Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03057-2 - Constructing the Canon of Early Modern Drama Jeremy Lopez Index More information Index Addison, Joseph, 45 Baldwyn, Charles Albright, Evelyn May, 41 Old English Drama, Th e , 10 , 12 , 22–23 , 149 Ancient British Drama (1810), 10 , 28 , 169 Bale, John Anonymous God’s Promises , 8 , 33 Arden of Faversham , 20 , 34 , 49 , 68 , 118 , 156 , Barish, Jonas, 110–13 169 , 170 , 197–205 Barton, Anne, 187 Birth of Merlin, Th e , 74 Baskervill, C. R., et al. Captain Th omas Stukeley , 74 , 170 Elizabethan and Stuart Plays , 8 , 11 , 59 , 169 , 185 Dick of Devonshire , 123–27 , 170 , 200–5 Beaumont, Francis, 45 , 50 , 106 , 109 Fair Em the Miller’s Daughter , 170 Knight of the Burning Pestle, Th e , 19 , 24 , 34 , Fair Maid of Bristow, Th e , 74 , 95–99 , 170 , 74–78 , 118 , 184 , 200–5 200–5 Beauties of Massinger (1817), 47 Famous Victories of Henry V, Th e , 170 Beauties of the English Stage (1737, 1777). First Part of Jeronimo, Th e , 72 See Th esaurus Dramaticus (1724) George a Green , 8 , 33 Bednarz, James, 191 Guy of Warwick , 155 , 170–72 , 200–5 Bell’s British Th eatre , 14 How a Man May Choose a Good Wife from a Bentley, Eric, 155 Bad , 22 Bentley, G. E., 188 Jack Straw , 74 , 169 Development of English Drama, Th e , 15 Knack to Know a Knave, A , 169 Berkeley, William Larum for London, A , 32 Lost Lady, Th e , 32 Locrine , 119 Betterton, Th omas London Prodigal, Th e , 170 Match in Newgate, A , 31 Look About You , 32 , 78–82 , 169 , 200–5 Bevington, David, 193 Lust’s Dominion , 6 Bevis, Richard, 153 Merry Devil of Edmonton, Th e , 33 , 169 , 170 Blackwell Anthology of Renaissance Drama . Mucedorus , 49 , 74 , 117 , 118 , 169 See Renaissance Drama: An Anthology of New Custom , 8 , 33 Plays and Entertainments Nobody and Somebody , 74 , 170 Blew, W. J. Revenger’s Tragedy, Th e , 33 , 158 , 169 , 182 Queen Mary: Two Old Plays by Dekker and Second Maiden’s Tragedy, Th e , 22 , 169 Webster and Th omas Heywood , 16 Swetnam the Woman Hater , 170 Brome, Richard, 32 , 85 Th racian Wonder, Th e , 6 Jovial Crew, A , 3 , 8 , 34 , 48 Tragedy of Nero, Th e , 68–72 , 169 , 200–5 Brooke, C. F. Tucker and Nathaniel Burton Warning for Fair Women, A , 74 , 170 Paradise Wasp, Th e , 170 English Drama, 1580–1642 , 4 , 11 , 29 , 48 , 82 Wisdom of Dr. Dodypoll, Th e , 74 Brown, Arthur, 173 Yorkshire Tragedy, A , 118 Bullen, A. H. Arden Early Modern Drama series, 42 Old Plays , 3 , 10 , 22 , 23 , 47 , 49 , 53 , 68–72 Astington, John, 97 Burelbach, Frederick M., Jr., 129 Auchter, Dorothy, 41 Butler, Martin, 187 226 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03057-2 - Constructing the Canon of Early Modern Drama Jeremy Lopez Index More information Index 227 Capell, Edward Cooke, John School of Shakespeare , 32 Greene’s Tu Quoque , 31 , 33 Cartwright, William Cooper, Helen, 172 Ordinary, Th e , 33 Cormack, Bradin, 142 Cauthen, Irby B., 191 Cotgrave, John Chandler, W. K., 131 English Treasury of Wit and Language, Th e , Chapman, George, 5 , 9 , 46 , 132–36 45 , 173 All Fools , 34 , 135 Cowley, Abraham Blind Beggar of Alexandria, Th e , 80 , 133 , 134 Cutter of Coleman Street, Th e , 32 Bussy D’Ambois , 43 , 48 , 135 Cromwell, Otelia, 166 Caesar and Pompey , 135 Cruikshank, Robert, 206–7 Gentleman Usher, Th e , 132 , 135 Cumberland’s British Th eatre , 14 Humorous Day’s Mirth, An , 134 May Day , 135 Darby, T. L., 25–26 , 59 Monsieur D’Olive , 6 , 32 , 135 , 157–61 , 200–5 Davenant, William, 45 , 190 Sir Giles Goosecap , 32 , 135–36 , 200–5 Th e Wits , 34 Tragedy of Chabot, Admiral of France, Th e , 135 Davenport, Robert Tragedy of Charles Duke of Byron, Th e , 133 City Night Cap, Th e , 33 Widow’s Tears, Th e , 34 , 135 Day, John Chester, Alan Griffi th, 188 Humour Out of Breath , 63 Clare, Janet, 41 Parliament of Bees, Th e , 63 Clark, A. M., 166 with William Rowley and George Wilkins Clark, Ira, 186 Travels of Th ree English Brothers, Th e , 74 Collier, John Payne, 9 , 10 , 11 , 28 , 32 , 39 , 47 , 63 , Dekker, Th omas, 5 , 24 , 103–6 67 , 72–74 Honest Whore, Th e, Part 1 , 24 , 34 , 48 , 72 , 103 , Complete Works editions 105 , 117 Beaumont and Fletcher (Cambridge Honest Whore, Th e, Part 2 , 24 , 34 , 72 , 105 , 106 1966–96), 137–39 If Th is Be Not a Good Play, the Devil is in It , Chapman (ed. Holaday, 1970–87), 132–36 74 , 103 , 106 Chapman (ed. Shepherd, 1874), 133 Match Me in London , 106 Chapman (ed. T. M. Parrott, 1910–14), 134 Noble Spanish Soldier, Th e , 24 , 105 , 106 Dekker (Cambridge 1953–61), 103–6 Old Fortunatus , 24 , 38 , 103 , 106 Dekker (ed. Shepherd, 1874), 103 Patient Grissill , 74 , 105 Ford (ed. Weber, 1811), 73 Satiromastix , 47 Ford (Oxford, forthcoming), 139 Shoemaker’s Holiday, Th e , 15 , 20 , 24 , 34 , 74 , Greene (ed. Dyce, 1831), 73 103 , 105 , 129–32 , 200–5 Heywood (ed. Shepherd, 1874), 173 Welsh Embassador, Th e , 105 , 106 Heywood (Oxford, forthcoming), 174 Whore of Babylon, Th e , 103 , 106 Jonson (Cambridge 2013), 134 with John Ford and William Rowley Jonson (ed. Hereford and Simpson, Witch of Edmonton, Th e , 106 1925–52), 134 with John Webster Jonson (Oxford 1981), 134 Northward Ho , 21 , 32 , 105 , 127–29 , 156 , Marlowe (Cambridge 1930), 134 161–64 , 194–97 , 200–5 Marlowe (ed. Oxberry, 1818), 73 Sir Th omas Wyatt , 16 Marston (ed. H. H. Wood, 1934–39), 173 Westward Ho , 32 , 36–39 , 105 , 200–5 Massinger (ed. Coxeter, 1761), 73 with Philip Massinger Massinger (Oxford 1976), 134 , 185 Virgin Martyr, Th e , 24 , 106 Middleton (Oxford 2007), 17 , 134 Wonder of a Kingdom, Th e , 106 Peele (ed. Dyce, 1828), 73 Digby, George Peele (Yale 1979), 134 Elvira , 31 , 33 Shirley (ed. Giff ord, 1833), 73 Digital Renaissance Editions, 156 Webster (Cambridge 1995–2007), 134 Dilke, C. W. Webster (ed. Dyce, 1830), 73 Old Plays , 4–6 , 9 , 10 , 23 Webster (Oxford 1937), 134 Dodd, William Congreve, William, 45 Beauties of Shakespeare , 46 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03057-2 - Constructing the Canon of Early Modern Drama Jeremy Lopez Index More information 228 Index Dodsley, Robert, 3 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 21 , 27 , 31–35 , Ford, John (?) 37 , 39 , 40 , 47 , 59–62 , 66 , 83 , 89 , 168 Laws of Candy, Th e . See Fletcher, John, Laws Donovan, Th omas of Candy, Th e English Historical Plays , 16 Fraser, Russell and Norman Rabkin Dryden, John, 45 Drama of the English Renaissance , 4 , 8 , 9 , 11 , Duncan-Jones, Katherine, 41 29–30 , 59 , 66 , 78 , 169 Dunn, T. A., 185 Gammer Gurton’s Needle , 8 , 23 , 28 , 29 , 33 Edwards, Philip, 186 , 191 Garland Renaissance Drama Series, 15 Edwards, Richard Gascoigne, George Damon and Pithias , 8 , 33 Supposes , 29 Eliot, T. S., 24 Gasper, Julia, 103 Ellis, Havelock, 3 , 11 , 14 , 48 , 50 , 52 , 63 Gayley, C. M. Erne, Lukas, 62 Representative English Comedies , 16 Eversole, Richard, 97 Geckle, George L., 192 Gerould, Daniel, 154 Falkland, Henry Cary Gill, Roma, 185 Marriage Night, Th e , 32 Glapthorne, Henry Farmer, J. S., 15 Lady’s Privilege, Th e , 22 Farmer, Richard Greenberg, Marissa, 179 Essay on the Learning of Shakespeare, An , 27 Greene, Robert Ferry, Anne, 154 Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay , 12 , 33 , 34 , 73–74 Field, Nathan Orlando Furioso , 74 Amends for Ladies , 63 Selimus , 15 Woman is a Weathercock, A , 63 Greg, W. W., 179 , 181 Finkelpearl, Philip J., 75 , 76 , 191 Greville, Fulke Fisher, Jasper Mustapha , 31 Fuimus Troies , 33 Guillory, John, 120 Fisher, Will, 61 Fletcher, John, 9 , 12 , 45 , 50 Habington, William Faithful Shepherdess, Th e , 119 Queen of Aragon, Th e , 33 Laws of Candy, Th e , 95 , 137–39 , 200–5 Harbage, Alfred, 24 , 75–76 Mad Lover, Th e , 106–9 , 147 , 200–5 Annals of English Drama , 117–20 , 168 Rollo, Duke of Normandy , 113–16 , 200–5 Harrier, Richard C. Wild Goose Chase, Th e , 15 , 48 , 82 Anthology of Jacobean Drama , 16 Wit without Money , 146–49 , 200–5 Haughton, William with Francis Beaumont Englishmen for my Money , 23 , 41 Maid’s Tragedy, Th e , 35 , 49 , 107 Grim the Collier of Croyden , 22 , 33 , 169 Philaster , 34 , 117 Hawkins, Th omas with Nathan Field Origin of the English Drama, Th e , 10 , 27–28 Four Plays in One , 182–84 , 200–5 Hazlitt, William Carew, 8 , 10 , 28 , 32 , 39 , 47 , 50 , with Nathan Field and Philip Massinger 63–64 , 67 , 89 , 169 , 188 Queen of Corinth, Th e , 143–46 , Helms, Lorraine, 152 200–5 Heywood, John with Philip Massinger Four PP, Th e , 8 , 29 , 33 Custom of the Country, Th e , 17 , 21 , 24–27 , Heywood, Th omas, 173–75 56–59 , 86–88 , 155 , 200–5 Age plays, Th e, 173 , 175 Woman’s Prize, Th e , 49 Apology for Actors , 27 Ford, John, 50 Captives, Th e , 23 , 175 Broken Heart, Th e , 43 Edward IV, Parts 1 and 2 , 173 Fancies Chaste and Noble, Th e , 32 , 176–78 , English Traveller, Th e , 174 200–5 Escapes of Jupiter, Th e , 175 , 200–5 Perkin Warbeck , 78 Fair Maid of the Exchange, Th e , 74 , 174 ’Tis Pity She’s a Whore , 9 , 21 , 34 , 86 , 93 , Fair Maid of the West, Th e, Parts 1 and 2 , 173 176–78 , 181 , 190 , 200–5 Fortune by Land and Sea , 174 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03057-2 - Constructing the Canon of Early Modern Drama Jeremy Lopez Index More information Index 229 Four Prentices of London, Th e , 34 Spanish Tragedy, Th e , 19 , 20 , 27–30 , 33 , 34 , 48 , If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody, Parts 1 49 , 72 , 82 , 85–86 , 93 , 156 , 184 , 200–5 and 2 , 16 , 74 , 173 Maidenhead Well Lost, A , 74 Lamb, Charles, 3 , 7 , 22 , 36–39 , 40 , 47 , 63 , 89 , Rape of Lucrece, Th e , 19 , 22 , 118 , 149–53 , 155 , 165 , 173 164 , 167 , 175 , 200–5 Lange, Alexis F., 131 Royal King and Loyal Subject, Th e , 6 Leggatt, Alexander, 110–13 with Richard Brome Lodge, Th omas Late Lancashire Witches, Th e , 74 with Robert Greene Woman Killed with Kindness, A , 20 , 24 , 34 , Wounds of Civil War, Th e , 73 49 , 156 , 164–68 , 173 , 200–5 Longman Anthology of British Literature, Th e , 153 Hogan, A.
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