Coshocton County Expense Audit Trail Report Accounts: 001-0110-510100 to 600-9999-500000 From: 7/1/2019 to 7/31/2019 Include Inactive Accounts: No Journal ID Date Transaction Description Source Doc. Invoice# Debit Amount Credit Amount 001-0110-510100 SALARIES - OFFICIALS PR2019070001-027 07/12/2019 Gross: 2019/07/12 $5,745.03 $0.00 PR2019070002-048 07/26/2019 Gross: 2019/07/26 $5,745.03 $0.00 001-0110-510100 Total: $11,490.06 $0.00 001-0110-510200 SALARIES - EMPLOYEES PR2019070001-002 07/12/2019 Gross: 2019/07/12 $4,454.00 $0.00 PR2019070002-070 07/26/2019 Gross: 2019/07/26 $4,454.00 $0.00 001-0110-510200 Total: $8,908.00 $0.00 001-0110-511000 P.E.R.S. EJ2019070036-007 07/30/2019 Matching for OPERS PENSIO CK2019000139-08 OHIO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT Inv_64519 $1,427.85 $0.00 EJ2019070036-071 07/30/2019 Matching for OPERS PENSIO CK2019000139-51 OHIO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT Inv_65272 $1,427.85 $0.00 001-0110-511000 Total: $2,855.70 $0.00 001-0110-511500 MEDICARE TAX-EMPLOYER EJ2019070008-151 07/12/2019 Matching for MEDICARE (MED CK2019000130-02 ELECTRONIC TRANSFER Inv_65787 $141.80 $0.00 EJ2019070025-103 07/26/2019 Matching for MEDICARE (MED CK2019000137-45 ELECTRONIC TRANSFER Inv_66550 $141.80 $0.00 001-0110-511500 Total: $283.60 $0.00 001-0110-526000 Contract Services EJ2019070021-575 07/24/2019 Gov Deal Sales from 57648 - 7. CK0000360810-01 PO2019061856 GOVDEALS INC 3790-062019 $9.26 $0.00 001-0110-526000 Total: $9.26 $0.00 001-0110-527000 ADVERTISING EJ2019070003-719 07/10/2019 advertising from 57479 - 7.10.1 CK0000360436-01 PO2019061357 MARK D FORTUNE 71342 $30.00 $0.00 EJ2019070003-721 07/10/2019 advertising from 57479 - 7.10.1 CK0000360436-01 PO2019061357 MARK D FORTUNE 71343 $30.00 $0.00 EJ2019070021-405 07/24/2019 advertising from 57648 - 7.24.1 CK0000360767-01 PO2019061357 MARK D FORTUNE 71463 $94.00 $0.00 EJ2019070021-425 07/24/2019 advertising from 57648 - 7.24.1 CK0000360767-01 PO2019061357 MARK D FORTUNE 71516 $26.00 $0.00 EJ2019070021-427 07/24/2019 advertising from 57648 - 7.24.1 CK0000360767-01 PO2019061357 MARK D FORTUNE 71517 $26.00 $0.00 EJ2019070021-1139 07/24/2019 advertising from 57648 - 7.24.1 CK0000360938-01 PO2019062011 MNCO 0002608707 $322.50 $0.00 001-0110-527000 Total: $528.50 $0.00 001-0110-530000 TRAVEL EJ2019070003-921 07/10/2019 travel from 57479 - 7.10.19 BR CK0000360555-01 PO2019061338 US BANK NATIONAL ASSO June2019 $91.73 $0.00 001-0110-530000 Total: $91.73 $0.00 001-0110-540000 OTHER EXPENSE EJ2019070006-001 07/10/2019 Removal of Bell from Courthou CK0000360641-01 PO2019062133 CDC OF OHIO INC 19-053-830 $5,000.00 $0.00 8/1/2019 8:07 AM Page 1 of 119 V.3.7 Expense Audit Trail Report From: 7/1/2019 to 7/31/2019 Journal ID Date Transaction Description Source Doc. Invoice# Debit Amount Credit Amount EJ2019070003-045 07/10/2019 WC Group Retro from 57479 - CK0000360410-01 PO2019060427 CCAO SERVICE CORP 1248 $3,696.00 $0.00 EJ2019070003-249 07/10/2019 Investment Portfolio from 5747 CK0000360513-01 PO2019060418 MEEDER PUBLIC FUNDS 06-30-2019 $2,500.00 $0.00 EJ2019070021-147 07/24/2019 Misc Expenses from 57648 - 7. CK0000360930-01 PO2019062253 VILLAGE OF WEST LAFAYE Resoultion2019-04 $3,283.00 $0.00 EJ2019070021-201 07/24/2019 Architect services -Juvenile Pro CK0000360823-01 PO2019061795 JBA ARCHITECTS, A PROF 6096 $2,870.00 $0.00 001-0110-540000 Total: $17,349.00 $0.00 001-0110-540002 Other Exp.-Wireless Tower Rent EJ2019070003-823 07/10/2019 Tower Rent RV from 57479 - 7. CK0000360510-01 PO2019060372 THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSI 35925 $400.00 $0.00 EJ2019070021-647 07/24/2019 Wireless tower rent from 57648 CK0000360940-01 PO2019060356 TREASURER, STATE OF O 20RC99982 $4,800.00 $0.00 EJ2019070021-649 07/24/2019 Wireless tower rent from 57648 CK0000360940-01 PO2019060356 TREASURER, STATE OF O 20RC99986 $4,800.00 $0.00 EJ2019070021-651 07/24/2019 Wireless tower rent from 57648 CK0000360940-01 PO2019060356 TREASURER, STATE OF O 20RC99976 $4,800.00 $0.00 001-0110-540002 Total: $14,800.00 $0.00 COMMISSIONERS Totals: $56,315.85 $0.00 001-0120-510100 SALARIES - OFFICIAL PR2019070001-080 07/12/2019 Gross: 2019/07/12 $2,618.09 $0.00 PR2019070002-085 07/26/2019 Gross: 2019/07/26 $2,618.09 $0.00 001-0120-510100 Total: $5,236.18 $0.00 001-0120-510200 SALARIES - EMPLOYEES PR2019070001-013 07/12/2019 Gross: 2019/07/12 $6,868.22 $0.00 PR2019070002-009 07/26/2019 Gross: 2019/07/26 $6,791.50 $0.00 001-0120-510200 Total: $13,659.72 $0.00 001-0120-511000 P.E.R.S. EJ2019070036-063 07/30/2019 Matching for OPERS PENSIO CK2019000139-02 OHIO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT Inv_65272 $1,304.05 $0.00 EJ2019070036-077 07/30/2019 2019/7/30 OPERS Match from CK2019000139-01 OHIO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT 2019/7/30 OPERS $0.00 $0.08 EJ2019070036-265 07/30/2019 Matching for OPERS PENSIO CK2019000139-18 OHIO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT Inv_64519 $1,685.49 $0.00 001-0120-511000 Total: $2,989.54 $0.08 001-0120-511500 MEDICARE TAX-EMPLOYER EJ2019070008-001 07/12/2019 Matching for MEDICARE (MED CK2019000130-12 ELECTRONIC TRANSFER Inv_65787 $134.73 $0.00 EJ2019070025-065 07/26/2019 Matching for MEDICARE (MED CK2019000137-09 ELECTRONIC TRANSFER Inv_66550 $133.69 $0.00 001-0120-511500 Total: $268.42 $0.00 001-0120-521000 EQUIPMENT EJ2019070003-547 07/10/2019 storage upgrade from 57479 - CK0000360408-01 PO2019061962 CDW GOVERNMENT INC STN3434 $1,851.99 $0.00 001-0120-521000 Total: $1,851.99 $0.00 001-0120-530000 TRAVEL EJ2019070003-387 07/10/2019 travel/training from 57479 - 7.1 CK0000360580-01 PO2019061956 MEDLEY, NICOLE SUMMER CONFE $9.88 $0.00 EJ2019070003-521 07/10/2019 CAAO Summer Conf 2019 fro CK0000360577-01 PO2019061956 CHRISTINE R SYCKS CAAO Summer Co $66.09 $0.00 EJ2019070021-443 07/24/2019 2019 NE OH AUD ASSOC MT CK0000360875-01 PO2019061956 NORTHEAST OHIO AUDITO 2019- NE OH AUD $20.00 $0.00 EJ2019070021-951 07/24/2019 Gas from 57648 - 7.24.19 bill r CK0000360791-01 PO2019060691 HAHN OIL INC 1368 $67.18 $0.00 001-0120-530000 Total: $163.15 $0.00 8/1/2019 8:07 AM Page 2 of 119 V.3.7 Expense Audit Trail Report From: 7/1/2019 to 7/31/2019 Journal ID Date Transaction Description Source Doc. Invoice# Debit Amount Credit Amount 001-0120-540000 OTHER EXPENSE EJ2019070003-031 07/10/2019 INTERNET COSTS from 5747 CK0000360414-01 PO2019060693 COSHOCTON COUNTY CO INTERNET COST $162.00 $0.00 EJ2019070021-089 07/24/2019 2020 NCWM Membership from CK0000360877-01 PO2019060693 NCWM 8556 $75.00 $0.00 001-0120-540000 Total: $237.00 $0.00 COUNTY AUDITOR Totals: $24,406.00 $0.08 001-0130-510100 SALARIES - OFFICIAL PR2019070001-092 07/12/2019 Gross: 2019/07/12 $1,915.88 $0.00 PR2019070002-065 07/26/2019 Gross: 2019/07/26 $1,915.88 $0.00 001-0130-510100 Total: $3,831.76 $0.00 001-0130-510200 SALARIES - EMPLOYEES PR2019070001-057 07/12/2019 Gross: 2019/07/12 $4,435.00 $0.00 PR2019070002-056 07/26/2019 Gross: 2019/07/26 $5,394.38 $0.00 001-0130-510200 Total: $9,829.38 $0.00 001-0130-511000 P.E.R.S. EJ2019070036-059 07/30/2019 Matching for OPERS PENSIO CK2019000139-07 OHIO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT Inv_64519 $800.47 $0.00 EJ2019070036-085 07/30/2019 Matching for OPERS PENSIO CK2019000139-34 OHIO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT Inv_65272 $874.04 $0.00 001-0130-511000 Total: $1,674.51 $0.00 001-0130-511500 MEDICARE TAX-EMPLOYER EJ2019070008-003 07/12/2019 Matching for MEDICARE (MED CK2019000130-49 ELECTRONIC TRANSFER Inv_65787 $87.83 $0.00 EJ2019070025-021 07/26/2019 Matching for MEDICARE (MED CK2019000137-52 ELECTRONIC TRANSFER Inv_66550 $101.35 $0.00 001-0130-511500 Total: $189.18 $0.00 001-0130-526000 CONTRACT SERVICES EJ2019070003-029 07/10/2019 Internet User Fee from 57479 - CK0000360414-01 PO2019060817 COSHOCTON COUNTY CO 2019-02 $150.00 $0.00 001-0130-526000 Total: $150.00 $0.00 COUNTY TREASURER Totals: $15,674.83 $0.00 001-0140-510100 SALARIES - OFFICIAL PR2019070001-016 07/12/2019 Gross: 2019/07/12 $4,868.35 $0.00 PR2019070002-087 07/26/2019 Gross: 2019/07/26 $4,868.35 $0.00 001-0140-510100 Total: $9,736.70 $0.00 001-0140-510200 SALARIES - EMPLOYEES PR2019070001-003 07/12/2019 Gross: 2019/07/12 $7,109.70 $0.00 PR2019070002-040 07/26/2019 Gross: 2019/07/26 $7,319.70 $0.00 001-0140-510200 Total: $14,429.40 $0.00 001-0140-511000 P.E.R.S. EJ2019070036-013 07/30/2019 Matching for OPERS PENSIO CK2019000139-18 OHIO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT Inv_65272 $1,706.34 $0.00 EJ2019070036-321 07/30/2019 Matching for OPERS PENSIO CK2019000139-35 OHIO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT Inv_64519 $1,704.24 $0.00 001-0140-511000 Total: $3,410.58 $0.00 8/1/2019 8:07 AM Page 3 of 119 V.3.7 Expense Audit Trail Report From: 7/1/2019 to 7/31/2019 Journal ID Date Transaction Description Source Doc. Invoice# Debit Amount Credit Amount 001-0140-511500 MEDICARE TAX-EMPLOYER EJ2019070008-105 07/12/2019 Matching for MEDICARE (MED CK2019000130-03 ELECTRONIC TRANSFER Inv_65787 $166.83 $0.00 EJ2019070025-129 07/26/2019 Matching for MEDICARE (MED CK2019000137-38 ELECTRONIC TRANSFER Inv_66550 $169.88 $0.00 001-0140-511500 Total: $336.71 $0.00 001-0140-520000 SUPPLIES EJ2019070021-081 07/24/2019 Miscellaneous Office Supplies f CK0000360884-01 PO2019061266 QUILL CORPORATION C8678468 $364.42 $0.00 001-0140-520000 Total: $364.42 $0.00 001-0140-521000 EQUIPMENT EJ2019070021-1263 07/24/2019 Printer/Copier Lease from 5764 CK0000360867-01 PO2019061939 MODERN LEASING 389513516 $475.13 $0.00 001-0140-521000 Total: $475.13 $0.00 001-0140-540000 OTHER EXPENSE EJ2019070003-025 07/10/2019 Miscellaneous Expenditures fr CK0000360414-01 PO2019061781 COSHOCTON COUNTY CO 2019-02 $210.00 $0.00 EJ2019070003-919 07/10/2019 Matrix Monthly Subscription Fe CK0000360492-01 PO2019061621 MATRIX POINTE SOFTWAR COSHOCT-OH-20 $1,250.00 $0.00 EJ2019070021-341 07/24/2019 Miscellaneous Expenditures fr CK0000360762-01 PO2019061781 CDW GOVERNMENT INC TBG9410 $663.92 $0.00 001-0140-540000 Total: $2,123.92 $0.00 001-0140-540002 TRANSCRIPTS EJ2019070021-739 07/24/2019 Transcripts and Grand Jury Pro CK0000360803-01 PO2019060799 ELS COURT REPORTING S 2653 $2.30 $0.00 EJ2019070021-747 07/24/2019 Transcripts and Grand Jury Pro CK0000360803-01 PO2019060799 ELS COURT REPORTING S 2654 $25.60 $0.00 001-0140-540002 Total: $27.90 $0.00 PROS.
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