, ~~ -~ GOOD ~ ~:,., ~, :• .,-,H· E' ?r" . SIX CYL. VEL<'' .. ~'* ~.,c.·. ~\ S, ~ . VAUXHAUS NO·\ ·~ ic..ilt'~ 1 l '·.. DAILY NEWS AVAILAt. ,. ·; Terra Nova Mot, --'td. 4~~ Vol. 67. No. 186 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1960 lPrice. 7 Cents) Charles Hutton &So-ns • USSia • I raw a rom ------ .. ---- Orbiting Ani mals ¥ Refers To Can ada Return From Space ~IOSCOW Illculersl - The oc- flight h,v man. Howei'N, une · expJ·rs,ed disapprn1·al n! Ru~· cupunts of Russia's "cosmic said experiments w i I h mo1·e sia's having sent np animals in I As Belgian Ally ZPP" satellite haw been re·, hi~hly developed animals such its latest space venture.l turned safely from sJlace in' as monkeys would be needed Meanwhile, there were no de- -------·- ----- 1 ' t"\lTED :\.HIO:\S, :\. Y.-CP-Russia demanded ''good condition." first. tails in the press and radio her~ ag;,j,, Sunday that Canadian tronps be withdrawn From An announcement Snnday said. K Sederov. member of the So· on huw the space ship was rr­ the dogs "Sll·e!ka" and "Belka" det Academy of Science, praised turned to Earth. The reports Two Die In l':\ serl'it·c in the trnuhlcd Congo republic. and the mice. 1·ats. flies, plants the uchievement in the Sol'iet · merely said the return operatio,J Sol'ict reprcscnlatkc \'asily Kuzm·tso\' hit at the and other IiI' in:: organisms Communist party newspaper "ll'orked perfectly." Cnmulinns at m1 cmt'l'~t'ntv st·ssion of the t!:\ Sctnritl· aboard the satellite were all in Pravda. : AC'CUR:\TE I.A!\'DI!\'G Shooting Council. called hv r\ S~crt'lan·-Grnrral Da:;( Ham· good shaPe following the return. GAP WIDENS : The 41,·ton space <hip ancl it< mar~kiold. who ta;1~lccl with the 'cnnl!nll',t' rr.presenla- of their capsule from space Sat.' !ln Tokyo, scientist Yoshioki' capsule were brought down in C'.\LGAfl\' WP• _,, T·.rn C'nl­ lil'c at the nnhct nf the mct·tin~. urday, Nakata, a member ol Japan's; the planned landing nrea within ~arv mrn. out lor " ''.IIHio~· Knztwhll\' referred to Canada as an "alh· oF Brl­ 1'he salellite's "passengers,". radio wa1•e research institute,· se1·en miles of the calculated stroll were cut drr.1·n :w a f•I· ~ium"-Formcr rnlt'r fo the Con~o-and noted that Can­ i launched into space 200 miles: forecast that thP Russians would; point. announcements said. silad~ of rifle firr in 'I:Jr r.mm· aclian non-comhat troops, si~nalmcn. were manhandled ~IOSfO\\'-.\merlcan l'·2 pilot Francis G. l'owers (right) . above the earth Friday, became: attempt to recov~r a man from. SIJ·elka I Lit t 1 e Arrowl anrl town section of thr 1 ;,, Sunday. bv ( :on"o]c,c armv rifll'Jlll'll Thmsda1'. euminrs flight map shown to him during his e~plonag• the first animals ever recovered, space early next year. He sahl, Belka IS qui r r e 1\ ate Pa~erly A policeman was wonur'rd • b "' . walkin~ ;l!'P Oi~ht which opened here ,\ug. 17th. The map wa~ said from orbit. Strelka and Belka un. 1that despite recent American. shot·l!y Mte1· t!1cir cap<ule landed The mrn, not together. llr ·"nid Belgian troop=- to he the remains of a chart taken lrom the t:·2 SJlY plane derwent the rigors ot the return rocket sUcC1!sses, Russia's latest following ·it.~ 17 trips Mound the were killed h1· bullels fired from "t'llllllltitling ma;>acre:," in the rlraw;J!" nf l'anadi~n troop; from well. reports said, : achievement had widened the Earth, the Soviet news agency a .:JO:J-caliln·~· rifle in lhe h;U1d., • 'on~o allll there is Cl irlence oi alter It ll'as shot down hy the Reels O\'er So\·let tt'rritory. ti1~ Cnn:~o. USE RETRO ROC'KF.TS :"space gap'' between the two na· Tass said. of a man who lwd h·okrn into :m ·.. illlenwtion~J foreign lt•gion ( ·anmlii :-; IHJI rt member of Powers pleaded guilty at thP. outset of the tl'iul and then I A "retro device'' was user! to , lions. Later in ~loscow. Tas' said. a gun slwp on\;· mnmrPts eat·· from the \",\TO c·ori\Jtrir<. in- t1ll' ~l·c:trit~· ('ounn1. hut rana· ~a,·e A calm recital of his sp)' flight Into the So\·irt Union. bring the satellite boc!\ lo ~art h., 1Britain's indepcnd~nt Lonrlon i hem·t and hloorl pre,;sure checks !il'I'. 1'1\ldin~ f],'l;ium." \Jclng former! rltan .\mba:>,ador Ch.Jr!r, S .\. His wife. Barbara. and his parents, Mr. an1l llrs. Oliver it was announced here. Rctro 'I Sundav Times declared "Russia were made and showed both Dead are \\'all;;('e Hall. <Jhou• :·or 1\nltm:.:a. Ihf' t.'on~o pru\·int',' n.itchir wa:.; ~ittit~.~ in tiH' .~ ... ~_·:iPn i:-; Pnwrrs. sat In th~ rear of the courtroom in th~ Jlall of · rocket~ rire against lhr direction has o'nce a~ a in r!J·amaticatly do~s were in normal condition. nn. and Strl\'arl ~[ 1 r:n·::o1·. ~~- wi1o.")l' gud.'rJmlrnt :-.e('kin..: ;-~;..,,~1'\('d for cLploma:s. in which n space \'Chicle is mov·; leapt ahead of the U.S. 'in the Pra1·da published a "picture Char!r' :IJ;din :11. ILL' h><'ll :o;cpal'atiun lrom the u:n1rat ~m­ folnmn~.-l'PI Telephoto. 'ing, ~lowin~: it down and permit·' race lor the CDnquest or space.'' from space'' showin;: tclcrision ch~rgcd with Ihe mnrde1· of Hall. ('rnmcnt. \1;1Jl1Jil;or•hiult! e "··! i e r Ill· lin~ the earth's g1·ality to puil r'fwo British groups, the scenes of the do~s in orbit. It Con't. stanlcv Christrn,rn wn, 1>\Ff'EitE\'T n:rtSIIIX fn:·!lwd the cctunl'i! formill;y th~tt it back, l.ea~ue Against Ct·url Sports and claims th~ pictures wrre "n won- wounded whc~ ]1,, ran to thr Hammarskjold h~d dr<!\('I"Pd [H· mi~hl call !or · tcOll::idcra Soviet scientists haler! the feat: the Royal Society for the Pre- derful Prl~nnre in the ~ro11th of <erne of thr ,hoot in~ nne \·rr:;iOII of lllc iPcidt>nl hu 1 lion of the cnl i1·~ l '\ aid prn· , as opening the way to cosmic 1 l'ention or Cruelty to ·Animals. telel'isior" : XF.AR roLI!'E sT,\TIOX 1ilo ('on~o ~OIWllmcnt h;n! <1 '.::ra!l1 lll thr• l'ou~a 1t Premier Says U. S.. Has Down , . Police said a man .<ma.'h"rl !hr• dilft'rrnt nne. 'aid Kmnet,m. [\Jti·icr. l.untwnha co~ttinues hi-:­ window of a ~un s1JOry onh· twr, ~F\dill_:! t\Wt hiS ~I}\'•,::'!'~!11Cilt ''ill· ;." ;r·!;, on I'\ ;111ion' ""d offi· :-'i~t-~ on thf' :mmf'rlitlir wilh C'it~l.:: .StS TrO.O pS ~~o~;~n ~~~,the police ~iation. Graded Education Loyaii Halt II~ grabbed t~e rifle. loader! 11 : and h~gan 'hoot in~. WASHI:oiGTO:ol ICPJ - Vice· 1are smarter than we. They have· 1 Const. Christcn;(.n. walkin~ Admiral H. G. Rickover, in an I recognized the full value o( ''I' M h 0 t• .ncarbv with s~t. GCOI ~e \\'alkcr, article IHi:tcn for The Associ- I good education and they are hell· I arc ,. n v·I e n Ian e :ran to the .<ce;1r and W"'- wound S.enegal Cuts Its 11ted Press. says the United bent on giving il to as many of 1erl. States alone among all modern I their youngsters as they can ·11~ marlP his way rlown the democracies has devalued its' coax into taking it." 1 , - . strert to a hotel and 'told room tducational currency. Bt:sT COl\IPARISOS 1 ~l~NTiA~E. La~s !Reutersl- \'ance !~llowmg urgent 1alks. Sat·: s~_1zed th_e capital Aug. ~ 11;hi.le clNk .Tack Fosler 10 rail tliP pn· "\\'e hal·e down. graded the llickover says the best com·• Lo~ahst .hoops _sun.day halted ur~ay mght between Phot1m1 and; Kmg Sa1~ng ~:1thana, pto·\\_cst. lice. lhrn returned to the street high school diploma to a point parison between the Russian and, theJ~ maiCh on ~lenha~e as rev· P~mce Souvanna. , ~rn premier Punc_e Tao_ Somsan- until help arril'ed. Ties With Sudan II here it does not el·en promise IAmerican systems he c.an ma~e : ~luttonary Premier Prmce Son- fhe talks prev~ntcd .~ clash ' ~lh and m?st o.r ~Is caomct werr. t'on't. rhri~Jcn>cn '':a~ H·JHlrl· 11 '.K.\H. SL'Jll'gal 'R<·uleJ·s' - thl' fl'dl'' a! premier. competence in elementary sub- is almost half of Rus£m's chll· : I an.na Phouma .~oved ~o set lie i between the. loyalist fol ces and m ~Ic ro) al ell)' of Lloang Pra ed in satisfactory conrlition in The SJ:clanesc premier nf t !I!' Sudan. now rxrl'ded to tnrn jccts." Rickovcr says, dren, gJ·aduating at 17 after 10' amicably a crJSI~ W~l~h has I the revo_lnhonary armY ~n-, ban~. ho,pita\. .\tali ft>deration .,, '" reh'a.<crl tc11rarrl the (;uin•'a nonuh!Jc Snn­ "\\'itness the many college ars of schooling, do as well- threatened Laos w1th CIVll wnr. , tren~he~ m the evacuated capital Both Gen. Ouan and Capt. ------ from house <JJTc'l and >Pnt iloml' rlar ni~ht hc~(!ll ~1 ~erivs of freshmen who have to take rem· by !he recvrd--as many U.S., The forces, 1 e d by Gen.
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