V LOWEST INSTALLMENT RATES CUNTQNNATIOKAL 10.75 APR PLUS EXTENDED FINANCING Early deadlines v Due to the Memorial Day Holiday, all advertising and news deadlines will be at 5 p.m. Friday for the June 2 issue. Photo deadline is noon Friday, MAY 26,1976 $mwfythsL,(UinlM,&M.$i^ 1856 30 Pages«3 Sections ST, JOHNS, MICHIGAN 48879 20 Cents Clinton supports MAY 27-Memorial Day parade for St. Johns at 6:30 p.m. Ford, Carter .MAY 30-HubbardstonBicentennial Celebration, begins at 12:30 with a Clinton County Republicans supported Carter's closest challenger. Memorial. Day service at East Plains President Gerald Ford with almost 50% (Complete precinct totals Cemetery. The parade is set for 2 p.m. more votes than challenger Ronald Reagan and approximately (125 units will be in the May 18 Primary. will be published in next .participating. Numerous activities are Ford received 4685 votes and Reagan week's County News) planned throughout the day and evening. polled' 2659 votes.* There were 41 un­ All are invited to attend. George Wallace received 265, Ellen committed ballots. McCormack 60 votes, Henry Jackson 42 and FORMER GRADUATION CLASS On the Democratic ballot Jimmy Carter Fred and Sargent Shriver received 24 each. COMMITTEES-Are reminded that Mr. finished on top with 1327 votes. Edmund Brown Jr. received 9 votes. There Pocuis, who is working on the Morris Udall received 998 votes, to be were 43 uncommitted ballots. homecoming program for Sept. 25, needs your list by the first week in June. Only about half the committees have sub­ Cathy Sanderson announces mitted them and he. would appreciate hearing from the balance.'They can be mailed to Mr. Pocius at 904 W. Baldwin School Board candidacy St., St. Johns, 48879. Cathy Sanderson, mother of 2 elementary Motor Credit Company and five other . Derby director, Terry Cornwell, presents trophy to Harry Todoscuik. school children, and resident of St. Johns for" subsidiaries of Ford Motor Company. It was 3 years, has announced her candidacy for - her'responsibility to handle all corporate the St. Johns School Board. minutes and legal documents for all of the She and her husband, Jim, own and Boards of Directors of these six companies, operate a local business. She graduated with "I feel that I would be an asset to the-St. Todoscuik Derby honors fronvhlgh school and is a member of Johns School Board if elected due to my the National1 Honor Society. During her business background. It is my intent to do all V By Jim Edwards of Rt. 2'Fowler. working year,-she was employed as a Legal I can to upgrade the elementary schools in MAY 27«The Pewamo-Westphalia ' County News Editor Bill Luttig, 14, son of Paul and Pat Luttig, Secretary at Ford Motor Company's World general, while at the same time maintaining Community Players are having try-outs of St, Johns took 3rd place and a 10-speed Headquarters and was subsequently our high standards at the other grade at 7 p.m. for the Rogers and Ham- ST. JOHNS - Harry Todoscuik, a St. bike. ? promoted to work for the Secretary of Ford levels." merstein musical "Oklahoma.*' Try-outs Johns 9th grader, turned perservance into Cathy Feeman, 13, son of Roger and Peg are at the P.W. High School on South victory Sunday after jwhen, in his 5th year of - Feeman of St. Johns, won 4th place. She, Clintonia Rd„ Pewamo, in the band .racing, he won the 1976 Clinton County Soap received a wrist watch. Four run for 2 Fowler room. For additional information call Box Derby. Eric Smith, 11, son of Cecial and Jaonne 593-2265 or 593-2481. Harry is the "son of Frank and Janice Smith of St. Johns finished 5th and was School Board offices MAY 27 « St. Johns Memorial Day Todoscuik of Rt,-1, Elsie. awarded a Kodak pocket camera. : FOWLER - Four persons are running for Also on the ballot is a millage renewal Parade, sponsored by VFW Post 4113 and 2 seats up for election on the Fowler Board request of the 17 mills presently levied. American Legion Post. Entries wilLform His victory in the Clinton County Derby (See Derby Photos Page 7A) j , of Education. at 5 p.m. at the corner of Clinton Ave. and earned him the first place prize^of a $150 Incumbents running are Floyd Messer, Former druggist . Railroad St., with the parade tohegm at savings bond and the right to compete in the Rt. 1, Fowler, who has been on the board for Jeff Bengel, 14, son of William and 4 years'and Gerald Wieber, Rt. 1 Fowler, 6:30 p.m. Those wishing to participate Ail-American Soap Box Derby in Akron, Carolyn Bengel of Westphalia, finished 'flth rfcceive$ fine Ohio August 14. who has served on the board for 8 years. are asked to call Michael Ziegler 224-2981 ana" receiyed an am-fm radio. x ST,, J,0]kN5r;Rodney'Finkbeiner, former or Pete Vallance 224-7784. ,, Brian Efaff, 13 Bon.of,Carljarii-P^Pfaff. Running for.election to the board are r Bcr^niol&mb, tUr^FcWetf aWJoAto ^Fowle^.pbatnifitlBt,- who entered, a,guilty '-Finishing--2d *wiis bs£*Han^^whp<*i|5*:. of Westphalia;' Mshed. "7t|l and' won a plea to disjiehsjHg oxycodone, a derivative MAY^27--The "Fowler"' High"* School received a $100 savings-bond. Dan. is fi^tH *' • cassette tape recorder, Simmon,.2d St., Fowler. ^The election is June 14 and each of the 2 of opium* has received a $2000 fine.. sports banquet will be held at Waldron grader at St. Mary's School in Westphalia. Andy Todoscuik, brother of the winner He also received l-yeas probation. Elementary School. Dinner at 6:30, This was his first year to race in the Derby. Henry Todoscuik, finished 8th. Andy, a 7th offices are for 4-year terms. followed by awards presentations. Dan is the son of David and Kathryn Hanses Harry flashes, a winning'grin. grader at Rodney B. Wilson in St. Johns, received an Instamatic camera. Bob Smith, 13, son of Stan and. Shirley Hubbardston observes Smith of Rt. 2, Fowler, took 9th place and won a sleeping bag. Doreen Fedewa, 13, daughter of Marvin and Aggie Fedewa, Rt, 2, Fowler, finished Bicentennial May 30 10th and won a ball glove. Jan Riley, daughter of Gene and Audrey noon to 2 a.m. The Village of Hubbardston will observe Two dances will take place during the Riley of Rt. 2, Fowler, finished 11th and won the nation's Bicentennial with a celebration a fishing rod. celebration. A Bi-cen-TEEN-ial dance, with Sunday, May 30. During the official music by The Fire-Katz, will be held at Larry Brown, 15, son of Larry and Martha Bicentennial event, many things will be Brown of St. Johns finished 12th and Hubbardston Elementary School for grades provided for the entertainment of visitors at 9-12, from 8:30-12 p.m. There will also be a received a" football. the village on that day. Joni Bengel, sister of 6th place winner Jeff dapce with live music near the beer tent On the day of the celebration, American which will last until 1 a.m. Bengel, won 13th place and received a Legion Post #182 will conduct a memorial basketball. service at East Plains Cemetery at 12:30 Winners of a Beard judging contest will be Winner of the trophy for the best designed p.m. announced at 1 p.m. on May 30, and trophies awarded for the best "Abe Lincoln," best car was Peter Witteveen, 14, son of Maurice A parade, which will feature ap­ and Diantha Witteveen of St. Johns. goatee, best all-around, best moustache, proximately 125 units, will follow at 2 p.m. and best sideburns. Awarded the trophy for the best con­ ,on that day. Senior citizens' King & Queen, Bicentennial commemorative coins and structed car was Barbie Downing, 12, floats, the Carson City-Crystal High School mugs, being sold to help defray the costs of .band, and many other attractions will be the celebration, are now available from daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Downing of included in the parade. Prizes for floats will St. Johns. Ford Newman at the Hubbardston Hard- be given in two categories: commercial and ware or by calling 981-6564, or 981-6769. organizational, with first, second, and third Winning trips to view the Ail-American Advertising space and flea market booths Featured at next Thursday night's "Stars and Wheels Forever" live vaudeville showat Clinton Theatre will be this 16-member group Derby in Akron were Dan Hanses, Phil place ribbons awarded in each of these areas. Youngsters are also being en­ are available for the day of the celebration. from Harrison, Michigan known as the "Harrison Old Time Band". These are all senior citizens from the Harrison area and reportedly Hanses, Dave Purchase, Mark Wilkinson, For information regarding advertising Eric Smith, Glen Gilbert, Bill Purchase, couraged to decorate their bicycles for started their hand last summer for just a "fun thing to do". They will be playing at 3 fairs this summer and are already booked for judging. display space, contact Rose Clark at 981- numerous Bicentennial events throughout the state. Appearing [back row-from left] are: Mrs. Ethel Rider, conductor; Jewell Wall; Doreen' Fedewa, Barb Downing, Todd 6564, and for information regarding flea Elsea, Greg Fox, Jeff Beck, Mark Droste, Leo Wall; piano player; Eleanor Trimmer, Ethel Harroll, Audry Alexander, Alice Eaton, Ruth Andrews, Vera Lanham, Gertrude A section of main street will be blocked off market booths, call 981-6660.
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