Monthly Income and Province of Origin in Afghanistan 10001 25001 1 - 1001 - 2001 - 4001 - 7001 - Province of - - 50001 0 (Rs) 1000 2000 4000 7000 10000 IND IND % Origin 25000 50000 + (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) Badakhshan 2,380 524 162 384 250 146 7 3 15 3,871 0.2% Baghlan 73,528 18,489 4,006 11,284 5,315 4,234 114 93 99 117,162 5.4% Balkh 30,429 6,347 1,483 4,770 2,185 1,778 51 109 27 47,179 2.2% Faryab 15,518 3,831 1,254 3,280 1,112 1,101 24 12 4 26,136 1.2% Jawzjan 31,099 8,410 3,726 8,274 2,338 2,747 38 20 32 56,684 2.6% Kunduz 138,039 24,161 7,814 22,872 9,188 5,937 139 137 184 208,471 9.7% Samangan 9,988 1,051 530 1,930 518 316 3 7 5 14,348 0.7% Sari Pul 18,673 5,676 1,245 2,838 730 990 6 3 7 30,168 1.4% Takhar 17,565 4,840 1,295 3,385 1,333 974 16 21 37 29,466 1.4% NORTH 337,219 73,329 21,515 59,017 22,969 18,223 398 405 410 533,485 24.8% Hilmand 52,190 3,979 1,602 4,469 1,645 482 19 15 126 64,527 3.0% Kandahar 99,953 3,399 6,190 15,028 4,560 644 45 33 107 129,959 6.0% Uruzgan 3,904 95 220 684 146 28 1 0 2 5,080 0.2% Zabul 11,335 330 713 1,852 627 169 3 10 3 15,042 0.7% SOUTH 167,382 7,803 8,725 22,033 6,978 1,323 68 58 238 214,608 10.0% Khost 11,380 1,504 359 1,871 747 363 18 10 7 16,259 0.8% Paktika 15,965 1,219 835 2,712 932 313 59 24 16 22,075 1.0% Paktya 101,169 11,388 3,559 16,019 5,584 3,525 359 187 69 141,859 6.6% SOUTHEAST 128,514 14,111 4,753 20,602 7,263 4,201 436 221 92 180,193 8.4% Kunar 90,822 9,903 3,099 11,982 4,269 2,151 50 333 83 122,692 5.7% Laghman 93,504 9,040 3,845 13,938 4,605 2,076 93 146 60 127,307 5.9% Nangarhar 343,919 19,143 11,319 52,227 17,398 5,899 407 617 271 451,200 21.0% Nuristan 758 1,074 37 82 113 149 1 1 0 2,215 0.1% EAST 529,003 39,160 18,300 78,229 26,385 10,275 551 1,097 414 703,414 32.7% Badghis 1,742 148 102 396 120 43 2 0 17 2,570 0.1% Farah 1,716 106 97 279 119 13 2 4 7 2,343 0.1% Ghor 811 155 49 186 63 38 0 0 0 1,302 0.1% Hirat 1,702 154 89 253 125 80 11 6 7 2,427 0.1% Nimroz 378 46 14 38 18 10 0 1 0 505 0.0% WEST 6,349 609 351 1,152 445 184 15 11 31 9,147 0.4% Ghazni 27,869 1,651 1,318 4,815 1,234 453 13 33 18 37,404 1.7% Kabul 167,966 21,738 7,102 25,412 10,912 6,232 334 632 216 240,544 11.2% Kapisa 6,799 540 282 1,033 360 140 8 13 3 9,178 0.4% Logar 108,889 7,090 3,847 12,976 6,140 2,742 168 427 136 142,415 6.6% Panjsher 2,321 1,445 70 314 218 281 3 16 8 4,676 0.2% Parwan 25,170 5,317 1,728 4,230 1,727 1,111 52 49 19 39,403 1.8% Wardak 20,400 2,359 1,169 3,722 1,570 972 51 61 17 30,321 1.4% CENTRAL 359,414 40,140 15,516 52,502 22,161 11,931 629 1,231 417 503,941 23.4% Bamyan 4,186 543 229 770 429 214 15 14 0 6,400 0.3% Day Kundi 1,278 25 78 433 73 11 1 0 1 1,900 0.1% CENTRAL H. 5,464 568 307 1,203 502 225 16 14 1 8,300 0.4% Total 1,533,345 175,720 69,467 234,738 86,703 46,362 2,113 3,037 1,603 2,153,088 100.0% Total % 71.2% 8.2% 3.2% 10.9% 4.0% 2.2% 0.10% 0.14% 0.07% 100.0% 159 Province of Origin in Afghanistan and Monthly Income Monthly Income (Rs) Nimroz 505 Nimroz 0 Ghor 1,302 Ghor Daykundi 1,900 Daykundi 1-1000 Nuristan 2,215 Nuristan Farah 2,343 1001-2000 Farah Hirat 2,427 Hirat 2001-4000 Badghis 2,570 Badghis Badakhshan 3,871 Badakhshan 4001-7000 Panjsher 4,676 Panjsher Uruzgan 5,080 Uruzgan 7001-10000 Bamyan 6,400 Bamyan Kapisa 9,178 Kapisa 10001-25000 Samangan 14,348 Samangan 25001-50000 Zabul 15,042 Zabul Khost 16,259 Khost 50001 + Paktika 22,075 Paktika Faryab 26,136 Faryab Takhar 29,466 Takhar 30,168 Saripul Saripul Wardak 30,321 Wardak Ghazni 37,404 Ghazni Parwan 39,403 Parwan Balkh 47,179 Balkh Jawzjan 56,684 Jawzjan Hilmand 64,527 Hilmand Baghlan 117,162 Baghlan Kunar 122,692 Kunar Laghman 127,307 Laghman Kandahar 129,959 Kandahar Paktya 141,859 Paktya Logar 142,415 Logar 208,471 Kunduz Kunduz Kabul Kabul 240,544 Nangarhar Nangarhar 451,200 - 250,000 500,000 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% IND IND 160 Registration of Afghans in Pakistan : Province of Origin & Monthly Income Oct 15, 2006 - Feb 15, 2007 12 / Afg_Prov_Reg_Income_2007 2,001 - 4,000 1 - 1,000 25,000 to 52,227 (2) 10,001 to 21,738 (5) E:/ ABC / Workspace 10,001 to 25,000 (7) 5,001 to 10,000 (7) 1,000 to 10,000 (14) 1001 to 5,000 (11) 501 to 1,000 (2) 501 to 1,000 (3) 1 to 501 (9) 1 to 500 (8) Ind = 234,738 (37.88 %) Ind = 175,720 (28.35 %) 34 4,001 - 7,000 1,001 - 2,000 10,001 to 17,398 (2) 11,319 (1) 5,001 to 10,000 (4) 5,000 to 10,000 (3) 1,001 to 5,000 (11) 1,001 to 5,000 (14) 501 to 1,000 (5) 101 to 1,000 (9) 1 to 500 (12) 1 to 100 (7) Ind = 86,703 (13.9 %) Ind = 69,467 (11.21 %) 56 ns 7,000 - 10,000 by the United Natio 5,001 to 6,232 (3) 1,001 to 5,000 (9) 25,000 - 50,000 501 to 1,000 (4) 101 to 632 (8) 101 to 500 (11) 51 to 100 (2) 1 to 100 (7) 1 to 50 (20) sement or acceptance Ind = 46,362 (7.48 %) Ind = 3,037(0.49 %) 7 ion used on this map do not imply official endor Rukhman Ejaz at [email protected] 10,000 - 25,000 50,000 & above 101 to 407 (6) 101 to 271 (6) 51 to 100 (5) 51 to 100 (4) 1 to 50 (21) 1 to 50 (20) Ind = 2,113 (0.34 %) Ind = 1,603 (0.26 %) For further info please contact The boundaries & names and the designat Data Source: NADRA & UNHCR Islamabad * Per cent (%) figures are based on Individuals who have some kind of monthly earning in Pak Rs. Map Generated by GIS Unit UNHCR, Islamabad Monthly Income and Year of Arrival 1001- 2001- 4001- 7001- 10001- 25001- Year of 1-1000 50001 + 0 (Rs) 2000 4000 7000 10000 25000 50000 IND Arrival (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) 1979 388,103 41,247 16,883 57,037 19,274 10,904 804 882 397 535,531 1980 375,766 33,143 13,368 49,985 17,310 8,007 403 679 316 498,977 1981 79,427 10,995 3,546 11,449 4,440 2,685 80 105 72 112,799 1982 75,578 9,983 3,474 10,865 4,198 2,359 123 102 62 106,744 1983 68,082 11,035 3,177 10,180 3,834 2,509 85 94 74 99,070 1984 48,043 10,846 2,564 7,811 3,206 2,649 52 69 30 75,270 1985 101,668 14,953 5,177 15,702 5,753 3,542 76 129 87 147,087 1986 39,459 9,126 2,464 6,924 2,614 2,144 29 47 36 62,843 1987 26,762 4,016 1,456 4,403 1,855 863 26 59 27 39,467 1988 21,023 3,191 1,174 3,663 1,402 735 25 47 20 31,280 1989 17,631 1,821 886 2,632 1,222 524 24 50 20 24,810 1990 28,947 3,848 1,792 5,143 1,825 1,111 34 84 41 42,825 1991 14,346 2,056 844 2,553 1,098 654 13 64 20 21,648 1992 16,174 2,488 946 2,688 1,501 870 37 105 29 24,838 1993 13,665 1,850 811 2,522 1,133 672 24 60 29 20,766 1994 11,889 1,835 836 2,433 1,130 684 32 34 15 18,888 1995 19,523 2,794 1,413 4,005 1,496 841 22 43 26 30,163 1996 13,437 2,594 1,010 3,119 1,285 859 17 42 27 22,390 1997 11,381 1,422 846 2,530 999 533 16 29 12 17,768 1998 12,330 2,122 868 2,624 1,071 736 13 25 11 19,800 1999 9,713 1,274 728 2,129 738 455 11 20 6 15,074 2000 8,543 964 734 2,114 643 361 11 22 12 13,404 2001 5,247 529 455 1,219 334 169 11 11 14 7,989 2002 3,161 295 295 831 251 124 4 11 2 4,974 2003 2,828 210 282 666 193 82 1 2 6 4,270 2004 2,336 202 239 632 169 76 2 2 4 3,662 2005 118,283 874 3,199 18,879 7,728 1,212 138 220 208 150,741 2006 0 7 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 10 Total 1,533,345 175,720 69,467 234,738 86,703 46,362 2,113 3,037 1,603 2,153,088 161 Monthly Income and Year of Arrival in Pakistan Monthly Income (Rs) 2006 10 2006 0 2004 3,662 2004 1-1000 2003 4,270 2003 1001-2000 2002 4,974 2002 2001 7,989 2001 2001-4000 2000 13,404 2000 4001-7000 1999 15,074 1999 7001-10000 1997 17,768 1997 10001-25000 1994 18,888 1994 25001-50000 1998 19,800 1998 1993 20,766 1993 50001 + 1991 21,648 1991 1996 22,390 1996 1989 24,810 1989 1992 24,838 1992 1995 30,163 1995 1988 31,280 1988 1987 39,467 1987 1990 42,825 1990 1986 62,843 1986 1984 75,270 1984 1983 99,070 1983 1982 106,744 1982 1981 112,799 1981 1985 147,087 1985 2005 150,741 2005 1980 498,977 1980 1979 535,531 1979 - 300,000 600,000 0% 50% 100% IND IND 162 Monthly Income and Special Needs Special Child or Important Older Separated or Income Single legal & Woman Adolescent Medical Person Unaccompanied Other None IND % (Rs.) Parent Physical at Risk at Risk Condition at Risk child Protection 0 22,088 21,279 3,352 2,751 1,518 94,357 2,860 36,148 1,348,992 1,533,345 71.2% 1-1000 1,019 3,810 341 81 184 8,907 287 7,650 153,441 175,720 8.2% 1001-2000 88 2,384 351 269 82 5,134 32 6,399 54,728 69,467 3.2% 2001-4000 91 4,636 976 660 386 24,014 68 22,341 181,566 234,738 10.9% 4001-7000 11 1,594 760 140 72 5,286 24 5,681 73,135 86,703 4.0% 7001-10000 13 1,277 344 79 33 3,047 18 3,516 38,035 46,362 2.2% 10001-25000 0 5 91 3 0 91 0 155 1,768 2,113 0.1% 25001-50000 0 120 19 6 1 479 0 40 2,372 3,037 0.1% 50001 + 0 27 2 1 1 165 0 19 1,388 1,603 0.1% Total 23,310 35,132 6,236 3,990 2,277 141,480 3,289 81,949 1,855,425 2,153,088 100.0% 50001 + 25001-50000 10001-25000 7001-10000 4001-7000 2001-4000 1001-2000 1-1000 0 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Child or Adolescent at Risk Important Medical Condition Older Person at Risk Separated or Unaccompanied child Single Parent Special legal & Physical Protection Woman at Risk Special legal & Physical Protection Single Parent Separated or Unaccompanied child Older Person at Risk Important Medical Condition Child or Adolescent at Risk 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 0 10001-25000 1001-2000 1-1000 2001-4000 25001-50000 4001-7000 50001 + 7001-10000 163 Monthly Income and Education Grade Technical Income No Informal Primary Post 1-6 Secondary or Total % (Rs.) Education Informal - Completed University Others Primary Completed Vocational Religious 0 1,021,543 239,559 71,678 144,279 33,526 18,256 260 2,072 2,172 1,533,345 71.2% 1-1000 124,068 14,845 8,981 19,402 4,778 2,888 56 329 373 175,720 8.2% 1001-2000 59,399 1,027 2,881 2,495 1,623 1,622 30 269 121 69,467 3.2% 2001-4000 202,372 2,855
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