~ i Royal Cambrian Academy of Art, t PL:\S MAWR, CON\\'AY. t Telephone, No. 113 Conway. i CATALOGUE i OF THE I FIFTY-SECOND ANNUAL i EXHIB ITION, 1934. ~ i The Exhibition will be open from 21st May to I ~ 26th September. A dmission (including Enter- .( ,r tainment Tax), Adults, 7d. Children under 14, ~ ltd. Season Tickets, 2 /(i. 1' ,q·~~"-"15'~ <:..i!w~~~~~~~~\:I R. E. Jones & Bros., Pri11te1·s, Conway. 1 HONORARY MEMBERS. ', The Presidents of the following Academies and Societies :- - Royal Academy of Arts, London (Sir W. Llewelyn, G.C.V.O ., R.I., R.W.A.). ii Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh (George Pirie, Esq). Royal Hibernian Academy, Dublin (Dermod O'Brien, Esq.,H.R.A., H.R.S.A.). tbe Royal Cambrian Rccldemy or Jlrf, F. Brangwyn, Esq., R.A., H.R.S.A., R.E., R.W.A., A.R.W.S. INSTITUTED 1881. Sir W. Goscombe John, R.A. Terrick Williams, Esq., R .A., F'.R.I., R.O.I., R.W.A., V.P.R.13.C. Sir Herbert Baker, R.A., F.R.I.B.A. PATRONS. FOUNDERS. HIS MAJESTY THE KING W. Laurence Banks, J .P. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN Sir Cuthbert Grundy, R.C.A., R.I., R.W.A., V.P.R.13.C. , . HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE J. R. G. Grundy, R.C.A. OF WALES Anderson Hague, V .P .R.C.A., R.I., R.O.I. E. A. Norbury, R.C.A. Charles Potter, R.C.A. I, I, H. Clarence Whaite, P.R.C.A., R.W.S. I! I 3 ·-~ • j ' __J MEMBERS OF THE ACADEMY. MEMBERS OF THE ACADEMY. Academicians. Associates. hancroft, Mrs. Elias. ;:, 'lahler, Henry. X' ~ ? ·resident: Augustus E. John, Esq., R.A., LLD. I. , I': Vice-P.resident: Ben Fisher, (Trnstee). , v" Beare, J.C., A.R.T.B.A. ,;~ Moore, Frank. , ,,.._ H on. Secretary : Thomas Ellison. ,?} _ _ l v" Boak, R. Cresswell I. lNetherwood, Norman.\/ c Flon. T reasure-r: *Ri.i:lplt 1,.\.&pt}Jfcfffl.. ,..,.~ I Bm,er, J. Alphige. ¥ 1Nicho lson, G~eer.•) ,I Brewer, Leonard. X • ....Paice, P. SJ '\ y Adams, Harry W., R.B.C., R.B.K. ' tHughes, Harold, F.S.A.:' I ~rkyn;~. S., A.R.W.A. ~ Aitkt>n, J.E., R.S.W.,P,..R.W.A.t . A.R.I.B.A. Browne, A. C. , ' 0 BePQ'ftf Bsrefit!er. tHumphreys, G. A., F.R.T.H.A. ,, I' Collins, G. E. / µierce, Robert, F.R.I.B.A. Ii • • B · Z A A / (Trustee). ,' Egginton, F. J. •\ Swinstead, Miss E. Hillyard.· ~ ~ erne, ~· . tJ T CJ' t "' ./ B' h F 11 R B C R B A ones, . m on. , .,. Frobisher, Miss M. l\ YTeasdale, P.M . ./ LS op,t · 0 en, · · ., · · · Kemp-Welch, Miss Lucy, R.Li 1 F uller, L_!'!on~rd• J. , l.// T hompson; Mrs. C. Dutton. C. «,. .I Booth, · W. ' . 'Kinsley, Albert, R.l. ,.,,. /.ff. ~ .I .Bowen, 0wen, R.O. · v t1·Knight, Miss Clara. .,. .J,Mtes, P • (i)~ ><Watson, W. J. ( Brockbanl,, A. E. • ~Lanca~tet', Percy, R.I., A.R.E. ,. ,r Jones, T. H .. ~ VWilliams, 1(,Hughcs. ...~ ')' f Bruh!, Ij. Burleigh, R.B.A., Leigh-Hunt, G.• ( Kenworthy, J. J?· • \ Williams, i;.. James./ • ~.e,4. (President British Water Colour ' ittlejohns, J . i /. / Kinsley, H . R.Y ~ Wilson, E. Marsden , Society). Mann, J. S., R.I. , f Lewis, John ·R. X t,,Woods, Albert._,vt ./ Chadwick, f- · A/ McDoul(al, J. v~ .J tClongh, T.•/ Owen, Will ,/ f t*Cockram, Geo., R.I. (Trustee) J Pritchard, I. M. , Honorary Retired Members. Q~P,. !:) Cuft, Pers;r Jii: 1 Ml f.ri. Roberts, Lancelot~ • i Dobson, Raeburn. i Sharpe, C. W / • / Edwards, Lionel, R.I..r. Stamper, J. W. 'l- Academicians. Associates. Baker, Oliver, R.E. , • Bottomley, A, E, ,r' Egginton, W.1 R.I. I j'Stephenson, W. ' ' ,t Finnemore, J. R.I. •/ / Towers, S. , Casssidy, John.~ .•: . Towers, J ames. ,, / Garside, Oswald, R.I.,J • ZUrsil; 252·1. Hughes, Leonard. v' tGrundy, Sir <;uthbert, J.P., R.I., Weaver, H.P., R.B.A., R.W ..-\. • 1 R.W.A., V.P.R.B.C. Whewell, Herbert, R.l. ' "wi11J ts; P~lll·er.~......,,,., Williams, Alyn, P.R.M.S. ,... H on . Legal _Adviser: James Porter, Esq. ' ., tHinchlifte, R.G. ;;-- Williams, Mi~ Margaret Lindsay ( . H ou. ,frchitect: Harold Hughes, Esq., R.C.A., F.S.A., A.R.I.B.A. tMembers of the Academy Council, 1934. Curato-r a11d Secreta·ry : C. G. Dyall. •Members of the Hanging Committee, JY34. 5 4 \.1.. j ~ NOTICE TO PURCHASERS OF EXHIBITS. The Council of the Royai Cambrian Academy have en­ deavoured to secure accuracy in the prices fixed by the Artists, but are not responsibie for any errors that may occur. Intending purchasers must negotiate through the Curator. ROY AL CAMBRIAN ACADEMY ART CLASSES. A Deposit of not less than ](I per cent. of the purchase price is required to be paid on all works directed to be marked as sold, and the balance before any picture is removed. No picture c.an be rernoyed before the close of Students who contemplate joining the Classes for the Exhibition. the Winter Session can obtain full information on The prices in the Cata logue include the frames. except where otherwise stated. application to:- A Red Star on a picture indicates either that it is sold C. G. DYA.LL, Curator. or is not for sale. The copyright remains the property of the Artist unless there be a special agreement to the contrary at the time of purchase Neither the Council of the Royal Cambrian Academy nor their Agents will be responsible for any loss of, or damage, or iniury to. any works, however caused, whether in transit or whilst under their control. The Roy al Cambrian Academy does not undertake to deliver any work purchased in the Exhibition, but for the convenience of purchasers the Curator, on receipt of full instructions, will arrange with an experienced firm to pack and forward any pictures bought in the Exhibition, subject to the buyers undertaking to pay all charges for such work. 7 Initials following the Names of Artists indicate that theY CATALOGUE. are connected with one or more of the undermentioned Academies or Societies. Banqueting Hall. £ s. d. Between the Showers... .. .. .. ... RA. R oyal Acad emy. George Cock,·ani, R.C.A., R.I. 7 7 0 R.S.A. Royal Scottish Academ y. A Vase of Roses ... Owen Bowen, R.C.A ., R.0.1. 10 10 0 5 5 0 R H .A. Royal Hibernian Academy. 3 A Study....... .. ...... R . Stanley Fisher ... RC.A. Royal Cam brian Acad emy. 4 The Avon at Hampton Lu cy Ernest A . Chadwick, R.C.A . 7 7 0 R V/ .A. R oyal West of E ngland Acad emy. r 5 The Start .. Miss Lucy Kemp-W elch, R .C.A., Tl.I. 15 0 0 RB.A. R oyal Society of British Artists. I 6 Autumn at Aberglaslyn ....... , .... ........... R \V.S. Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours. I E rnest A. Chadwick, R .C.A . 6 6 0 RI. Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours. 7 Still L ife Stu dy .. Miss Margaret Sidney Davies RO.I. R oyal Institute of Oil Painters. 8 Dahlias .. ............. .. ... Mrs. E. D . Corry 26 5 0 R.S.W. Royal Scottish Society of P ainters in Water 9 Roses in J anuar y .. ............... .. Colours. M1'S . Florence Engelbach, R.0.I.· 12 1~ 0 R.:\I.S. R oyal Society of Miniature Painters. 10 Self Portrait C. Barnard Wright... 31 10 0 R.E. R oyal Society of Painter E t chers. 11 Arbut u s Tea Garden, Menton ............. R.B.C. Royal B ritish Colonial Society. Mrs. Sara B . Dibdin 12 12 0 R.I.B.A. R oyal Institute of British Architects. 12 Coming Storm.. .. .. _" iss E. Tow1:ley 1'vlillers B.\~T.S. British vVater (olo•.1r Society. 13 Portrait of a Lad y .. .]. D . J{enworthy, A .R.C.A . A Su mmer Bu nch ... ]. Finnemore, R.C.A ., R .I. 7 0 0 P., as a prefix, indicates th~ P residen t of a Society. 14 15 Breakers a t Man sands, D evon ................ ... V .P . a \ . ice-President of a Society Aloysius Patrick O'Connor F. F ellow of a Society. 16 Spring in England .. .. .. ... 1'\llrs. Sara B. Dibdin 10 10 0 H. an Honorary :\1ernb er of a Society. 17 Zulu Bride, M'Korte .. l\!Iiss Perle Siedle Gibson 12 0 0 A. an Associa te of a Societ y. 8 9 I· r 11 BANQUETING HALL. BANQUETING HALL. {. q ,..L s. d . 18 Mixed Flowers .. Mrs. Florence E ngelbach, R.0.I. 10 10 0 (16) Sapphire 9ct. Gold Ring ..........: .. .. , .......... : 17 6 19 Sunflowers ................... ..... ......... Gra;e Page 50 0 0 (17) Mauve Sapphire and Moonstone met. Ring:. 4 JO {) 20 CrickhO\,·ell Bridge ................. A. T. Fisher 6 6 0 Miss Winifred ·K ing and Mrs. Attenborough ·· {18) Silver Buckle ............ ..... · ...... ·· · ·· · · ·· ·· · 5 0 (19) Brooch-Carnelian·····························:·· 1 5 0 Leather Work, Metal Work, Jewellery, Sculpture and Craft Work (20) Brooch, Ruskin St one ...................... , . 0 18 0 £ s. d. (21) Silver Serviette R ing ......... .. , .. .. ·· · ·· · · · · · · i 10 0 21 (1 ) Pewter Decorated Bowl, B lack ........ ...... 0 Miss Sarah Delamere B eard 0 J2 6 (22) Sugar Tongs ........................ · · · · · ·, · ·, · · (2) Painted Silk Lined Tray ....................... (23) Pendant, two P earl Blister ......... ......... .. 0 16 0 J\,[iss N!ary Savnor 5 0 (24) Gold and Silver Ring-Amazonite ....... 1 15 6 (3) Leather Cigarette Box (tooled by hand) .
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