Missouri University of Science and Technology Scholars' Mine Geosciences and Geological and Petroleum Geosciences and Geological and Petroleum Engineering Faculty Research & Creative Works Engineering 01 Aug 1994 Asymmetric Upwarp of the Asthenosphere beneath the Baikal Rift Zone, Siberia Stephen S. Gao Missouri University of Science and Technology, [email protected] Paul M. Davis Kelly H. Liu Missouri University of Science and Technology, [email protected] Philip D. Slack et. al. For a complete list of authors, see https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/geosci_geo_peteng_facwork/95 Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/geosci_geo_peteng_facwork Part of the Geology Commons Recommended Citation S. S. Gao et al., "Asymmetric Upwarp of the Asthenosphere beneath the Baikal Rift Zone, Siberia," Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 99, no. B8, pp. 15319-15330, American Geophysical Union (AGU), Aug 1994. The definitive version is available at https://doi.org/10.1029/94JB00808 This Article - Journal is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars' Mine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Geosciences and Geological and Petroleum Engineering Faculty Research & Creative Works by an authorized administrator of Scholars' Mine. This work is protected by U. S. Copyright Law. Unauthorized use including reproduction for redistribution requires the permission of the copyright holder. For more information, please contact [email protected]. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 99, NO. B8, PAGES 15,319-15,330, AUGUST 10, 1994 Asymmetric upwarp of the asthenosphere beneath the Baikal rift zone, Siberia S. Gao,1 P. M. Davis,1 H. Liu,1 P. D. Slack,1 Y. A. Zorin,2 N. A. Logatchev,2 M. Kogan,3 P. D. Burkholder,4 and R. P. Meyer4 Abstract* In the summer of 1991 we installed 27 seismic stations about lake Baikal, Siberia, aimed at obtaining accurately timed digital seismic data to investigate the deep structure and geodynamics of the Baikal rift zone and adjacent regions. Sixty- six teleseismic events with high signal-to-noise ratio were recorded. Travel time and Q analysis of teleseisms characterize an upwarp of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary under Baikal. Theoretical arrival times were calculated by using the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s interior 1991 Earth model, and travel time residuals were found by subtracting computed arrival times from observed ones. A three-dimensional downward projection inversion method is used to invert the P wave velocity structure with constraints from deep seismic sounding data. Our results suggest that (1) the lithosphere-asthenosphere transition upwarps beneath the rift zone, (2) the upwarp has an asymmetric shape, (3) the velocity contrast is —4.9% in the asthenosphere, (4) the density contrast is —0.6%, and (5) the P wave attenuation contrast t* is 0.1 s. Introduction has proved to be enigmatic. In the plate tectonic scheme the continents are undeformable blocks making up part The deepest lakes in the world occur in continental of the interiors of plates. Plates grow at mid-ocean rift zones. The deepest of all, Lake Baikal, which con­ ridges and shrink as they are consumed at subduction tains 20% of the world’s fresh water, is in the Baikal zones. The relative immobility of hotspot traces has rift zone located in East Siberia. The second deepest led to the view that plates slide horizontally over a pas­ lake is Tanganyika, within the East African rift sys­ sive, effectively stationary asthenosphere. However, the tem. The Baikal rift zone separates the Siberian craton continents are not undeformable blocks. They extend at to the north and northwest from the Sayan-Baikal fold rift zones, such as the basin and range province of North belt to the south and southeast. Here we report results America, and shorten in mountain regions such as the from a seismic array study in this region, designed to Tibet and Tianshan systems. Nor is the asthenosphere probe the mantle beneath lake Baikal and compare this stationary and passive. Hotspot traces give evidence of rift with the East African rift [Dahlheim et al, 1989; vertical flow in the asthenosphere which breaks through Davis, 1991; Halderman and Davis, 1991; Green et al., the lithosphere. An upward flow in the asthenosphere 1991], the Rio Grande rift [Davis et al, 1984; Parker beneath Lake Baikal has been proposed as responsible et a l, 1984; Davis, 1991], and the Rhine graben [Glahn for the rifting. Our experiment was designed to ex­ and Granet, 1992]. amine this possibility. We find that the lithosphere- Plate tectonics has provided a framework for under­ asthenosphere transition upwarps beneath the rift zone, standing oceanic geology. However, continental geology similar to our results from the Gregory rift of the East African rift system. The Baikal rift zone of Siberia lies along the junc­ 1 Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Cali­ tion of the stable Siberian craton and the Sayan-Baikal fornia, Los Angeles. mobile fold belt. The 1500 km en echelon system of rift depressions is the most seismically active continen­ 2Institute of the Earth’s Crust, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia. tal rift in the world [Golenetsky and Misharina, 1978; Golenetsky, 1990]. During the past 270 years, 13 earth­ 3 Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sci­ quakes with magnitude larger than 6.5 have occurred ences, Moscow, Russia. within the area [Doser, 1991]. As well as containing 4 Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wis­ water over 1620 m deep, the graben forming the lake is consin, Madison. filled with sediments up to 6 km deep [Zorin, 1971; Lo­ gatchev and Florensov, 1978]. It is a region of high heat Copyright 1994 by the American Geophysical Union. flow: 75-120 m W /m 2 compared to 38-42 m W /m 2 on the Paper number 94JB00808. Siberian platform and 40-60 m W /m 2 on the fold belts 0148-0227/94/94JB-00808$05.00 [Lubimova, 1969; Morgan, 1982; Lysak, 1984]. Magne- 15,319 15,320 GAO ET AL.: BAIKAL RIFT ASYMMETRIC ASTHENOSPHERE UPWARP totelluric studies delineate a zone of high electrical con­ thinned to the thickness of the crust, while others be­ ductivity in the depth range 75-90 km beneath the rift lieve it is much deeper [Logatchev and Zorin, 1987; Za- and 180-200 km beneath the adjacent regions [Gornos- marayev and Ruzhich, 1978; Zorin et al., 1989; Popov, taiev et al, 1970; Popov, 1990], 1990]. The purpose of this study is to use accurately Estimates of total horizontal extension across the rift timed teleseismic signals to investigate the velocity con­ range from 10 km [Logatchev and Florensov, 1978] to trast and geometry of the lithosphere-asthenosphere 20 km [Zorin and Cordell, 1991]. Gravity anomalies boundary beneath the area. and deep seismic soundings (DSS) reveal that crustal The teleseismic P wave method for investigating crust­ thickness increases from 34-35 km beneath the rift axis al and upper mantle structure has been employed widely to 42-46 km beneath the adjacent margins [Zorin et in continental rift zones [Davis, 1991; Davis et al., 1984; al., 1989]. Compressional wave velocity in the crust is Parker et al., 1984; Dahlheim et al., 1989; Halderman 6.4 km/s, based upon deep seismic soundings. In the and Davis, 1991; Green et al., 1991; Glahn and Granet, upper mantle it is 7.7 km/s beneath the rift zone but 1992]. The method consists of timing P wave arrivals 8.1-8.2 km /s beneath the adjacent p\aXiotm[Puzyrev et from distant earthquakes and comparing observed ar­ a/., 1978]. rival times with those expected for a laterally homoge­ There are indications from seismic, gravity, and mag- neous Earth model. The residuals are then explained netotelluric studies that the asthenosphere upwarps be­ in terms of local three-dimensional heterogeneity in the neath the Baikal rift, relative to adjacent regions. How­ velocity field. Given enough angles of incidence and az­ ever, the size and shape of this upwarp are not well imuths of incoming rays to the observational network, known. Some argue that the peak of the asthenospheric the residual pattern can be used in a linearized inver­ diapir reaches the Moho, that is, that the lithosphere is sion to determine velocity variations. The teleseismic Figure 1. Map showing station locations of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), University of Wisconsin, Madison (UW), and Russian Academy of Sciences Baikal 1991 Seismic Array Study Project. All 27 stations were equipped with 1-Hz three-dimensional sensors and five of the stations were cosited with broadband sensors (four Guralp CMG-3V vertical sensors and one STS2 three-component sensor). The network ran from early July to early October, 1991. Sixty-six teleseismic events with high signal-to-noise ratio were recorded. Circles are UCLA Reftek stations among which the solid circles were cosited with broadband sensors; squares are UW stations. GAO ET AL.: BAIKAL RIFT ASYMMETRIC ASTHENOSPHERE UPWARP 15,321 Table 1. The 1991 Baikal Rift Project Station method is probably the most effective approach to in­ Information vestigate heterogeneous structure of the upper mantle. Station Coordinates Elevation, Sensor Latitude, Longitude, m Data and Method °N °E In the summer of 1991, we installed 27 seismic sta­ 01 53.620 102.645 550 L4C, tions about Lake Baikal (10 Program for Array Seismic Guralp 02 53.246 103.767 468 L4C Studies of the Continental Lithosphere Reftek recorders 03 52.984 104.714 610 L4C and 17 University of Wisconsin, Madison, recorders) 04 53.034 105.648 820 L4C (Figure 1 and Table 1). The array was quasi-linear, 05 52.767 106.345 910 L4C, with limited breadth near the lake.
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