FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1961 f AGB EIGHTEEN llanrlifHtfr lEwfning l^walii T h d W M t i M r Avaram Daily N tt FV b m R n a Fw tbs Week EnIM reraeaat a< U. •. Waathaa — aaan Unne Indge, KMghU of Py­ AngZMt n , 1N6 IViday’s PoIImi Count thias, will have Its first meet­ No Trask Pickup Monday ■omy, ptenanat tsday, ndUv About Town 28.0 ing of the faU season Tuesday 13,806 lEuentttg 1 toalglit, tow 6 6 -dBt maatljr andagr at 8 p.m. at Orange Hall, The tomormw. Ugh 64-66. OnboM Aiwmbly, OathoHc meeting night has besn changed Today’s count Is the high­ Last Long Summer Weekend M am bar ot the AndH LadiM oi Oolumbui, will apon- i Bmeau of Clroulatlaa to the flnit Tuesday of each est so far this year. A eetmt m oiiciiewer— ym 0 1 * 7 u / w m aor m bua trip to th« World's month Instead of the second of about 7 Is considered like­ Fair flaMirday, Oct. S, for mem- Highways, air terminals^ busi^bualneaaes. Including supermar- Wednesday. ly to eUrt hay fever symp­ bata and frlanda. Raaervatlona toms In the average person depoU and.rallway stations wers ICGtGt The towna three libraries will MANCHES'TER, CONN., SATTURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1965 (Claasiftod Advettlsfaig on Pago 8) PRICE SEVEN CENTS may ba made with Mrs. Ralph ■eneltive to ragweed pollen. clogfsd wMh people today, all YOL. LXXXIV, NO. 286 (TWELVE PAGE8—TV SECTION) Hooka, 40 Hartland Rd., or Mrs. Mlspah-Bpencer C i r c l e of be closed as will be the ttrse Frad Barrett, a« Bowen St. South Methodist Church will anxioue to taka advantage of reo eenUrs. All banka will be have a workshop meeting Tues­ the last long weekend of the closed and there will be no ses­ HOLLAND day at 10:30 am, at Susannah Pioneer Street sions of the Circuit Court. Dr. Lou Marchetti of 180B E. Wesley Hall, Members are re­ summer. There will be no garbsge or Middle Tpke. recently returned minded to bring a sandwich. Manchester was no exception, No Herald from the 60th anniversary con­ Called Hale Rd. refuse pickup on Monday, for BULBS Daughter Sees No Hope Coffee and dessert will be serv­ with many realdenta taking off Labor Day is one ot the six ference ot the Order of the Ar­ ed. Mrs. Louis Champeau will row, Boy Scout’s national honor Just as John Bamini has for the lakea or aeaahore or juat holidays given to the employes Have Arrived at Monday Strike Threat Ended, be the hostess. ot the town’s oontractor. camping aoclety at Indiana Uni­ honorsd the Pioneer Parachute to visit, before next week’s school cqienlngs. There will be no Herald pub­ %■ versity, Bloomington. He was Go. by naming the site on aasletant director of the con­ A duplicate bridge game will Labor Day, Monday, will find lished on Monday, but on Tues­ WOODLAND There will be no edi­ be played tonight at the base­ wMch It will build . Its new day, this paper will print a four- Schweitzer in Coma ference. He la a surgical resi­ moat local actlvltlea stopped, tion of The Herald Mon­ dent at Hartford Hospital, ment rooms of the former tech­ plant the Pioneer Industrial^ with the closing of all munic­ page eectlon on all vttpal school GARDENS Gabonhave given up long ago.<h Hospital attendants moved day, Labor Day. Please nical school, 39 School St. Regis­ Park, so has the town honored ipal and state offices, along news for Manchester snd area LAMBARENE, tration will be at 7:45 and play But my father was stronger quietly In the morning miet. drive carefully. MMs Sandra Smith, daughter Bamini by naming the new with the riiUtdown ot most retail towns. (AP) — Dr. Albert will begin at 8. The game Is than most men.” Medicine! were distributed to of Mr. and Mrs. Blarl Smith of road leading Into the park Hale the elck. Doctors performed Steelmen Head Home $07 Woodbridge St., has receiv­ sponsored by the Manchester Schweitzer lapsed into a Dr. Walter Muns, medical Rd., after the C. L. Hale Con­ Plant Now director of the hospital, said their chores, conversing In ed a Hartford College for Worn- YWCA and open to the public, struction Co., of which Bamini the site from Deming Rd., and 000 for construction of* HiUe comb at his jungle hospital Rd. and for Its share of the Schweitzer was “ resting peace­ whispers. State News scholarship grant for her sec­ Is president. the present access will become For Color today and his daughter ond year at the two-year school. St. James’ Holy Name So­ a dead end. cost of the water tank. fully. He Is not suffering.” “ We don’t want to spread The new 50-foot-wlde road, said there was no hope of Dr. Richard Friedmann, a The grant Is In the amoiint of ciety will have Us first meet­ entering from McNall St„ will The Pioneer plant will be alarm among the Africans," one gSOO. Miss Smith, a student in ing of the fall season Tuesday, constnicted at a point about GEMINI 5 CALUNG Next Springl saving him. long-time associate of Schweit­ hospital staff member said. extend 2,000 feet Into the '"rhere la no more hope of zer, said the old doctor’s kidney NAACP Sets the applied science department, Sept. 14 at St. James’ School tract, with the town paying 1,800 feet In from McNall St., MOBILE, Ala. (AP) — "Oenj- Outside Schweitzer’s wooden Industry made the dean’s list last year. Hall. There will be a Com­ and the town will clear a 80- Inl 6 calling WLO" was the call human effort that can save action had stopped funcUonIng. hut a group of tearful whlte-cIad for about 1,650 feet of It and him,’’ said his daughter, Rhena Schweitzer rallied briefly Fri­ She graduated from Manchester munion supper In the school Bamini for the remainder. foot right-of-way to the end I received by a shlp-to-shore op­ women assistants stood in a Protest in High School In 1961. cafeteria after members attend of Bamlnl’s property for the erator at Mobile marine radio 12 TULIPS Schweitzer Eckert. day afternoon,, then lapsed Into tense knot. Bamlni’s 350-foot portion Is A telegram sent by the hos­ a coma. Mass at 6:.30 p.m. The Rt. | at the beginning of the road, I laying of water lines, plus a I WIiO. It was Gemini 6, but this Occasionally the door of Must O .K . Rev. Msgr. Edward J. Reardon 20-foot right-of-way to the ; one wae a snapper boat out of ^ Mixed Colors, pital to members of the family “ Late last night we knew that the portion slated to be wiped and close friends of the 90- all was lost,” said Friedmann. Schweitzer’s sick room would will speak at the meeting, out when the state widens the water storage tank, to be con­ Bayou La Batre, Ala., and Just Large Size Only open and a man or woman In Bridgeport happened to have the same year-old Jungle physician said Dr. David Miller, an Ameri­ which will be held after the; Wilbur Cross Highway. At that structed by the privately tears would emerge. supper. His topic will be "The ; owned Manchester Water Co. I name as the spacecraft which tersely: ' can heart specialist summoned BRIDGEPORT (AP) — time, the state will negotiate "He is dying stop Inevitably to Schweitzer’s bedside, said he “ God gave him a full life,” New Pact History of the Catholic Church with Bamini for an access Into The town has allocated |80,- landed Sunday. The Bridgeport - Stratford i s / In Connecticut.” Berkmans Wed 25 Years and soon stop evenrthing that was planning to fly back to the said Dr, Miller, “ No man could can be done has been done United States next Tuesday have done better." branch of the National As­ PITTSBURGH (A P ) — Mr. and Mrs, Saul Berkman of<- Hartford County tlental As­ stop he goes quietly and in “ barring a miracle." Intermittent rain wet the scat­ sociation for the Advance­ FAIRWAY versary party, given for Berk- tered huts that make up Steel industry negotiatora sistant’s Society will have a 19 Russell St. are shown cutting peace and dignity.” Work went on as usual In the ment of Colored People man and his wife recently at Mrs. Eckert, her face showing world famous Jungle hospital set Schweitzer's hospital. Flocks of return from Washington fall picnic Monday, Sept. 13 at the anniversary cake which he the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis will meet soon “ to discuss 7 p.m., at the home of Ml.sa Con­ signs of fatigue and sleepless In a clearing on the banks of the black tropical birds flew low today, a new contract made, not knowing that it Was Beck, 44 Oakwood Rd. About 35 over the brown river. We Are Your stance Oallo, 242 Summit St. nights, said, "Another man muddy Ogoove River. protest plans,” the chap­ rei(dy for ratification and for his own celebration. friends and relatives attended ter ' president said last The event Is open to prospective The former owner of Home- the event, which was given by GOSPEL CONCERT 50 C R O C U S the threat of an industry SCHOOL members and gue.sts. Reserva­ maid Bakery, Main St., he Is the honored guests’ children. (Sponsored by Yonng Adulta night.
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