In The New. ps to Mount Calvary THIS (Combined from Lt.sed Wires) stream of worshippers approached Calvary. JERUSALEM - Thousands of Christians Fri· A service was held in the Churcb of the Holy day retraced Christ's steps along the Via Dolorosa Sepulchre, which covers Calvary and Chri t's MORNING Coed Jailed· -"The Street of Sorrow"-to the place where He tomb_ was crucified almost 2,000 years ago. Later, Protestants held vesper services until the Pilgrims, many of them carrying crosses, moment when Christ's body was laken from the ON CAMPUS- In Dope Ring began crowding into the narrow, winding street cross, anointed and laid to rest in the tomb in the DR. MILTON GREENBLATT of before dawn, By mid·morning, it was almost im· Garden of Gethsemane. the Boston Psychopathic Hospital possible (or a person to pass through tbe crowd. The city presented two aspects under the bright, will speak at the Psychopathic Along the way, they stopped at 14 Stations oC warm sunshine. One was of quiel reverence. For· • Hospital Ihis morning at 10. Invest~gation the Cross to pray in many tongues: where Christ eign consulates in the old city flew their flags at was scourged ond flogged, where He stumbled ond half staff. IN THE CITY- Indiana Grad Student fell - finally, where He was nailed to the cross Elsewhere, the city bustled. Holel proprietors SPARKS CAUSED by use of a From Cedar Rapids and died. estimated that at least 25,000 persons had swarmed cutting torch apparently smoldered There were American women in gay Easler inlo the cily for Holy Week and more bus-loads ar­ cvemight and burst Into a fire Sought for Possession bonnets, Germans, Italians, French, Lebanese, Fil. rived Friday. which caused considerable damage BLOOMINGTON, Ind. I.fI - An ipinos - and others from more remote corners of The pilgrims, prompted both by the unique to the Borden Ice Cream plant, Indiana University coed was jailed the Christian world . quality of Jorda nian shops and the crisp weather, 330 E. Market St., Friday. Friday and a warrant wa issued Jerusalem seemed to be Jilt Ie chonged from the pushed their way through nocks of heep and goats Firemen said the damage was for a graduate student from Cedar days of Christ. as well as laden camels to buy hand -mad sweat· most extensive along the rear wail Rapids, Iowa, as slate police detec· where workmen were dis·assembl· Tribesmen in de ert headdresses drove flocks er LO combat the chill, ti\'es widened an investigation into of sheep through the twisting streets. Vendors Many of them bad been hE're since Palm Sun· ing ammonia tanks at the plant reports of an alleged dope ring ac· Thursday night. tive on the school campus. haggled at stalls. Tattooed Bedouin women scur­ day, but tens of thousands came only (or Friday's There was no equipment in the Nancy C, Dillingham, 21, of Mon· ried about with baskets on their heads. rites and Easter Sunday serviees, garage. The Borden Company is ticello. was arrested after a raid Police and boy scouts struggled to ke'ep open Among the pilgrims was Mrs. John Fo ter self· insured. No damage e limaLe on ber apartment spaces around giant crosses being borne to Mount Dulles, widow of the former U.S. Secretory of State. was made. In a farm h 0 u se Calvary, where the Crucifixion took place. Roman Catholics, Armenians, Copts, Greek, lind • • • near Bloomington Every window, balcony and roof along the way Syrian Orthodox all will hold ervlccs in the Church Big Weekend A PATIENT at the Iowa City late T h u rs day was jammed with pilgrims, many of whom had of the Holy Sepulchre. The church is held up by For two.y •• r~lds, EI.ler mlln. brlghlly colored ing for Euler, lod.y II lusl I. bl" • d.y - II" Veterans Administration hospital night. Prosecutor rented their vantage places from the owners of the massive unsightly girders because religious differ- died at noon Friday aCter he Thomas A. ,Hoad­ buildings_ ences have prevented eHorts to r stor and ",,'. Kim SI.ck, 112 Ttmptln P.rk, h.. I big her birthd.y. leaped from a firth floor window ley said lialf a The city's many church bells were silent as the strengthen it. wHk.nd In IIOrl for her. Whll, .he 11 11111 p,.,p.r- -Photo by JOI Lippincott enrly Friday morning. pound of shredded John H. Fisch, 52, Burlington, marijUana was ------------------------------------------------------------ locked bimselC in a restroom on found in a coffee the west side of the hospital, reo can and two glass moved a screen from the 14 by 30 bottles. Inch window, and leaped about 60 DILLINGHAM A warrant was Fair feet to Ihe ground between 7 and issued for Fritz Fisher, 22, on of F.ir Ihrou,h lonl"ht. HI,h. t.· 7:15 a.m., hospital authorities said. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher Jr, of dlY 501 north t. 10. IOUlh. Fur­ A VA employe reporting for Cedar Rapids. th,r outlook - Mo.tly t.lr .nd work at 7:15 found Fisch lying on YOUNG FISHER, whose falher Is lowa-n oil warmer Euter Sunday, a cement patio and the ground. an attorney, was home in Cedar Serving the State University of Lowa and the People of Iowa City Fisch, who was unmarried, reo Rapids during spring vacation at ~ived multiple fractures, internal the university. Ullited PreellJIterutlooal and A.uoclated Preu Leued Wiry UId Wlrepboto lowa City, Iowa, Saturday, April 13, 1963 injuries and head injuries. Hoadley said a note was found in the coffee can reading, "Nancy, IN THE STATE- This is your week's supply. Fritz." ESTHERVILLE IA'I - A 7-year· Young Fisher's father said at old boy was shot and killed Friday Cedar Rapids he has obtained an night when a .22 caliber rWe with attorney for his son at Bloomington which he and his brother wel'e and made arrangements for the play log accldentnlly discharged , youth to appear here next Wednes· day. The warrant has not been Addition Tbe victim was Clyde William l'O-Story 'Currier Eden, SOli of Mr. and Mrs. George served. Eden, who live on a farm near Young Fisher attended Ohio State Swea City. University at Columbus and let· Clyde and his 9-year·old brother tered as a diver on the swimming had been playing with the rifle. team as a junior in 1960. Emmet County Medical Examiner Hoadley said, "We expect there L. W. Loving said the bullet pene­ will be more arrests, perhaps many trated Clyde's heart. The boy died more," in a hospital about 6:45 p.m., an Miss Dillingham, a theatre stu­ hour after the accident. dent, had appeared in two civic Planned for Fall of 1965 group plays and one I.U, produc­ • • • tion. FORT DODGE IA'I - Ronald Le· HOADLEY SAID he had had Miss Roy Gramenz, 27, of Menlo Park, Dillingham u n d e r surveillance Calif., Friday was sentenced in about a month because of her ac· Regents Okay 523-Bed, Fort Dodge to a 50-year term at tivities in the Young Socialist Al­ the State Penitentiary for the mur· liance, (I group accused of involve· der of a friend of his estranged ment in Castro sympathy demon· wife. ttl lfI $2.5 Million Structure strations on the campus at the time Gramenz was charged with the fatal shooling of Dean Hoeppner, of the Cuban blockade last fall. m rTi lI ! A IO-story, $2.5 million addition to Currier Hall, approved 26, o! Fort Dodge, last Feb. 2, in Miss Dillingham was ordered to by Ihe State Doan1 of Regents Friday, is expected to be ready appear in city court Monday night. Iftl {iJ W iI1 ITI Hoeppner's car. Officers said Gra· ru for occupancy by fa1\ 196.'5, an official said Friday night. menz' estranged wife, Donna Jean The specific charge against ber sur GrDmenz, 24 , was in the cal' when was violation of the stale law ~W W [jJ W II1 III Elwin T, Jolliffe, SU I vice presidenl for bu iness and fi­ the shooting occurred. against possession of narcotics. nancc, saiJ bids for the 523-bed structure should be let late The prosecutor said she had been m· W iff m tlJ ~. [I~ fI I moking (requent trips to Chicago next fall. IN THE NATION- and that literature apparently .......... +-r-to..,... ,m m i!1 m m II] I1J In The Hegents approved the project and preliminary budg t NEWARK, N. J, <UPIl - An 8- printed in Cuba was found in the for the building to be constructed 20 feet west of the present year·old girl, making a Good Fri­ apartment. ~~~ iii ~ tIJ, m [fj rt1 btl day visit to the grave of her grand· Also found in the one·room apart· structure. It is planned to prevent if if if parenls, was crushed to death Fri· ment was a letter from Chicago day when a SOO-pound granite cross which Hoadley quoted as saying, ~;:~ft~~i~~rl~g~9!~ . SUI 's women's Regents G·lve toppled on ber. "If you can't make it this weekend, JollifCe said the progress of lhe Alice Talbot had wandered away I'll mail the grass (marijuana ) plnn now depends on when 8n from her parents with a brother, down to you." architect is nnd can Albert, 11, when the accident hap. He said the name listed on the work on thesel~cted fanol plans.
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