E210 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 8, 2021 SUMGAIT, KIROVABAD, AND BAKU REMEMBERING BOB SMITTCAMP posed an amendment dealing with election au- MASSACRES dits, which was rejected by Democrats on the HON. DEVIN NUNES House Rules Committee. f HON. BRAD SHERMAN OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MEM- OF CALIFORNIA Monday, March 8, 2021 BERSHIP ON CAPITOL POLICE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. NUNES. Madam Speaker, I rise today BOARD ACT to honor the life of a San Joaquin Valley leg- Monday, March 8, 2021 end, Robert Smittcamp, who passed away on HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Mr. SHERMAN. Madam Speaker, I stand in March 4, 2021, at the age of 79. I am deeply IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES solidarity with the Armenian American commu- saddened by Bob’s passing. nity in commemorating the pogroms against Bob was a one-man Valley institution. A Monday, March 8, 2021 businessman, philanthropist, and community Armenians in the cities of Sumgait (February Ms. NORTON. Madam Speaker, today, I in- activist, he headed both Lyons Magnus food 27–29, 1988), Kirovabad (November 21–27, troduce the District of Columbia Membership company and Wawona Packing. He had a 1988) and Baku (January 13–19, 1990). on Capitol Police Board Act, which would particular passion for expanding healthcare make the chief of the D.C. Metropolitan Police Thirty-three years ago, in the Azerbaijani access and improving education, donating mil- Department (MPD) an ex officio, non-voting town of Sumgait, peaceful Armenian residents lions of dollars to enhance both sectors member of the Capitol Police Board (Board). were brutally targeted on the basis of their throughout the Valley. The Board oversees the U.S. Capitol Police ethnicity and subjected to unspeakable crimes. I’m lucky to have had Bob as a close friend (USCP) and security for the U.S. Capitol com- The New York Times reported Armenians and mentor. I was among countless Valley plex and is comprised of three voting mem- residents who frequently turned to him for ad- being ‘‘hunted’’ down and an account of a bers (the House Sergeant at Arms, the Senate vice on Valley issues. His assistance was in- pregnant Armenian woman, who had been Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper and the Ar- valuable on critical issues such as the Valley disemboweled. The U.S. Senate passed an chitect of the Capitol) and one ex officio, non- water crisis and the 2008 recession. amendment in July of 1989, noting that even voting member (the USCP chief). My bill Bob and I also spent many hours discussing the Soviet government had termed the murder would give the MPD chief the same status on how to bring high-quality, affordable of Armenians in Sumgait a ‘‘pogrom.’’ the Board as the USCP chief. healthcare to every Valley family. I valued his The events and aftermath of the attack on The Sumgait Pogroms were the beginning insights on that question because he devel- the Capitol on January 6, 2021, demonstrate of an escalation of violence against the Arme- oped innovative ways to provide healthcare for the need for D.C. membership on the Board. nian minority, with a wave of anti-Armenian vi- his employees, who he always viewed as part Not only would the MPD chief’s membership olence spreading to Kirovabad in November of his own family. I’m convinced Bob’s ap- on the Board help improve coordination be- 1988 and to Baku in January 1990, which cul- proach provides a model for drastically im- tween USCP and MPD, which helped save the minated in the forcible expulsion of 390,000 proving healthcare for the entire country. Capitol and its occupants after USCP was Armenians from Azerbaijan and the 1991–94 Bob epitomized all the virtues of the San overrun during the attack, it would force the war over Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh). Joaquin Valley. He was always available to Board to consider the interests of D.C. resi- help those of us who sought his guidance. But In response to the Sumgait and Kirovabad dents in its decision-making. The Board’s deci- if you were looking for someone to sugarcoat pogroms, over 100 leading academics and sions affect D.C. residents more than any a tough situation, then Bob was not your best human rights advocates, including the Execu- other Americans, but no member of the Board option. He was an honest straight-shooter tive Director of the NAACP and Elie Wiesel, has any obligation to consider the perspective who’d give you candid answers whether you placed an advertisement in The New York and needs of D.C. residents. D.C. residents wanted them or not. That’s why I always con- Times titled: ‘‘An Open Letter to International continue to bear the brunt of the security deci- sulted him when I had especially tough prob- Public Opinion on Anti-Armenian Pogroms in sions the Board has made since the attack. lems that needed realistic solutions. the Soviet Union.’’ The letter appealed to the For example, the fencing around the Capitol Bob’s love for the Valley ran deep, and the international community to condemn the atroc- complex has forced D.C. emergency vehicles region is richer in countless ways thanks to his ities and prevent further violence by stating: and residents to take detours and has pre- contributions. He created jobs, ran companies ‘‘The international community of states . vented access to the Capitol grounds, which that fed millions of people, shared his wisdom must prove the authenticity of its commitment are used by neighborhood residents for recre- and experience with anyone who asked, gen- to human rights in order to ensure that, due to ation and relaxation. erously funded deserving community institu- indifference and silence bordering on com- I support the calls to evaluate whether the tions, and raised an exceptional family. Board is the right mechanism to oversee secu- plicity, another genocide does not occur.’’ Bob was simply irreplaceable. He’ll be deep- rity at the Capitol, but as long as the Board is (July 27, 1990, The New York Times) ly missed, but he leaves behind an incredible in existence, D.C. should have membership on Unfortunately, Azeri attacks against Arme- legacy of hard work, success, and it. nian civilians have only continued. In its latest unconcealed passion for the Valley and its I urge my colleagues to support this bill. bout of aggression against Armenia and people. I offer my deepest condolences to his f Artsakh in the fall of 2020, Azerbaijan carried wife Annette, his children Brent, Lisa, and out indiscriminate attacks against civilians. A Brandon, and the rest of his family. HONORING THE LIFE OF BOB report by Human Rights Watch found that f EGOLF Azeri forces used inherently indiscriminate FOR THE PEOPLE ACT OF 2021 cluster munitions and artillery rockets or other HON. JIM BANKS weapons that did not distinguish between mili- SPEECH OF OF INDIANA tary targets and civilian objects. Multiple HON. VICTORIA SPARTZ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES strikes hit residential homes in less than a Monday, March 8, 2021 minute, suggesting bombardment of civilian OF INDIANA areas. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. BANKS. Madam Speaker, I rise today to honor the life and legacy of Mr. Bob Egolf of Tuesday, March 2, 2021 Today, Armenians are still held captive in Churubusco, Indiana. Azerbaijan, with no planned date to be re- Mrs. SPARTZ. Madam Speaker, today I rise For 65 years, Egolf worked in the grocery turned to Armenia. Armenian prisoners of war in opposition to H.R. 1 on account of several business. He started his career at John have been subjected to physical beatings and major issues with the bill. First, this bill did not Shelton’s IGA, located on North Main Street in other inhumane treatment at the hand of Azer- go through committees and proper delibera- Churubusco in 1956 when he was 14 years baijan. The government of Azerbaijan must be tions. Second, this bill takes drastic steps to old. Seven years later, he purchased the gro- held accountable by the international commu- federalize our elections and infringe on States’ cery from Shelton in 1967, and in 1982 built nity, and I will continue to work in Congress to rights. Third, this bill increases opportunities a new store south of Churubusco on US 33. shed light on and learn the lessons of such for fraud without proper guardrails or internal Egolf’s IGA is known throughout the area for past and present atrocities. controls. To mitigate some fraud risks, I pro- its freshly cut meats and daily baked bakery VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:50 Mar 09, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08MR8.011 E08MRPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with REMARKS March 8, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E211 items. Egolf opened the store early and closed ous sports, and as athletic director. Under his frontline workers in other key industries like late, operating from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. seven leadership as co-coach of the Mount Ayr foot- food and service & hospitality and leisure. days a week. He made it a point to talk with ball team, the program has seen continued And Ghanaian Americans have been con- his customers and would take special orders success with a recent playoff appearance. In tributing to the success and business con- of items that people wanted. fact, Delwyn and his co-coach Derek Lambert, tinuity of important industries during these dire Egolf was one of the longest continuous are the winningest coaches in program history times.
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