Digital Commons @ George Fox University Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church Friendly Endeavor (Quakers) 9-1931 Friendly Endeavor, September 1931 George Fox University Archives Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_endeavor Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, "Friendly Endeavor, September 1931" (1931). Friendly Endeavor. 102. https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_endeavor/102 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church (Quakers) at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Friendly Endeavor by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Friendly Endeavor Volume 10, Number 9. PORTLAND, OREGON September, 1931. (©ccangite IBrccjes from ®tom l^ocfes Confacntion HIGH POINTS OF INTEREST eats were plentiful and good. The The opening message Tuesday even waitresses were as smiling as ever. The ing was devoted to the subject, "The Registration reached 301. Conference managers worked early and Fullness of God"—Eph. 3:9. The neces Attendance the first evening service late to keep everyone comfortable. To sity of receiving all the fullness of God was about 250. On Sunday it was e v e r y o n e t h a n k s i s d u e f o r t h e i r c o was placed before us and young Chids- about 450. operation in helping make this year the tians especially were urged not to be The Dining Olub fed 113 on Monday best Conference ever. satisfied with just primary blessings. evening. After Tuesday the average Wednesday evening the Scripture les n u m b e r a t t h e t a b l e s w a s 1 8 0 . IMPRESSIONS son was found in Acts 1:1-8, and the There were many campers beside those subject presented was, "A Study of the eating at the Club. Person and Work of the Holy Spirit." T h e I n t e r m e d i a t e c l a s s w a s v e r y l a r g e . Traveling back, as I now am^ across Mr. Coffin especially emphasized the The youngest person registered was the desert of Idaho in stifling heat and truth that the Holy Spirit was a person Mildred Marie Cook, 8 months old. dust, makes one long for the cold salt of the Godhead and not an influence. The oldest person registered was breeze of Twin Rocks and the fellowship He stated that on the day of Pentecost Marion George. Father George, as we of such a Conference is as rare and when the Holy Spiidt descended it was call him, agd 81 years. invigorating as the atmosphere. just as truly divinity come to earth as There were 8 representatives from Several impressions stand out point the day when Jesus, the Son of God, California Christian Endeavor Union e d l y a s I l e a v e Tw i n R o c k s C o n f e r e n c e . was born of the Virgin Mary. _ present. First is the character of Oregon Yearly Thursday evening the same Scripture Bertram Miller, the California presi Meeting's young people. It is not the was used with the theme, "The Baptism dent, with his ivife, and Mr. White, with usual thing to find so vigorous, so tal of the Holy Spirit." The work of the his sister. Miss White, arrived on Thurs ented and yet so spiritual a group to Holy Spirit in cleansing and purifying day. Blain Bronner and wife were gether in such numbers. I was espec was portrayed; the purpose of this welcomed, with Laura Taylor, from Cit ially impressed with the real caliber of filling with the Spirit was expressed m r u s H e i g h t s M e e t i n g . M r. B r o n n e r w a s theSe young people comparing favorably with the best the world produces and the words: "Ye shall be ivitnesses. at one time president of the Oregon Friday evening our attention was Yearly Meeting Union. yet deeply consecrated. claimed by four words: "Satan, bin. Rev. Everett Cattell, president of the Another impression is of the happy Soul and Saviour." Satan was discov Ohio C. E. Union, was present. His coiThination and balance between recre- ered to be an actual spirit person, who presence was greatly appreciated be ati'in and evangelistic fervor. I thor- seeks to destroy man \vith evil tempta cause of the distance he came and ougnly enjoyed the frolics we had to tion. Sin is an actual fact and is found because of the inspiration he brought. gether the night on the beach, so whole- in every unregenerate heart. Every His message to us lingers in our heai-ts. soiree and so funny wll never be forgot man possesses a soul of untold worth Miss Gertrude Cook, at one time an t e n - ( H u r r a h f o r T i t i c a c a ) B u t j u s t and is saved from all sin through Jesus active worker in our Union, now a lik® genuine Christian young people, the Savior. The Scnpture tMs teacher in Cleveland Bible Institute, was youns have the happy faculty of coming message was found in Matthew 13.36-43, present. She was much appreciated. at ,nnce from lively fun to the deep and Isaiah 32:2. 1.111 fnrmed Several general improvements were ser^nusness of evangelistic services. _ I Sunday mormng Acts IT-tt formed noted with pleasure. The new addition shnh not soon forget, for it is the major the basis of the^rmon f^^h was en to the dining hall was fine. A new im^ession of the Conference, the won titled, "The Said Things of Acts 1. Our path to the beach which makes the is- derful moving of the Spirit, the filled attention was called to the command of tance shorter, and a bridge across the alt^s and the voices of victory. Jesus to wait for the promise of the gulch, making it possible to get across There are many Conferences where Father, which was Holy Ghost baptism. with ease, was appreciated by everyone. rectNation overshadows evangelism. But The difference between this baptism The Tabernacle was decorated beauti I Vr^ve no anxiety for the Twin Rocks (which is spiritual) and that of John fully this year, and that added to the Coi?^erence, for such a condition is us which was water) was pointed out pleasure of being in the room. ually due, not to too much recreation, Our attention was then directed to the Every pastor in the Oregon and Wash but, to a deficiency of spirituality in the Uvo-fold promise, "Ye shall receive pow ington meetings was present except leadership. Having that, however, as er" and "Ye .shall be witnesses, and it three, Robert Smith of Marion, Walter I c^f'tainly sense you do, there is little was suggested that this was possible Cook of Kelso, and Chas Haworth of fea''> for it is but the natural expression only "aftir that the Holy Ghost is come South Salem, who was in the East. of ^hch lives to put first things first. Zon you." Then, the last ';said thing" The Recreational Manager, Milo Ross, me thank you most sincerely for nf this reading was concerning the re- and Laura Cammack, worked very hard the Wonderful welcome you gave me, tun^ of lesus'^Christ which the angels the Comfortable entertainment, splendid said should come again in like manner. to give everyone a good time. The "The Model Penitent" was the subject p l a n s f o r t h e w e e k w e r e a l l c e n t e r e d fell'^Vship and blessed inspiration. Prob- about a Bolivian cruise. Everyone ablJ^ no one can calculate the signifi- of the last sermon of Conference, given learned some names which are common cair'^U of these contacts between groups on Sunday night. The Scripture lesson on our missionary field in Bolivia, so we of /-^umion purpose such as Oregon and and text was Luke 23:39-43,which tells are much better acquainted and had a Obi^ Yearly Meeting. of the two thieves crucified with Jesus. EVERETT L. CATTELL. Our evangelist said that the cross of good time at the same time. Everyone Christ always divides the two attitudes showed their appreciation of the plans of man: Scoffing and unbelief, and sup- by cooperating and enjoying them. evangelistic services plication and belief. The tluef who confessed his guilt, expressed his faitii in Chi-i.st and asked for help, was the APPRECIATION Tjle evangelistic services, under tire model penitent. Those who take the lea(^rsliip of Rev. Merril Coffin, pastor same attitude find the same promise Many thanks are due to many people of hirst Friends, Portland, were periods for their work in helping to make the of ^hspiration and abundant blessing. given to them—that they too shall be Tlid , presence of the Holy Spirit was with Christ in Paradise. Conference a success. It would be im Throughout these meetings the power possible to mention all the names, for maf'^fested in each message given, and of the Lord was marvelously manifested.
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