812 British Journal of Ophthalmology 1997;81:812–813 Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.81.10.812 on 1 October 1997. Downloaded from Commentary On the cause of serous detachments and acute central serous chorioretinopathy Serous detachments, with bullous elevation of the retina, the RPE is necessary to the pathogenesis of such occur in a variety of disorders including central serous detachments. This statement does not mean that the chorioretinopathy (CSC), age related macular degenera- primary disease is necessarily within the RPE; it simply tion, lupus erythematosus, choroidal ischaemic disorders means that one correlate of the disease process (which may such as accelerated hypertension and pre-eclampsia, well be choroidal and ischaemic) is diminished fluid systemic corticosteroid usage, over some choroidal tu- absorption. Firstly, bullous detachments can form within mours, and in inflammatory disorders such as Harada’s hours in rabbit eyes in which the RPE and choroid have disease. There is little mystery about the appearance of been damaged pharmacologically (with n-ethylmaleimide) fluid when it overlies a large area of leaky retinal pigment or by photodynamically induced ischaemia (using rose epithelium (RPE), which itself overlies exudative choroidal bengal).910 Fluorescein angiography shows vigorous leak- inflammation or vasculopathy. However, the development age throughout the base of these detachments, but the and persistence of elevated detachment is rather curious in serous elevation does not extend much beyond the area of disorders such as CSC where the region of leakage is very leakage. When the RPE leak is much smaller, as it usually small relative to the area of retina that is detached. Under is in CSC, there must proportionally be less fluid entering these conditions, the question of pathophysiological inter- and even less pressure that would extend a detachment (in est is not so much ‘why does fluid enter?’ but ‘why does the absence of other facilitating abnormalities). Secondly, fluid persist?’ the area of detachment over small photodynamic injuries To form a serous detachment, there must be a driving in the cat expand after pretreatment (and presumed injury) force for fluid entering the subretinal space (for example, a of the surrounding RPE with intense light.11 Thirdly, fluid pressure gradient from the choroid acting through an RPE that enters experimental detachments has been found to defect) that overcomes retinal adhesive force. But how and have an initial protein concentration only 60 to 70% of why is the detachment maintained? Animal experiments serum levels.910 This indicates that the fluid is a have shown that fluid does not ordinarily persist in the transudate—that is, partly filtered, and fluid pressure from subretinal space (SRS), since it is rapidly transported the source does not reach the subretinal space unmodu- across the RPE by active and facilitated ionic transport.1–3 lated. It seems unlikely that the pressure head of leakage in Hydrostatic and osmotic forces also drive fluid towards the CSC would be an order of magnitude greater than that choroid,45 but are less powerful in a normal eye because which occurs in inflammatory and ischaemic disorders that they are blocked by the tight junctional barrier of the RPE. do not cause extensive elevated detachment. It is not surprising, therefore, that when the RPE barrier is The high protein content of serous detachments has at http://bjo.bmj.com/ damaged (for example, by laser or by an RPE toxin such as times been put forth itself as an explanation (by oncotic sodium iodate), fluid actually leaves the subretinal space pressure) for why subretinal fluid forms and persists in faster.67Removal of the barrier allows a more rapid passive CSC. However, if albumin (serum) or even larger egress of subretinal fluid. molecules are introduced into the SRS experimentally, all Why, then, do some serous detachments (as in CSC) of the fluid will absorb within hours even though protein or extend far beyond a focal site of leakage? Traditional protein size molecules may remain in the SRS.6712 teaching had often described acute CSC as a disease Furthermore, retina is suYciently permeable to water and on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. ‘caused by’ the leak (which is visible on fluorescein ions that subretinal fluid equilibrates rapidly and continu- angiography)—that is, caused by a small defect in the tight ously with the vitreous to neutralise osmotic gradients.13 junctional barrier of the RPE. However, the experimental Even albumin can cross the retina at a modest rate, and data indicate that a serous detachment will not form unless proteinaceous fluid within the SRS loses roughly 5% of its there are conditions that drive fluid against the normal protein concentration per hour into the vitreous.13 In other gradients into the subretinal space and that also limit its words, protein will diVuse continuously out of the subreti- subsequent removal by active and passive transport. In nal space of serous detachments, and a high subretinal fact, one can argue that a necessary condition for serous protein content will be maintained only if there is detachment to extend significantly beyond the leak is an continued entry of new fluid with protein. It is this contin- intact tight junctional RPE barrier under the elevated ued influx, and the presence of a reduced absorptive retina (except directly over the areas of leakage), since fluid capacity of the surrounding RPE, that maintains the would otherwise leave under hydrostatic and osmotic detachment. pressure.8 A diminished capacity for absorption of subreti- These arguments suggest that the primary abnormality nal fluid in CSC would explain why subretinal fluid under in acute CSC is diVuse dysfunction of the choroid and a large retinal detachment can absorb within 24 hours after RPE, which creates not only a pressure head for fluid leak- placement of a scleral buckle, yet the fluid under the serous age (and an opportunity for breaks to appear in the RPE detachment in CSC may require weeks to absorb even barrier) but which also weakens retinal adhesiveness (a after the leakage has been stopped by photocoagulation. process that depends on RPE metabolism14) and impairs Could the reason that some detachments spread far the outward transport of fluid. Early evidence for this con- beyond the leakage sites be unusually aggressive leakage cept came from Japanese studies which showed that the into the SRS, rather than less aggressive fluid absorption? systemic administration of adrenaline (sometimes along Several lines of reasoning suggest that this is unlikely and with corticosteroids) led over time to the appearance of that compromised or subnormal fluid absorption across multifocal serous exudation in animals.15 16 Indeed, CSC is Commentary 813 known to be more prevalent in people under stress and mised (so that fluid can accumulate). Protein entering the Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.81.10.812 on 1 October 1997. Downloaded from with type A personality,17 18 or in those using systemic SRS can be sequestered and can be concentrated by fluid corticosteroids.19 Adrenergic stress could in theory act absorption, but it does not directly cause or maintain the upon either the choroidal vasculature or the RPE directly detachment. Although fluid absorption across the RPE is through known á1 and â adrenergic receptors.20 21 The rel- compromised, the underlying pathology appears often to evant point is that extensive areas of the fundus will be be choroidal vascular disease. The ultimate prevention and involved rather than only a tiny focus of RPE barrier dam- management of CSC will come through understanding the age. The angiographic leak may well be an epiphenomenon pharmacology and pathophysiology of choroidal and RPE that occurs because a few RPE cells decompensate over a dysfunctions, rather than by attacking an anatomical site of region of blocked choroidal capillaries or inflammation. leakage. In the past few years, angiographic evidence has MICHAEL F MARMOR accumulated which supports this general concept of CSC. Fluorescein angiography often shows multifocal areas of Department of Ophthalmology, A-157, Stanford University Medical Center, RPE damage that indicate the disease has been widespread Stanford, CA 94305-5308, USA and/or recurrent. Some patients develop a chronic syndrome with extensive RPE abnormalities and some- 1 Marmor MF. Control of subretinal fluid: experimental and clinical studies. times with low and chronic subretinal fluid, but our Eye 1990;4:340–4. 2 Hughes BA, Gallemore RP, Miller SS. Transport mechanisms in the RPE. concern here is with earlier disease and bullous elevation In: Marmor MF, Wolfensberger TJ, eds. The retinal pigment epithelium: cur- over focal leaks. Indocyanine green angiography even in rent aspects of function and disease. New York: Oxford University Press, (in press). early and acute CSC has consistently shown choroidal vas- 3 Marmor MF. Control of subretinal fluid and mechanisms of serous detach- cular abnormalities that extend well beyond the focal site ment. In: Marmor MF, Wolfensberger TJ, eds. The retinal pigment of leakage, including capillary and venous congestion with epithelium: current aspects of function and disease. New York: Oxford Univer- 22–27 sity Press, (in press). hyperpermeability in the late stages of the angiogram. 4 Negi A, Kawano S-I, Marmor MF. EVects of intraocular pressure and other Some authors have described hypoperfusion in the early factors on subretinal fluid resorption. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1987;28: 2099–102. dye transit and have postulated that ischaemia, leading to 5 Negi A, Marmor MF. EVects of subretinal and systemic osmolality on the vascular damage and leakage, is the primary event.22–24 rate of subretinal fluid resorption. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1984;25:616– 20. Others have argued that the hyperperfusion and hyperper- 6 Negi A, Marmor MF. The resorption of subretinal fluid after diVuse damage meability are the primary pathological abnormalities.25–28 to the retinal pigment epithelium.
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