E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2017 No. 206 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was Number one, almost everyone will to keep more of the money they have called to order by the Speaker pro tem- say within 5 or 10 minutes that they earned through their labors. pore (Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee). think national security is very, very Number two, we wanted a simpler f important. process. Next, people typically talk to me Number three, we wanted to grow a DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO about how important they feel edu- healthier economy that would create TEMPORE cation is. more jobs and pay higher wages. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Thirdly, people will talk about how Mr. Speaker, I am so proud to be here fore the House the following commu- important they feel infrastructure is: this week and say that we have deliv- nication from the Speaker: roads, bridges, railroads, high speed ered for the American people. WASHINGTON, DC, internet, and those types of things. Let’s take a look at this bill. December 18, 2017. Mr. Speaker, no matter what your Number one, it gives relief to hard- I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN J. priorities are as an American, none of working Americans. In Kansas, with DUNCAN, JR. to act as Speaker pro tempore those will happen unless we have a the House bill, the average hard- on this day. strong, healthy economy; and that is working couple with two children is PAUL D. RYAN, what I believe the Tax Cuts and Jobs going to keep $1,400 more of their Speaker of the House of Representatives. Act does. It helps to continue the money. f strong economy that we have created. But as we continue this process, we tried to make each rendition of this MORNING-HOUR DEBATE Mr. Speaker, we are so fortunate this year. We are about to celebrate our bill better and better. Now, the average The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- third quarter in a row of GDP growth Kansas family will be able to keep up ant to the order of the House of Janu- over 3 percent. It seems like just Janu- to $2,000 more of their hard-earned ary 3, 2017, the Chair will now recog- ary and I was coming here as a rookie money. nize Members from lists submitted by Congressman. All the experts and all But more than that, there are an- the majority and minority leaders for the press said this country will never other 5 million Americans who will get morning-hour debate. see GDP growth again, yet we are another $2,000 bonus this next year. The Chair will alternate recognition about to have our third quarter in a Those are the people who paid for the between the parties. All time shall be row of it. It just amazes me to hear ObamaCare health insurance penalty equally allocated between the parties, people continually tell me what we can that they refused to take because the and in no event shall debate continue and cannot do. insurance was not worth anything. beyond 1:50 p.m. Each Member, other I took a second to look at that. Why Many hardworking Americans will than the majority and minority leaders do we have this strong economy? Why keep up to $4,000 more of their money. and the minority whip, shall be limited is GDP growth going so well? Next, it is simpler. Ninety percent of to 5 minutes. I think it is very simple. We have Americans will be able to do their f rolled back regulations and slowed that taxes on the back of a postcard. down. Is that not simpler? LEGISLATION FOR IMPROVING So many people I have talked to have Of course, it is. I don’t think anybody THE 21ST CENTURY been sitting on the sidelines for the can argue those first two points. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The last 8 years, waiting for some cer- Thirdly, the goal was to figure out Chair recognizes the gentleman from tainty. This new President has given how we grow the economy, how we Kansas (Mr. MARSHALL) for 5 minutes. them the certainty to invest in this grow jobs, how we increase wages for Mr. MARSHALL. Mr. Speaker, I rise economy. Now it is time to pass this people. That is what we have done. We today to celebrate what I believe to be tax reform bill and make this economy have lowered taxes on small businesses, the most significant legislation of the even stronger. which will be the main job creators of 21st century. Of course, I am referring From day one, from the first day we this economy. By lowering those taxes, to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. got here, we talked about common vi- they are going to invest more in their Mr. Speaker, as I travel my State of sions and goals for what tax reform people, in labor, and in capital items. Kansas and across the country, people would look like. Those will all lead to growing this invariably share with me what they Number one, we wanted to make sure economy. feel their priorities should be for this that we gave relief to hardworking This is a very easy bill to support, Federal Government. Americans so that they would be able Mr. Speaker. I don’t have a Ph.D. in b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H10147 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:29 Dec 19, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18DE7.000 H18DEPT1 H10148 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 18, 2017 economy, but I come from the school of come forward and lead the House in the and nays are ordered, or votes objected hard knocks and hard work. Having ran Pledge of Allegiance. to under clause 6 of rule XX. several companies myself, I think the Mr. SHIMKUS led the Pledge of Alle- The House will resume proceedings job pattern that we have going on will giance as follows: on postponed questions at a later time. keep growing. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the f We have a 16-year high in consumer United States of America, and to the Repub- RECOGNIZE, ASSIST, INCLUDE, confidence, a 16-year low in unemploy- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, SUPPORT, AND ENGAGE FAMILY ment. That is mostly due to rolling indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. CAREGIVERS ACT OF 2017 back regulations. But as we go forward f with this tax reform, we are going to Mr. ESTES of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, I CONGRATULATING GENERAL BEN grow more jobs and have more opportu- move to suspend the rules and pass the HODGES nities for Americans. bill (H.R. 3759) to provide for the estab- This is the start of a new year with (Mr. SHIMKUS asked and was given lishment and maintenance of a Family the greatest tax reform, the most im- permission to address the House for 1 Caregiving Strategy, and for other pur- portant legislation of the 21st century, minute and to revise and extend his re- poses, as amended. and I am so proud to be part of this marks.) The Clerk read the title of the bill. process. Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, I con- The text of the bill is as follows: gratulate General Ben Hodges on his 37 H.R. 3759 f years of active military service and his Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- RECESS retiring on December 15. resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Ben and I entered West Point to- gether in 1976, and both graduated as SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Recognize, declares the House in recess until ap- Goats in 1980. We both branched infan- Assist, Include, Support, and Engage Family proximately 2 p.m. today. try and attended ranger school to- Caregivers Act of 2017’’ or the ‘‘RAISE Fam- Accordingly (at 12 o’clock and 5 min- gether, graduating in the spring of 1981. ily Caregivers Act’’. utes p.m.), the House stood in recess. While I went Active Duty and Re- SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. serves, Ben continued his active mili- In this Act: f tary service. (1) ADVISORY COUNCIL.—The term ‘‘Advi- b 1400 We met in Kirkuk, Iraq, as he com- sory Council’’ means the Family Caregiving manded the brigade in the 101st Air As- Advisory Council convened under section 4. AFTER RECESS sault Division. (2) FAMILY CAREGIVER.—The term ‘‘family caregiver’’ means an adult family member or The recess having expired, the House We bumped into each other as he other individual who has a significant rela- was called to order by the Speaker pro headed the Army legislative liaison tionship with, and who provides a broad tempore (Mr. BUDD) at 2 p.m. here in Washington, D.C., and we saw range of assistance to, an individual with a each other numerous times in his last chronic or other health condition, disability, f assignment commanding the United or functional limitation.
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