DIRECTORY. J NORTH RIDING YORKSHIRE. ESTON. 79 Brooksbank Edward, Newton house Hodgson Peter, shoe maker Newton Thomas, farmer, Dean hall English Arthur W. Lowdale hall Hutton George, farmer, Howlet hall Nightingale J oseph S.farmer, Iburndale Garbutt Mr!t. Lowdale Jackson Ann (Mrs.) & Thomas, farmers, Noble Thomas, farmer, Little Beck Mead Mrs. Partridge hill Low dale Pegg Emanuel, farmer, Foss hill :Vightingale Rev. Joseph Sargent, Jackson John & Wm. farmers,Deau hall Pottass Thomas, farmer Iburndale Jackson Jacob, blacksmith Raw Stepben, farmer, Hallgartb farm COMMERCIAL, Jackson Joseph, farmer, Iburndale Rhodes Abraham H. (exors.of),farmers, Barry Joshua, farmer Jackson William, farmer & miller Lees Head farm Bedlington Thomas, farmer (water), Iburndale RichardsonMartha(Mrs. ),frmr.Hagg bo Burnett George, farmer, Moorside Jobling Thomas, Bay Horse P.H. & Ripley Peter, farmer, Hobbin head Cockburn George, farmer, Iburndale miller (water), Little Beck Robinson William, bacon factor Craven John, farmer, Little Beck Keath Robert, farm bailiff to the Rev. · Sellers Uriah, commercial traveller Dodgson ·wm. J. farmer,Plainside farm A. Boulby Swales Joseph, farmer, Foss farm Garbutt J a ne (Mrs.), farmer, Lowdale Linton Mark, farmer, Throstle nest Taylor Joseph, farmer, Little Beck Harland Edward, farmer, Little Bec.k Linton Stephen, farm bailiff to Henry Ward James, farmer, Goathland banks Harland John, farmer, Quebeck Allan esq. London, Hempsyke Welford Robert,shoe maker, Post office Headlam Thomas, farmer, Red barn Mead John, cowkeeper Wood James Huggit, farmer Headlam William, farmer, Dean hall ESTON township with Normanby constitutes a parish, , PuBLIC EsTABLISHMENTS:- formed from that of Ormesby, and includes South Eston, Cemetery, Robert Franks, clerk to the burial board; James Eston Junction, Old Eston, Grangetown and ~outh Bank, ·~ Thompson, cemetery keeper miles south-east from Middlesbrough, I 5 north-north-west County Police Station (erected 1863), John Tindale, ser- from Guisborough, 8 east from Stockton and 6 south-west geant in charge from Redcar, in the Eastern division of Langbaurgh liberty, Old Fellows' Hall, George Hodges, keeper petty sessional division of Langbaurgh North, Middles- South Eston Hospital, James Glen M.D. John Glen lf."B. brough nnion and county court district, rural deanery of Francis E. Townsend M.D., !ll.ch. George C. H. Fulton Middlesbrough, archdeaconry of Cleveland and diocese of M.B., O.M. Marwood Sanderson F.F.P.s.Glas. hon. Slll'- '¥ork. There is a station at Eston Grange on the Darlington geons; Miss Rothwell, matron; James Webb, sec and Saltburn branch of theN orth Eastern railway. For Par- Temperance Hall, W. Dale. sec liamentary pl.}rposes South Bank, Eston Junction and PuB LW OFFICERS: Grangetown are included in the borough of Middlesbrough, .Assistant Overseer & Income Tax Collector, Robert Franks, and N orma.nby and South Eston with Old Eston are in the High street, N orrpanby Cleveland division of the Riding. For rating purposes the .Assistant Overseer, Henry Leggett, Town Hall, South Bank pariBh is divided into two parts, one comprising Normanby Collector of Poor's Rates for Normanby District, Miss Ada district and the other North and South Eston districts. Mary Leg-gett, Town Hall, South Bank Eston is governed by a Local Board of 12 members, formed Medical Officer No. 5 & Public Vaccinator Yo. 3 District, in 1884, who also have jurisdiction over a portion of South Middlesbrough union, George Clark Button Fulton H . .a., Bank. The village is situated at the base of Eston Moor, a C.M. Prospec~ terrace, Old Eston detached hill of considerable elevation, terminating in a bold ,Medical OffiP..er No, 6 di.~trict & Public Vaccinator1 No. 3 point or spur called "Eston Nab," and is bounded on the district, Middlesbrough union, James Glen M.v., M.ch. 71 north by the river Tees, on the south by the Cleveland hills, Normanby road, South Bank on the east by the parish of Wilton, and on the west by Registmr of Births & Deaths, Ormesby sub-district, Mid~ the township of N ormanby and parish of Ormesby. dle11brough union1 Joseph .Edmund llrentnall, High street, Eston The ancient church of St. Helena, ori.>;inally the parish .Relieving Officer, No. 6 district, Middlesbrough nnion1 church, and consisting of chancel and nave and an em• John Forster, 73 Normanby road, South Bank battled western tower, is now used only as a mortuary chapel. A School Board or 7 members was formed March 28, 1871 ; Christ church, erected in I 883-84 at a cost of about Henry John Parrington, clerk to the board; Thomas P. £s,ooo, on a s1te given by Major Stapylton, is a building of Malcolm, School house, Eston Junction, South Bank pressed brick with stone dressings, and consists of chancel, R.S.O. James Page. California, South Eston & James nave with clerestory, aisles, south-west porch and an incom­ Wilkin, South Eston, attendance officers plete tower a~ the south-west angle, containing one bell: Hoard School, erected il'). 1873, for I,ooo, children; average there are sittings for soo persons, all free. The first legible attendance, ~so boy-s, 200 girls & 172 infants ; William register dates from the year 1590 and contains many curious Richards, master: Mise Margaret J. Irving, mistress; entries, but there are some of earlier date. The living is a Miss Margaret Weir, infants' mistress vicarage, tithe rent-charge £161 net yearly value £"3oo, in­ cluding n acres of glebe, in the gift of the Archbishop of , Eston_ Ju~ction, which forms part of the north of York, and held since 1886 by the Rev. Edward Frederick Sey- ;Es~on par1sh, ~s beLween South Bank a~d Grangetown and mour Besley M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin, who resides at 1s 1_a th_e _parhament~ry borough of M1ddlesbr_oug_h, from Norma.nby. The tithe, amounting to £32o,is appropriated to 1 wh1ch 1t 1s over 4 rn1les. Here .are the extens1ve n;m. and the Archbishop of York. Here are also Wesleyan, Primitive · steel works of Messrs: Bo~ckow, Vaughan a~d. <?o. L1m1ted, Methodist, Bible Christian and Congt"egational chapels. .A the largest of the kmd m the world. AdJommg t_h~e, to Cemetery of 6~ acres was formed in 1 s63 and enlarged in 1the west, are the ~orks of the Clay Lane _Iron Co. L~m1ted. 1882, at a total cost of £ 3,000 ; it is under the control of a Board School, bmlt for 200 boys, r6o ~trls &i 154 ~nfants; Burial Board of 9 members. South Eston Hospital, built by average ,attendance, 120 boys, no gu~s & x~o mfants i Messrs. Bolckow, Vaughan and Co. from designs by Mr. w. R<?bert fho~psou Sharpe, _master,; ~1ss Anme Douglas, H. Blessley, architect, of Middlesbrough, was opened in 1 ss4, m1str~ss; M1ss ~· Sconga~, mfants mtstress . and will hold 1 8 patients. The Oddfellows Hall, a building North Eastern Railway Statwn, Thomas Ploughman, statiOn or large dimensions, was erected in r856. In this parish the master Cleveland ironstone was first discovered in abundance by the Grangetown, which has risen since r881, is a populous late John Vaughan esq. and John Marley esq. c. E. of Dar- township in the north-east of the parish and township of lington: in connection with its working are extensive blast Eston, and in the parliamentary borough of Middlesbrough, furnaces, iron foundries and steam sawing mills, at Branch from which it is distant 4 miles. The inhabitants (lre prin­ End, Sonth Bank and Cargo Fleet, or Cleveland Port, pre- cipally employed at the extensive iron and steel works of senting a scene of great activity, and the village has conse- Me~srs. Bolckow, Vaughan and Co. Limited, which adjoin. quently much increased in -size and population. The soil is St. Matthew's, a.temporary church, is attached to Christ alluvial; subsoil, sandstone. The chief crops are wheat, church. Eston; the Rev. Doveton Vincent Stoddart, of the barley, beans and clover. The principal landowners and London College of Divinity and Turrell's Hall, Oxford, has lords of the manor are Major Henry M. Stapylton and the been curate in charge since r8gr. Here is a Catholic chapel, trustees of Lady Hewley's charities. The area, 2,252 acres built in 1885, and dedicated to Our Lady of Perpetual Sue­ of land and 633 of tidal water and foreshore; rateable value, cour, also Congregational, Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist l6s,Br8; the population in 18q1 was ro,6g5. chapels. The Literary Institute, erected in x889, at a cost Parish Clerk and Rate Collector, Robert Frank!!. of over [2,000, defrayed by James Eadie esq. of Hurton-on- Trent, is of brick, and contains a library and reading, PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- bagatelle, game and lec-ture rooms. John Trattles, receiver. Letters arrive from Middles- brough at . a.m. & 6_20 p.m. i dispatched at 10_ PosT, & M. 0. O.,S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, 2 Whit­ 7 55 45 worth road (Bailway Sub-Office. Letters should be ad- a.m. & 6.45 & 7-45 p.m dressed R.S.O.Yorks).-Mrs.JemimaFrance,postmistress. WALL LETTER Box, High street, cleared, xo.so a..m. & 6.15 Letters are delivered at 7.13 a.Ih. 3·45 & 6.30 p.m. & & 7.50 p.m dispatched at u.Io a.m. 2.15, 5.40 & 8.15 p.m .
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