Malko Competition 2021 19. Malko Konkurrence DR Symfoniorkestret 7.-12. juni 2021 THE NICOLAI MALKO COMPETITION FOR YOUNG CONDUCTORS 1 Malko Competition 2021 Program DR Koncerthuset ÅBNINGSKONCERT/Opening Concert Koncertsalen/The Concert Hall in Lørdag 5. juni kl. 19.30/ DR Koncerthuset Saturday June 5th 7.30 pm DR Symfoniorkestret/ 1. RUNDE, 1. DEL/1st round, part 1 Danish National Symphony Orchestra Mandag 7. juni kl. 10.30 - 16.30/ Monday June 7th 10.30 am - 4.30 pm Koncertmestre/Concertmasters: 12 kandidater/12 candidates Soo-Jin Hong & Christina Åstrand 1. RUNDE, 2. DEL/1st round, part 2 Solist 3. runde/Soloist 3rd round: Tirsdag 8. juni kl. 10.00 - 16.00/ Johannes Søe Hansen, violin Tuesday June 8th 10 am - 4 pm 12 kandidater/12 candidates Scenevært/Presentation: Rie Koch (alle runder/all rounds) 2. RUNDE/2nd round & Mathias Hammer (kun Finale/only Final) Onsdag 9. juni kl. 10.00 - 16.00/ Wednesday June 9th 10 am - 4 pm 12 kandidater/12 candidates 3. RUNDE/3rd round Torsdag 10. juni kl. 10.00 - 16.20/ Malko Konkurrencen er støttet af/ Wednesday June 10th 10 am - 4.20 pm Malko Competition is supported by 6 kandidater/6 candidates A.P. Møller og hustru Chastine McKinney JURYENS AFGØRELSE/ Møllers Fond til almene Formål The Jury´s decision Tirsdag kl. 17.30/Tuesday 5.30 pm Beckett-Fonden, som har doneret 1. prisen/ Onsdag kl. 17.00/Wednesday 5 pm which has donated the 1st Prize Torsdag kl. 17.15/Thursday 5.15 pm FINALE/Final Styregruppe 2021/The Board 2021: Lørdag 12. juni kl. 18.30 - 21.30/ Mikael Beier, Generalsekretær/ Saturday June 12th 6.30 pm - 9.30 pm Secretary-General Gert Herzberg, Generalsekretær Emeritus/Secretary-General Emeritus Caitriona Yeats Kim Bohr Tatjana Kandel #malko2021 2 Malko Competition 2021 Åbningskoncert/ Opening Concert DR Koncerthuset, Koncertsalen Program The Concert Hall in DR Koncerthuset Lørdag 5. juni kl. 19.30/ Saturday June 5th 7.30 pm Unsuk Chin (f. 1961/b. 1961) DR Symfoniorkestret Danish National Symphony Orchestra Subito con forza (2020) Koncertmester/Concertmaster: Varighed/Duration – 5’ Johannes Søe Hansen Klaverkoncert/Piano Concerto Dirigent/Conductor: (1996-97; rev. 2019) – 25’ Fabio Luisi I – II – III – IV Varighed/Duration – 25’ Solister/Soloists: Siobhan Stagg, sopran/soprano Francesco Piemontesi, klaver/piano Pause/Interval (30’) ca. 20.00/8 pm Overrækkelse af Léonie Sonnings Musikpris 2021/ Presentation of the Léonie Sonning Music Prize 2021 Puzzles and Games from Alice in Wonderland (2017) Varighed/Duration – 23’ VIS HENSYN I DR KONCERTSALEN/SHOW CONSIDERATION IN THE DR CONCERT HALL • Dæk mund og næse, hvis du er nødt til at hoste eller nyse Cover your mouth and nose if you have to cough or sneeze • Host eller nys ikke i hænderne, men i albuebøjningen eller brug et engangslommetørklæde Do not cough or sneeze into the hands but into the elbow bend or use a disposable handkerchief Pssst… Ved at hoste lydløst medvirker du også til at give den bedste lydoplevelse for både publikum og radiolyttere By coughing silently, you also help to provide the best sound experience for both the audience and radio listeners 3 Malko Competition 2021 Kære publikum Velkommen til den 19. udgave af Vi vil gerne fra DR Symfoniorkestrets side sige DR Symfoniorkestrets internationale Malko en varm tak til A.P. Møller Fonden og Beckett- Konkurrence. Fonden. Uden deres generøse støtte ville vi ikke have kunnet løfte det store arbejde, der Fra den første Malko Konkurrence blev ligger bag Malko Konkurrencen 2021. afholdt i 1965 til i dag har det været et grundlæggende princip for DR Symfoni- orkestret, at vi skal tage ansvar for og være God fornøjelse! med til at udvikle de næste generationer af dirigenter. DR Symfoniorkestret Det er de unge dirigenter, der skal bære den Mikael Beier klassiske musik ind i fremtiden, og i Generalsekretær for Malko Konkurrencen DR Symfoniorkestret brænder vi for at give dem de allerbedste betingelser. Derfor Kim Bohr vil I se, at orkestrets musikere følger de Chef for DR Koncerthuset, Den levende musik unge dirigenter helt ud til kanten i deres og DR P2, P5 & P8 fortolkninger, for at deres talent kan udfolde sig frit gennem hele konkurrencen. Samtidig bliver dirigenterne bedømt af en professionel fagjury ledet af vores dybt dedikerede chef- dirigent Fabio Luisi, som også er personlig mentor for konkurrencens vinder i en periode på tre år efter konkurrencen. Vi oplever igen i år en stor international bevågenhed omkring Malko Konkurrencen, som livestreames af bl.a. verdens førende musiktidsskrift Gramophone og Medici TV. Det giver selvfølgelig en særlig spænding for både orkester og deltagere at vide, at hundredtusindvis af seere følger deres mindste bevægelser – men intet slår dog den særlige magi, som opstår i rummet, når musikken opleves af et rigtigt, levende publikum. 4 Malko Competition 2021 Dear guests Welcome to the 19th edition of the Danish We would like to express our warm thanks National Symphony Orchestra’s international to A.P. Møller Fonden and Beckett-Fonden. Malko Competition. Without their generous support, we would not have been able to carry out the great amount Ever since the first Malko Competition was of work and effort that underlies Malko held in 1965, it has been a fundamental Competition 2021. principle for the Danish National Symphony Orchestra to take responsibility for and to help develop the next generations of conductors. We hope you will enjoy the competition! It is these young conductors who are to carry The Danish National Symphony classical music into the future and we at the Orchestra Danish National Symphony Orchestra eagerly and enthusiastically seek to give them the very Mikael Beier best possible conditions. So you are sure to Secretary-General of the Malko Competition see the musicians of the orchestra follow the young conductors to the farthest limit of their Kim Bohr interpretations, so that their talent can unfold Chief Executive and Artistic Director, freely throughout the entire competition. At the DR Koncerthuset, Ensembles & radio channels same time, the conductors will be adjudicated – P2, P5 and P8 by a professional, expert jury led by our deeply dedicated chief conductor Fabio Luisi, who will also be a personal mentor for the winner during a period of three years after the competition. This year we are once more experiencing considerable international interest in the Malko Competition, which is streamed live by such leading musical media as Gramophone and Medici TV. It naturally gives rise to a special excitement for both orchestra and participants to know that hundreds of thousands of viewers are following their every movement – although nothing can match the unique magic that takes place in a concert hall when the music is experienced by a proper, live audience. 5 Malko Competition 2021 Priser/Prizes 1. PRIS/1st PRIZE • 20.000€ • Fabio Luisi som personlig mentor i en periode på tre år/ Fabio Luisi as personal mentor for a period of three years • Karrierevejledning af den britiske musikkonsulent Jessica Ford/ Advice and support from special Malko career consultant and artist liaison Jessica Ford, U.K. • Koncertarrangementer med følgende orkestre/ Contracts with the following orchestras: – Arctic Philharmonic – National Polish Radio Symphony – Beijing Symphony Orchestra Orchestra – Dallas Symphony Orchestra – Norwegian Radio Orchestra – Danish National Symphony Orchestra – Oslo Philharmonic – Estonian National Symphony – RAI National Symphony Orchestra Orchestra – Romanian National Radio Orchestra – Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra – Royal Stockholm Philharmonic – Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra Orchestra – Iceland Symphony Orchestra – South Denmark Philharmonic – Lithuanian National Symphony – Sydney Symphony Orchestra Orchestra – Teatro Carlo Felice – Malmö Symphony Orchestra – Tianjin Symphony Orchestra – Malmö Opera – Aalborg Symphony Orchestra – NAC Orchestra Canada – Aarhus Symphony Orchestra 2. PRIS/2nd Prize: 15.000 € 3. PRIS/3rd Prize: 12.000 € Publikumspris/Audience Prize: 1.500 € Børnejurypris/Children’s Jury Prize 6 Malko Competition 2021 Repertoire/Repertoire 1. RUNDE/1st Round Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791): Don Giovanni, Overture Cosi fan tutte, Overture Joseph Haydn (1732-1809): Symphony No. 104, 1st movement Carl Maria von Weber (1786-1826): Der Freischütz, Overture 2. RUNDE/2nd Round Carl Nielsen (1865-1931): Symphony No. 5 Gustav Mahler (1860-1911): Symphony No. 4 Johannes Brahms (1833-1897): Symphony No. 3 3. RUNDE/3rd Round Britta Byström (b. 1977): A Drama in the Air (2020, uropførelse/ World Premiere) Claude Debussy (1862-1918): Apres midi d’un faune Igor Stravinskij (1882-1971): Firebird suite Richard Strauss (1864-1949): Till Eulenspiegel Jean Sibelius (1865-1957): Violin Concerto, 1st movement Finale/Final Peter Tjajkovskij (1840-1893): Symphony No. 4, 1st movement Symphony No. 5, 1st movement Symphony No. 6, 1st movement Carl Nielsen: Maskarade Overture 7 Malko Competition 2021 A Drama in the Air Da jeg fik til opgave at skrive et bestillings- When I received a commission for a piece værk til Malko Konkurrencen kom jeg til to the Malko Competition 2021, my thoughts at tænke på Jules Vernes ”A Drama in the went to Jules Verne’s short story “A Drama in Air” fra 1851 – en historie om en dramatisk the Air” (1851) – a story about a dramatic flyvetur i en luftballon. Da fortælleren skal til balloon ride. As the narrator starts the ascent at lette med ballonen, springer en fremmed of his balloon, a stranger jumps in. The pludselig ind. Den fremmede vil bringe bal- stranger’s intent is to take the balloon as high lonen så højt op i luften som muligt for en as possible, even at the cost of their lives. I hver pris – også hvis det koster dem livet. Jeg have tried to capture this dangerous ascent in har forsøgt at fange denne farlige opstigning music, alternating with calmer passages where i musikken, afbrudt af roligere passager, the narrator temporarily persuades the intruder hvor fortælleren kortvarigt får overbevist den to descend.
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