GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA COMMISSION GEOLUGIQUE DU CANADA CURRENT RESEARCH 1W-B INTERIOR PLAINS AND ARCTIC CANADA PLAINES MTERIEURES ET REGION ARCTIQUE DU CANADA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA COMMISSION GEOLOGIQUE DU CANADA CURRENT RESEARCH 1995-B INTERIOR PLAINS AND ARCTIC CANADA RECHERCHES EN COURS 1995-B PLAINES INTERIEURES ET REGION ARCTIQUE DU CANADA O~inisterof Energy, Mines and Resources Canada 1995 Available in Canada from Geological Survey of Canada offices: 601 Booth Street Ottawa, Canada KIA 0E8 3303-33rd Street N.W., Calgary, Alberta T2L 2A7 I00 West Pender Street Vancouver, B.C. V6B 1R8 or from Canada Communication Group - Publishing Ottawa, Canada KIA 0S9 and through authorized bookstore agents and other bookstores A deposit copy of this publication is also available for reference in public libraries across Canada Cat. No. M44-199513E ISBN 0-660-15810-8 Price subject to change without notice Cover description Silicified pillow basalt, semi-conformable alteration zone, near Spi Lake, Kaminak Lake map area (55L/4), Northwest Territories. See report in this volume by Miller and Tella. (Photo by A.R. Miller; GSC 1994-791). Description de la photo couverture Basalte en coussin silicifii, zone d'altiration semi-concordante, prks du lac Spi, rigion cartographique du lac Kaminak (55L/4), Territoires du Nord-Ouest. Voir le rapport de Miller et Tella dans ce volume. (Photo prise par A.R. Miller; GSC 1994-791). ERRATUM Current Research 1995-C The caption for Figure 1 on page 78 in the report by J.B. Henderson and T. Chacko was omitted. The caption is: Figure 1. Geology of the southwestern Slave Province showing the location of the-Paleoproterozoic uplift as expressed by the aeromagnetic anomaly pattern. The uplift has resulted in the exposure of unusually high metamorphic grade Archean rocks at the present erosion level. Geology modif?ed after McGlynn (1977), Hoffman and Hall (1993),and Stubley et al., (1994). GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA SECTOR Office of the ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER Chief Scientist SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT Bureau du SECTEUR DE LA Scientifique principal COMMISSION GEOLOGIIIIIE du CANADA Geophysics, Sedimentary and Minerals and Continental Marine Geoscience Branch Geoscience Branch Direction de la gkophysique, Direction des ressources minhrales et de la geologie et de la g6ologie du continent shdimentaire et marine Continental Quebec Pacific Atlantic Resources Geoscience Geoscience Geoscience Geoscience Geophysics Division Division Centre Division Division des Division de la Centre Centre Division de la ressources giologie du gioscientifique gioscientifique gboscientifique minerales continent de Quibec du Pacifique 1 de llAtlantioue 1 1 geOphysique 1 Terrain ~nitituteof Cordilleran Sedimentary Division and Petroleum Geology ~i~i~i~~de la Division de la Cordillire lnstitut de 1 1 des Terrains 1 geologie sedimentaire et ! ~Btrollihre Geoscience Polar Coordination and Planning Information and Continental Division Communications Shelf Project Division de la coordination Division ~tudedu I et de la planification I Division de plateau I'information continental gioscientifique polaire et des communications Separates Tir6s 5 part A limited number of separates of the papers that appear in On peut obtenir un nombre limit6 de cctirts h part,, des this volume are available by direct request to the individual articles qui paraissent dans cette publication en s'adressant authors. The addresses of the Geological Survey of Canada directement 2 chaque auteur. Les adresses des difftrents offices follow: bureaux de la Commission gtologique du Canada sont les suivantes: 601 Booth Street 601, rue Booth OTTAWA, Ontario OTTAWA, Ontario KIA 0E8 KIA OE8 (FAX: 613-996-9990) (facsimilk : 613-996-9990) Institute of Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology Institut de gtologie stdimentaire et pttrolikre 3303-33rd Street N.W. 3303-33rd St. N.W., CALGARY, Alberta CALGARY, Alberta T2L 2A7 T2L 2A7 (FAX: 403-292-5377) (facsimilt : 403-292-5377) Cordilleran Division Division de la Cordillbre 100 West Pender Street 100 West Pender Street VANCOUVER, B .C. VANCOUVER, British Columbia V6B 1R8 V6B 1R8 (FAX: 604-666-1 124) (facsimilk : 604-666- 1124) Pacific Geoscience Centre Centre gtoscientifique du Pacifique P.O. Box 6000 P.O. Box 6000 9860 Saanich Road 9860 Saanich Road SIDNEY, B.C. SIDNEY, British Columbia V8L 4B2 V8L 4B2 (Fax: 604-363-6565) (facsimilt : 604-363-6565) Atlantic Geoscience Centre Centre gtoscientifique de 1'Atlantique Bedford Institute of Oceanography Institut oc6anographique Bedford P.O. Box 1006 B.P. 1006 DARTMOUTH, N.S. DARTMOUTH, Nova Scotia B2Y 4A2 B2Y 4A2 (FAX: 902-426-2256) (facsimilt : 902-426-2256) Qutbec Geoscience Centre Centre gtoscientifique de Qutbec 2700, rue Einstein 2700, rue Einstein C.P. 7500 C.P. 7500 Ste-Foy (Qutbec) Ste-Foy (QuCbec) G1V 4C7 G1V 4C7 (FAX: 418-654-2615) (facsimilk : 41 8-654-2615) When no location accompanies an author's name in the Lorsque l'adresse de l'auteur ne figure pas sous le titre title of a paper, the Ottawa address should be used. d'un document, on doit alors utiliser l'adresse d'ottawa. CONTENTS Geological map of Carboniferous and Permian units on Hvitland Peninsula and adjacent areas, northwestern Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada U. Mayr, J.C. Harrison, and B. Beauchamp ..........................1 Preliminary observations on the structural geology of Hvitland Peninsula, northwestern Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada J.C. Harrison, U. Mayr, and B. Beauchamp ..........................9 Carboniferous and Permian stratigraphic sequences on Hvitland Peninsula and adjacent areas, northwestern Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada B. Beauchamp, U. Mayr, and J.C. Harrison .........................19 Serpukhovian and Bashkirian (Carboniferous) stratigraphy (Borup Fiord and Otto Fiord formations; Unit Cl), Hvitland Peninsula and adjacent areas, northwestern Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada P. ThCriault, B. Beauchamp, J.C. Harrison, U. Mayr, and R. Steel ............29 Moscovian (Upper Carboniferous) to Sakmarian (Lower Permian) stratigraphy (Nansen and Hare Fiord formations; Unit C2), Hvitland Peninsula, northwestern Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada B. Beauchamp, C.T. Sherry, U. Mayr, J.C. Harrison, and A. Desrochers ........37 Artinskian-Kungurian (Lower Permian) stratigraphy (Raanes, Great Bear Cape, and Trappers Cove formations), Hvitland Peninsula and adjacent areas, northwestern Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada M.P. Kells, B. Beauchamp, and A. Desrochers .......................47 Ufimian-Kazanian (Lower and Upper Permian) stratigraphy (Van Hauen and Degerbols formations), Hvitland Peninsula and adjacent areas, northwestern Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada A. Desrochers and B. Beauchamp .............................. 57 Uppermost Permian stratigraphy (Unit P6), Hvitland Peninsula and adjacent areas, northwestern Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada B. Beauchamp, U. Mayr, J.C. Harrison, and A. Desrochers ................65 Establishing the chronology of snow and pollen deposition events on Agassiz Ice Cap (Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories) from autostation records B.T. Alt and J.C. Bourgeois .................................. 7 1 Estimates of methane hydrate volumes in the Beaufort-Mackenzie region, Northwest Territories S.LSmithandA.S. Judge ................................... 81 Field measurements of n-factors for natural forest areas, Mackenzie Valley, Northwest Territories A.E. Taylor ........................................... 89 Active layer monitoring in natural environments, lower Mackenzie Valley, Northwest Territories F.M. Nixon, A.E. Taylor, V.S. Allen, and F. Wright ....................99 Cretaceous and Tertiary fossils discovered in kimberlites at Lac de Gras in the Slave Province, Northwest Territories W.W. Nassichuk and D.J. McIntyre ............................ 109 Thermal history and petrology of wood and other organic inclusions in kimberlite pipes at Lac de Gras, Northwest Territories L.D. Stasiuk and W.W. Nassichuk ............................. 1 15 Mineral occurrences in Middle Devonian carbonates, Salt River and Stony Islands (Slave River) areas, northeastern Alberta M.R. McDonough and H.J. Abercrombie ......................... 125 Recent and late Holocene sand dune activity in southwestern Saskatchewan S.A. Wolfe, D.J. Huntley, and J. Ollerhead ........................ 131 A preliminary assessment of remote sensing as a tool for mapping surficial sediments in the southern Canadian Prairies A. Blais, W.R. Stevens, D.F. Graham, and V.H. Singhroy ................ 141 Stress orientation indicators (neotectonic plucking fractures) in bedrock of glacier forefields, southeastern Cordillera, western Canada J.S. Bell and G.H. Eisbacher ................................ 151 Geological map of Carboniferous and Permian units on Hvitland Peninsula and adjacent areas, northwestern Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada U. Mayr, J.C. Harrison, and B. Beauchamp Institute of Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology, Calgary Mayr, U., Harrison, J.C., and Beauchamp, B., 1995: Geological map of Carboniferous and Permian units on Hvitland Peninsula and adjacent areas, northwestern Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada; & Current Research 1995-B; Geological Survey of Canada, p. 1-7. Abstract: During the 1994 field season, Carboniferous and Permian, and to a lesser extent, Triassic and Cretaceous-Tertiary formations and units were mapped in the northern part of Ellesmere Island. About 20 map units, ranging from shallow-water carbonates to basinal shale and chert, were identified. The map area is characterized by a large
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