THE DAWN OF DAY BY FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE T r a n s l a t e d b y JOHANNA VOLZ T. FISHER UNWIN LONDON LEIPSIC ADELPHI TERRACE INSELSTRASSE 20 First Edition of this Translation . IQ02 Second Impression ♦ • 1910 [All rights reserved] Ill compliance with current copyright law, U. C. Library Bindery produced this replacement volume on paper that meets the ANSI Standard Z39.48- 1984 to replace the irreparably deteriorated original. 1993 THE DAWN OF DAY There is many a dawn which has not yet shed its light. R ig v e d a . THE WORKS OF FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE Demy Svo, cloth, 8j. 6d. net per volume. Vol. I. A GENEALOGY OF MORALS POEMS Translated by W il l ia m A . H a u s s m a n n a n d Jo h n G r a y . Vol. II. THUS SPAKE ZARATHUSTRA A BOOK FOR ALL AND NONE Translated by Alexander T ille. V o l . III. THE CASE OF WAGNER NIETZSCHE CONTRA WAGNER THE TWILIGHT OF THE IDOLS THE ANTICHRIST Translated by Thomas Common. V o l . IV. THE DAWN OF DAY Translated by Jo h a n n a V o l z . Second Edition, demy 8zto, cloth, i o j . 6d. net. FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE : HIS LIFE AND WORK By M. A. M u g g e , Ph.D. Demy 8vo, cloth, 7s. 6d. net. THE PHILOSOPHY OF FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE By H e n r y L. M e n c k e n . LONDON: T. FISHER UNWIN CONTENTS Page Pbrfaoz ........... xxi Fibst Bo o k .........................................................................xxxi 1 Posthumous r a tio n a lity .............................................................. 1 2 Prejudice of the l e a r n e d ................................. 1 — 3 There is a time for everything..................................................... 1 4 A word against the fancied inharmoniousness of the spheres 2 5 Be t h a n k f u l ................................................................................2 6 The juggler and his counterpart........................ 2 7 A new conception of s p a c e ......................................................3 8 Transfiguration................................................... 3 9 Conception of a morality of cu stom ............................................ 3 10 Counter-movement of the senses of morality and causality 7 11 Popular morals and popular medicine .... 8 12 Sequence an accessory.......................................... 9 18 The new education of m a n k i n d ............................................ 9 14 Bearing of insanity on the history of morality . 10 15 The most ancient means of s o l a c e .......................................... 13 16 First rule of c i v i l i s a t i o n ..................................... 13 17 Good and evil n a t u r e .............................................................14 18 The morals of voluntary suffering .... 14 19 Morality and obscurantism ...... 17 20 Free-doers and f r e e - t h i n k e r s ...............................................18 21 Fulfilment of the law . 19 22 Works and f a i t h ............................................. 19 23 What we are most subtle i n ....................................................20 24 The proof for a prescription ...... 21 Custom and b e a u t y ............................................................ .22- 26 Animals and morality ....... 22 27 The value of the belief in superhuman passions . 24 28 Mood as an a r g u m e n t ...................................... 25 29 The actors of virtue and s i n ....................................................26 30 Refined cruelty as v i r t u e ...................................... 26 vii viii CONTENTS Page 31 The pride of in te lle c tu a lity ....................................................28 32 The b r a k e .................................................................................-"28 33 The contempt of causes, consequences and reality . 29 34 Moral feelings and moral conceptions .... 31 35 Feelings as descended from judgments .... 31 36 A foolish piety with hidden purpose .... 32 37 Erroneous conclusions from usefulness . 3 2 38 Cravings transformed by moral judgments . 33 39 The prejudice of the pure in te lle ct.......................................... 35 40 Speculation on observance ...............................................36 41 Valuation of the “ life contemplative ” . 3 6 42 Origin of the “ life contemplative ” . 38 43 How many forces nowadays make up a thinker ? . 4 0 44 Origin and i m p o r t a n c e ............................................ 41 45 A tragic outcome of k n o w l e d g e ...........................................42 46 Doubt of d o u b t ..........................................................................43 47 Words block our way . 4 3 48 “ Know thyself ” is the essence of all science . 43 49 The new fundamental feeling: our ultimate transitoriness 43 50 The belief in p a r o x y s m ........................................................44 51 Such as we still a r e ............................................................ 46 52 Where are the new physicians of the soul ? . 46 53 Abuse of the c o n s c ie n t i o u s ................................................... 47 54 Thoughts about d i s e a s e ........................................................47 55 The “ Ways ” .............................................................................. 48 56 The apostate of the independent mind .... 48 57 Other fears, other guarantees................................................... 50 58 Christianity and the p a s s i o n s ...............................................50 59 Error as comfort * ..................................................................... 51 60 All spirit at last assumes a visible body . 51 61 The sacrifice which is n eed fu l................................................... 53 62 On the origin of r e l i g i o n s ....................................................... 53 63 Hatred against one’s n e i g h b o u r ...........................................55 64 Despairing s o u l s ..................................................... 55 65 Brahminism and Christianity................................................... 55 66 Capability of v i s i o n .................................................................56 67 Price of the B e l i e v e r .............................................................56 68 The first C h r i s t i a n .................................................................56 69 Inim itable .............................................................................. 61 70 What a rude intellect is good f o r ...............................................61 71 The Christian revenge on B o r n e .......................................... 62 72 The life after death ....... 63 73 For “ truth ” . 1 ..............................................66 74 Christian reservation ....... 66 CONTENTS ’ ix Page 75 Neither European nor aristocratic . 60 76 Evil thoughts make evil m i n d s ............................................... 67 77 On mental a g o n ie s ......................................................................68 78 Justice inflicting p u n i s h m e n t ............................................... 71 79 A suggestion ............................................................................... 72 - 80 The Compassionate C h r i s t i a n ...............................................73 81 Humanity of the s a i n t .............................................................73 82 The spiritual o n s l a u g h t ........................................................74 83 Poor humanity 1 ...................................................................... 74 84 The philology of C h r is t ia n it y ............................................... 74 85 Subtlety in d e f i c i e n c y .............................................................76 86 The Christian interpreters of the body . 76 87 The moral m ir a c le ..................................................................... 77 88 Luther, the great b e n e f a c t o r ............................................... 78 89 Doubt, a s i n ...............................................................................79 90 Selfishness against s e l fis h n e s s ...............................................80 91 The honesty of God 80 92 At the death-bed of Christianity...............................................82 93 What is truth ? ......................................................................83 94 Remedy for the ill - h u m o u r e d ............................................... 83 95 The historic refutation as the final one .... 83 96 “ In hoc signo vinces ” ............................................ 84 Second Bo o k ........................................................................................87 97 We grow moral not because we are moral . 89 98 Transformation of m o r a l s ................................................... 89 99 Where we all are irrational........................................................ 89 100 Waking from a d r e a m .............................................................89 101 Hazardous................................................................................... 90 102 The oldest moral ju d g m e n ts ....................................................90 103 There are two classes of deniers of morality . 91 104 Our v a l u a t i o n s .............................................................. 9 2 105 Pseudo-egotism .........................................................................93 106 Against the definitions of moral aims .... 94 107 Our claim to our f o l l y ...............................................................
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