'a name will atand now ia Hotel, It bat a abrin, sharp ring, aear!y eq aal to the At the Proeewty, Mr*. Jude Denn Hayna cn tar tetara bar. yaai *aju I sariii>i»au\ ettimatbm with of or J et the worka. aa it "J. w "t*. ui ***»>«» F.I-AOTB, DTBXAJBLI Magyar, by tnc aad Auasiaa police, hi* tba<>eraraa that George Cat- public t < a new drama entitled l"k* tb* ve««»< baakag Lyoa, -. eai -krataal EagtuhJ tba of the laat Hank-apt," . I am at . « Mkrla* r. with tba Freneh and Minia- . tee of wboae cil painting*, illustrating Indian prrcent eompiliag hittery ateet. In '.ha cane of th* l**th .' th* eV**<*i th* . lit. Waalaa. rreepMded Knghah data of IM4, ; At WnBar-k'a Mr. JetsB '.--.-.¦,-* utatnoe* hia ( illiia in aia Dtawti* tii.a. and eTea wr-ae lettrra te of life 01 the American have been recently April, end it to be ae.'iite: '*L vfc-aa ta uaa aaaaaav pe--p:e royal prairies, 1*10* drnt J. C. L. Sani h, aad so-n* twenty fira mt »er» aaeraaafal "The QaaatafLore," for ¦y | t aama »rar» <~;aa.iiT aal«;-a-.| play, * -.«.«. t birth la abort, tt e «camp b*a been living by hia added to »ha htknological Museum. Speaking of ether br* threw from L-oa ( bare 00m* to af¬ That mr* aal\. el***i4. a* .* aaa »kaaa. "na'y, up hii hem 14 te-merrew imb with aii iha «rigiaaJ k fUti 1 k a «taaiaaa. wit*, got] tbm\ d a % too, fof tbe iia collection ia the one which aar- ter d <v Ia adJitiea ta the destruction of g, a.iTj Cctrru'Tioa of a Parrrr-SHaairr pretty living, Catlia, only nfsrence.
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