This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. https://books.google.com I RY OF STER FORD T ED TO UBLIC LIBRARY w AND DAUGHTER SKEEL, JR. FORD SK.EEL Hi r V--'- ->v\v.\\. f \ ^ ." '» . I HISTORY OF THE ITMffiPI^ID GHFi\1FlKB» FROM THEIR FIRST SETTLEMENT AS COLONIES, TO THE CESSION OF FLORIDA, IN EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY-ONE} COMPRISING, ^s EVERY IMPORTANT POLITICAL EVENT} WITH A PROGRESSIVE VIEW OF THE aborigines; POPULATION, RELIGION, AGRICULTURE, ANI> commerce; of the arts, sciences, and literature; V_ OCCASIONAL BIOGRAPHIES OF THE MOST* REMARK ABLE COLONISTS, WRITERS AND PHILOSOPHERS, WARRIORS~AND STATESMEN; AND A COPIOUS ALPHABETICAL INDEX. BY WILLIAM GRIMSHAW, Author of a History of England, fyc. SECOND EDITION. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY BENJAMIN WARNER, \NO. 171, MARKET STREET. / « T'-tr' FFBUC IIBRAIvY S9975H T »f PENNSYLVANIA, To Wit : t . , . „- -Bfi-H1 REMEMBERED, that on the twenty-seventh day of * *AL* August, in the forty-sixth Year of the Independence of the »***«*» Unite(1 States of America, A. D. 1821, WILLIAM GRIM- SHAW, of the said District, hath deposited in this office the Title of a Book, the right whereof he claims as Author, in the words fol lowing, to wit : " History of the United States, from their first settlement as Colonies, to the cession of Florida, in Eighteen hundred and twenty-one ; comprising every important political event ; with a progressive view of the Aborigines, Population, Religion, Agriculture, and Commerce; of the Arts, Sciences, and Literature ; occasional Biographies of the most remarkable Colonists, Writers and PhilosopKrs, Warriors and Statesmen ; and a copious Alpha betical Index. By WILLIAM GRIMSHAW, Author of a History of Eng land, &c." In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, intituled, "An Act for the encouragement of Learning, by securing the Copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such Copies, during the Times therein mentioned." And also to the Act, entitled, "An Act supplementary to An Act, entitled, " An Act for the Encourage ment of Learning, by securing the Copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such Copies during the Times (herein men tioned," and extending the Benefits thereof to the Arts of designing, en graving, and etching historical and other Prints." D. CALDWELL, Clerk of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. *,* Jteumpanying tkis edition, there is a small book of Historical Questions, for the use of Schools. HISTORY OF. THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER I. Reflections. Improvements in Astronomy, Navigation^ and Geography. Voyages of Columbus. ALTHOUGH the period of man's residence in this sub lunary world is much curtailed, his amount of happiness is increased. Providence has more than compensated the di minution of his years, by the extension of his knowledge. His mental faculties are no longer engrossed by the mere operations of his body. When his corporeal frame is em ployed in its daily avocations, or reclined beneath the friend ly shade, to recruit its exhausted powers, his mind ranges with delight over the cultivated field of science. His ac quaintance with distant regions is enlarged ; he goes abroad to indulge his curiosity, or makes an ideal excursion to amuse his imagination. The exploring of the deeply hidden nature of the elements has not been more tardy than our advances in geography. It is true, that the Chaldeans and the Egyptians, at a time even beyond the most ancient records of authentic history, had marked the revolutions of the heavenly bodies, with a degree of industry and success, no less worthy of admira tion than difficult of comprehension, when we contemplate their scanty apparatus; and, that during the refined ages, many centuries before the Christian era, the latter, or perhaps the Greeks, had discovered the form, and the dimensions, of tj: this globe, with a geometrical exactness approaching nearly to the truth; yet, their ideas concerning distant countries were extremely defective and perplexed. On this subject, thr A HISTORY OF theories were, in general, absurd, and tended to restrain in~ quiry; thus, strengthening the maxim, that conscious igno rance is less injurious than dogmatical error. About six centuries before Christ, Pythagoras of Samos. became acquainted with the learning of Egypt, and diffus ed his observations throughout Greece and Italy. He taught that the sun was the centre of the universe, that the earth was round, that people had antipodes, and that the moon re flected the rays of the SUB; a system deemed chimerical, un til the philosophy and deep inquiries of the sixteenth century proved it to be incontestible and true. Philolaus, who flou rished about a century afterwards, proceeded a step further in astronomy. Erolpacing the doctrine of Pythagoras, he asserted the annual motion of the earth about the sun; and, only a short time had elapsed, when its diurnal revolu tion on its own axis was promulgated by Hicetas, a Syrac-u- san. Nearly at the same time, Meton and Euctemon made improvements in the science at Athens; and, subsequently, in various parts, Eudoxus and Calippus, Aristarchus, Era tosthenes, Archimedes, and Hipparchus; the last of whom, about one hundred and forty years before our era, ascertain ed the latitudes and longitudes of more than one thousand of the fixed stars, and enriched astronomy with many other valuable discoveries. In our first century, Ptolemy, an Egyptian, formed a theory, which, although erroneous, was followed by all nations for many ages. He composed a great 'work, called the Almagest, containing his own, and the ob servations of his most illustrious predecessors. This record, saved from the destruction of the Alexandrine library, when burned by the Saracens in the seventh century, was transla ted into Arabic in the ninth, by the Emperor Frederick the second, and into Latin in the thirteenth. Thus, were the acquirements in astronomy happily preserved, and ex tensively diffused. From the latter period until the discovery of America, the science was cherished by many distinguished philosophers, — Alphonso, king of Castile, Roger Bacon, an English monk, Purbach, and Muller. The latter, a native of Koeningsberg, who died in 1476, invented several instruments useful in navigation; amongst which, was an armillary astrolabe, re sembling one formerly used by Hipparchus and Ptolemy at Alexandria; with which, and a good time piece, he made many observations. Enabled by this preliminary sketch, to appreciate more THE UNITED STATES. 3 fully the efforts of the different navigators in extending the sphere of commercial enterprise, we shall review, with additional pleasure, their adventures, from the earliest ac counts, to the accomplishment of the great undertaking, 'which gave, to what is denominated the old world, a know ledge of the new. To the desire of riches, may chiefly be assigned our en larged acquaintance with the globe which we inhabit. The ancients were not less eager than the moderns in the pur suit of wealth; but their progress was unaided by the faith ful and constant guide, which now directs the mariner dur ing the darkness of the night, or the gloomy horrors of the tempest. Though acquainted vri\M the property of the magnet, by which it attracts iron, its^,ore important and amazing quality, of pointing to the poles, had entirely es caped their notice. Their navigation was therefore timid and uncertain. They seldom dared to sail beyond the sight of land; but crept along the coast, exposed to every danger and retarded by innumerable obstructions. The Sidonians and Tyrians were more enterprising than any other people of antiquity. Astronomy, on its decline in Chaldea and Egypt, having passed into Phenicia, those peo ple applied it to navigation; steering by the north polar star: and, hence, became masters of the sea, and almost of the whole commerce of the world. Their ships frequented Tiot only all the ports in the Mediterranean, but were the first that ventured beyond the straits of Gades, now called Gibraltar, or that visited the western coabts of Africa and Spain. At the same time, having obtained several com modious harbours towards the bottom of the Arabian Gulf, they established, after the manner of the Egyptians, a regu- 'f lar intercourse with Arabia and the continent of India, on the one hand, and with the coast of Africa, on the other; from which countries, they imported many valuable com modities, and, for a long while, engrossed that lucrative trade without a rival. They landed their cargoes at Elath, the safest harbour in the Red Sea, towards the north. Thence, they carried them, by land, to Rhinocolura on the Mediterranean, re-shipped them, and transported them to Tyre. The vast wealth which the Phenicians had acquired by this monopoly, incited the Jews, under David and Solo mon, to pursue a similar trade. The latter fitted out fleets, 'which, under the direction of Phenician pilots, sailed from the Red Sea to Tarshish and Ophir; two ports supposed to 4 HISTORY OF t have been situated in India and Africa. From these, the Jews returned with merchandise so valuable, as soon diffus ed wealth and splendour throughout Israel. But the in structions even of the Phenicians were inadequate to esta blish the commerce of a people, whose singular institutions formed a national character, repugnant to a liberal inter course with strangers. Carthage, a colony of Tyre, applied to naval aflairs with unremitting ardour, ingenuity, and success. It early rivaled and surpassed the parent state in opulence and power. Without contending with the mother country, for the trade of the east, the Carthaginians direct ed their attention towards the west and north; and, following the course already opened, passed the straits of Gades, vis ited not only all thefcoasts of Spain and Gaul, but reached the mote distant shores of Britain.
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