The Mesolithic and the Planning Process in England Volume 2 of 2 Edward Hillier Blinkhorn PhD University of York Archaeology January 2012 Table of Contents - Volume 2 Appendix 2 - Gazetteer of Interventions 3 2 B rigantia Brigantia Archaeological Practice Appendix 2 - Gazetteer of Interventions B ucks C M Buckinghamshire County Museum BUFAU Birmingham Archaeology C&N Hollinrake Charles and Nancy Hollinrake Archaeological Field Unit Cambridgeshire Unit Abbreviations C am A R C County Council Cambridge AU Cambridge Archaeological Unit C arlisle Carlisle Archaeology Abbreviation U n it CAT Canterbury Archaeological Trust AC AC Archaeology CBAS Chris Birks Archaeological Services A lbion Albion Archaeology Centre for Field Archaeology, University of A llen A A Allen Archaeological Associates CFA E dinburgh AOC AOC Archaeology Chester Arch Chester Archaeology APS Archaeological Project Services C hester A S Chester Archaeological Service Chichester District Archaeological Unit ARCA ARCA Chichester DAU Archaeoscape Archaeoscape Consulting CKC CKC Archaeology Archaeological Research & Consultancy at the Colchester AT Colchester Archaeological Trust ARCUS University of Sheffield C om pass Compass Archaeology ARS Archaeological Research Services Context One Context One Archaeological Services ASC Archaeological Services and Consultancy Cornwall AU Cornwall Archaeological Unit A S DU Archaeological Services Durham University C otsw old Cotswold Archaeology AS Archaeological Solutions Cresswell HT Creswell Heritage Trust ASE Archaeology South-East D G raham David Graham ASI ASI Heritage Consultants E arthw orks Earthworks Archaeological Services A tkins Atkins Consultants EAS Engineering Archaeological Services A von A U Avon Archaeological Unit East Sussex CC East Sussex County Council B P hillips Bernard Phillips Essex CCFAU Essex County Council Field Archaeology Unit B aR A S Bristol and Region Archaeological Services E xeter Exeter Archaeology Bedfordshire County Council Archaeology FAS Field Archaeology Specialists B eds C C A U S ervice Foundations Foundations Archaeology B erks A S Berkshire Archaeological Services F ram ew ork Framework Archaeology b q a p Bestwall Quarry Archaeology Project F resden AS Fresden Archaeological Services 3 LRC Landscape Research Centre GEA Geotechnical and Environmental Association Lancaster University Archaeological Unit Geoarchaeological LUAU M B erger SFUCL Geoarchaeological Service Facility UCL M B erger Michael Heaton Heritage Consultants GGAT Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust M H eaton MAP Consultants G ifford G ifford MAP Gloucestershire County Council Archaeology M arches Marches Archaeology McGill Archaeological Consultants G los C C A S Service M cG ill Mike Giffiths and Associates G uildhouse Guildhouse Consultancy MGA Museum of London Archaeology Service G w ynedd A T Gwynedd Archaeological Trust M oL A S Mid Sussex Field Archaeology Team H B rooks Howard Brooks Archaeological Services MSFAT Hereford and Worcester County Council NAA Northern Archaeological Associates Norfolk Archaeological Unit H & W C C A S Archaeology Service NAU Network Archaeology Hampshire Arch Hampshire Archaeology N etw o rk Northamptonshire Archaeology Hampshire CC Hampshire County Council Northamptonshire North Pennines Archaeology HAT Hertfordshire Archaeological Trust NPA Oxford Archaeology H eritage N etw o rk Heritage Network OA Oxford Archaeology East H um ber A P Humber Archaeology Partnership O A E ast Oxford Archaeology North Jacobs Jacobs Engineering O A N o rth On Site Archaeology JMHS John Moore Heritage Services O n-Site Oxford Wessex Joint Venture JSAC John Samuels Archaeological Consultants OWJV Oxford Wessex Archaeology Kevin Trott Kevin Trott Oxford Wessex PALAEOPOL PALAEOPOL L & R A dkins Lesley and Roy Adkins Parsons Archaeology LBo Southwark London Borough of Southwark Parsons Pre-Construct Archaeology L eies A U Leicestershire Archaeological Unit PCA Pre-Construct Archaeology (Lincoln) Leics MAaRS Leicestershire Museums Arts and Records Service PCA Lincoln P hoenix Phoenix Consulting L in co ln Archaeology Lincoln Archaeology P ortland Archaeology Association for Portland Archaeology L in co ln A U City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit RPS Consultants L ines H T Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire RPS S B row n Stewart Brown Associates L indsey Lindsey Archaeological Services South Yorkshire Archaeology Field and Research Liverpool MFAS Liverpool Museum Field Archaeology Section S Yorks AFaRU U nit L-P Archaeology L-P Archaeology 4 SCAU Surrey County Archaeology Unit Soke Soke Archaeological Services Southampton AU Southampton Archaeology Unit Southern Arch Southern Archaeological Services Southern AS Southern Archaeology St Albans MS St Albans Museums Services Stoke on Trent Stoke on Trent Archaeology Suffolk CCAS Suffolk County Council Archaeology Service Sutton A S Sutton Archaeological Services T E llis T Ellis Tees Tees Archaeology T em pus R Tempus Reparatum T errain Terrain Archaeology Thanet Arch Trust for Thanet Archaeology The Arch Practice The Archaeological Practice T im eS cape TimeScape Surveys Trent & Peak Trent and Peak Archaeological Trust TVAS Thames Valley Archaeological Services Tyne & Wear Tvne and Wear Museums ULAS University of Leicester Archaeological Services UMAU University of Manchester Archaeological Unit Warks Museum Warwickshire Museum University of Warwick Department of Continuing Warwick Uni Education Archaeological Field Unit W essex Wessex Archaeology Worcestershire County Council Historic Worcs CCHEAS Environment and Archaeology Service WYAS West Yorkshire Archaeology Service 5 ■ * . -- ' 1 O bject Intervention HER U nit D ate NGR Publication Reference Grey Literature Reference ID N am e ST Cooke, N. 2003. Land at Mill Lane, BATH & NE Mill Lane, 1 Wessex 2003 7782 Bathampton, Somerset. Salisbury: Wessex Bathampton SOMERSET 6702 Archaeology. Davenport, P., Poole, C. and Jordan, D. 2007. Archaeology in N ew Royal Baths ST Bath: Excavations at the New BATH & NE 2 (The Spa) and OA 2007 7498 Royal Baths (the Spa) and Not Accessed SOMERSET Bellott’s Hospital 6467 Bellott’s Hospital 1998-1999. Oxford: Oxford Archaeology Monograph 3. Davenport, P., Poole, C. and Jordan, D. 2007. Archaeology in N ew Royal Baths ST Bath: Excavations at the New BATH & NE (The Spa) and Not Accessed 3 OA 2007 7494 Royal Baths (the Spa) and SOMERSET Bellott’s Hospital 6466 Bellott's Hospital 1998-1999. Hot Bath Spring Oxford: Oxford Archaeology Monograph 3. TL Anon. 1993. Land o ff Hinksley Road, Flitwick. Hinksley Road, Bedford: Bedfordshire CC, Planning 4 BEDS Beds CCAU 1993 0403 Flitwick 3555 Department Conservation and Archaeology. Dawson, M and Enright, D. 1993. M l Widening Junctions 10-15 Archaeological M l W idening J 10- SP Impact Assessment Stage 3a Artefact Collection Survey, Bedfordshire part IV. 5 BEDS 15 Stage 3a Fields Beds CCAU 1993 9820 61, 62, 64 3670 Bedford: Bedfordshire CC Planning Department Conservation and Archaeology Section. 6 Dawson, M and Enright, D. 1993. M l Widening Junctions 10-15 Archaeological Impact Assessment Stage 3a Artefact M l Widening J10- SP Collection Survey, Bedfordshire part IV. 6 BEDS 15 Stage 3a Fields Beds CCAU 1993 9920 Bedford: Bedfordshire CC Planning 69 3600 Department Conservation and Archaeology Section. Anon. 1993. Norse Road Archaeological TL Assessment. Bedford: Bedfordshire CC 7 BEDS Norse Road Beds CCAU ^ 1993 0907 Planning Department, Conservation and 5143 Archaeology Section. Dawson, M and Maull, A. 1993. R o b ert Bloomfield Middle School, Shefford Robert Bloomfield TL Development Proposals For a New Access Via 8 BEDS Middle School, Beds CCAU 1993 1364 93 Ampthill Road. Bedford: Bedfordshire CC ShefFord 3880 Planning Department Conservation and Archaeology Section. Dawson, M, Maull, A and Enright, D. 1993. TL Archaeological Evaluation o f the Shillington Shillington Upton 1252 Upton Sewer Line. Bedford: Bedfordshire CC 9 BEDS Beds CCAU 1993 Sewer Line 3557 Planning Department Conservation and Archaeology Section. Dawson, M, Maull, A and Enright, D. 1993. TL Archaeological Evaluation o f the Shillington Shillington Upton 1252 Upton Sewer Line. Bedford: Bedfordshire CC 10 BEDS Beds CCAU 1993 Sewer Line Stage 2 3557 Planning Department Conservation and Archaeology Section. Anon. 1994. Land at Riverside Meadows, M ill Riverside TL Farm, Bedford, Archaeological Evaluation. 1994 0836 11 BEDS Meadows, Mill Beds CCAU Report 94/6. Bedford: Bedfordshire CC Farm, Bedford 5029 Archaeology Service. TL Anon. 1994. Warren Villas Quarry VI. Warren Villas 1994 1828 Archaeological Evaluation. Bedford: 12 BEDS Beds CCAU Quarry VI 4729 Bedfordshire CC Archaeology Service. 7 Bedfordshire CC Archaeology Service. 2005. TL Archaeological Evaluation o f the Route o f the Arlesey Stotfold BEDS Beds CCAU 1995 2280 Arlesey Stotfold Bypass. Bedford: Bedfordshire 13 Bypass 3630 CC Archaeology Service Bedfordshire CC Archaeology Service. 1995. TL Kensworth Quarry Archaeological Field 14 BEDS Kens worth Quarry Beds CCAU 1995 1470 Evaluation. Bedford: Bedfordshire CC 1930 Archaeology Service. TL Howlett, C. 1995. Octagon Farm, Cople, Octagon Farm, 0930 15 BEDS Beds CCAU 1995 Bedfordshire. Oxford: Tempus Reparatum Cople 5010 Bedfordshire CC Archaeology Service. 1995. TL Octagon Farm, Cople. Archaeological Field Octagon Farm, BEDS Beds CCAU 1995 0930 Evaluation. Bedford; Bedfordshire CC 16 Cople 5010 Archaeology Service. Bedfordshire CC Archaeology Service. 1995. Stratton Business TL Stratton Business Park, Biggleswade, Phase HI Park, Biggleswade, 1995 2090 (North-East
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