Jumb. 56. 2215 SUPPLEMENT •ro THR NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, JlJLY 12, 1928. .. ' '· ~.ubli~1tb; by '.aut~orit» . :.Ji: WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1928. Tenders for lnl,and Mail-service Contracts-South Isla.nd, 11. Blumine Island, Onauku, Otanerau, Greensill, Whare­ 1929-31. hunga, and Kilmarnock, weekly. (Contractor to take 1 delivery of mails off Blumine Island from mail launch General Post Office, proceeding from Picton to Resolution Bay.) Wellington, 9th July, 1928. 12. Canvastown and Deep Creek, twice weekly. EALED tenders will be received at the several Chief 13. Havelock, .Brightlands, Elaine Bay, Waitata Bay, Bulwer, S Post-offices in the South Island until noon on Thursday, Port L1gar, Forsyth Island, Wakatahuri, Te Puru, the 23rd August, 1928, for the conveyance of mails between Okoba, Anakoha, Titirangi, Pohuenui, Waimaru, Clova the undermentioned places, for a period of THREE YEARS, Bay, Manaroa, Hopai, Eli Bay, Crail Bay, Taranui, from the 1st January, 1929 :- Homewood, and Havelock, twice weekly. (Alternative to Nos. 14 and 25.) POSTAL DlsTRIOT OF BLENHEIM. 14. Havelock, Brightlands, Elaine Bay, Te Towaka, Waitata 1. Blenheim Chief Post-office, delivery of parcels and post­ Bay, Bulwer, Port Ligar, Forsyth Island, Wakatahuri, men's bags, as required. Te Puru, Okoha, Anakoha, Titirangi, Pohuenui 2. Blenheim, Jordan, and Molesworth, weekly. B~trix Bay,. Waimaru, Clova Bay, Manaroa, Hopai: 3. Blenheim and Netherwood (private-bag delivery), twice Eh Bay, Crail Bay, Taranui, Homewood, and Have­ weekly. lock, twice weekly. (Alternative to Nos. 13 and 25.) 4. Blenheim and Omaka, along Maxwell Road, over Taylor 15. Havelock, Broughton Bay, Portage, Kenepuru Head, River-bed, New Renwick Road to Fairhall Valley, Waitaria Bay, and St. Omer, twice weekly. (Alter­ back t-0 the Omaka Settlement, Dove Point Road, native to No. 26.) to Middle Renwick Road, Jordan Cross, and old Ren­ 16. Havelock, Brownlees, Ohingaroa, Mahau, Nikau Bay, wick Roe.ds (rural delivery), thrice weekly. Tamure, Yncyca Bay, South East Bay, Te Rawa, 5. Blenheim, Onamalutu, Fe.hie.n's Ve.Hey, Pine Ve.Hey, e.nd Tira Ora, Hamilton's, The Reef, Nydia Bay, Maori Te Rou, twice weekly. Bay, Wells, Pinohia, Whatanihi, and Havelock, twice 6. Blenheim Railway-station, vessels in ri•er, e.nd Chief Post. weekly. office, as required. 17. Havelock, Mahakipawa, Grove, and Grove Wharf (with 7. (a) Blenheim, Renwicktown, Waihope.i, We.irau Ve.lley, extra trip between Mabakipawa and Grove Wharf Hillersden, and Birch Hill, thrice weekly. when morning service connects with Wellington (b) Birch Hill and Bre.nch River, twice weekly. steamer at Picton), thrice weekly. 8. Blenheim, Robin Hood Be.y, Ocean Bay, Hake.he.ke., 18. (a) Picton, Cannibal Cove, and Anakakata (private-bag Whe.nge.taura, e.nd He.kane., weekly. delivery), weekly. 9. Blenheim, Seddon, Ward, Kekerangu, Clarence Bridge, (b) Anakakata and Port Gore (private-bag delivery) Me.ngamaunu, Hapuka Schoolhouse, e.nd Ke.ikoure., fortnightly. ' daily. (Alterna.tive to No. 10.) 19. Picton, Golden Point, Dryden's Bay, Pukekoikoi, En. 10. Blenheim, Seddon, We.rd, Kekerangu, Cle.rence Bridge, deavour Inlet, and Resolution Bay, weekly. Mangame.unu, Hapuku Schoolhouse, Ke.ikoure., Con­ 20. Picton, Maraetai Bay, Onapua, Redheugh, Dacre's Bay, we.y Fingerpost, Hundalee, Oe.ro, and Parne.BBUs, Te Pangu, and Te Awaiti, weekly. daily. (Alternative to No. 9 and No. 50, Christchurch 21. Picton and Portage, twice weekly. (Alternative to No. District.) 22.) 2216 a1HE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 56 22. Picton and Portage, four times weekly (two".of the four Roads; to Bonnington's Corner, up Wilsons Road trips per week to be made to connect Pelorus Sounds sixty chains; thence to Page's Corner and back mails with Picton). (.Alternative to No. 21.) along Buttericks, Township, Denshires, Le Bretons, 23. Picton Railway-station, wharves, and Post-office (including and Buckleys Roads to Bruce's Corner; thence pa.st the landing and shipping of transit mails at Picton Seafield, Newland, and Hoattens, round Elgin block Wharf), as required. to Wa.kanui Road to Ashburton (rural delivery), daily. 24. Picton, Teranui, and Grove Wharf, thrice weekly. 11. Ashburton Railway-station and Post-office, as required 25. Portage, Brightlands, Elaine Bay, Wa.itata Bay, Bulwer, (up to six trips daily). Port Ligar, Forsyth Island, Wakatahuri, Te Puru, 12. Aylesbury-Greendale: Aylesbury to Cha.ring Cross, Okoha, Anakoba, Titirangi, Pohuenui, We.imam, Clove. thence via. Ridgens to Greendale ; thence via. Adams, Bay, Manaroa, Hopai, Eli Bay, Crail Bay, Taranui, Hawkins, and Highfield Roads to Aylesbury (pa.rt Homewood, and Portage, twice weekly. {Alternative rural delivery), daily. to Nos. 13 and 14.) 13, Barris Bay, French Farm, and Wainui, daily. 26. Portage, Kenepuru Head, Waitaria Bay, St. Omer, 14. Chertsey, along Chertsey, Boundary, and Pendarves Broughton Bay, and Portage, twice weekly. {Alter- Roads to Pendarves ; thence along Seaside and Bea.ch native to No. 15.) . Roads to Chertsey (private-bag delivery), daily. 27. Spring Creek and Rapa.ura, daily. 15. Cheviot-Spotswood : Cheviot, through Mina, thence one mile a.long Munro Road ; back along Sinclair and POSTAL DISTRIOT OF CHRISTCHURCH. Leamington Roads ; across Leamington River to 1. Amberley and Leith:6.eld, daily. Waiau Road to Spotswood, along McMillan's and 2. Amberley-Mount Brown: Amberley via Douglas and Factory Roads to Cheviot (rural delivery), daily. Tobin Roads, back to Broomfield Road, back to 16. Christchurch, Halswell, Tai Tapu, Motukarara, Ata.ahua, Tobin and North Roads {rural delivery), daily. Poranui, Little River, Barry's Bay, Duvauchelle, 3. Anna.t-Russell's Flat: Annat, along Dalethorpe, Wil­ Robinson's Bay, Takama.tua, and Akaroa., daily (with lia.ms, Swamp, Pigsaddle, Russell's Flat, Hills, Halli­ extra trip outwards daily to Halswell and Tai Tapu, days and Main Roads to Annat {rural delivery), daily. and extra trip inwards daily from Akaroa, Duvauchelle, 4. Ashburton-Alford Forest: Ashburton to Alford Forest Tai Tapu, and Halswell). (Alternative to Nos. 18 a.long Spreadeagle Road, thence forty cha.ins towards and 38.) R. A. Grigg's, round Alford Forest block, thence from 17. Christchurch-Courtenay: Christchurch to West Melton old hotel twenty chains to C. Green's, up Carney's to Curragh's, along Moddisons Road to Weedons, Road, thirty chains; thence to Sta.veley Telephone­ thence Coppings, back to Rolleston, thence Hoskins offioe, along Muirhead and Newtons Roads, Wairere and Newtons Roads to Perry's, thence to Painters block, and Alford Forest Rood; thence to Timpson's, Road, round Section 8865, along Homebush and and Springburn Post-office; along McGregor's, Stevens, Dysarts Roads to Halkett Church ; thence Coal Track, and School-house Roads; up Prices' Road, twenty McKays and Halketts Roads to Christchurch (part chains; thence to Mount Somers Railway-station ; rural delivery}, daily. (Alternative to Nos. 33 and 58.) thence to The Brothers, via Tramway and Huods 18. Christchurch, Ha.lswell, and Tai Tapu, twice daily. (Al­ Roads, and back ; to Peter's Ford ; round Ana.ma. ternative to No. 16.) block to Valetta Railway-station and Richard's Corner 19. Christchurch, Glenroy, Windwhistle House, and Lake to Westerfield Railway-station; thence to Wright's Coleridge, thrice weekly. (Alternative to No. 27.) Corner; thence along Shepherd's Bush, Jacksons and 20. Christchurch-Southbridge : Christchurch, along Lincoln­ Laghmor Road to Timaru Track; thence to Woolley's ; Leeston Road, Doyleston to Leeston ; return to Lake along La.ghmor Road and Tinwa.ld to Ashburton (part Road South and along Lower Lake Road to junction rural delivery), daily. Selwyn Lake Road, including circuit of Section No. 5. Ashburton-Eiffelton : Ashburton, along Fords, Bound­ 5212, Block No. 11; thence back to Tramway, Rush­ ary, Longbeach, Toi Toi, Newpa.rk, Longbeach, Whale­ brooks Drain, Lower Lake, and Tramway Crescent bone, Windermere, New Park, River, Surveyors, Roads to Leeston ; thence along Lake, Sedgemere, Longbeach, McLennons and Windermere Roads to and Pohau Roads to Fishermen's Point; thence Wash­ D. G. Wright's; along Boundary Road to Noble's; bournes, McEvedys, Inwoods, Bridges, Ridge, Mc­ retrace Boundary Road; thence along Longbeach and Phersons, Harts and Junction Roads to Southbridge ; Main South Roads to Ashburton {rural delivery), daily. thence along .Jollies, Smith's, Bullocks, North Rakaia, (Alternative to No. 6.) ana Cryers Roads to Buckley's Corner; thence Waby's 6. Ashburton-Eiffelton-Hinds-Lowcliffe; Ashburton along Road, North Rakaia Road to half mile beyond Fere­ Fords, Boundary, Longbeach, and Toi Toi Roads to day's Road and return by Fereday's Road t.o Leeeton White's corner; retrace to Longbea.ch Road; thence (part rural delivery), daily. along Longbea.ch, Whalebone, Windermere, New Park, 21. Christchurch-Springston: Christchurch to White's corner, River, Surveyors. Windermere, and Main South Roads Shands Road; thence to J. Simpson's and Marshall's; to Hinds ; thence via Coldstream, Crowes, and Dowd­ thence Weedons, Springs, Selwyn, and Cross Roads to ings Roads to Coldstream Estate; along Terrace and South Road to Larcombe's and W. Phillip's; thence Rangitata Mouth Roads to Barns's and Brown's; to Heinisch's, Ellesmere Road ; along Tramway­ retrace to Terrace Road ; to Lowcliffe via. Lower Springs Road to Springston Telephone-office ; thence Beach and Brogdens Roads ; retrace to Lower Bea.ch to Collins Road to Mutton'A, back to Keast's, past Road, along Twenty-one Drain,
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