THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEW TECUMSETH MEETING OF COUNCIL MEETING NO. 2013-07 MONDAY APRIL 15, 2013 Council Chambers 10 Wellington Street East, Alliston, Ontario 7:00 P.M. CHAIR: MAYOR MIKE MACEACHERN ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS Awards and Recognitions Confirmation of Agenda Disclosure of Interest Adoption of Minutes Communications Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion Adoption of Items not Requiring Separate Discussion Deputations Requiring Statutory or Public Meeting Deputations Relating to New Matters Consideration of Items Held For Separate Discussion By-laws New Business Public Notices Confirming By -law Adjournment Correspondence intended for Committee and/or Council is generally received as public information, subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Any person submitting correspondence shall advise the Clerk of any confidential items and the general nature of the confidentiality. 2 A G E N D A Council Meeting No. 2013-07 April 15, 2013 Awards and Recognitions NOTE TO USERS Click on Item Confirmation of Agenda (ie: Minutes, Reports, etc.) to immediately view that item. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest “Home” key to go back to the first page of the agenda. Adoption of Council Minutes Council Meeting No. 2013-05, March 18, 2013 Special Council Meeting No. 2013-06, April 8, 2013 Communications COM-1 NOTTAWASAGA VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY 2013 Municipal Levy, March 18, 2013 COM-2 MUNICIPALITY OF TRENT LAKES Municipal Costs for Appeals to the OMB for Municipal Decisions on Mineral Aggregate Resource Developments, March 21, 2013 COM-3 NOTTAWASAGA VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Highlights – Board of Directors Meeting No. 03/13, March 22, 2013 COM-4 STEVENSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Request re Annual Tag Day on May 3, 2013 Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion Adoption of Items not Requiring Separate Discussion Deputations Requiring Statutory or Public Meeting 3 Deputations Relating to New Matters DEP-1 MITAHATO EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT FUND - KENYA Sarah Pufek on behalf of Irv Newman DEP-2 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION Alan Masters, MCG Consulting DEP-3 METIS TRANSIT Darren Parberry, President Items for Consideration: 1. Committee of the Whole Report No. CW-2013-04, April 8, 2013 CW-1 COUNCIL ITEMS (a) SIMCOE COUNTY WASTE COLLECTION CW-2 COMMITTEE, BOARD AND TASK FORCE SUMMARIES (a) HERITAGE NEW TECUMSETH ADVISORY COMMITTEE (b) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (c) BEETON FACILITY PLANNING TASK FORCE (d) MUSEUM ON THE BOYNE ADVISORY COMMITTEE CW-3 SIGN BY-LAW – REQUEST FOR VARIANCE CLIFFORD TUCKER, CREATIVE BEAN COUNTER 2 MAIN STREET EAST, BEETON (VACANT LOT) CW-4 WILDLIFE AND PROHIBITED ANIMALS BY-LAW 93-125 REQUEST FOR EXEMPTION FOR REPTILES/EXOTIC ANIMALS Additional Information Memorandum from the Supervisor, Municipal Law Enforcement, April 15, 2013. Refer to By-law No. 2013-039 4 CW-5 HERITAGE REGISTER – SIGNIFICANT PROPERTIES (CLASSIFICATION NO. 2) CW-6 REVISED REQUEST FOR EXEMPTION FROM NOISE CONTROL BY-LAW NO. 2011-101 – GLEN’S SWEEPING LTD. Additional Information Memorandum from the Clerk/Director of Administration Services, April 15, 2013 CW-7 ALLISTON WWTP HEADWORKS UPGRADE CW-8 PROPOSED RED LINE REVISION AND LIFT HOLD SYMBOL RIVER’S EDGE PHASE II EAST HALF OF LOT 2, CONCESSION 1, COMMUNITY OF ALLISTON TOWN OF NEW TECUMSETH FILE NO. NT-T-1201 & DEV 303 Ratified at Special Council Meeting No. 2013-06, April 8, 2013 CW-9 1711502 ONTARIO INC. (HOLBORN PROPERTY INVESTMENTS INC.) RIVER’S EDGE PHASE II SUBDIVISION, ALLISTON AMENDING SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT, PHASE 2 Ratified at Special Council Meeting No. 2013-06, April 8, 2013 CW-10 PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT #10 – EVERETT SECONDARY PLAN AND SETTLEMENT AREA BOUNDARY EXPANSION TOWNSHIP OF ADJALA-TOSORONTIO CW-11 TOWNSHIP OF ADJALA-TOSORONTIO ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT – EMPLOYMENT LANDS MARKET JUSTIFICATION STUDY PEER REVIEW NORTH AND SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 89, EAST OF COUNTY ROAD 50, WEST OF THE SETTLEMENT AREA OF ALLISTON LOT 32, CON 6; LOT 32, CON 7; LOTS 1 & 2, CON 6; LOT 1, CON 7 APPLICATION FILE NO. D 14 Z 01/12 CW-12 BALLYMORE DEVELOPMENT (TOTTENHAM) CORP. SUBDIVISION, TOTTENHAM - EARTHWORKS AGREEMENT Ratified at Special Council Meeting No. 2013-06, April 8, 2013 CW-13 AWARD OF TENDER T13-01 MACKENZIE PIONEER ROAD – SIDEWALK AND STREET LIGHTS NEW TECUMSETH Refer to By-law No. 2013-040 5 CW-14 AWARD OF TENDER T13-05 2013 ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, NEW TECUMSETH Refer to By-law No. 2013-041 CW-15 PROPERTY MATTER – SIDEWALK – MILL STREET AND INDUSTRIAL ROAD, TOTTENHAM Refer to By-law No. 2013-042 and 2013-043 CW-16 STREET NAMES BRIAR HILL WEST DEVELOPMENT CW-17 DERELICT BUILDINGS – 66 & 76 VICTORIA STREET WEST, ALLISTON CW-18 AWARD OF TENDER NO. T13-09 ONE (1) MUNICIPAL MULTI-PURPOSE TRACTOR, 4-WHEEL DRIVE, ARTICULATING, OSCILLATING, RUBBER TIRES, DIESEL POWERED CW-19 AWARD OF TENDER NO. T13-16 ONE (1) 2013/2014 62,000 G.V.W. STANDARD TANDEM, CAB AND CHASSIS COMPLETE WITH COMBINATION ‘U’ SPREADER/DUMP BODY AND ONE WAY PLOW AND WING ASSEMBLY CW-20 AWARD OF TENDER NO. T13-14 TWO (2) 2013 OR 2014 RIDE-ON, 4 WHEEL DRIVE, 128” ROTARY MOWER, 3 CUTTING DECKS WITH REAR DISCHARGE CW-21 AWARD OF TENDER NO. T13-12 SUPPLY OF GRANULAR ROADS MATERIAL Refer to By-law No. 2013-044 CW-22 AWARD OF TENDER NO. T13-11 35% LIQUID CALCIUM CHLORIDE SOLUTION Refer to By-law No. 2013-045 CW-23 AWARD OF TENDER NO. T13-18 SCREENED WINTER SAND Refer to By-law No. 2013-046 CW-24 AWARD OF TENDER NO. T13-17 SWABBING OF WATERMAINS - TOTTENHAM Refer to By-law No. 2013-047 6 CW-25 NVCA LEASE AGREEMENT – RIVERDALE PARK Refer to By-law No. 2013-048 CW-26 UPDATED MUSEUM POLICIES CW-27 ALLISTON MEMORIAL ARENA – INFRASTRUCTURE UPGRADES 2013 CW-28 2012 FIRE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT CW-29 TOTTENHAM WWTP Additional Information Memorandum from the Deputy CAO/General Manager of Technical Services, April 15, 2013. Refer to By-law No. 2013-049 2. Committee of the Whole (Closed Session) Report No. CS-2013-04, April 8, 2013 CS-1 SENIOR OF THE YEAR – NOMINEE SELECTION 3. OLG – CASINO Clerk/Director of Administration Services, Report #ADMIN-2013-22, April 15, 2013 By-laws: By-law 2013-039 A by-law to amend By-law 93-135 being a by-law to prohibit or regulate the keeping of animals in the Town of New Tecumseth By-law 2013-040 A by-law to authorize the signing and execution of an agreement with Sunrise Contracting Inc. for the MacKenzie Pioneer Road Sidewalk and Streetlights project By-law 2013-041 A by-law to authorize the signing and execution of an agreement with Coco Paving Inc. for road works in accordance with the 2013 Road Improvement Program By-law 2013-042 A by-law to declare and dispose of municipally owned lands deemed surplus to municipal requirements By-law 2013-043 A by-law to stop up and close a portion of the Town’s right-of-way on Industrial Road in the Community of Tottenham 7 By-law 2013-044 A by-law to authorize the signing and execution of an agreement with Strada Aggregates Inc. for the supply and delivery of granular roads material By-law 2013-045 A by-law to authorize the signing and execution of an agreement with Pollard Highway Products for the supply and delivery of 35% liquid calcium chloride solution By-law 2013-046 A by-law to authorize the signing and execution of an agreement with James Dick Construction Ltd. for screened winter sand By-law 2013-047 A by-law to authorize the signing and execution of an agreement with Corix Water Services for swabbing of watermains in Tottenham By-law 2013-048 A by-law to authorize the signing and execution of a lease agreement for the property known as the Alliston Green Belt Lands (Riverdale Park) By-law 2012-049 A by-law to authorizing the signing and execution of an Amending Engineering Services Agreement with Conestoga-Rovers & Associates relating to the Tottenham WWTP project NEW BUSINESS PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Town of New Tecumseth proposes to pass a by-law on Monday, April 15, 2013 to deem lands described as Part of Industrial Road, Registered Plan 373, Part of PIN 58170-0293 and having an area of approximately 187.9 m2, in the Community of Tottenham, Town of New Tecumseth, all in the County of Simcoe, surplus to municipal requirements and to dispose of said property. CONFIRMATORY BY-LAW ADJOURNMENT THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEW TECUMSETH COUNCIL MINUTES MEETING NO 201305 MARCH 18 2013 A meeting of Council was held on March 18 2013 at 700 pm in the Council Chambers 10 Wellington Street East Alliston Ontario MEMBERS PRESENT Mayor M MacEachern Deputy Mayor R Milne Councillor D Jebb Councillor B Marrs Councillor R Norcross Councillor F Sainsbury Councillor J Smith Councillor J Stone Councillor P Whiteside MEMBERS ABSENT Councillor B Haire with notification AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Add CW9 Proposed Plan of Subdivision and Official Plan Amendment Nottawasaga River Estates Correspondence from Innovative Planning Solutions on behalf of the property owners dated March 15 2013 2013052 Moved by Councillor Stone Seconded by Councillor Whiteside BE IT RESOLVED THAT the agenda for Council Meeting No 201305 held on March 18 2013 be confirmed as circulated and amended CARRIED DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST Councillor Jebb declared a pecuniary interest with respect to Item COM5 correspondence from Rita Bennett relating to truck traffic in Beeton as she is related to a business owner mentioned in the correspondence Councillor Smith declared a pecuniary interest with respect to Item CW9 Proposed Plan of Subdivision and Official Plan Amendment Nottawasaga
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