E764 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 16, 2021 HONORING SERGEANT PETER Howard Henry Miles returned to his high iors for American Legion Boys State and KOEPP, SERGEANT MARK LAINO, school, I.M. Terrell, as a Science teacher and American Legion Auxiliary Girls State, pro- OFFICER CHRISTOPHER WAT- beloved coach while he simultaneously earned moted the annual American Legion High KINS, AND OFFICER BOBBY MEIS a master of science degree in biochemistry School Oratorical contest, and worked along- UPON RECEIVING THE CONGRES- from Syracuse University. Howard continued side the Wreaths Across America organization SIONAL MEDAL OF BRAVERY his teaching and coaching career at Amon at the Dallas-Fort Worth national cemetery. Carter-Riverside High School in 1970 and Mr. Rogers served as the Texas State Vice HON. ELAINE G. LURIA Polytechnic High School in 1975 where he Commander in 2014 through 2015. In 2019, OF VIRGINIA spent more than 20 years doing what he loved he received a third Pioneer Award for the or- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES most: teaching AP science courses and ganization of Post 268—Sanger. coaching sports teams. He is respectfully re- I join Post 178 and the Frisco community in Friday, July 16, 2021 membered and admired by many students as thanking Mr. Rogers for his devoted service to Mrs. LURIA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to ‘‘Coach Miles,’’ one who helped break down our veterans and his fellow citizens. He is truly honor Sergeant Peter Koepp, Sergeant Mark racial barriers for them between the 60’s and an outstanding model of selfless civic service. Laino, Officer Christopher Watkins, and Officer 70’s. f Bobby Meis of the Virginia Beach Police De- Howard is also recognized for his tough love partment upon receiving the Congressional teaching style and ‘‘painstaking drills’’ which IN HONOR OF GEREK MEINHARDT Medal of Bravery for their heroic actions on resulted in his girls track team winning two May 31, 2019. state championships for which he was recog- HON. ANDY BARR Like many in our community and around the nized by the Texas State House representa- OF KENTUCKY nation, I was shocked and horrified to hear tives. Howard was given many opportunities to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES about the active shooter situation in Virginia move up in his career, however his heart be- Friday, July 16, 2021 Beach’s municipal building that day. The four longed to the city of Fort Worth where he re- Mr. BARR. Madam Speaker, I would like to officers arrived separately at the hectic scene tired in 1999. honor a special Kentuckian and a member of before converging toward the sound of gunfire. Howard’s long and varied service to Fort the 2020 U.S. Olympic Team, Gerek Together, they approached the assailant and Worth also includes playing in the Fort Worth Meinhardt, from Lexington, Kentucky. bravely exchanged gunfire, during which Ser- Civic Orchestra and Arlington Band, religiously Mr. Meinhardt began the sport of fencing geant Koepp was struck by a bullet, receiving attending St. Andrews United Methodist when he was 9 years old. In 2007, he quali- blunt trauma to his abdomen. The officers’ po- Church serving as a youth leader, Sunday fied for the cadet, junior, and senior world sitioning allowed city employees and citizens school teacher, male chorus member and teams all in the same year, becoming the first to evacuate the premises until SWAT officers youth choir director. Therefore, I am honored U.S. men’s fencer ever to do so. In 2008, he arrived. Sadly, 12 individuals in the building to have had Howard Henry Miles as my con- was the youngest athlete ever to compete on lost their lives that day. Still, the heroism that stituent in Texas’ 33rd District. a U.S. Fencing Team and was the youngest Officers Koepp, Laino, Watkins, and Meis ex- f member of the 2008 Olympic Team in any hibited may have saved countless more. IN RECOGNITION OF FRED ROGERS sport. Mr. Meinhardt was a four-time NCAA Knowing that they would enter a high-risk All-American and was a two-time individual situation, each of these officers swiftly re- NCAA Champion in 2011 and 2014. Mr. sponded to the call to action. Our community HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS Meinhardt was a member of the first U.S. is eternally grateful for their courage, and it is OF TEXAS Men’s Foil Team to win a Senior World Cham- my privilege to celebrate these heroes as they IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pionship title in 2019. He competed in the receive this well-deserved honor. Friday, July 16, 2021 Pan-American Games in 2011, earning a gold f Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I rise team medal, and in 2015, earning another MEMORIAL RESOLUTION FOR today to honor the exemplary life of Fred Rog- gold team medal and silver individual medal. HOWARD H. MILES ers, the outgoing commander of American Le- Representing the United States of America, gion Peter J. Courcy Post 178 in Frisco, Mr. Meinhardt competed in the Beijing Olym- HON. MARC A. VEASEY Texas. Mr. Rogers has conducted his life with pic Games in 2008, the London Olympic distinguished service to his community and Games in 2012, the Rio Olympic Games in OF TEXAS 2016, and is currently on the team that will IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nation through his service in the U.S. Armed Forces and his subsequent volunteer efforts. compete in the Tokyo Olympic Games. He Friday, July 16, 2021 Mr. Rogers served honorably as an Air Po- earned a bronze medal in 2016. Mr. Meinhardt is the son of Kurt and Jane Mr. VEASEY. Madam Speaker, it is with a liceman in the U.S. Air Force from 1960 to Meinhardt. His wife is also a member of Team heavy heart and solemn remembrance that I 1964. After retiring from his decades-long civil- USA, fellow fencer Lee Kiefer. He is a grad- rise today to pay tribute to a longstanding stal- ian career as a pilot, Mr. Rogers joined the uate of the University of Notre Dame and is wart from Fort Worth, Texas, Howard Henry American Legion in 2008. Mr. Rogers’ leader- currently a student at the University of Ken- Miles. It’s his birthday today, and I’d like to ship roles at Holley-Riddle Post 21—Frisco tucky College of Medicine. share how Howard’s contributions to our com- and Bill Bryan Post 110—McKinney led to him I wish all the best to this accomplished Ken- munity have helped shape us for the better. receiving Pioneer Awards for the organization tucky athlete as he competes in Tokyo rep- Howard Henry Miles committed much of his of those two posts. In 2013, he was named resenting the United States. It is my honor to life to his family and his community, when the the Texas 4th District Adjutant. recognize Gerek Meinhardt before the United family of seven were forced to relocate to the Being a founding post member, Mr. Rogers States Congress. city after an unfortunate event by an angry has served as Post 178’s commander since its White mob. The family went on to become in- inception in December 2013. His tireless ef- f fluential pillars in the African-American com- forts to bolster the new post’s community in- THANKING THE OFFICE OF EM- munity as they opened various businesses in volvement and promote its membership led to PLOYEE ASSISTANCE TEAM FOR which Howard took ample pride. Post 178 earning the Texas Post Excellence THEIR DEDICATED SERVICE FOL- Howard is a graduate of the historic I.M. Award from 2015 through 2019. Only three LOWING THE JANUARY 6, 2021 Terrell High School. As a student, Howard ran posts in Texas receive this honor yearly, and CAPITOL ATTACK track, and played the clarinet in multiple bands Mr. Rogers’ dedicated leadership as com- at the school before graduating in 1951. How- mander merited the award for four consecutive HON. ZOE LOFGREN ard then earned a science degree in chemistry years. From 2016 to 2018, Post 178 was also OF CALIFORNIA in 1958 from Wiley College in Marshall, Texas, awarded the National Post Excellence award. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES where he was also a cherished member of the Despite the post’s recent founding, it is one of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Amidst his the most recognized and fastest growing in Friday, July 16, 2021 educational journey, Howard served as a sup- the state of Texas. Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, I rise ply clerk for the U.S. Army in the United King- During his time as Post 178 Commander, today to acknowledge and thank the imme- dom from 1954 to 1956 due to the Korean Mr. Rogers has organized Memorial Day diate and extended staff of the Office of Em- War. events, sponsored dozens of high school jun- ployee Assistance (OEA) at the United States VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:24 Jul 17, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16JY8.019 E16JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with REMARKS July 16, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E765 House of Representatives for their tireless and Well-Being teams who served throughout ical infrastructure has the personnel necessary service to the House, the United States Cap- this tremendous support effort: Tiara Ander- to handle a public health crisis. Our healthcare itol Police, and Congressional Budget Office son, Breanna Becker, Briana Cragwell, system cannot operate if it is facing a physi- following the violent attack on our Capitol on Georgeanna Goldstein, Margot Hawkins- cian shortage.
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