1957 TIll' LepidopteristJ' News 63 RECENT LITERATURE ON LEPIDOPTERA (Cnder the supervision of PETER F. BELLINGER) Under this heading are included abstracts of papers anel books of interest to lepi­ dopterists. The world's literature is searched systematically, and it is intended that eve ry work on Lepidoptera published after 1946 will be floticed here; omissions of papers more than 3 or 4 years old should he called to Dr. BELLINGER'S attention. New genera and higher categories a re shown in CAPITALS, with types in parentheses; new species and subspecies are noted, with type localities if given in print. Larval foodplants are usually listed. Critical comments by abstractors may he made. Papers of only local interest and papers from The Lepidopterists' News are listed without abstract. Readers, particularly outside of Nortb America, interested in assisting with this very large task, are invited to write Dr. BELLI NGE R (Osborn Zoological Lah., Yale University, New Haven 11, Coon., U.S.A.) Abstractors' initia ls are as follows: [P.B.] - P. F. BELLINGER; [I. C.] I. F. B. COMMON ; [W. C.] - W. C. COOK; [A. D.] - A. DIAKONOFF; [W. H.] - W. HACKMAN; [J. M.] - J. MOUCHA; [E. M.l - E. G. MUNROE; [N.O.] - N. S. OBRAZTSOV; [C. R] - C. L. REMINGTON; [J.1'.] - J. W. TILnEN; [Po V.] - P. E. L. VIETTE. B. SYSTEMATICS AND NOMENCLATURE Adamczewski, Stanislaw, "Notes all the plume-moths, II. Capperia trirhodactyla (Dennis ct Schiffermiiller) 1775, in Poland (Lep., Alucitida:)" [in Polish; English summary]. Bull. E1I1. Pologlle, vol. 18: pp. 142-155. 1948. Gives the :>ynonymy of C. trichodac­ tyla (=Oxyptiius leonllri, =0. affillis). In Central Europe two generations are re­ corded. The host-plant is Leoflurlls cardiaca L. [J.M.] Adamczewski, Stanislaw. "Supplements and rectifications to the lepidopterological fauna of Poland, II" [in Polish; English summary]. Bull. Ellt. Poiogne, vol. 20: pp. 75-93. 1950. Discusses a number of faunistic papers; 3 spp. are new for Poland. New syn­ onymy: Sedina biittlleri (= Rhizedra lutosa ah. ru/o'Vellosa) ; 2 forms of Phragma­ tollia /Illiginosa also synonymized. [J. M.] Agenjo, Ramon, Fa1l1l1lia lepidopterol6gica almeriense. 370 pp., 24 pI s., 35 maps. Ma­ ,hid: Consejo Sup. Invest. Cient. 16 June 1952. Lepidoptera of the province of Al­ meria, in southeastern Spain. Desc ribes as new: (Tineida:) RElSSERITIl (type TillNl haasi); SURPF.NTIlGONIl (type Tinea ligurielia); CRIlSSICORNELLIl (type Tineola crassirornella); (Eupistida:) Eupista horatioella (Almeria); (Scythri­ dida:) Rryophaga abell-hllJlleya (l.alljar de Andarax, Almeria; (Gelechiida:) UN­ CUSTRlDONTIl (type Ilristote/ia trillotpllus ) ; (Tonricida:) Bartra lIIediterrallea (Canada de San Urbano, Almeria); (Crambida:) Cramlms lIIelldizabali (Adra, Al­ meria); (Pyraustida:) Cybalolllia rruue (Almeria); Ilnollia (ZEIlPflIlGUS) (type Pyrallsta nubilaiis); Boreophila (subg. I1IlRPIlDlSPIlR \ (type Bolys diffllsalis); (Geometrida:) COSTIlCONVEXIl (type Xanthorhoe polygra1ll1l1ata); IlLMERlll (type Cidaria kalischata) ; RHODOMETRlN/E; CASlLDIl (type Rhodometra an­ thophilaria rOllsecraria); Sterrha llreitalla (Almeria), S. herhllioti (Almeria); also several "forms". [See review in Lepid. News, vol. 9: p. 160] [Po B.] Alberti, Burchard, "Zur Stammesgeschichte lind Systematik del' Zyga:nini (Lep. Zyga:ni­ da:)" [in Cerman]' Delltsrhe Ellt. Zeits., N. F., vol. 2: Pl'. 301-321, 5 pIs. 15 Nov. 1955. Summarizes in part the conclusions of his monographic paper on the Zyga:nida: (1955). Lists genera of ZygiEnini, with revised definitions and (except for Zygama) lists of supp. Redefines EpizygtPlla, basing its distinction from Zygama on the 6 genitalia. Discusses at length the <;' genitalia in ZygtPlla; also surveys the variation in number of hind tibial spurs in this genus. Suhgeneric divisions in ZygtPlla cannot yet be exactly defined. [Po E.] Alberti, Burchard, "Zur Aufrecht-Frage von Zygama trallsalj\illa Esp., a1lgeliuI! O. und elegans Bgff. (Lep. Zyga:nida:)" [in German]' Deutsrhe Ellt. Zeits., N.F., vol. 3: pp. 91-96, 2 figs. 15 April 1956. On the basis of genital morphology regards first two as distinct, at least as 'semispecies'; doubts that ~Irgalls is ;;pecifically separable from angeli(",. [Po B.] 64 Recent Literature on Lepidoptera Vo1.11: nos.1-3 Amsel, H. G., "Eine neue maltcsische H011la:oso11la-Art (Lepidoptera: Pyralidx)" [In German]. Mitt. Miinchner En!. Ges., vol. 41: pp. 248-250, 2 fig;;. 1 Aug. 1951. Des­ cribes as new H. valle/t<£ (Malta). [Po B.] Amsel, H. G., "Two new Micro-Lepidoptera from Malta." Entomologist, vol. 85: pp. 172-174, 5 figs. [20] Aug. 1952. Describes as new (Egoconia deiucrai (Salina); A pale11la /ascinata 11lelitensis (Malta). Raises A. /ascinata var. 'impunctella' to specific rank. [Po B.] Amsel, H. G., "Ueber einige von Hampson beschriebene palaarktiiche Pyraliden (Lepi­ doptera: Pyralidx)" l in German]. Mitt. Miinrhnrr Ent. Ges., vol. 42: pp. 40-70, 46 figs. 15 Nov. 1952. Describes as new MIlRDINlll (type Stenia ferrealis); TRl­ GONUNGUS (type Gybalolllia inglorialis); NIlMIlNG//NIA' (type Diasell/ia /(e­ lalis); DUZULLIl (type Plzlyct<£nodes suhhyalinalis). Study of type material of 35 spp. describes by Hampson (1900). Selects neotype for Talis pallidalis (type des­ troyed). Transfers Ag/ossa pulvereaiis to Ilgriope; Constantia /eu(ographalis to Ma(­ roc/onia, C. persinualis & G. canifusalis to Dattinia; Pionea albestentalis to Clzo/ius; Stenia nervosalis to Ilrnia; Phiyct<£nodes rhabdalis to Loxostege; Pyrausta russulata­ lis to Evergestis; Noc/uelia armatalis to Evergesfis; Pyrausto cati/aa/is to Pionea; Pionea vpslalis to Emprepes; Tegostollla paralis to /Eschremon. More or less exten­ sive redescriptions; ;!; genitalia of many spp. figured. [Po B.J Amsel, H. G., & J. Klimesch, "Eine neue deutsche, Hummclnester bewohnende Moodna­ Art (Lepidoptera: Pyralidx)" [in German]. Mitt. Miinchuer Ent. Ges., vol. 44/45: pp. 486-491, 1 pI., 7 figs. 1 Aug. 1955. Describes as new M. bombylieo/ella (Ham­ burg; reared from nest of Bombus hypnorulIl) ; describes setal pattern and other char­ acters of larva. [Po E.J Aubert, J. F., "Revision preIiminaire des geometrides Calostigia Eb. (Cidaria anct.) du groupe de C. auslriacaria H.S." [in French]. Rev. frauc Lipid., vol. 15: pp. 107-133, 118 figs., 3 pIs. 25 May 1956. This paper is largely a translation of the same article published, with the collaboration of R. Loberbauer, in Zeits. W ieller Ent. Ges., vol. 40 (1955). [Po V.J Benander, P., "Phalonia Ira/vellfelti n. sp. (Lep. Tortr.)" [in German]. Opllsr. Ent., vol. 14: p. 48, 2 figs. 25 May 1949. Type locality Listerland"t Peninsula, Blekinge, Sweden. [Po I3.J Bennett, N. H., "Two new species of Lycxnidx from South East Africa.", vol. 87: pp. 170-173,2 figs. '·Aug." [29 Sept.] 1954. Describes as new EUTHEGTA, and type E. rooksoni (Dondo Forest, Portuguese E. Africa); Cnodon/es penningtoni (Lobatzi, Cape Prov.). [Po E .] Bennett, N. H., "A new Delias from the central highlands of New Guinea (Lepidop­ tera, Pierid",)." Elltolllologist, vol. 89: pp. 81-R3, 1 pI. April 1956. Describe,; as new D. allaml'sa (above Daulo Pass, Asaro-Chimbu Dividing Range). [Po B.] Berger, L. A., "New forms of Go lias (Lep. Pieridx) collected in Arabia by Major H. St. J. B. Philby, C. 1. E." Entomologist, vol. 86: pp. 171-172. "July" [4 Aug.] 1953. Describes as new C. elerto philhyi (Taif, S. Hejaz) . Names 2 'forms'. [Po R.J Berger, r.. A., "Un Cel,ellorrhinlls nouveau du Congo BeIge (L€pidoptera-Hesperiidx) " [in French]. Mem. Soc. ElIl. Belg., vol. 27: pp. 92-95, 10 Fgs. 1956. Describes as new C. selysi (Belgian Congo) ; species confused with C. boadiCta. [Po V.J Betrem, J. G., & L. L. J. Ossowski, "The nomenclature of Ara",hopsyche Junodi Hey­ laerts (Lepidoptera: Psychidx)." Pror. Roy. Ell/. Soc. Londol/ (lJ), vol 25: pp. 205- 209, 1 fig. 31 Dec. 1956. Describes as new CHllfJOPSlS (as subgenus of Kotorhai­ ia); type A Junodi. Summarizes taxonomic histury and points out differences be­ tween K. junodi and type of //ranthopsyrhe. Sinks Gilaliel/a to K%rhalia. [Po B.J Betz, J,-T., "1\1 eiit<£a aurinia Rott. en Algerie" [in French]. Re'o. franc. Lipid., vol. 15: pp. 143-144, 1 double pI. Nov. 1956. Note on M. aurillia in North Africa; describes as new M. a. barrague;. On the beautiful plate the generic name and one author's name do not agree with those in the text, and one author's name is omitted. Series of Eaphydryas a. barraguei, E. des/onlainii, and E. d. gibrali are figured. [Po V.] Elackie, J. E. H., "The generic name M esoacidalia Reuss (Lep., Geometridx)." Ento­ mologist, vol. 86: p. 190. " Aug." [14 Sept.J 1953. Object';, unfortunately without "legal" grounds, to use of this unhappy name for a fritillary. [Po E.] BleszYllski, Stanislaw, "Studies of the genus Crambus F. (Lepidoptera-Crambidx)" [in Polish; Russian and English summaries]. Bull. Hut. Polognt, vol. 21: pp. 61-101, 19 pis. 1951. Important study about the systematics of Crambidx. The ;!; and 'i? geni­ talia of many spp. are studied. [J. M.] 1957 The Lepidopterists' News 65 Bleszynski, Stanislaw, "Studies on the Crambid~. Part VII. Studies on the European species of the "Pediasia fascellinella" Hbll.-group" [in English; Russian and Polish summaries]. Bull. Ent. Polagne, vol. 22: pp. 140-169,65 fig,; . 1952. Describes as new: P. adamruwskii (Guberii, Ural Mts.); P. sareptella (Sarepta, S. Russia) ; P. hubn­ er; (Sarepta); P. soffnrri (Gorlowka, S. Russia). All new spp. and genitalia are figured. [J. M.] Boursin, Charles, "A new Maltese subspecies of Leucania puirescens Hubner. (Contri­ bution to the study of the (Agrotida:-Trifin~', LllI)." Entomologist, vol. 85: pp. 132- 135,2 figs. [11] June 1952. Describes as new L. p. 'Vallett"i (Malta). Compares t genitalia of L. pllirescens and L. punc/osa. [Po B.] Boursin, Cb., "Description d'lln nouveau genre palca"ctique (LeI'. Phal. Zenobiin~) (note pr<'liminaire)" [in French]. Bull. menS. Soc. Linn. Lyon, vol. 25: PI'. 124-125. May 1956. Describes as new PSEUDENIlRGIA (type s~'ecies regina Stgr.) New genus contains also basil iss a Brdt.

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