Murray State's Digital Commons Marshall Courier Newspapers 12-17-1953 The aM rshall Courier, December 17, 1953 The aM rshall Courier Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/mc Recommended Citation The aM rshall Courier, "The aM rshall Courier, December 17, 1953" (1953). Marshall Courier. 218. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/mc/218 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Marshall Courier by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. lUli1 Benton, The Best • Town in Ky. • 3 SECTIONS By A Dam Site 24 PAGES Number 31 Inquest Due in S. W. Cox, 84, a native and widely known larmer of Mar- Crash Deaths shall County, died Tuesday night at a Mayfield hospital. He lived In the Van Zora commun- ity on Benton Route 3, and was a former resident of Gilberts- ville Route 1. He was a member of the New Of 4 Persons I Bethel Baptist Church. Funeral services were to be Inquest Into the death of four courthouse here tonight iThur' held this (Thursday) afternoon persons In a traffic crash last ray) Dec.17. at Filbeck-Cann Chapel. Revs Friday, Dec. 11, one mile thl3 The accident, which involvi * J. J. Gough and B- F. Bynum side of Jonathan Creek on High- four vehicles, was one of Qfj were to officiate. Burial was to way 68, will be held In the worst In this county In SCVLI I be in the Provlne Cemetery*" years. Pallbearers were to be O. Killed were Alex White v Wade Cox, Harold Cox, Van Pitt, Armstrong, 39, William Rhymril Edgar Wallace, Jewel Palmer and Joe L, Smith Egner, 34, Mrs Fayc Wiley, fjtj Jesse Lyles. All are grandsons of I'aducah, and Louis Carl Ha i DENNIS HENSON or grandsons-in-law. Dies After 24 of Detroit, Mich It sponsors the program to en- Mr. Cox ls survived by his wife Five persons were InjureJ < courage young American Tree Mrs. BeU^Cox; two daughters. Four were from Cadiz and tl' Farm and Keep America Green Mrs. Lena Cox Glllahan of Long Illness fifth was Oran Henson of Ha f i programs with similar objects on Fredonia and Mrs. Erma Cox din Route 1, who suffered lif a national scale. Collins of Dearborn, Mich.; four Joe L. Smith died Saturday at ternal Injuries, a broken ankt' sons, Clifton Cox and Eulos Cox his home here. He was 70 and head cuts. of Route 3, Lalos Cox of Spring- VOLNEY MEETS THE VEllP — Marshall County Sheriff Volney yars old, and had been 111 for Fllbeck-Cann sent three arm some time. field, 111., and O. W. Cox of St. Brien, left, Inspects the king size badge worn by former U. S. Vice bulances to the scene of tljl Vacation Time is Here Louis. Mr. Smith was a member of wreck and Linn Funeral Hon! President Albcn Barkley at the convention last week in Louisville the First Missionary Baptist There also are 11 surviving sent two ambulances, th ' of the Kentucky Sheriffs' Association. Sheriff Brien was elected Church, T. L. Jefferson Masonic grandchildren and IS grandchil- took the dead and injured if Lodge, the Royal Arch and the Again ior Courier Staff dren. ^resident of the association Paducah. Commandery State police said the four pe ' < It's vacation time again delivered to our subscribers Funeral services were held sons killed were riding In t 3 for the Courier. before Christmas Eve. Tuesday afternoon at the Linn automobile that crashed liea* i And the staff, if any, ls There will be no paper on Jaycees Will Volney Brien New Head Funeral Home, with the Revs. on with a station wagon drlv< sorely In need of one after Thursday, Dec. 31. That ! J. Frank Young and J. J. Gough by Mr. Henson The auto th< « the Christmas advertising week will be our vacation officiating. Burial was in Ben- struck a pickup truck It hi J season. period. The next Issue of the Play Kirksey Of Sheriffs Association ton Cemetery. been trying to pass and lat J The Courier will publish paper will be published on Masonic services were held at the auto crashed Into a c: 2 Rugged Constitution its annual Christmas Greet- Thursday, Jan. 7. On Saturday Volney Brien, outgoing sheriff County, second vice president; the graveside. Pallbearers, all carrying the Cadiz residents. 1. I ings edition on Tuesday, Be seeing you Jan. 7. Mer- of Marshall County, was elected Wallace "Wah Wah" Jones, Masons, were Van Myers, Ralph of the vehicles were badly dan 1 Dec. 22, and this final paper ry Christmas and a Happy The Marshall County JCC president of the Kentucky Sher- third vice! president; Guy Mc- Vaughn, Joe Williams, Leon By- aged. of the good year 1953 will be New Year to all. basketball team will play Kirk- iffs Association at the groups Mlllon, seiigeant-at-arms, Logan ers. Bob Rider and William sey Saturday night at 8 o"c'lock meeting In Louisville last week. County: Reuben Arnspargcr, Heath at the Brewers High School gym Volney, who loooks more like secretary. Bourbon County and Survivors Include the widow, Garret Beshear, former star the Hollywood glamour boy typo E. B. Gill. Louisville, executive Mrs. Grace Smith; a daughter, County School -j] Mrs Ellen Beasley, 89, died at Murray State College will than a gun-toting sheriff, will secretary Mrs. Evelyn Cummins, Benton; BK. 15 at the home of her dau- play wUh the Kirksey team y leave his post as sheriff or Jan. I three sons, Joe Smith Jr. and Attendance Ittcr, Hrs T- P Tatum In Mur- Members of the JCC team are 1 after serving a four-year term Volney Is a native of Gil- Paul Smith, both of Paducah, Herbert Hurley, Coy Creason, Sheriffs in Kentucky cannot suc- bertsville and ls the son of Mr. and Othal Smith, of Benton Rt hteral services were he'd Report Made day's play? Chain drive Jim ' Owens, Homer Adllch, Dr. ceed themselves In office. and Mrs VV. J. Brien. During 6; and a step.-son. John Lent* Monday afternoon at the Union Harry Carpenter, Carl, "Pea- In addition to being elected World War 2, he served overseas of Route 3. •el ftome, steel Hood. Full fctbodlst Church of which she nuts" OT>anlels, Robert Ross, head of the Sheriffs Association, with the 95th Infantry Division. Other survivors are two sis- The first three months of ti'j >se thick 1%-inch tractor as a member. The Revs. Hoyt Fields McGregor and Ralph Boyd Volney managed to get his pic- He was wounded in the left hind ters, Mrs. Pearl Rudd of Padu- Marshall County Schools eno t Own. William Jones, Leslie The Jaycees have won four ture in the Louisville Courier- during close combat at Hamm, cah and Mrs. Nancy Dalton of on Nov. 13 with an average all All steel spring-type seot, tendance by schools as follov la and R. J. Burpoe officiated, games and only lost one In the Journal In a pose with Alben Germany, and received the pur- Detroit; and one brother, Hud Aurora 92; Breezell 94, Brien 1 talal by the Linn Funeral Tri States League. Barkley, the former Veep. p(p Henrt. He also was awarded Smith of Paducah. burg 96; Brewers 95; Calve:jj Some, was held in the Churcn Admission to the game is 50 Volney was the only sheriff In the Combat Infantryman's Cnoetery. City 94; Fairdealing 95; Gill and 25 cents. the Purchase area to win an Badge and four battle stars for Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Eley will bertsvllle 97; Griggs 98. torlvors, besides Mrs Tat- office In the state association. major engagements. leave Saturday for Chattanooga, Hardin 96; New Harmony 371 a, include another daughter, Other officers are Merde Sloan He is married to the former Hrs. lana Anderson of Benton Tenn. to spend the holidays with Oak Level 96; Olive 93; Palmfl Knott County, first vice presi- Anna Mae Duke and they are the toote 5; two sons, Horace Beas- their son, Bob and family. 93; Sharpe 96; Unity 94; Wall dent; Carl Jordan, Warren parents of two children. «T of Murray Route 1 and Levi nut Grove 96. iMley of Paducah Route 5; iM 11 grandchildren. Driver Fined for Passing Santa Qaus To Be lindsey Millers Of Here On Saturday Sharpe Celebrate Halted Brewers School Bus At National Store Santa da as. In person. wM 50th Anniversary be at the National Store H rniture H. M. Fortner. about 30 years Benton Saturday aftemoo* old, who resides on Farmington Toy SilwChMh Kr and Mrs. Lindsey Miller from 2 »o 4 o'clock. ng Hardwood Route 1 in Graves County, was Metollied! Looks Liki 1 Sharpe observed their Silver Billy Clark, manager, invitd fined $100 and costs in County anniversary at their everybody to come and vis S,lv ! Court here last week for passing " AO in Sharpe Sunday, Dec. 13. Santa, especially the kiddii Handsome Co* W a school bus which had stopped. * and Mrs. Miller were mar- Free gifts will be presented t Fortner passed a Brewers Heidi« w* ££ S, * on Deecember 15, 1928, In all the kiddles. school bus driven by Taz Cole. urvr, w. WMjg "Spoils, ill. They are .the The National Store will star p«pp*r ihofcM. A" fats of four thlldren, Jerry County Judge Leonard Jones, staying open nights on Dec. " • C ®e of Paducah, and Michael until 8 o'clock.
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