Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 27 SEPTEMBER 1951 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 470 Questions. [ASSEMBLY.] Questions. Hon. E. J. WALSH (Bundaberg)' repli&d- '' 1. £133,709 lls. 1d. '' 2. The whole question of the develop-· ment and future control of Mourilyan Har­ bour has already been discussed with me· by the hon. member for Mourilyan. Any decision arrived at will be made known in• due course. '' THURSDAY, 27 SEPTEMBER, 1951. RETENTION AREAS, WANDOAN-TAROOM SOLDIER SETTLEMENT. Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. J. H. Mann, :Mr. ALLPASS (Condamine) asked the· Brisbane) took the chair at 11 a.m. Secretary for Public Lands and Irrigation- ' 'In reference to the resumption of the· QUESTIONS. Wandoan-Taroom lands for soldier settle­ ment, is it a fact that he gave a promise CHANNEL DEPTHS, BRISBANE RIVER. to a deputation from the R.S.S.A.I.L.A. that in case of a resumed property held by :Mr. HILEY (Coorparoo) asked the tenants in common, where one of such Acting Treasurer- tenants is a returned soldier each of them " 1. What is the latest recorded depth of will be granted a retention area W'' the Brisbane River:-(a) in the Hamilton Reach Cutting; (b) in the Bar Cutting; Hon. T. A. FOLEY (Belyando) replied­ (c) in the Bulimba Reach; (d) in the '' No. I promised that I would consider· South Brisbane Reach f each case as sympathetically as possible on '' 2. When is it anticipated that the new its merits.'' dredges on order will be delivered and to .:what ports will they be allotted~ DAMAGE TO TREES BY MISTLETOE. "3. What are the latest channel depths recorded in the approaches to the ports of :Mr. LOW (Cooroora) asked the Secre-· tary for Public Lands and Irrigation- Townsville and Cairns~'' ' ' In reference to the severe damage to Hon. E. J. WALSH (Bundaberg) valuable trees caused by the rapid spread replied- of mistletoe in this State, will he kindly " 1. (a) 26 feet L.W.O.S. There is a advise what action, if any, is being taken small patch of light silt in the downstream to deal with this pest~'' end of Hamilton Reach with a minimum depth of 23 feet 6 inches L.W.O.S., which Hon. T. A. FOLEY (Belyando) replied- is now being dredged, and normal depth '' The Director of Forests states that will be restored in the near future. (b) preservation of the natural control, viz., the 29 feet L.W.O.S. (a) 25 feet L.W.O.S. opossum, is the most important measure in (d) 22 feet L.W.O.S. dealing with mistletoe. The Director is also ' '2. One dredge being constructed by the awaiting the result of experiments by State Dockyard, Newcastle, and allotted to C.S.I.R.O. in destruction of mistletoe by the Townsville Harbour Board, is expected hormone poisons. Results to date are to be delivered in March, 1952. Another promising, but problems of application and dredge is under construction at Walkers cost remain to be solved. In the Forestry Ltd., Maryborough. It will be launched in Department's operations, due regard is paid November, 1951, and delivery date is to removal of mistletoe-infested trees when expected to be not later than June, 1952. selecting trees for thinning.'' This dredge will be under the direct control of the Chief Engineer, Department of Har­ REVENUE FROM TRAFFIC REGISTRATIONS AND bours and Marine, and whilst primarily PROSECUTIONS. engaged in the Port of Brisbane it will be available for dredging at other ports. Mr. LOW (Cooroora) asked the Secre­ '' 3. Townsville, 20 feet L.W.O.S.; Cairns, tary for Health and Home Affairs- 22 feet L.W.O.S. '' '' With reference to the operation of the Traffic Act in 1950-1951, will he kindly a,_dvill!t;-(a) the total amount collected for INNISFAIL·MOURILYAN HARBOUR FINANCES. registrations, &c., (b) the total number of :Mr. WATSON (Mulgrave) asked the persons proceeded against for breaches of Acting Treasurer- the Act, (a) the number of convictions obtained, (d) the number of licences can­ '' 1. What was the credit balance of the celled, and (e) the total amount of fines Innisfail Harbour Dues Trust Fund at 30 June, 195H imposed~'' "2. If and when a harbour board is Hon. W. M. 1\IOORE (Merthyr) replied­ appointed to control Mourilyan Harbour, " (a) £104,262; (b) 6,555; (c) 6,480; will the balance in the fund be trans­ (d) Suspended or cancelled, 332; (e) ferred to such board~ ' ' £33,918." Questions. [27 SEPTEMBER.] Ministerial Statement. 471 PATIENTS, STAFF AND COSTS, MENTAL Hon. T. A. FOLEY (Belyandol replied­ HOSPITALS. '' 1. 2,150 feet. Mr. LOW (Cooroora) asked the Secre­ "2. 4,750 gallons a day. tary for Health and Home Affairs- '' With reference to mental hospitals in '' 3. The water is suitable for human con­ this State, will he kindly advise-(a) the sumption but the saline contents are about total number of male and female patients, the limit that can be tolerated by human respectively, receiving treatment at 30 beings. It is not suitable for irrigation June, 1949, 30 June, 1950, and 30 June, except under the most favourable condi­ 1951, (b) the total number of staff tions of soil and drainage. It is suitable employed at 30 June, 1949, 30 June, for use by stock.'' 1950, and 30 June, 1951, and (c) the total cost of such institutions for 1948-1949, DAM SITES, W ANDOAN-TAROOM SOLDIER 1949-1950, and 1950-1951, respectively~'' SETTLEMENT. Hon. W. lU. MOORE (Merthyr) replied- lllr. EWAN (Roma) asked the Secretary " (a) Total number of male and female for Public Lands and Irrigation- patients in mental hospitals at 30 June, " In reference to the Wandoan-Taroom 1949-2,060 males, 1,896 females, 3,956 soldier settlement area,- total; at 30 June, 1950-2,112 males, 1,929 females, 4,041 total; at 30 June, 1951- '' 1. How many men are employed locat­ 2,168 males, 2,013 females, 4,181 total. ing dam sites~ (b) At 30 June, 1949, 1,008, at 30 June, '' 2. For how long have men been so 1950-1,094, at 30 June, 1951-1,133. (c) Total cost for 1948-1949, £597,131 11s. 2d.; employed~ for 1949-1950, £737,187 14s. 5d.; for 1950- '' 3. How many sites have been 1951, £833,477 Ss. IOd.'' located~'' FINANCIAL AID TO JUVENILE EISTEDDFODAU. Hon. T. A. FOLEY (Belyando) replied­ '' 1. One party of five men is at present Mr. AIKENS (Mundingburra) asked the employed in selecting and drilling sites. Acting Premier- "Will he give consideration to granting '' 2. Two of the party have been employed financial assistance to Juvenile Eisteddfod for three months, two for two months, and organisations in each part of the State to one for one month. the same extent as is now granted to Adult "3. Up to the date of last field report Eisteddfod organisations~'' (14th instant), five sites have been defimtely located, six have been classed as 'potential,' Hon. V. C. GAIR (South Brisbane) replied- and a number of sites tested have proved unsuitable for orthodox tank sinking. The " Donations are made annually by the matter of adopting alternative methods is Government to the Queensland Eisteddfod at present the subject of investigation.'' Council, the Rockhampton Eisteddfod Association, and the Eisteddfod Council of North Queensland, to assist the holding of PAPERS. eisteddfodau in the three divisions of the State. These eisteddfodau, which are con­ The following papers were laid on the ducted in the northern, southern, arrd cen­ table:- tral portions of the State include in their Orders in Council ( 2) under the Aliens programmes many juvenile items. It is Acts, 1867 to 1948 ( 20 September). understood that the appearance of juvenile choirs and competitors is one of the main Regulation under the Fish Supply Manage­ attractions of these eisteddfodau. By finan­ ment Acts, 1935 to 1951 (20 September). cially assisting the three main eisteddfodau Ordinances (3) under the City of Brisbane referred to above, the Government is Acts, 1924 to 1951 (20 September). already assisting juveniles as well as adults.'' MINISTERIAL STATEMENT. WATER SUPPLY, WANDOAN BORE. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY; SECRETARY FOR AGRICULTURE AND STOCK. Mr. EW AN (Roma) asked the Secretary for Public Lands and Irrigation- Hon. V. C. GAIR (South Brisbane­ '' In reference to the trial bore recently Acting Premier) ( 11.12 a. m.), by leave: As drilled at W andoan,- hon. members are aware, the Hon. H. H. " 1. What is the depth~ Collins, M.L.A., Secretary for Agriculture and Stock, is a member of the Australian delega­ '' 2. What supply of water has been tion which is proceeding overseas for the pur­ obtained~ pose of attending talks between representa­ '' 3. Does an analysis of the water tives of the Commonwealth sugar-producJng contained therein disclose that it is suit­ countries and representatives of the United able for (a) human consumption, or (b) Kingdom Government, which are to take place for irrigation, or (c) for stock watering, in London shortly. Mr. Collins proposes leaving respectively~'' Brisbane by air on Tuesday, 2 October, 1951. 472 Port Development. [ASSEMBLY.] Port Development. His Excellency the Governor has, therefore, others need further development. From by virtue of the provisions of Section 8 of south to north we have Brisbane, Mary­ the Officials in Parliament Acts, 1896 to 1950, borough, Bundaberg, Gladstone, Rockhamp­ authorised and empowered the Hon. Arthur ton, Mackay, Bowen, Townsville, Lucinda .Tones, Secretary for Labour and Industry, Point, Mourilyan, Innisfail, Cairns, Port on and from 2 October, 1951, to perform and Douglas, Cooktown, Thursday Island, Nor­ exercise all or any of the duties, powers, and man ton, Burketown, and all these ports have authorities imposed or conferred upon the developed, as I have said, because of the Honourable the Secretary for Agriculture and needs of the areas they serve.
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