Self Study Report of NEW GOVT. DEGREE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN,GOLCONDA SELF STUDY REPORT FOR 1st CYCLE OF ACCREDITATION NEW GOVT. DEGREE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN,GOLCONDA RISALA BAZAR, GOLCONDA, HYDERABAD, TELANGANA. 500008 http://gdcts.cgg.gov.in/golconda.edu SSR SUBMITTED DATE: 13-02-2020 Submitted To NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION COUNCIL BANGALORE February 2020 Page 1/83 17-02-2020 03:10:18 Self Study Report of NEW GOVT. DEGREE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN,GOLCONDA 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 INTRODUCTION New Government Degree College for Women, Golconda was started in 2015 in the premises of the Government Junior college with meager strength of 217 students, later from 2016 gradually it has grown to 646 students. Our collective efforts towards better academic standards and discipline on the campus, and the efforts of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell have yielded good academic dividends. The college has a Telangana Skills and Knowledge Centre to impart soft skills and communication skills and to improve their employability. To ensure all round academic growth, the college has been organizing workshops, extension lectures and similar academic activities. The college has been doing students study project to focus on Research in Higher Education through JIGNASA to bring innovative and scientific, analytical approach in the students. The college has established a women empowerment and ICC cell to meet the exclusive needs of the girl students of the college. The cell has already conducted a workshop on Self defense and employability skills for the girl students. MANA TV – A tele lesson service established in 2004-2005 lessons in different subjects are telecast from 11.00 to 11.45 on scheduled days with the best talent available in the state presenting the lessons. Special lessons were presented by them as Student as Teacher. The college has Moulana Azaad National Urdu Univeristy Study Centre since 2018. The centre offers courses in B .A & M.A.faculty with a strength of about 958 students and 12 counselors teach at the centre. Our college has very well developed playing courts for outdoor and indoor game facilities. The college also offers to students gymnasium and health centre. Vision MOTTO: “COME TOWARDS SUCCESS”. New Government Degree College (W), Golconda was established in 2015 to facilitate the facility students residing at Golconda, most of them are from poor background. The citizens of Golconda were facing a great difficulty in sending their girls to faraway places to take UG education. When this college was started their dreams came true. Most of the students got admission and are doing hard work. They started here without any facilities but now within a short period this college developed with the help of area MLA & Commissionerate of Collegiate Education. The college aims at giving its best to the students and helping them to create knowledge and helping them in becoming a role model through its vision as given below. Women Education – From enlightment to empowerment. Knowledge to wisdom- Perception to application. Complementation and Integration of institution and society. Moulding personality- Changing oneself to be successful women and to be accepted in the society Page 2/83 17-02-2020 03:10:18 Self Study Report of NEW GOVT. DEGREE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN,GOLCONDA through value based education. Mission To provide need based quality education and to become an effective human resource development center. To create and stimulate a conducive academic atmosphere for higher learning. To provide and encourage use of ICT in academics. To build the college as pioneer institute with provision of good infrastructure facilities. To enhance the women employability to lead independent life. Education, Employment and self- reliance. Information, comprehension and reproduction. 1.2 Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Challenges(SWOC) Institutional Strength The college is located in safe and secured environment. Clean, Green, Pollution free and eco-friendly campus. Well-equipped Laboratories, Library and Gymnasium. Excellent infrastructure and transport facilities. Good academic environment due to dedicated faculty. Each classroom, laboratories and Seminar Hall with CC Cameras. Biometric devices for students and staff. Wi-fi enabled campus. Good number of papers published / Presented by faculty and students. Student-centric functioning with the help of mentoring and student counselling through teacher–guardian functioning with the help of class teacher scheme. Remedial classes for slow learners. Counselling the students regularly on women health self defence motivating them to continue further higher education . Motivating the students towards employability through TSKC, career guidance etc. Institutional Weakness Lack of liberty to make changes in the curriculum as it is an affiliated college. Alumni participation in the overall development of the college is meagre. Low placements. Inadequate infrastructure and ICT facilities. Research funding from the government and other agencies is less. Lack of public transport facility. Limited number of courses offered. No research centre. Linkages with industries/ organisations is scarce. Page 3/83 17-02-2020 03:10:19 Self Study Report of NEW GOVT. DEGREE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN,GOLCONDA Institutional Opportunity Preparing students for competitive exams. To provide experiential learning to students. To inculcate students on moral , ethical and civic values so as to become good citizen and good human being. To enhance women employability. To provide and encourage the use of ICT in academics. To create self confidence in the students to help them to face the expanding demands of the society. To promote equity and social justice through diffusion of education. Institutional Challenge Imparting good communication skills to the students from rural and semi- urban areas. Counselling to dropout students. Providing campus selections. To meet the increasing demand of students in respect of infrastructure and latest technological tools with limited financial resources. 1.3 CRITERIA WISE SUMMARY Curricular Aspects Teaching faculty follow the Osmania University guidelines in preparing academic plan as per O.U Almanac of their respective subjects/papers at the beginning of the academic year uploaded in the college website. CBCS system was introduced in 2016. The curriculum provided by the affiliating university is discussed in detail in staff council meetings. Academic coordinator and academic committee look after the effective curriculum delivery under the supervision of the principal. Students are informed about the calendar of the college probable teaching days, dates of internal examinations, curricular extension related to co-curricular activities. The institution permits the faculty to attend induction/Orientation training program courses and Refresher courses conducted by the affiliating and other universities for acquiring the necessary skills, for effective implementation of curriculum and improving teaching practices. All the faculty members are required to prepare Annual teaching plan Monthly teaching plan Day wise & Unit wise teaching schedule. Teaching diaries and teaching notes are being maintained. Besides the traditional chalk and talk method, teachers often use PPTs, the usage of ICT in academics. Conduction of sliptests/ surprise tests, internal assessment. Conduction of Students seminar, Group discussion, Quiz competetions and students study projects. Organization of field trips, industrial tours. Social net- working sites are also used by some departments for interaction between faculty and students beyond the class hours. Page 4/83 17-02-2020 03:10:20 Self Study Report of NEW GOVT. DEGREE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN,GOLCONDA Condution of remedial classes for slow learners. Providing free coaching for PG entrance test. Feedback analysis (Students satisfactory survey) is conduted by IQAC to improve teaching- learning process for each subject. The principal of the college supervises the overall implementation of the curriculum in the college and ensures effective implementation of curriculum plan. Principal is assisted by the department-in-charges and various committees in analyzing and in implementation of college objectives. Institutional mechanism has been developed in the form of various committees to analyze and ensure the proper implementation of course curriculum. Teaching-learning and Evaluation Teaching, learning and evaluation schedules are organized as per the academic calendar circulated by affiliating university. Every teacher, under the guidance of the respective in-charges of the departments, prepares annual academic plans and completes the activity as per the schedule. Assignments, monthly tests, pre- final examinations are conducted and the marks are posted in the departmental marks register. Teachers prepare annual academic plans in the month of June and a copy of it is submitted to the Principal in July. Teaching Notes, diaries are written daily and are signed by in-charge of the departments once in a month duly counter signed by the Principal at the end of the month. Lecturers also take extra classes to complete the syllabus if necessary. Staff council reviews the schedules and their implementation periodically and adopts changes if necessary. The institution ensures student centric learning like group discussions, peer teaching, co-operative learning (slow learners are taught by advance learners guided by teachers). MANA TV classes and e-classes also contribute to develop skills like interactive
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