THE CHATTANOOGA NEWS Vol. XXXI. No. 28. Deliveieo By Carrier HOME EDITION CHATTANOOGA, TKNN., SATURDAY fcVKNINO, AUGUST 3, 1918 PRICE: THREE CENTS Twelve Cents Wek. Huns Compelled to Retreat Further East Soissons HE'S THERE I in K. C. RETIRING ON ALL RYE CONCEDES 500 ARRESTS FOLLOW Evers, Uniform, EICHORN'S MURDER BOCHES UNABLE TO MAKE to Leave for France Zurich, Aug. S. Five hun- Ready SIDES dred arrcBts have been made OFSALIENT RACE TO SHIELDS following the assassination of Field Marshal Von Fichorn nt ....... -- . ... k STAND SOUTH THE Kiev and martial law has been VESLE proclaimed there, said a dis- Allies Close at Heels on patch from a Herman source Pressing Senior Senator's Majority today, Ten German soldiers were of Retreating Foe Taking Face of Returns Slightly found murdered at Kiev. Destroying Bridges and Burning Villages, Enemy The situation throughout the whole of I'klulnia Is described Many Towns. Over 12,000. as being most critical. Retires, Hotly Pursued by Advancing French Field Marshal Von Mncken- - sen, commander of the German On Aisne - Marne Front Fourteen forces In Rumania, has pro. SOISSONS A SURPRISE ROBERTS STILL AHEAD claimed a state of siege throughout that country as a Great Fires Observed. result of the spread of the workmen's and peasants' Indications That Huns Were However, Late Returns Cut Cav-air- ) Not Expecting Qhase y Down His Lead Majori-tie- s ft. (Associated Press. in it . in.). the Lead. by Counties. London, Aug. (12:20 Hotly pursuing retreating fJoniians on the Aisne-.Mani- e trout, the allies S.- - The German re- LOCAL RETREAT London, Aug. (Special to The News.) have readied the Vesle river, which is an advance of six treat Is general on nil three faces of Nashville. Aug. S. Rye's headquar- miles over the latest official announcement of the salient conquered by the Germans ters at 11:15 o'clock this morning is- progress In and the allies are sued a statement saying that Gov. Rye TO ANCRE RIVER made. May pressing concedes the nomination of Senator close on the heels of the retreating en- John K. Shields and has wired the The Advance Continues. emy, suys Renter's cm respondent ot senator his congratulations. The Germans are unable to make a stand south of the French headquarters telegraphing nt 1' While there have been some changes o'clock Friday night. in the returns from various counties, Germans Executing Movement Vesle. "Alter the fall of Soissons, the cor-- , the approximate majority given Sena The will he to retire to respondent adds, "French headquarters tor Shields has not been materially Indicating Abandonment of Germans probably compelled of altered, the still him Cheniin-des-Daine- received the names villages and figures showing the s, north of the Aisne. woods nroccuplcd by the allies with to be the winner by 11,600 majority. almost monotonous regularity. The latest returns from Shelby Plan for Offensive. is now on the Vesle between Cham-pign- y a French cavalry "Plasslcr wood. Which on the county giving Austin l'eay majority Jibuti of t.Tdfl over Judge Roberts have and Soissons and Chateau-Thierr- y road, if I Joncheiy. In and the lowered Roberts' majority considerably, was tinned early the day a mn- - DOUBLE OBJECT IS All of the on the Vesle have been by defenders surrounded It. This wood lH the latest figures giving him SERVED bridges destroyed ! Jorlty of (1,200. although Poay's wss the center of the em my resistance claim that the retiring enemy. and the light for It was extraordinarily quarters their estimates bitter. Farther north the British wflLnstHLI and figures cut Roberts to less thnn The Germans are burning all the villages north of the S.O00. Mr. l'eay has already conceded By Allied Advance on East Side troops crossed the Soissons and con- Chateau-Thierr- the election of Judge Roberts and Vesle between Mtiizon and St. Thierry. y road, and pressing Mm his success. Soissons-Rheim- s Front to through the Conerols wood, weic soon gratulated upon Fourteen large fires have been observed. Fismes is more than a mile east of Villenion-tolr- c. Compnriion of Vote, to Gucux Line. The following table shows the ma- still burning, as well as two villages to the northeast of Rain Retards Advance. jorities by counties in the senatorial Fismes. "As In .March of last year the French primary. London. Aug. 3. The (iermnns are of . Rye. Shields. a army is advancing In pursuit the 150 executing local retirement to the east In ad- Anderson of in the of Part of Defense Line. enemy with cavalry patrol! far Bedford 181 brnk the Ancre, region vance while the horse artillery and Albeit, on a front of three or four Paris, Aug. 3. Allied ndvanee ele- Ronton 500 In BUT ONE WEAPON engineers accompany the Infantry. 300 tnllea, uccordlng to news received ments on Aisne front have reached Ituln has fallen all and Rledsoe London the heavily day, ltlount 79 today. the Vesle river. (The Vesle constitutes the roads are In a slate which sensibly 200 The German hold on the west hank JOflNU f t.VlfS of Bradley .. .U ........ tH ,,. of tho new lfnc of defense towards rctnrds the pace our advance. 250 nf part cor- Campbell to "enable, ",n0 Jon Eves, probably "The description given by the MaJ.-C.- Handy is the. man who sent 350 precarious, and t SmSd be ,.Ilr" second baseman which the Germans have been retreat- LEFT TO RUSSIA of Cannon If it to be made that ever respondent of the Berlin Tagohlatt to his French on the Manic 2 G4 onlv were Intended r m more two al- superior Carroll us,.' In Ka,"r' u,nlfo,',n. ing for than weeks. The the devastation of towns, villages and this famous "The American 65 of the starting of an offensive. Is and the message: Cn rter to "''? lc,lc oirector of the Knights lied forces north of farms by the enemy true, Hag has been forced, to retire. This is 250 The retirement appears indicate th, C the boasts of la Cheatham of anv an of- - " ",,bu f woJk activities. Bvsr, were between five and six miles from destruction German Unendurable, and none, of our soldiers Chester 160 abandonment attempt at Murder of German Ambassador all the Germans by three great I fcusive in that uuartcr at gained would understand their not being asked Claiborne 600 prevent. ski In keeping up the morale of our the Vesle on Friday). offensives which cost them hundreds what to do and what is to re- - 100 ad- of of wounded and necessary Clay fighting men by boosting baseball as a The allies have continued their thousands killed, establish a situation which Is hmntli.it- - Cocke ... 200 Importance Attached. diversion. Demonstrates Impossibility - (Associated Tress.) vance! over a front of about twenty prisoners. Ing to us and unacceptable to our conn- Coffee .. 239 S honor. We are to counter 350 With the American Army on the miles, smashing the German front be- try going Crockett Alsne-.Marn- of Reconciliation, Not Expecting Chase. attack!" Tin a he struck and drove the Cumberland 69 e Front, Aug. 2. (Friday. tween and Fnris, Aug. 3. (Havel Agency) Germans over the Marne. Davidson ,7S3 11 p.m.) Much Importance Is attached DRAFT GETS MEN Muny prisoners were taken by the Decatur 275 to the. advance of the allied forces OH French ut Soissons, which was occu- - the side of the SotsHons-Rhelm- 's twin nerve cen- TERRORISM W I L L DejKalb 609 easterly ter RULE pied at 5 o'clock Friday evening, one! 400 front to the line of Gucux and with on the 1 MEN Dickson flanks of hour aftar the Germans had boenfl 200 Thlllols. It Is pointed to as serving 18 YEARS the German salient, has been driven from the suburbs. Those of Dyer the double of nhcims T045 captured by tho French. WO Fayette , . K 560 object protecting the garrison not captured escaped by Fentress 517 and placing the allies in a position to French troops have penetrated the As Long as General Dissatis- fleeing northward. 300 cripple still further tlm already badly great German baso at on the Franklin to- Soissons, faction Rus- It Seems the enemy did not expect to NOW IN FRANCE Gibson 733 crowded Germans In their retreat Aisne river. Exists, Says bo chosed from Soissons. There were wards the Vesle. Baker Will Giles 302 Secretary Recom All along the Crlse river, south of sian Minister. no Indications that preparations had S00 Thn northward movement of the been made for retirement and no tires Grainger holssons, tho Germans were) thrown Greene 650 Germans has now reached such a point mend Senator back and the allies gained the northern discovered anywhere. Chalons-lthcim- s Change, No of in Man- Grundy 250 that, the reopening of tho bank. Paris, Friday, 2. It Is Russia's On the left, on Friday, French Danger Shortage COO Is assured. Aug. Hamblen railroad Rols de riv- way of that no recon cavalry and tanks kept In close pur- 93 The news received Sols- - Chamberlain Dele, north of the Ourcii demonstrating Hamilton tonight that Says. er, hns been tho ciliation is possible with Germany. M, suit of the enemy and Inflicted heavy to Keep Gaps Filled, Hancock 35) sons had been entered was greeted penetrated by allied lOSSOS power forces. Maklakoff, the Russian ambassador to Hardeman 650 with rejoicing by the French and Fiance said today in discussing with Hardin 350 Americans on the line to the south- After hard fighting the allied forces Says March.
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