~------------------ arianas %riet_Yr;~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 '&l ews floods By Rick Alberto bulletin Corp. said many residents would Variety News Staff eithernot be receiving waterer be TYPHOON Yates, upgraded into rt"ceiving less water from their a supertyphoon, took its time in faucets until the weather clears as coming yesterday, with people most of its main reservoirs had keeping watch the whole morn­ Continued on page 16 ing and afternoon. ' Saipan was virtually at a stand­ still as government offices and Yates .. keeps . schools closed. Many private­ sector offices sent their employ­ .p.9lice busy ees home at 12 noon. Hotels, restaurants, buildings, By Ferdie de la Torre and homes boarded up their doors, Variety News Staff THE DEPARTMENT of Public Safety has doubled up its person­ nel on a 24-hour duty as super GTAhas no business in typhoon Yates hit Saipan and Tinian yesterday. CNMI-- Guam senator Public Safety Information Of­ By Zaldy Dandan ficer P02 Arnold K. Seman told Variety News Staff the Variety that DPS intensified GUAM SENATOR Tom Ada on Monday said Guam Telephone its patrol out in the streets to moni­ Authority investments should be on Guam and not in the CNMI. tor any eventuality brought by Ada in a media release, a copy of which was obtained by the Yates. •t Variety, is asking why GTA has submitted a bid with the Federal ~ Seman said the officers were (, Communications Commission for a license to provide personal also fielded to advise the general communications Services in the CNMI. public to take precautionary mea­ Ada is the chainnan of the Guam legislature's committee on sures. water, utilities and electronic communications, which held a For safety purposes, he said the hearing on GTAyesterday. police would try their best to limit "(Why is) GTA. .. planning on investing income generated the vehicles in the streets as trav­ from local GTA telephone subscribers for the construction of elling is hazardous during bad telecommunication facilities (in the CNMI) that will not directly weather. benefit the very customers the revenues were generated from," "The police officers will take Continued on page 16 Continued on page16 Cing to DPW chief: 'Keep your word' By Zaldy Dandan Tenorio, in a recent interview, the governor," he said. "We agree Variety News Staff said he is not neglecting the road that Saipan has biggertraffic prob­ SENATOR David M. Cing (D­ improvement needs of Rota and lems, but we also need road im­ Tinian) yesterday said he is glad Tinian. provements and we 're not even that Gov. Froilan C. Tenorio has "What we 're doing is we 're talking about widening roads on promised to look into the road addressing where the (more seri­ Rota and Tinian-we l1ave two­ improvement needs of Rota and ous) problems are, and once we lane roads only." Tinian, but what the two islands take care of the problems over Cing said the two islands' will need are actual deeds not mere here we go to Tinian and take care continue to fight for their share of words. of their problems," he said. federal highway funding. "The governor's statements are According to Cing, however, "We can't get anything Jone good, but he'll not be governor Rota and Tinian need only $1 without a compromise," he said. Thai House Restaurant owner Jack Hudak (right) gets help from forever," Cing said. million a year for the next seven At the same time, Cing said Nemrod Baterna in securing his establishment's neon billboards as "Who's going to carry out his years. Public Works Secretary Edward winds brought by super typhoon Yates gained strength yesterday noon. promise?" "We don't want to argue with Photo by Ferdie dela Torre Cont1nued on pa-ge 16 ~nued rise in teen pregna~cy ~~t~ fores~e~ I (, . Weather By Ferdie de ta Torre pregnancy rate among said. Bruss said only 20% of these /! . Variety News Staff Chamorros. The 1995 fertility rate here was adolescents are using contra- " THE DEPARTMENT of Public In a health progress report, the 2325. l live births per 1,000 ceptives, and only 33% are us- Outlook Health Services is anticipating a medical director noted that teen- women 15-44 years of age. ing condoms during sexual in- continued rise in the teenage age pregnancy rate here (where "This is compared to the US tercourse. pregnancy rate among the in- mother is less than 18 years old) is 1992 fertility rate (all races com- "This is concerning for both digenous popµlation in the 3.5% lower than the US rate (all bined)of68.9Iivebirthsperl,OOO future trends in teenage preg- CNMI. ' races combined) of 4.9%. women 15-44 years of age," he nancy and the transmission of Public Health Medical Direc- He said the teenage pregnancy pointed out. HIV and other STDs," he said. tor Dr. Jon B. Bruss said the rate for Chamorro females less On the other hand, Bruss said TheprimaryfocusoftheFam- increase may be expected on the than 18 years is nearly twice as sexual activity amongCNMiado- ily Planning Program, Bruss ,, .. /.. basis that the CNMI has fol- high as the US rate. lescents is lower than the US, but stressed, is the prevention of lowed Guam in terms of health There were 1508 live birth_s in remains above 50% for high teenage pregnancy. 1 patterns. He, however stressed 1995 in the CNMI for a birth rate school students and nearly 30% "Many of the teenage preg- 0~it:j:1t;w*i·· the latter has a higher teenage of 26 per 1000 population, Bruss of junior high school students. Continued on page 16 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-THURSDAY- SEPTEMBER 26, 1996 1JIU~~[)!,}\SE_PTEMBER 26._]996 -MARIANAS VARif-:TY NEWS AND Yll::WS-3 ar' Sablan: New regs 'ridiculous' Iran warns US of Senate president says governor should obey law conflict with the U.S. throughout have been no signs of a confronta­ sponsoring international terrorism, rines, and is expected to take de­ By ANWAR FARUQ\ saiJ Monday. the Persian Gulf," Maj. Gen. tion between Iran and the United a charge Tehran denies. livery of a third within six months. week that he will ask the courts to garment industry, from licensing DUBAI. United Arab Emirates The Garment Industry Morato­ Jeclarc the new regulations ille­ States, and both countries regu­ Rezaie, who heads a 120,000- The Iranians also have deployed to manpower hiring. (AP)· Amid a U.S. military buildup Mohsen Re::aie, head of the para­ rium Act, he said, has already gal. I military Islamic Revolution Guards larly make threatening remarks to­ man force with its own army, air anti-ship and anti-aircraft missiles ' f" " The secretaries of Commerce, in the Gulf, a top Iranian com­ placed a cap on the number of But Gov. Fruilan C. Tenorio ward each other. force and naval units, said Iran also near the Strait of Hormuz, the nar­ Labor anu Immigration, and Fi­ mander wamed that any confronta­ Corps, said in remarks published garment workers the CNMI can on Friday, said he wants the neV: The U.S. military buildup in the was prepared for a possible attack row gateway to the Gulf through I! , . nance are the members of the tion could quickly escalate into a Tuesday. hire. regulations to be either mollified "The Americans know that if Gulf region, which now totals by Israel. which one-fifth of the world's oil "'" p.inel. U.S.-Iran war over the strategic ~ The new regulations would al­ or revoked. the slightest incident occurs in the 30,000 military personnel, 25 com­ "If Israel wants to take action supplies flow. Commerce Secretary Pedro Q. waterway. low the hiring of over 7,800 new He said he didn't know that the "If the slightest problem breaks region, it may lead to a massive bat ships and more 200 warplanes, against us, it will use its air force, Iran's armed forces on Sunday Dela Cruz, last week, said the garment workers. regulations would allow the hir­ out forus orthe slightest pressure is war," the English-language Tehran is aimed primarily at Iraq. and in response we will not re­ began war games in the Gulf, but regulations would not increase the Sablan, however, said filing a ing of more garment workers. exerted on us. we will disregard all Times quoted Rezaie as saying. Rezaie' s comments were seen strict ourselves to the air. We will the maneuvers did not appear to numberol' garment workers in the lawsuit to stop the implementa­ The new set of regulations was CNMI. ~ restrictions and become engaged in Despite the strident tone, there mainly as a warning to America decide where and how to respond be in response to the latest ten­ tion of the regulations is unneces­ signed by Tenorio last Sept. 3. It and its allies not to take threatening to Israel," Rezaie said without sions in the Gulf, which erupted I le said the reoulations "mere Iv I action toward Iran, which has long elaborating. Aug. 3 I when Iraqi President sary. creates a Garment Panel that set a ceiling" c;n the number ~f l-~-~-~--··-- Saddam Hussein sent troops into "We just have to obey the Jaw," would have full control over the workers pursuant to the law. chafed at the presence ofU .S. forces Israel and Iran are longtime en­ Jesus R. Sablan Froilan C. Tenorio in the Gulf since it regards the emies and they currently wage a northern Iraq to help one Kurdish he said, "and that's what I'm go­ region as its own sphere of influ­ proxywarinsouthLebanon, where faction defeat an Iranian-backed ing to tell the governor-Obey By Zaldy Dandan ence.
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