11/17/2020 Proceeding ICESRE 2019 Fimeir (1).pdf - FIMEIR LIADI Proceeding ICESRE 2019 Fimeir (1).pdf Nov 17, 2020 5792 words / 31069 characters FIMEIR LIADI Proceeding ICESRE 2019 Fimeir (1).pdf Sources Overview 13% OVERALL SIMILARITY download.atlantis-press.com 1 INTERNET 9% Universitas Negeri Padang on 2018-01-31 2 SUBMITTED WORKS 1% Universitas Airlangga on 2019-03-21 3 SUBMITTED WORKS <1% www.nu.or.id 4 INTERNET <1% eprints.uny.ac.id 5 INTERNET <1% sinta.ristekbrin.go.id 6 INTERNET <1% issuu.com 7 INTERNET <1% Universitas Mercu Buana on 2020-06-23 8 SUBMITTED WORKS <1% ejournal.iainpurwokerto.ac.id 9 INTERNET <1% Excluded search repositories: None Excluded from Similarity Report: None Excluded sources: digilib.iain-palangkaraya.ac.id, internet, 100% https://iain.turnitin.com/viewer/submissions/oid:16479:3847586/print?locale=en 1/8 11/17/2020 Proceeding ICESRE 2019 Fimeir (1).pdf - FIMEIR LIADI 2Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 417 12nd International Conference on Education and Social Science Research (ICESRE 2019) 6 The Ulama Identity Politics in 2019 Presidential Election Contestation at the 4.0 Industrial Era in Central Kalimantan Liadi, Fimeir1* Anwar, Khairil2 Syar’i, Ahmad3 1,2,3IAIN Palangka Raya, Palangkaraya, Indonesia *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] 1 ABSTRACT The 2019 Presidential Election Contestation in the 4.0 Industrial Era is very interesting to be examined, specifically related to the Political Activities of Religious Identity. There are two presidential and vice presidential candidates appointed by the General Election Commission (KPU), namely the pair of Joko Widodo and K.H. Ma'ruf Amin with number 01 on one side; and the pair Prabowo Subianto and Sandiaga S.Uno with number 02 on the other side. The two pairs tried to win the hearts of the ulemas who were not only favored by the Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah, but also from the cultural ulama and the habaib. This research invesitages deeper analysis into whether the 2019 Presidential Election will still be exposed to the Politics of Identity, especially Ulama and Islamic figures. There are three research problems to be answered, namely how is the view of Central Kalimantan ulama on identity politics in the 2019 Presidential Election contestation? how is the roles of Central Kalimantan ulama in influencing voters on identity politics in the 2019 Presidential Election contestation? and how are the efforts of MUI in creating a conducive atmosphere for the post legislative election and the 2019 Presidential Election Data were elaborated by conducting field survey through in-depth interviews with Islamic leaders (ulama) who are members of Islamic organizations (MUI, NU, Muhammadiyah, LDII, Al- Wasliyah) as well as Traditional / non-structural figures in the community. Islamic boarding schools spread in 2 regencies and 1 city in Central Kalimantan, namely, Palangkaraya City, North Barito Regency and East Kotawaringin Regency. The finding revealed that the Politics of Identity in Central Kalimantan still influenced the 2019 Presidential Election, although it was not in high intensity. Respondents said that Ulama structurally made Identity Politics as a place to attract voters. However, at the grassroots which were dominated by Traditional Ulemas, people were still in undecided condition. Some Ulama who active in Islamic Organizations as well as non- Structural Ulama use Identity Politics especially the issue of Religion in giving advice, answering questions and even giving advice to Jamaah / Groups so that they can determine their Jama'ah choices in the 2019 Election. On the other hand, ulemas at every level, try to cool down the atmosphere after presidential election by cooperating together both Structural Ulama who are members of the MUI and Traditional Ulama. They come to society to reduce the tension and reduce friction due to the 2019 Presidential Election. Keywords: Ulama, identical Politics 1. INTRODUCTION President Donald Trump, who tends to be a phobia of Identity politics and national democracy are interesting Muslim. themes to be investigated in the present reality of the The two cases above emerge various comments and Indonesian nation, especially in the 2019 presidential opinions. On the one hand, identity politics, including election contestation today. Identity politics, especially religious identity and can threaten democracy and national religious identities have been widely discussed by experts, integration. Scientists and experts who agree such views scientists and scholars. Especially after the emergence of including Ahmad Syafi'i Ma'arif and General (Retired) Ahok (Basuki Purnama) case which was considered to be Moeldoko (Kompas, January 2017). However, on the other insulting to religion and ulama before the 2017 DKI opinion, identity politics is permissible, as long as it does Governor Election; and the elected of United States not damage democracy and threaten national integration. 5Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL. This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license -http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/. 54 https://iain.turnitin.com/viewer/submissions/oid:16479:3847586/print?locale=en 2/8 11/17/2020 Proceeding ICESRE 2019 Fimeir (1).pdf - FIMEIR LIADI Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 417 So that identity politics is not always seen as a negative right to vote in the 2018 mayoral election was 66.12%. threat to the national integrity. However, it can be a Even though the national target is 77.5%. It means, the potential thing to increase national unity and integrity role of the ulema is also expected to urge its people to use through the ability to apply the spirit of Unity in Diversity their voting rights even though more or less using the in running the life of the nation and state and pay attention politics of religious identity. to political ethics and commitment to the Unitary Republic 2. RESEARCH QUESTIONS of Indonesia. More than that, identity itself is something The research questions of this study are : inherent in human beings. 1. What 1is the view of the Central Kalimantan ulama on The 2019 Presidential Election contest seems to be very identity politics in the 2019 Presidential Election interesting to study. There are two 8candidates for president 1 contestation? and vice president that have been determined by the 2. What is the role of the Central Kalimantan ulama General Election Commission (KPU), namely the pair of against identity politics in influencing voters in the Joko Widodo and K.H. Ma'ruf Amin numbered 01 on one 2019 presidential election contestation? side; and the pair Prabowo Subianto and Sandiaga S. Uno 3. How are the efforts of MUI in creating a conducive numbered 02 on the other side. The two pairs tried to win society after the legistative election and Presidential the hearts of the ulamas who were not only from Election? Nahdhatul 1Ulama and Muhammadiyah circles, but also 4. How do politicians use the 4.0 era in mobilizing voter from cultural ulama and habaib. support? The emergence of the ulama and habaib phenomenon 3. RELATED STUDIES providing open and covert support to one of the The political representation that has not been widespread presidential and vice-presidential candidate pairs was and institutionalized the participation and society political clearly seen in the 2019 Presidential Election and can representation comprehensively triggered the emerge of influence voters among Muslims. The candidate of vice discriminative and exclusive policy, which ultimately president K.H. Ma'ruf Amin is an ulama who served as strengthening the reason for emerging of the ethnic Chairman of the Central MUI and Rais Syuryah PBNU political identity. According to Barker, driven by political and supported by scholars from Nahdhatul Ulama. Instead, struggle and interest in philosophy and language, 'identity' the presidential and vice-presidential candidates Prabowo developed into a major feature of cultural studies in the Subiyanto and Sandiaga S. Uno were supported by 1990s. The politics of feminism, ethnicity, and sex scholars and habaib who were members of the 212 alumni orientation, as well as other headlines, become the main and supported by Habib Rizieq Shihab (HRS), in Ijtima priorities that have closely related with politic identity. 'Ulama II. While the Muslim scholars who are members of Referring to Eriksen in Pruitt, Dean G and Jeffrey Z the Muhammadiyah organization seem to be Rubin. (2004: 10) if it was viewed from antropology, in all organizationally neutral, but individually invited to each soceity, there was a change in social and cultural identity. individual to choose according to his conscience. But He said, at least in the last 20 years of the 20th century, we interestingly, one of the Muhammadiyah cadres such as can see dramatically the reconceptualism of culture and society in studies of social science . Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak (Chairman of the Until the 1960s, there was an overlap between culture and Muhammadiyah Youth PP) turned out to support and ethnicity (assumed to be an identity determined by become the coordinator for the spokesperson of the ethnicity, as long as ethnicity keeps on cultural Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno National Winning distinctiveness) and the problem of citizenship (one's Agency. nationality status). However, less than thirty years passed The phenomenon of supporting the presidential election in or around the 1990s, it began to see very rapid changes 2019 seems to spread also to Muslim scholars in Central where we can no longer show a direct relationship between Kalimantan. This is proven by the phenomenon of posting culture and ethnic ties. It means that ethnic identity is not on social media. There are individual ulama who tend to necessarily determined by the culture of that ethnicity. support the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Candidates According to Thomas in Alo (2003), what is happening No. 01 and influence other voters.
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