.f = 4 -zlo a Irl l ^r ( CITY OF SUPPLIANTS Ashley and Peter Larkin Series in Greek and Roman Culture BY ANGELIKI TZANETOU UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS Austin Copyright 2012 by the University of Texas Press All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America First edition, 2012 Requests for permission to reproduce material from this work should be sent to: Permissions University of Texas Press P.O. Box 7819 Austin, TX 78713-7819 utpress.utexas.edu/about/book-permissions O The paper used in this book meets the minimum requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (R1997) (Permanence of Paper). LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA Tzanetou, Angeliki City of suppliants : tragedy and the Athenian empire / by Angeliki Tzanetou. - First edition. p. cm. - (Ashley and Peter Larkin series in Greek and Roman culture) ISBN 978-0-292-75432-4 I. Greek drama (Tragedy)-History and criticism. 2. Aeschylus. Eumenides. 3. Euripides. Children of Heracles. 4. Sophocles. Oedipus at Colonus. I. Title. II. Series : Ashley and Peter Larkin series in Greek and Roman culture. PA3131.T96 2012 882'.oI09-dc23 2012007466 First paperback printing, 2013 For Philip and Orestes CONTENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS IX ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Xiii INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER I AESCHYLUS' EUMENIDES: HEGEMONY AND JUSTICE 31 CHAPTER 2 HEGEMONY AND EMPIRE: PRESUMED ORIGINS 67 CHAPTER 3 EURIPIDES' CHILDREN OF HERACLES: HELPING THE WEAK AND PUNISHING THE STRONG 73 CHAPTER 4 HEGEMONY IN CRISIS: SOPHOCLES' OEDIPUS AT COLONUS 105 CONCLUSION 129 NOTES 133 BIBLIOGRAPHY 173 INDEX LOCORUM 191 GENERAL INDEX 20I vii ABBREVIATIONS 'he list of authors and works follows the abbreviations in Liddel-Scott's Greek English Lexicon; the journals are abbreviated following the Annee Philologique. JOURNALS AND WORKS AJA American JournalofArchaeology AJAH American Journalof Ancient History AJP American Journal ofPhilology ATL B. D. Meritt, H. T. Wade Gery and F. M. McGregor, eds. The Athenian Tribute Lists, 1-4, Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1939-1953 ASNP Annali della ScuolaNormale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di lettere e di Filosofia. BICS Bulletin of the Institute of ClassicalStudies CA ClassicalAntiquity CAH J. Boardman and N. G. L. Hammond, eds., The Cambridge Ancient History, vol. 3, part 3. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1982. J. Boardman, N. G. L. Hammond, D. M. Lewis, and M. Ostwald, eds., CambridgeAncient History, vol. 4. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1988. D. M. Lewis, J. Boardman, J. K. Davies, and M. Ostwald, eds., CambridgeAncient History, vol. 5. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1992. CJ ClassicalJournal CP ClassicalPhilology CQ Classical Quarterly CSCA CalifornianStudies in ClassicalAntiquity ix CW Classical World DK H. Diels and W. Kranz, Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, 6th ed. Berlin: Weidmann, 1952. FGE D. L. Page, Further Greek Epigrams before AD So from the Greek Anthology and Other Sources, Not Included in "HellenisticEpigrams" or "The Garlandof Philip,"revised by R. D. Dawe and J. Diggle. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1981. FGrH F. Jacoby, Fragmente dergriechischen Historiker, Leiden: Brill, 2005. GRBS Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies HSCP HarvardStudies in ClassicalPhilology HTR Harvard TheologicalReview ICS Illinois ClassicalStudies IG Inscriptiones Graecae, 1873 JHI Journalof the History of Ideas JHS Journalof Hellenic Studies LIMC H. C. Ackermann and J.-. Gisler, eds. Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae. Zurich: Artemis Verlag, 1981-1997. LSGG F. Sokolowski, Lois Sacrese des citesgrecques. Paris: de Bocard, 1969. MD Materialie discussioniper l'nalisi dei testi classici ML R. Meiggs and D. Lewis, eds., A Selection of Greek HistoricalInscriptions to the End of the Fifth Century B.C. Oxford: Clarendon, 1969. PCG R. Kassel and C. Austin, eds. Poetae Comici Graeci. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1983-. PCPS Proceedings of the CambridgePhilological Society PMG D. L. Page. Poetae melici Graeci. Oxford: Clarendon, 1962. PP La paroladel passato RE A. Pauly and G. Wissowa, eds. Realencyclopddie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1894-1980. REG Revue des etudes grecques RFIC Rivista di filologia e istruzione classica RHR Revue de l'histoire des religions RhM Rheinisches Museum RIDA Revue Internationaledes droits de lAntiquitd TAPA Transactionsof the American PhilologicalAssociation TrGF R. Kannicht, Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta, vol. 5. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2004. WJfA WiirzburgerJahrbucher far die Altertumswissenschaft. WS Wiener Studien YCS Yale ClassicalStudies ZPE Zeitschriftfur Papyrologie und Epigraphie CITY of SLIPPLIANTS X ANCIENT AUTHORS AND WORKS A. Aeschylus IT Iphigenia in Tauris A. Agamemnon Med. Medea Ch. Choephori Or. Orestes Eu. Eumenides Ph. Phoenician Women Pers. Persians Supp. Suppliant Women Supp. Suppliant Women Tr. Trojan Women Aeschin. Aeschines Hdt. Herodotus Antiph. Antiphon Hes. Hesiod Apollod. Apollodorus Cat. Catalogue of Women A.R. Apolonius Rhodius Th. 7heogony Ar. Aristophanes [Sc]. Shield of Heracles Ach. Acharnians Hsch. Hesychius Av. Birds Hom. Homer Ec. Ecclesiazusae II. Iliad Eq. Knights Od. Odyssey Lys. Lysistrata Isoc. Isocrates Th. Thesmophoriazusae Lib. Libanius V. Wasps Lycurg. Lycurgus Arist. Aristotle Lys. Lysias Ath. The Constitution of the Paus. Pausanias Athenians Pi. Pindar EN Nicomachean Ethics 0. Olympian Odes Pol. Politics P. Pythian Odes Ath. Athenaeus N. Nemean Odes D. Demosthenes I. Isthmian Odes Din. Dinarchus Pl. Plato D.S. Diodorus Siculus Ap. Apology D.H. Dionysius of Cri. Crito Halicarnassus Lg. Laws E. Euripides Mx. Menexenus Andr. Andromache Prt. Protagoras Ba. Bacchae R. Republic (?) El. Electra Plut. Plutarch HF Heracles Mor. Moralia Hec. Hecuba Vit. ParallelLives Hel. Helen Arist. Aristides Heracl. Children of Heracles Cim. Cimon Hipp. Hippolytus Dem. Demosthenes IA Iphigenia in Aulis Pel. Pelopidas ABBREVIATIONS xi Per. Pericles Tr. Trachiniae Phoc. Phocion Stesich. Stesichorus Pub. Publicola Str. Strabo Sol. Solon Th. Thucydides Them. Themistocles Xen. Xenophon Thes. Theseus Ag. Agesilaus S. Sophocles [Ath.] Constitution of the Aj. Ajax Athenians Ant. Antigone Hell. Hellenica El. Electra Lac. Constitution of the OC Oedipus at Colonus Lacaedemonians OT Oedipus Tyrannus Val. Max. Valerius Maximus Phil. Philoctetes Zen. Zenobius CITY of SUPPLIANTS xii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS My interest in political themes in tragedy began many years ago, and I owe thanks to many colleagues and institutions. Case Western Reserve University provided me with a leave, also supported by a grant from the Loeb Classical Library Foundation (Harvard University) in 2002-2003. The Illinois Cam pus Research Board of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign sup ported a semester's leave in 2007-2008, when the project was well underway. My colleagues both at Case Western Reserve and at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign deserve warm thanks. From Case Western Reserve University, I would like to thank warmly the late Donald Laing, Martin Helzle, and Paul Iversen for many fruitful discussions and for their warm collegiality. Special thanks are due to Jenifer Neils for her generous friendship and always thoughtful advice. I would also like to thank warmly my colleagues at the University of Illinois, Maryline Parca, Kirk Sanders, David Sansone, Shannan Stewart, and Ariana Traill for their support and encouragement. Portions of the book have been presented at the University of Chicago, Illinois Wesleyan University; at the annual Meeting of the Classical Associa tion of Canada at Toronto in 2006; and at the "Why Athens? A Reappraisal of Tragic Politics" conference, held at Reading University in 2007. I am grateful to all these audiences for their valuable comments and suggestions. Some of the material contained in the Introduction has also been pub lished in "Supplication and Empire in Athenian Tragedy," in Why Athens?: A Reappraisal of Tragic Politics, edited by David Carter, 305-324 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011); and a small part of Chapter 4 is replicated in "Does Oedipus Become a Citizen? (Sophocles' Oedipus at Colonus), in E. Karamalengou and E. Makrygianni (eds.), Antiphilesis: Studies on Classi cal, Byzantine and Modern Greek Literature and Culture In Honour ofJohn TheophanesA. Papademetriou, 171-178. (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2009). Many colleagues have read portions of the manuscript at various stages. xiii I owe them all thanks for their generous comments and thoughtful sugges tions: Antony Augoustakis, Aristoula Georgiadou, Marc Mastrangelo, Vas siliki Panoussi, Maryline Parca, Rachel Sternberg, and Polyxeni Strolonga. Thanks are also due Corey Brennan, Kirk Freudenburg, Mary-Kay Gamel, Scott Garner, David Konstan, Bruce Lincoln and David Rosenbloom for their advice and discussions on a variety of issues. I owe Antony Augoustakis and Vassiliki Panoussi special thanks for read ing and commenting copiously on the manuscript in its entirety, and to Marc Mastrangelo for our discussions on Greek tragedy and for supporting this project from start to finish. I am deeply indebted to all three of them. It is my great pleasure to acknowledge friends and colleagues for their steadfast support: Stratis Gallopoulos, Fred Hunter, Chryssoula Iatridou, Mika Kavetsou, Elizabeth K6Il, Konstantinos Kourtikakis, Avra Papedeme triou, Villy Rouchota, Catherine Scallen, Maria Spiropulu, Angeliki and Natasha Tzanetou, and Vlassia Vassikeri. I am especially grateful to the editorial team at the University of Texas Press: to Jim Burr, Humanities Editor, for his
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