Oswestry Rural Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 30 October 2018, in Trefonen Village Hall starting at 7pm Present: Councillors: P Milner (Chair), J Barlow, P Broomby, A Brown, T Cheetham, J Davies, P Davies, S Jones, P May, R Milton, P Richardson, E Roberts-Jones Locum Clerk: P Smith Shropshire Councillor: J Barrow Members of the Public: 11 177/18 Public Participation Period Mrs L Gough and Mrs R Cragg spoke in relation to planning application 18/04207/FUL for a barn conversion at Ball Lane, Maesbury that was being considered later in the meeting. Mrs Gough lived adjacent to the application site and had concerns at the safety of the access onto Ball Lane due to poor visibility if more vehicles were using it. The access for the proposed dwelling was in shared ownership. Mrs Cragg reiterated the highway safety issues along this stretch of Ball Lane, and expressed surprise that no comments had been submitted by the Highways Authority. There were a number of inaccuracies in the application, which she had detailed in her objection on the Shropshire Council Planning Portal. She hoped that the application could be deferred for a site visit. Mr B Kimber spoke regarding the application to divert part of Rural Footpath 31C adjacent to Pear Tree Cottage, Treflach which was being considered later in the meeting. He had looked at the proposed diversion route and had concerns that it went up quite a steep slope that some walkers might have difficulty with. He questioned the need for a diversion. Mr M Andrew from the Trefonen Rural Protection Group spoke regarding the review of the Local Plan that was going to a meeting of Shropshire Council’s Cabinet next week. Trefonen had been designated as a Community Hub with potential for an additional 50 houses over the Plan period. The scale of the proposed development was not acceptable and TRPG were concerned that the results of the Parish Housing Needs Survey had been misinterpreted by Shropshire Council. It was requested that the Council discuss this matter in open session. 178/18 Apologies for absence: Cllrs M Jones and A Milner (accepted) 179/18 Minutes The minutes of the Meeting held on 25 September 2018 were approved and signed. 180/18 Disclosable Pecuniary Interests: a. Members were reminded that they are required to leave the room during the discussion and voting on matters in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest, whether or not the interest is entered in the register of members’ interests maintained by the Monitoring Officer. Cllr P Milner declared a personal interest in agenda item 7 – Planning – as a member of Shropshire Council Planning Committee, but had not been involved in any of the applications on the agenda for consideration. Cllr P Richardson declared a personal interest in agenda item 7b)iii) – planning application 18/04207/FUL – as he knew the applicants. b. To consider any requests for Dispensation None Minutes 30th October 2018 1 of 5 c. Members were reminded that they are required to declare any acceptance of gifts and hospitality. Cllr P Broomby reported that she had attended the recent re-opening of the Royal Oak, Treflach. 181/18 Police Report No report had been received. Concerns were expressed that no report had been received from the Police for a number of months and the Clerk was asked to investigate why they were no longer attending. 182/18 Housing Needs Survey Cllr P Richardson reported that feedback/analysis of the Survey for all the Parish wards had now been received from ward Members. It was agreed that the information be uploaded onto the Parish website. The overwhelming response from residents who had completed the Survey was that they wanted the Parish to remain designated as open countryside. Further to the request made during the public participation period, it was noted that Shropshire Council’s Local Plan Review proposals were now in the public domain. Cllr Richardson reported that Trefonen had been designated as a ‘community hub’ despite the representations the Parish Council had made regarding the flawed methodology that had been used to ‘score’ settlements. The unfairness and inflexibility of the “one size fits all” approach had been made to Shropshire Council’s planners at the second meeting with Parish representatives, but the response had been that they could not change the methodology. It had been made clear that the Parish Council would object during the formal consultation period to the inclusion of Trefonen as a ‘community hub’. The consultation period on the preferred sites identified for housing and employment for the period until 2036 was due to start in late November. The position was noted. 183/18 Planning a. Decisions Received – to note i. 18/03345/FUL Lima, Coed-y-Go, Oswestry SY10 9AE Erection of double garage to front elevation Decision: Grant Permission (ORPC: Support) ii. 18/02980/DSW106 Proposed residential land at Maesbury Marsh, Oswestry Written request to discharge Section 106 legal agreement pursuant to 14/02643/OUT to vary so that the trigger points for the affordable housing payment will commence only at the start of each house Decision: Grant Permission iii. 18/03422/OUT Summerhill, Trefonen, Oswestry SY10 9DT Outline application (all matters reserved) for the provision of three holiday chalets Decision: Refuse (ORPC: Support ) iv. 18/03452/FUL Oswestry Waste Paper Ltd, Unit Mo10, Mile Oak Industrial Estate, Oswestry Erection of a storage building to store cardboard bales Decision: Grant permission (ORPC: conditional Support) v. 18/01553/FUL Land to east of Oak Lane, Treflach, Oswestry Erection of one local needs dwelling; formation of access drive; installation of septic tank; drainage system (re-submission) Decision: Withdrawn vi. 18/02895/FUL Trefarclawdd Farm, Trefonen SY10 9DE Erection of an agricultural building Decision: Grant Permission (ORPC: Support) Minutes 30th October 2018 2 of 6 vii. 18/03096/ADV Development Land East of Kingfisher Way, Morda Erect and display 1no hoarding 2970x1440mm Decision: Refuse (OPRC: Objected) viii. 18/03584/FUL Frondeg, Sychtyn, Nantmawr, Oswestry Erection of a single storey side extension and amendments to existing dwelling Decision: Grant Permission (ORPC: conditional Support) b. Applications Received – to consider response i. Application to divert Oswestry Rural Footpath 31C (part) – Pear Tree Cottage, Treflach Shropshire Council’s Rights of Way Officer had sought the Parish Council’s views on this application. There was some discussion as to the need for the proposed diversion, although the applicants had stated it was in the interests of privacy. In the light of views expressed by a member of the public at the start of the meeting, it was agreed to comment that the diversion route was steeper than the existing path and may not be suitable for all walkers. It was also requested that any future such applications have a smaller scale location plan. ii. 18/04517/FUL Sunnymead, Crickheath, Oswestry SY10 8BP Erection of a single storey front extension It was resolved to support the application. (Cllr P Richardson left the room during discussion of the following application) iii. 18/04207/FUL Proposed Barn Conversion to East of Ball Lane, Maesbury, Oswestry Conversion of a traditional farm building to a detached residential dwelling and all associated works Members noted the objections that had been submitted to this application, and the comments that had been expressed during the public participation period. The principal concerns related to access to the proposed dwelling off a narrow lane with limited visibility, and there was concern that Shropshire Council’s Highways department had not commented on the application. It was noted that an historic application for a barn conversion had been refused, and that there also appeared to be some omissions from the application in relation to shared ownership of the frontage and drive. It was resolved to request that no decision be taken before an assessment of the access to/from the application site from Ball Lane has been made by Highways. It is further requested that the application be considered by the Planning Committee, and that the Committee undertake a site visit prior to making a decision. iv. 18/04604/FUL Maesbury Manor, Maesbury Marsh, Oswestry SY10 8JA Change of use of existing 11 bedroomed dwelling to mixed use as private dwelling house with an annex offering care facilities (C2/C3) It was felt that application would not have any adverse impact on the local area or highways, and might help create a small number of jobs. It was resolved to support the application. v. 18/04414/FUL 1 Brick Kiln Cottages, Racecourse Road, Oswestry Erection of part two storey part single storey extension(s). It was resolved to support the application. vi. 18/04648/FUL Little Underhill, Racecourse Road, Oswestry SY10 7PN Change of use from residential to holiday let. It was resolved to support the application. The Locum Clerk reported that three further planning applications had been received for consultation since the agenda was published. It was agreed to defer consideration of these applications until the next meeting, and to ask for an extension to the consultation period if necessary. Minutes 30th October 2018 3 of 6 184/18 Locum Clerk’s Report The Locum Clerk reported on a couple of road closures that had been notified by Shropshire Council – closure of the B4580 between the Racecourse and Llawnt on 18 November, and re-surfacing works on Shands Lane, Trefonen from 3-14 December. The local Ward Councillors had been sent the details. Further to the report at the last meeting, Shropshire Association of Local Councils (SALC) was pressing Shropshire Council for details of the new Environmental Maintenance Grant scheme that had been promised.
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