i 4 * Cass City Jaeger auto plant Curse becomes a blessing You may be in a new excited folks in ‘33 for Christian church school state voting district Page 10 Page 16 Page 16 IC JI 1 CASS CITY CHRONICLE VOLUME 77, NUMBER 38 CASS CITY,MICHIGAN -THURSDAY, JANUARY 5,1984 Twenty-five cents 16 PAGES PLUS SUPPLEMENT 3 departments battle fire $65,000 loss in ~ large barn blaze U “It went through the 1881 mated the loss at $35,000 to tools. Gagetown department with fire and it ain’t going to the barn and $30,000 to the The fire was discovered a pumper and tanker and make it through the next contents. by Paul Hutchinson, Hutch- thetanker Car0 .I department with a one,” Dean Hutchinson The contents included inson’s nephew, who lives commented last Wednes- nine registered Suffolk next door. He called the fire The two assisting depart- day as he watched his barn sheep, which belonged to department and his ments left about 4 p.m. Elk- burn. the Hutchinsons’ son. Scott, mother, Geraldine, ran land firemen departed one beef steer, a dog and next door to tell Nancy about 7 p.m. Part of the 60-by-80 foot puppies, a few chickens, ap- Hutchinson. Root said about 21,000 structure was more than proximately 1,000 bales of gallons of water were used 100 years old. The barn, Root said that when Paul straw and at least 3,000 of Hutchinson first saw the in fighting the blaze. owned by Hutchinson and Although it was impossi- his wife, Nancy, was on hay, one gravity wagon and fire, it was burning in the one flatbed wagon, a grain vicinity where the electri- ble to save the barn, fire- Spence Road, northwest of elevator, hay elevator, men from the three depart- Cass City. cal lines entered the ,barn. combine header, beekeep- For that reason, it is be- ments did save the five ing equipment, pickup bed other outbuildings on the Elkland Township Fire lieved___ ... the...~ cause~~~~~ was elec- Chief Jerome Root Jr*esti- cover, and some small trical. Hutchinson farm. , The- __ fire___ was soreading SO The farrowing building at rapidly that -bi the trme the south end of the barn they learned of the fire Mrs. sustained some damage, T,ac he rs s e e Hutchinson and her chil- but the pigs inside appa- dren, Scott and Deanna, rently were not harmed. couldn’t get anything out of The loss could have been the barn. (Her husband was worse. “I don’t think I re- member going into a winter 0 fact finding in I still“I’d at say work.) it took about two without a -~truck or tractor minutes “to be completely Up there,” Hutchinson said. contract engulfed in flames,” Mrs. This winter, however, no The Tri-Count Bargain- ing Association Eas filed a request with the Michigan -~~~~ Employment Relations negotiators wire expecting the lower level, were strll smoldering. Hutchinson said there Commission for fact find- to put the.ora1 agreement was insurance on the barn, ing as a means of reaching in writing, the TCBA pre- The fire was reported at 1:48 p.m. In addition to the but noted sadly that money agreement with the Cass sented two issues which couldn’t replace an old City Board of Education on Crouse contended were Elkland department, also resmndine were the barn. It likely will be re- BARN BLAZE Firemen from three departments battled the fire that de- ,*&i new contract. &- ------~Q - The last negotiating ses- Please turn to page 16. Eimwood Township- placed with a pole building. stroyed the barn of Dean and Nancy Hutchinson last Wednesday, but there sion between the two sides wasn’t much they could do except make sure the fire didn’t spread to surround- was NOv.29. buildings. (Other photo, page 16.) The request for fact find- ing ing was filed with MERC Dec. 14 and both sides are still waiting for a response. Some happier than others * According to Lee Longfield of the Michigan Education Association Cass City office, it isn’t re- quired that both sides agree to have a fact finder. ChristmaB sales rebound The next step will be for MERC to submit the names of three potential fact fin- ders to the board and TCBA, who must agree on one of the persons. locally, merchants saY The appointed fact finder J will then conduct a hearing, \ apparently open to the pub- By Mike Eliasohn comparison (to 1982), ex- small appliances and from last year ...I was lic, at which representa- cellent, record month.” sweepers. Telephones also pleased. ” tives of the two sides can Somewhere in the Cass The two things that sold well. There were a lot of early present their positions on City area are 33 girls hap- helped his business were Overall, however, Albee layaways, sales the last the items still to be pily playing with Cabbage the cold weather and an im- wasn’t real happy with his week before Christmas ‘ negotiated. Patch dolls. proved economy during the Christmas season. “I’mnot were good and, she noted, The fact finder may ask There are also two mer- past year. complaining, but I’m not customers weren’t quite as for submission of written zhants who could have sold Heavy clothing, which jumping up and down price conscious as a year arguments or briefs follow- lots more if they could have wasn’t necessarily for either. I think the economy ago. ing the hearing. gotten them. Christmas, sold very well. is turning around slowly.” Keith McConkey of Eventually the fact fin- Cabbage Patch dolls For example, “We got Like the Albee store, the McConkey Jewelry and der issues recommenda- weren’t the only big sellers, wiped out of flannel shirts.” Ben Franklin store sold all Gift Shop, who has been tions for a settlement. They however. With a few excep- Richard’s TV, Appliance the Cabbage Patch dolls it Working on Main Street are not binding, however, tions, Cass City merchants and Sound Room owner had -- 15 -- and couldn’t get since 1928, also noticed that so the two sides still must said this Christmas shop- Dick Jones was another anymore. They could have customers didn’t have to ne otiate a contract. ping season was better than merchant with no -com- sold a lot more, said Donna watch their pennies quite fupt.’Donald Crouse said Christmas, 1982. Not all plaints. “We had a good Spencer, who handles the as carFfully, and for that the list of unresolved issues merchants were surveyed year this year.” toy department at Ben reason, “People seemed to and explanations submit- by the Chronicle. Microwave ovens, along Franklirl. enjoy their shopping more ted by the TCBA to MERC Perhaps the biggest with portable color televi- The Cabbage dolls sold this year.” as part of its petition for smile was that of Bill sions and stereo sets were quickly in early November, Sales were “much better factfinding runs 7% pages. Kritzman, who said, “No his big sellers. “Appliances before the big publicity than last year,” he noted, The superintendent said went pretty well for this buildup began. ‘‘We were but, “It would be far from he has reservations about Franchise time of year,” Jones added. really shocked,” said Ms. years back, four and five fact finding, due to his ex- Microwaves also sold Spencer of thf big demand. years back.” I perience a few years ago well at Schneeberger’s, ac- “They’re homely. They’re ’ Sale of some “big ticket” when a fact finder recom- cording to Clarence (Bud) the ugliest doll there ever items, he and his wife, mended a settlement bet- election Schneeberger. Computers was.” Cindy, said, such as ween the board and the and video disc machines Beauty also did well, diamond rings and 14 karat Union of Operating En- also sold well. however. “Barbie was still gold jewelry, ,boosted busi- gineers, which represents Tuesday Overall, he said, Christ- good,’’ and so were sales of ness. Less expensive rings the school district’s bus mas sales were “About the other dolls. were a popular item. drivers, cooks and custo- A Detroit Edison franch- same (as 1982). Expenses Other popular toys were DURING CHRISTMAS, dians. ise election will take place are up, so profits are “Return of the Jedi” (Star 1982, there were several Rather than examine the in Cass City Tuesday for down ...You’re selling, but Wars) characters, race car empty stores. Now most merits involved, the fact village residents only. expenses are higher.” sets and Stomper cars are filled, and merchants finder with few exceptions The polling place will be Schneeberger’s still had (mechanized cars that flip felt that helped attract split the issues. The board the municipal building on a big sale underway Fri- over backwards, etc. 1 shgppers to Cass City. got half of what it wanted Church Street, not the Elk- day, when interviewed by Overall at Ben Franklin, At one of the new stores, and the union got half. land Township fire hall, the Chronicle, SO owner Gerald Prieskorn Nothing Ordinary, Pam Asked how long it will be which is the site of most Schneeberger wasn’t ready said, Christmas sales were Ouvry said, “We did well. before a fact finder is ap- elections. Hours will be 7 yet to give a final verdict “between fair and good.” We were pleased,” One peinted and a hearing held, a.m.-8 p.m. on sales for all of De- Compared to 1982, sales popular item was a wood Ms.
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