horse color sex year dam broodmare sire sire of broodmare sire race status inbreeding male inbreeding female female family Adronikus (Ire) ch g 1997 Arionette (GB) Lombard (Ger) Agio (Ger) SW Birkhahn 5x4 9-h Duke D'Alba (Ger) ch h 1997 Diana's Quest (Ire) Rainbow Quest Blushing Groom (Fr) SW none 18- Network (Ger) br h 1997 Note (Ger) Reliance (Fr) Tantieme (Fr) G2SW Reliance 5x2 4-r Samum (Ger) ch h 1997 Sacarina (GB) Old Vic (GB) Sadler's Wells G1SW Birkhahn 5x4 28- Sommernacht (Ger) b f 1997 Shona (Ger) Windwurf (Ger) Kaiseradler (Ger) SW Neckar 5x5; Birkhahn 5x4x4; Kaiseradler 5x3 16-c Speedmaster (Ger) b c 1997 Sarsparilla (Fr) Shirley Heights Mill Reef G2SW Neckar 5x5; Birkhahn 5x5 Kaiserkrone 5 (Kronung) x 5 (Kronzeuge) 16-c Subiaco (Ger) dk b/br c 1997 So Sedulous The Minstrel Northern Dancer G2SW none 2-e Foreman (Ger) ch g 1998 Fleurie (Ger) Dashing Blade (GB) Elegant Air (GB) SW Dschingis Khan 3x5; Kaiseradler 5x5 20-c Iberus (Ger) dk b/br g 1998 Iberica (Ger) Green Dancer Nijinsky II SW Tamerlane 4x3; Birkhahn 5x4 4-n Maitre Levy (Ger) b g 1998 Meeerdunung (Ger) Tauchsport (Ger) Tuny (GB) SW Birkhahn 5x4 25- Mandeltraum (Ger) b g 1998 Magona (Ger) Nephrit (Ger) Luciano (GB) SW Olymp 5x5 3-d Noroit (Ger) dk b/br c 1998 Noble Princesse (Ger) Windwurf (Ger) Kaiseradler (Ger) G2SW Neckar 5x5; Birkhahn 5x4; Kaiseradler 5x3 19-c Saitensohn (Ger) dk b/br g 1998 Saite (Ger) Marduk (Ger) Orsini (Ger) G3SW Tamerlane 4x4; Birkhahn 5x5 16-c Schlenderaca (Ger) dk b/br f 1998 Hunaca Huntercombe (GB) Derring-Do (GB) SW none 1-x Simoun (Ire) b g 1998 Suivez (Fr) Fioravanti Northern Dancer G2SW none 16-c Timolino (Ger) dk b/br c 1998 Tilbury Trempolino Sharpen Up (Gb) SW none 2-s Guadalupe (Ger) dk b/br f 1999 Guernica (GB) Unfuwain Northern Dancer G1SW none 22-d Irulan (Ire) b c 1999 Indian Jewel (Ger) Local Suitor Blushing Groom (Fr) SW Persian Gulf 5x4; Birkhahn 5x4 4-n Salve Regina (Ger) ch f 1999 Sacarina (GB) Old Vic (GB) Sadler's Wells G1SW Birkhahn 5x4 28- Aubonne (Ger) ch f 2000 Anna Maria (Ger) Night Shift Northern Dancer G3SW Kaiseradler 5x3 9-h Barisan (Ger) dk b/br c 2000 Berenice (GB) Groom Dancer Blushing Groom (Fr) SW none 1-k Royal Fantasy (Ger) ch f 2000 Rudolfina Pleasant Colony His Majesty G2SW none 2-d Song Writer (Ger) dk b/br c 2000 Song Maker (Ire) Sadler's Wells NorthernDancer SW none 16-c Storm Trooper (Ger) ch c 2000 So Sedulous The Minstrel Northern Dancer SW noen 2-e Amarette (Ger) b f 2001 Avocette (Ger) Kings Lake Nijinsky II G1SW Birkhahn 5x5; Kaiseradler 5x4 2-n Arganta (Ger) b f 2001 Anna Domani (Fr) Antheus Northern Dancer SW none 14-c Assiun (Ger) b g 2001 Assia (Ire) Royal Academy Nijinsky II G3SW none 9-e Atropin (Ger) c 2001 Amalaswintha (Ger) Sure Blade Kris SW Birkhahn 5x5; Reliance 5x5 2-n Give Me Five (Ger) gr f 2001 Grey Pearl (Ger) Magic Mirror (GB) Nureyev G3SW Tamerlane 4x4; Birkhahn 5x5 1-a Kitcat (Ger) b f 2001 Kittiwake (GB) Barathea (Ire) Sadler's Wells SW none 1-l La Ina (Ger) ch f 2001 Limata (Ger) Big Shuffle Super Concorde SW Surumu 3x4 9-e Laren (Ger) f 2001 Lawooda (Ger) Touching Wood Roberto SW Neckar 5x4 Kaiserkrone 5 (Kronung) x 4 (Kronzeuge) 23- Le Miracle (Ger) b g 2001 L'heure Bleue (Ire) Kendor (Fr) Kenmare (Fr) G1SW none 5-h Noble Stella (Ger) dk b/br f 2001 Noble Pearl (Ger) Dashing Blade (GB) Elegant Air (GB) G2SW Neckar 5x5 19-c Shirocco (Ger) b c 2001 So Sedulous The Minstrel Northern Dancer G1SW none 2-e Vallera (Ger) dk b/br f 2001 Val d'Etoile (Ger) Big Shuffle Super Concorde G3SW Birkhahn 5x5 6-e Anna Monda (Ger) ch f 2002 Annna of Kiev (GB) Salse Topsider G1SW none 7-f Arcadio (Ger) br c 2002 Assia (Ire) Royal Academy Nijinsky II G2SW none 9-e Cliffrose (Ger) dk b/br f 2002 Centaine (GB) Royal Academy Nijinsky II SW none 20-c Floriot (Ire) ch f 2002 Fureau (Ger) Ferdinand Nijinsky II G1SW none 5-i Hill Fairy (GB) ch f 2002 Homing Instinct (GB) Arctic Tern Sea-Bird SW none 7-c Manduro (Ger) blk c 2002 Mandellicht (Ire) Be My Guest Northern Dancer G1SW Dschingis Khan 3x4 3-d Monsun Air (Ger) b g 2002 Open Air (Ger) Nebos (Ger) Caro (Ire) SW Tamerlane 4x4; Birkhahn 5x5 14-f Rosensturm (Ger) gr. c 2002 Roseate Wood (Fr) Kaldoun (Fr) Caro (Ire) SW none 5-h Royal Highness (Ger) b f 2002 Reems Dubai (Ire) Nashwan Blushing Groom (Fr) G1SW none 23- September Storm (Ger) dk b/br c 2002 So Sedulous The Minstrel Northern Dancer SW none 2-e Smart Move (Ger) dk b /br f 2002 Septima (Ger) Touching Wood Roberto SW Kaiseradler 5x3 13-a Sorrent (Ger) dk b/br f 2002 Salka (Ger) Doyoun (Ire) Mill Reef G3SW Kaiseradler 5x5 16-c Beiramar (Ire) dk b/br f 2003 Be My Lady (Ger) Be My Guest Northern Dancer SW Virtuous 5 (Authi) x 5 (Hard To Beat) 4-i Caprice (Ger) b f 2003 Catella (Ger) Generous (Ire) Caerleon G3SW Reliance 5x5 21-a Gentlewave (Ire) b c 2003 Saumareine (Fr) Saukmarez (GB) Rainbow Quest G1SW none 13-c Getaway (Ger) b c 2003 Guernica (GB) Unfuwain Northern Dancer G1SW none 22-d Imonso (Ger) dk b/br c 2003 I Go Bye (Ger) Don't Forget Me (Ire) Ahonoora (GB) G3SW Birkhahn 5x5; Kaiseradler 5x4 14-a Karavel (Ger) b f 2003 Kittiwake (GB) Barathea (Ire) Sadler's Wells G3SW none 1-l La Boum (Ger) dk b/br f 2003 La Bouche (Ger) In The Wings (Ire) Sadler's Wells G3SW Reliance 5x5 16-a Lauro (Ger) dk b/br c 2003 Laurencia (GB) Shirley Heights (GB) Mill Reef G2SW Dschingis Khan 3x4; Birkhahn 5x5 Lis 5 (Literat) x 5 (Liberty) 7-B Quelle Amore (Ger) b f 2003 Qelle Amie Beau Genius Bold Ruckus G2SW none 22-d Schiaparelli (Ger) ch c 2003 Sacarina (GB) Old Vic (GB) Sadler's Wells G1SW Birkhahn 5x4 28- Sereth (Ire) b g 2003 Saderlina (Ire) Sadler's Wells Northern Dancer SW none 16-d Soudaine (Ger) b f 2003 Suivez (Fr) Fioravanti Northern Dancer SW none 16-c Tertullus (Fr) b c 2003 Tryphosa (Ire) Be My Guest Northern Dancer G3SW none 8-b Andorn (Ger) b c 2004 Anthyllis (Ger) Lycius Mr. Prospector SW none 9-h Art Martial (Fr) ch g 2004 Veiled Wings (Fr) Priolo Sovereign Dancer SW none 9-f Axxos (Ger) dk b/br c 2004 Acerbis (Ger) Rainbow Quest Blushing Groom (Fr) G2SW Neckar 5x5 Kaiserkrone 5 (Kronung) x 5 (Kronzeuge) 9-h Brisk Breeze (Ger) ch f 2004 Bela-M (Ire) Ela-mana-Mou (Ire) Pitcairn (Iire) SW none 8-c Camill (Ire) b c 2004 Classic Light (Ire) Classic Secret Northern Dancer G1SW none 7-a Dominante (Ger) ch f 2004 Dea (Ger) Shareef Dancer Northern Dancer SW none 1-h Eiswind (GB) b c 2004 Eiszeit (Ger) Java Gold Key to the Mint SW Surumu 3x4; Authi 4x4 19- El Comodin (Ire) ch c 2004 Elle Danzig (Ger) Roi Danzig Danzig SW none 19- Mascarpone (Ger) b c 2004 Mamourina (Ire) Barathea (Ire) Sadler's Wells SW none 14-c Medeo (Ire) ch c 2004 Saquiace Sagace (Fr) Luthier (Fr) G3SW none 5-h Mimetico (Ire) b f 2004 Liza (Ire) Lycius Mr. Prospector G3SW none 8-i Naomia (Ger) b f 2004 Nagoya (Ger) Goofalik Lyphard SW none 4-r Persian Storm (Ger) b g 2004 Private Life (Fr) Bering Arctic Tern G3SW none 9- Shot From The Hip (Ger) b g 2004 Sopran Biro (Ire) Roi Danzig Danzig SW none 4-k Aizavoski (Ire) b c 2006 Arlesienne (Ire) Alzao Lyphard SW none 8-f Classic Sun (Ger) dk b/br f 2006 Classic Light (Ire) Classic Secret Northern Dancer SW none 7-a Kalla (GB) b f 2006 Kittiwake (GB) Barathea (Ire) Sadler's Wells G3SW none 1-l Miss Europa (Ire) dk b/br f 2006 Miss Hoeny Rahy Blushing Groom (Fr) G2SW Persian Gulf 5x5 8-k Stacelita (Fr) blk f 2006 Soignee (Ger) Dashing Blade (GB) Elegant Air (GB) G1SW none 16-c Suestado (Ger) b c 2006 Suivi (Ger) Darshaan (GB) Shirley Heights (GB) SW none 16-c Air Trooper (GB) ch g 2007 Anno Luce (GB) Old Vi (GB) Sadler's Wells SW none 7-f Ambria (Ger) ch f 2007 Attilia (Ger) Tiger Hill (Ire) Danehill SW Birkhahn 5x5; Kaiseradler 5x4 2-n Dawn Twister (Ger) blk c 2007 Dawn Side Bold Forbes Irish Castle SW none 19-b Indian Breeze (Ger) b f 2007 Indian Jewel (Ger) Local Suitor Blushing Groom (Fr) SW Persian Gulf 5x4; Birkhahn 5x4 4-n La Luna de Miel (Ger) dk b/br f 2007 La Hermana (GB) Hernando (Fr) Niniski G3SW Surumu 3x4 9-e Mashoor (Fr) b c 2007 Gontcharova (Ire) Zafonic Gone West SW none 22-d Monblue (GB) b f 2007 Salonblue (Ire) Bluebird Storm Bird SW Tamerlane 4x5 16-c Not For Sale (Ger) ch f 2007 North America (Ger) Pivotal (GB) Polar Falcon SW none 4-r Out of Eden (GB) b c 2007 Eden Holy Bull Great Above SW none 1-x Royal Mary (Ger) dk b/br f 2007 Royal Cat (GB) Royal Academy Nijinsky II SW none 1-m Atempo (Ger) ch c 2008 Anatola (Ger) Tiger Hill (Ire) Danehill SW Kaiseradler 5x5 2-n February Sun (GB) dk b/br f 2008 Flawly (GB) Old Vic (GB) Sadler's Wells G3SW none 7-e Fiorente (Ire) br c 2008 Desert Bloom (Ire) Pilsudski (Ire) Polish Precedent G2SW none 5-h King of Arnor (GB) b c 2008 Luce (Ire) Sadler's Wells Northern Dancer SW none 5-h Maxios (GB) b c 2008 Moonlight's Box Nureyev Northern Dancer G3SW none 2-d Pirika (Ire) dk b/br f 2008 Paita (GB) Intikhab Red Ransom SW Literat 4x5 4-n Quinindo (Ger) dk b/br c 2008 Quebrada (Ire) Devil's Bag Halo SW none 4-n Rumh (Ger) ch f 2008 Royal Dubai (Ger) Dashing Blade (GB) Elegant Air (GB) SW none 23- Selkis (Ger) ch f 2008 Schwarzach (Ger) Grand Lodge Chief's Crown G2SW none 16-c Energizer (Ger) b c 2009 Erytheis Theatrical (Ire) Nureyev SW none 4-m Estimate (Ire) b f 2009 Ebaziya Darshaan (GB) Shirley Heighs (GB) G3SW none 13-c Imagery (Ger) dk b/br f 2009 I Go Bye (Ger) Don't Forget Me (Ire) Ahonoora (GB) SW Birkhahn 5x5; Kaiseradler 5x4 14-a Kailani (GB) b f 2009 Kazzia (Ger) Zinaad (GB) Shirley Heights (GB) SW Literat 4x5 5-h Masterstroke b c 2009 Melikah (Ire) Lammtarra Nijinsky II SW none 9-h Novellist (Ire) dk b/br c 2009 Night Lagoon (Ger) Lagunas (GB) Ile de Bourbon G3SW Literat 4x4 4-r Waldlerche (GB) ch f 2009 Waldmark (Ger) Mark of Esteem (Ire) Darshaan (GB) G3SW Surumu 3x4 5-h Yellow And Green (GB) br f 2009 Green Swallow (Fr) Green Tune Green Dancer G2SW Birkhahn 5x5 1-n.
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