![Hermann Cohen in Russian History of Philosophy to 100 Years Since Death of Marburg Philosopher](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia In association with Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University Hermann Cohen in Russian history of philosophy To 100 years since death of Marburg philosopher 4 June 5 June 2018 ., Moscow PROGRAMM Of international scientific conference Peoples' Friendship University of Russia Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences International scientific conference Hermann Cohen in Russian history of philosophy To 100 years since death of Marburg philosopher 4 June œ 5 June 2018 ., Moscow Conference program Moscow 2018 Steering committee board 1. Belov V.N., head of depart ent of ontology and theory of knowledge RUDN, Russia œ chair of steering co ittee( 2. Tzvyk V.A., dean of ,aculty of -umanities and .ocial .ciences RUDN, Russia œ co-chair of steering co ittee( 3. 1ank M., professor of Boston University, U.A œ e ber of steering co ittee. 4. 3opchukh 4., professor of institute of philosophy of University 56789:;7<9<= 4ublin, Poland œ e ber of steering co ittee( 5. Gershowitz U., professor of -ebrew University of Jerusale , Israel e ber of steering co ittee( 6. .okuler 1.A., professor of depart ent of ontology and theory of knowledge of philosophic depart ent of MGU, Russia œ secretary of steering co ittee. embers of Program committee 1. D itrieva N.A., .cientific Director I anuel 3ant Baltic ,ederal University, Russia œ chair person of Progra co ittee( 2. Dvorkin I..., professor -ebrew University of Jerusale , Israel œ co-chair of Progra co ittee( 3. Nizhnikov ..A., professor of depart ent of history of philosophy of ,aculty of -u anities and .ocial .ciences RUDN, Russia œ e 2er Progra co ittee( 4. Tetyuyev 4.I., professor of depart ent of ethics and aesthetics of faculty of philosophy of .aratov .tate University, Russia œ e ber Progra co ittee( 5. Rezvykh P.V., candidate of Philological .ciences, docent -igher .chool of Econo ics, Russia œ e ber Progra co ittee( 6. 3ryshtop 4.E., candidate of Philological .ciences, senior lecturer of depart ent of history of philosophy of ,aculty of -u anities and .ocial .ciences RUDN, Russia œ .ecretary Progra co ittee. 4 June 2018 9.00-9.30 œ Registration of participants of Conference 9.30-10.00 œ Greeting 3irabayev N... œ ,irst Vice-Rector, Vice-Rector for Research Tzvyk V.A. œ dean of faculty of -umanities and .ocial .ciences Belov V.N. œ head of depart ent of ontology and theory of knowledge RUDN Plenary eeting I Moderator Frolova E.A. MGU 10.00-10.40 œ Ilya Dvorkin DThe -e2rew University of Jerusale , IsraelE .ources of the Philosophy of Dialogue in -er ann CohenFs thought 10.40-11.20 .okuler 1.A. Correlation as a special type of relation in -. Cohen's religious philosophy and the proble of ritual in the religion of reason. 11.20-11.40 œ Hoffee-2reak 11.40-12.20 œ D itrieva N.A. Moscow, MPGU œ 3aliningrad, I anuel 3ant Baltic ,ederal University. -er ann Cohen about RussiaI view fro Marburg. 12.20-13.00 œ Belov V.N. Moscow, RUDN. -er ann Cohen and Russian philosophy: history of relationship. 13.00-14.00 œ 4unch Section 1 oderator Belov V.N. 14.00-14.30 œ Muhutdinov O.M. Ekaterinburg, U,U. Theory of judge ent of Cohen. 14.30-15.00 œ Gershowitz U. The -e2rew University of Jerusale . -er ann Cohen as interpreter of the .criptures and the Tal ud. 15.00-15.30 œ 3ryshtop 4.E. Moscow, RUDN. Ideal of religion of sense of I. 3ant, M. Mendelson and -. Cohen. 15.30-15.50 œ Coffee-2reak. Section 2 Moderator Kryshtop L.E. 15.50-16.20 œ Dura I. Rumania, Constantsa, Ovidius University. Practice of Neo-3antianis and Advaita. Co parative perspective between -er ann Cohen and .hankara. 16.20-16.50 œ Przhilensky V. I. Moscow, MGUA. Neo-3antianis in .oviet and Post-.oviet jurisprudenceI life under another na e. 16.50-17.20 œ ,rolova E.A. Moscow, MGU. Neo-3antian philosophy of law of P.I. Novgorodtsev and Marxis . 17.20-17.40 œ Coffee-2reak Section 3 Moderator Katrechko S.L. 17.40-18.00 œ Vladi irov P.A. .aratov, .aratov .tate University. Philosophy of V.E. .eze an: the origins of the for ation of the theory of pure knowledge. 18.00-18.20 œ .i akin A.G. Moscow, RUDN. Analysis of philosophical and psychological ideas .. Ru2instein. 18.20-18.40 œ 4ebedeva A.V. Moscow, RUDN. Concept of knowledge of A. Neide ann. 18.40-19.00 œ Tetyuev 4.I. .aratov, .aratov .tate University. -. Cohen 7 E. CassirerI substantiation ethics of 3ant. 5 June 2018 Plenary eeting II Moderator Sokuler Z.A. 9.30-10.10 œ 3opchukh 4., 4u2lin, University of. Marie Curie-.klodowska -er ann Cohen and Nikolai -art an on freedo of will and autono y: historical and odern conteMt 10.10-10.50 œ Tre 2lay ,. 3aliningrad, I anuel 3ant Baltic ,ederal University. Nikolai 4ossky and Nikolai -art ann v. -er ann Cohen and Cohenianis I the dispute about substance and attitude. 10.50-11.10 œ Coffer-break 11.10-11.50 œ Makhlin V.4. Moscow, MPGU. -. Cohen and M. Bakhtin: a2out history of concept. 11.50-12.30 œ Catrechko ..4., Moscow, GAUGN. 3antGs theory of eMperience, transcendental ethod and odern science. 12.30-13.30 œ 4unch Section 4 Moderator Dvorkin I.S. 13.30-14.00 œ 3atsur I. The -e2rew University of Jerusale , Israel. CassirerI correction of Cohen. 14.00-14.30 œ 3ornilaev 4. U. 3aliningrad, I anuel 3ant Baltic ,ederal University. -. Cohen and E. 4askI Ouestion about influence. 14.30-15.00 œ Berdnikova A.U., Chentsova D.A. Moscow, IPh RA. and P.TU. ..4. ,rank. Critical ontology and Neo-3antianis . 15.00-15.20 œ Coffee-2reak Section 5 Moderator Dmitrieva N.A. 15.20-15.50 œ .torcheus N.V. Ryazan, RGU. -er ann Cohen's influence on Russian Baden Neo-3antianis Dbased on aterials of Boris Valentinovich Pakovenko). 15.50-16.20 œ .hiyan A.A. Moscow, RGGU. Pakovenko‘s transcendentalis in philosophical conteMt of his ti eI pheno enology and/or Neo-3antianis . 16.20-16.50 œ Dudyshkin V.A. Moscow, RANEPA. Reception of Neo-3antian philosophy in Russian university environ entI R.I. Vvedensky. 16.50-17.10 œ Coffee-2reak Section 6 Moderator Muhutdinov O.M. 17.10-17.30 œ Nizhnikov ..A. Moscow, RUDN. Neo-3antianis and spiritual science. 17.30-17.50 œ 3oraev G.T. 3aliningrad, I anuel 3ant Baltic ,ederal University. Philosophy of history of M. 3agan and the first philosophy of M. BakhtinI si ilarities and divergences. 17.50-18.10 œ 3aragod U.G. Moscow, RUDN. .ocial ideas of Russian Neo-3antianis . 18.10-18.30 - Muradova E. V. .aint-Petersbourg. The proble s of aesthetics in Neo-3antianis . 18.30-18.50 œ Popov D.N. Paroslavl, ParGU. The urgency of -. CohenFs ideas in solving the proble of Sinco prehensi2le -usserlT. .
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