ReCstered at the General Pest Vol. 22. No. 1. JUNE, 1924. Office, Sydney, for transmission by post as a Newspaper. 4 • V 5U FORTIAN THE QUARTERLY MAGAZINE OF FORT 5T., BOYS' HIGH SCHOOL, PETERSHAM, N.5W. 1 a • Wholly set up and printed by AYLounhlin Bros.. Printers. 342 Elizabeth Str-et. Sydney for SCHOOL OFFICERS, 1924 THE STAFF. Headmaster: A. J. KlLGOUR, B.A., LL.B. Deputy Headnuister: • W. ROBERTS, B.A., Dip. Ed. Department of English. Department of Modern Department of Mathematics: W. ROBERTS, B.A., Dip. Ed. Languages: H. WALKER, M.A. (Master) - (Master) R. A. PAGE, B.A. (Master) E. H. PARKER I. BAXENDALE, B.A. C. J. BAUER F. POTTER, B.A. L. F. KELLER, MA. R. JERREMS, B.A. H. THOMPSON, B.A. J. L. TIERNEY, M.A. M. LEVY, B.A. R. R. FAIRBAIRN, B.A. L. LYONS, B.A. L. C. MOTE, M.A. L. N. ROSE, M.A. • Capt. G. H. CAPES L. A. JOHNSON, B.A. R. OKADA Department of Science: Department of filassici: Teacher of Physical Culture: W. F. HATFIELD, BA., B.Sc. W. E. PORTER, M.A., Dip. Ed. W. HUMPHRIES, Dip. A.P.C.S. (Master) (Master) A. H. BALDOCK, B.A. J. J. DUNNE, B.A. Ass. T.C. A. P. LUNDIE, M.A. D. DRAKE A. W. STANLEY, B.A. Department of Commerce: E. BURGIN, Dip. Ec. (Master) Prefects: R. G. HOWARTH (Captain) J. DINGLE R. McKEVETT J. E. BURROWS (Senior Prefect) B. N. FARLOW A. REDMOND T. ARMSTRONG W. S. GODFREY K. STARR J. BATES G. HEERY K. SIMS R. BRITTON N. MACKINTOSH L. WRIGHT Sports Union Committee: MR. A. J. KILGOUR MR. L. KELLER T. ARMSTRONG (President) MR. L. ROSE R. BRITTON MR. W. ROBERTS MR. R. PAGE R. McKEVETT (Vice-President) MR. D. DRAKE W. SPENCER MR. H. THOMPSON MR. R. FAIRBAIRN M. GALLAGHER (Sportamaster) MR. M. LEVY C. EBERT MR. A. W. STANLEY G. HOWARTH (Hon. Treas.) J. BURROWS Old Boys' Union: IRE HEADMASTER (Patron) L. C. WARBY, A.I.C.A. THEO. STITT, A4C.P.A. (Hon. H. V. EVATT, M.A., LL.B. (Hon. Sec., 113 Pitt St., Sydney) Treasurer, 77 King St.) (President) C. F. ASSHETON (Asst. Hon. Sec., The University) The Library: MR. L. N. ROSE, M.A. K. STARR- , (Librarian) K. SIMS Assistant Librarians • ...................... the FORTIAN rhe Map3ine of the _Boys'iligh ,57chool firt St. Editor: W. Roberts, B.A. Sub. Editor: G. Howarth. Sports Editor: L. F. Keller, M.A. Bus. Manager: J. Baxendale, B.A. Year Representatives: J. Burrows, N. Wyndham, A. Conlon, N. McIntyre, A. Melville. Registered at the General Post Office. Sydney, for transmission by post as a Newspaper . Published Quarterly. VOLUME 22. No. 1. JUNE, 1924. PRICE NINEPENCE. CONTENTS. Page Page Editorial .. .. • . 3 Tragedy Old Boys and Their Doings • • 25 4 Beauty 27 A Heart's Desire .. • . 5 Fantasy The Goddess and the Roses • • 27 6 Final Exams. .. 28 Music in Literature .. • • 6 Our University Letter Mr. G. Mackaness, M.A. 29 7 James Gilbert 30 An Anzac Aeropagus 8 Morning Glories • . The Silver Ring .. 30 • • 9 Delusion 31 A Summer Evening .. .. 9 Impressions of a New Boy Herbert Vere Evatt, M.A., LL D. 32 10 Horror 32 Nightfall .. .. • 11 Where Fortians Are .. The Clarence River . • 33 • • 12 Youth and Age 33 Out of Harmony .. • • 12 Community Singing . Professor John Irvine Hunter 13 34 A Deightful Midnight Walk 34 Crossing the Bar .. 14 First Edition of the •Fortian Moonlight in the Bush 35 14 The Wood Nymph .. 36 Examination Results .. 15, 17 Children of the Night The Haven of Repose 36 17 The School Spirit .. :Snow • • • • 17 36 If I Had a Pop Gun .. 37 Mr. W. Roberts • • 18 The Piano Fund Speech Day 38 • . r • 18 What the Moon Saw .. Notes and News .. 19 Thoughts of Home .. 38 The Lust for Gold • • 20 39 To the Editor of the Foriian 39 An Urban Idyll • - 21 Landslides The Sea in the Himalayas 40 • • 22 speech Day (An Impression) University Examinations 22 40 The Debate .. 41 Diary of Angelina • • 22 Repose Re the Advisability of • • 41 Cancellation Sports .. • irWar Debts .. • • 43,51 24 An Autumn Evening .. 51 "The manly part is to do -with might and main what you can do." —Emerson Football Clothes that endure Football wear should embody strength and good fit—qualities which ensure durability. All sports clothing purchased at the "Store for Men " is made by experts from highest quality materials, and will successfully resist the stress of hard usage. Football Jerseys. Football Shorts. Jerseys firmly knitted in best quality Shorts, strongly made, in navy wool ; white collars, button fronts ; in drill and white swan's-down. all high school and college colours. Price, pair ... ... 6/6 Price 11/9 Football Boots. Football Socks. Football boots of best quality leather, Football socks of high grade wool, sprigged soles. Prices, per pair, firmly knitted, to match Jerseys. 1-4, 15/6; 5-10, 16/6. The Price ... ... 5/6 "Daily M " 1-4, 1 7/6 ; 5-10, 18 6 The School and College Outfitting Department, on the fourth floor, is a feature at Farmer's. All sports wear is stocked, including Varsity Caps and Hat- bands, Honour Caps, and Athletic Sweaters. Blazers are made to measure. F ARMER'S Pitt, Market, and George Streets, Sydney. June, 1924. THE FORTIAN. ERHAPS the most important event in our school life this year is the arrival of our new piano. It is true That we still await the Assembly Room to give it a p proper setting and to afford us the necessary accommodation for its fullest use; but before many months the first stones of our Memorial Hall will be laid. We feel that with the Piano and the Hall the social life of the school will be enriched : the school will be the centre of happy re-unions of past and present : and what is a re-union without a piano? Already our community singing has been linking us together with one more chord, and we trust that Fort Street will win fresh prestige for its high musical standard. A select choir is to be formed, an orchestra to be organised, and lectures in musical appreciation will be given illus- trated by visiting artists. We cannot all play an instrument and some even cannot sing, but we can all learn to appreciate good music. The musical instinct is all but universal in some form or other, and it is only because the guidance in the right direction is not forthcoming in our early days that it so often goes astray in a line of least resistance. One writer has said: "Good musie properly pursued demands thought; bad music requires none." We do not make the laws of Nature, the wonders of light, heat and radio activity. We discover them by hard thinking and assiduous work- ing; they have always been waiting but we have been too ignorant, too blind, and even too lazy. And it is even so with sound. Musicians like Beethoven and Wagner have thought long and toiled late to give us the masterpieces of sound, lovely songs, beautiful dances, multicoloured sym- phonies and sonatas and brilliant operaii. We tremble to imagine ourselves ignorant of the great thoughts of literature, the great facts of science. LeY us learn to appreciate and enjoy the great emotions of Music. 4 THE FORTIAN. June, 1924. OLD BOYS' AND THEIR DOINGS The "S.M. Herald," of January 31, has an of Sydney and subsequently entered into part- interesting paragraph relating to Mr. F. 0. nership. Steel, an • old Fortian. Mr. Steel has been elected Chairman of the Sydney Stock Ex- One of the most brilliant records of success change, where for some years he has been a in Accountancy has recently been achieved by prominent figure. one of our old boys, F. A. McKechnie. • * • Educated at Fort Street, Mr. Steel has had The Institute of Incorporated Accountants of a successful and varied career. He has been N.S.W. holds its accountancy examination in intimately associated with shipping, 'banking, four sectiojp—Intermediate Accountancy, In- mining and the Stock Exchanges of Queensland termediate Law, Final Accountancy and Final and N.S.W. Law. Fred McKeehnie has eclipsed all t eeords * * by winning first plaee in N.S.W. in all four This is the third occasion on which the sections. Throughout his course he has shown members of the Stock Exchange have selected remarkable consistency. We heartily congratu- Mr. Steel as Chairman. late him upon his excellent performance. Mc- Kechnie was trained for these exams. by the Metropolitan Business College. Ronald Kennedy, LL.B., and A. B. Samuelson, • LL.B., have been admitted as solicitors, and The Year Book of Wireless Telegraphy and John E. Kennedy has passed his final examina- Telephony, 1923, has an interesting biographical tion in Accountancy. notice, showing the career of an old Fortian. • • • Mr. E. Kingsford Smith has returned to Syd- Elwell, Cyril Frank—educated Fort Street ney after some years in various ships of the Model Public School, Sydney, Australia—Stan- Royal Australian Navy. ' Leaving Fort Street in ford University, B.A. and E.E., Chief Engineer 1902, after passing the Junior University Exam., Wireless Development Co., 1908; Federal Tele- Mr. Kingsford Smith went to sea and in 1912 graph Co.,' 1909-1913; Universal Radio Syndicate, joined the Australian Navy. He served on London, 1913-1915; Managing Director of C. H.M.A.S. Gayndah, Sydney, Melbourne, and has F. Elwell Ltd., since 1915. Knight of Cross of now been appointed Paymaster Commander to the Crown of Italy; B.A.; M.I.E.E.; M.
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