Index Compiled by the author Aaron: objects, 294 near, 45; an accidental death near, Aaronsohn family: spies, 33 209; a villager from, killed by a suicide Aaronsohn, Aaron: 33-4, 37 bomb, 614 Aaronsohn, Sarah: 33 Abu Jihad: assassinated, 528 Abadiah (Gulf of Suez): and the Abu Nidal: heads a 'Liberation October War, 458 Movement', 503 Abandoned Areas Ordinance (948): Abu Rudeis (Sinai): bombed, 441; 256 evacuated by Israel, 468 Abasan (Arab village): attacked, 244 Abu Zaid, Raid: killed, 632 Abbas, Doa: killed by a Hizballah Academy of the Hebrew Language: rocket, 641 established, 299-300 Abbas Mahmoud: becomes Palestinian Accra (Ghana): 332 Prime Minister (2003), 627; launches Acre: 3,80, 126, 172, 199, 205, 266, 344, Road Map, 628; succeeds Arafat 345; rocket deaths in (2006), 641 (2004), 630; meets Sharon, 632; Acre Prison: executions in, 143, 148 challenges Hamas, 638, 639; outlaws Adam Institute: 604 Hamas armed Executive Force, 644; Adamit: founded, 331-2 dissolves Hamas-led government, 647; Adan, Major-General Avraham: and the meets repeatedly with Olmert, 647, October War, 437 648,649,653; at Annapolis, 654; to Adar, Zvi: teaches, 91 continue to meet Olmert, 655 Adas, Shafiq: hanged, 225 Abdul Hamid, Sultan (of Turkey): Herzl Addis Ababa (Ethiopia): Jewish contacts, 10; his sovereignty to receive emigrants gather in, 537 'absolute respect', 17; Herzl appeals Aden: 154, 260 to, 20 Adenauer, Konrad: and reparations from Abdul Huda, Tawfiq: negotiates, 253 Abdullah, Emir: 52,87, 149-50, 172, Germany, 279-80, 283-4; and German 178-80,230, 241, 242, 253, 254, 484; help for Israel, 334-5 assassinated, 274; his grandson at Adiav, Yarum: and a protest, 501 Rabin's funeral, 589 Adler, Cyrus: becomes a patron, 26 Abdullah II, King of Jordan: and the Adler, Saul Aaron: an educational renewed peace process (2007), 647; pioneer, 54 and a cross-community cooperative Adler-Rudel, Salomon: and Displaced venture, 651 Persons, 259 Abraham (the Patriarch): and Hebron, Admon, Yedidyah: returns, 403 397 Adriatic Sea: 98, 125, 126, 259 Absentees Property Law (950): 256 Adullam Region: agriculture in, 331 Abu Ageila (Sinai): a base established Aegean Sea: 98, 126, 259 at, 244; buildings of, demolished, 246; Afghanistan: 150 and the Sinai campaign, 322; and the Afikim: founded, 68; a kibbutznik from, Six Day War, 386 139 Abu Amar: shot dead, 559 Africa: and Ben-Gurion, 74; immigrants Abu Dis: road block at, 630 from, 263, 519; and Israel, 332, 346, Abu Ful, Suliman: killed, 632 460 Abu Ghosh (Arab village): a kibbutz Afridar: founded, 290 711 Israel Afula: founded, 54; its hospital, 55; a Alaska: 147 Fatah attack in, 356; and Dayan's 'view Albania: Jews of, 271 of the map', 405; a suicide bomb Albeck, Chanokh: teaches, 79 massacre in, 569, 575 Albright, Madeleine: her intervention, Agnon, Shai (Samuel Czaczkes): wins 616; her advice, 616 Nobel Prize, 360-1 Alei Sinai: a woman jogger shot dead in, Agranat Commission of Inquiry: and the 629 October War (973), 430, 464-5 Alei Zahav: a soldier from, ambushed Agranat, Shimon: 67,430 and killed, 562 Agricultural Settlement Department (of Aleksandrow Rebbe: murdered (942), the Jewish Agency): 331 289 Agron, Gershon: 69 Aleppo (Syria): 154 Agudat Yisrael: its electoral success, Alexander II, Tsar of Russia: bestows an 275; its philosophy, 276-7; and the honour, 5 political crisis of 1990, 545 Alexandria (Egypt): 30, 78, 154, 297, 431 Ahad Ha'am (Asher Ginsburg): 13, 14, Aley (Lebanon): held by Syrian troops 20, 21, 28, 39; his philosophy, and the (982),506 State of Israel, 335-6 Alfasi, Shimon: his last order, 168 Aharonovitch, Yosef: and Jewish labour, Alfredo (in La Traviata): 352 79; remembered, 82 Algeria: immigrants from, 259; and Arab Ahdut (newspaper): 27 nationalism, 315; and the October Ahimeir, Abba: charged, 71-2 War, 437, 444; two volunteers from, in Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud: his threats, Beirut, 509; and terror, 579; 635. 642 represented at Annapolis (2007), 653 AI-Ahram (newspaper): and the Algiers: Soviet tanks on way to, 444 inevitability of war, 373-4 Algiers Summit (973): and the Air France: an airliner of, hijacked, 471, aftermath of the October War, 462 472 Ali Montar Ridge (Gaza Strip): and the Aix Group: and an Israeli-Palestinian Sinai campaign, 324 initiative, 634 Alignment for the Unity of Israeli Workers Akaba (Transjordan, later Jordan): 247, (the Alignment): a new political 318, 546; negotiations at, 572; the Party, 359; and the impact of the Israel-Jordan peace treaty signed at, October War, 461, 463; and the 1977 576; prospects for, 580-1 .General Election, 478, 479; and the Akaba, Gulf of: 73, 116, 248, 318; and 1981 General Election, 499; derides the Sinai campaign, 325; and the Law the opposition to Sabbath flights by EI of the Sea, 332-3; and the road to war AI, 502; and the Lebanon War, 509; in 1967, 368, 373, 376; and the Six Day and the 1984 General Election, 516; War, 387; and the October War, 438; and the political crisis of 1990, 544 settlements on, to be given up, 494; Alkahi, Mordechai: executed, 143 and the Taba dispute, 500; a political All-Palestine Government: established summit at (2003), 627 (948), 230; not recognized, 241 Akiva, Rabbi: remembered, 273 Allenby, General: 35, 36, 37, 135 Akrotiri Air Base (Cyprus): and the Alliance Israelite Universelle (school October War, 448 system): 27, 29 al-Aksa Mosque (Jerusalem): fears Alliance of the Land of Israel Faithful: concerning, 57; an assassination at, formed, 494 274; Sadat prays at, 489; and an Allon, Yigal: 92, 143-4; and the struggle 'Israel-Zionist plot', 596; and the for Palestine 0947-8), 175, 177-8; and denial of a Muslim burial, 601; digging the War of Independence, 206, 207, near, 621; and the 'al-Aksa Intifada', 218; and the dismantlement of the 621 Palmach, 229-30; and the battle for Ala'a, Abu: and the Oslo talks (993), the Faluja Pocket, 237-9; and the 559, 560, 561, 563 conquest of the Negev, 242-3; and the 712 Index advance into the Sinai, 245-6; and the American Jewish Joint Distribution withdrawal from Sinai, 247; his work Committee (the Joint): 127, 259, 260 as Minister of Labour, 342; and the American Labour Zionist Order: 114 road to war in 1967, 376, 382; and the American Marines: in Beirut (982), 508, Six Day War, 387; and the West Bank's 512; and a terrorist bombing (983), future, 398, 406; and the return of 515 Jews to Hebron, 405; and the choice American Zion Commonwealth: 54 of Golda Meir as Prime Minister, American Zionist Emergency Council: 408-9; opposes West Bank 150 settlements, 423; and the Golan American Zone of Occupation Heights, 454; and the October War, (Germany): 124, 125, 147, 249 456; and a historical dispute, 485-6; Amery, Leopold: supports Zionist loan, votes against Camp David, 493 56-7 Allon Plan: and the West Bank, 406, Amidar (housing company): 267 408, 419, 469; aspects of, revived, 612 Aminadav: his son recalled, 167 Allonei Abba: founded, 196 Aminadav: founded, 268-9; an Allonei Yitzhak: founded, 234 immigrant killed at, 313 Allonim: founded, 91 Amir: founded, 96 Almagor: founded, 343; flourishes, 419 Amir, Colonel Gaby: and the October Almah: founded, 264 War, 437 Al-Moharer (newspaper): and an Amir, Yigal: a would-be assassin, 579, inflammatory statement, 544 581, 583; succeeds, 587; and 'Jewish Aloni, Shulamit: protests, 509; and the values', 588 formation of a new political party, 532 Amirim: founded, 268 Alphand, Herve: and the war crisis of Amit, Meir: joins a new political Party, 1967, 367 478 Alsheikh, Shalom ben Joseph: 9 Amital, Rabbi Yehuda: leads a political Alsop, Joseph: interviews Dayan, 298 Party, 531 Altalena (steamship): the struggle Amman (Transjordan, later Jordan): 199, around, 210-3; the aftermath of, 225, 230, 253, 255, 377; and the Six 228-9, 230 Day War, 393; Rabin offers to travel to, Alterman, Nathan: his poems, 116, 554; Peres's private visit to, 568; Rabin 126-7, 263, 315 negotiates in, 573, 576; Rabin's hopes Altmann, John: and the Altalena, 212-3 for, 578; an assassination attempt in, Alummot: founded, 96 616 Alzjary, Saleh: visits and Israeli school Amman Economic Conference: and (2004),632 Arab-Israeli cooperation, 586 Amashe, Suaal: killed, 157 Amman Radio: and the October War, Amedi, Chaim: killed, 592 443 Amer, General Abdul Hakim: and the Ammiad: founded, 137 Sinai campaign, 323; and the coming Ammunition Hill Oerusalem): and the of war in 1967, 367 Six Day War, 386 America-Israel Culture House (New Amnesty International: and the Jenin York): 361 'massacre' (2002), 625 America Palestine Fund: 96-7,361 Amona (West Bank): demolitions at, 637 American Colony Hotel Oerusalem): and Amzalak, Hayyim: finances the first the intifada, 540 village, 6 American Friends of Ateret Cohanim: Anal (refugee ship): 145 524 Anatolia (Turkey): 30 American Friends of the Hebrew Anderson, Robert B.: an American University: 407 intermediary, 307-10 American Information Office (Baghdad): Andrews, Lewis: murdered, 89 bombed, 257 Anielewicz, Mordechai: remembered, American Jewess (newspaper): 14 114 713 Israel Anglo-American Palestine Committee: Beit Ha-Arava's fate, 401; a prisoner 113,136 of, lights a torch, 603 Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry Arab Liberation Army: 155, 159, 163-4, (on Palestine): 124, 128-9, 132 170-1,171-2, 177,220,223,234,236, 'Anglo-Baltic' kibbutz: 114 237 Anglo-Egyptian Treaty: 245 Arab National Guard (Palestine): 159 Anglo-Jordanian Defence Treaty: 316 Arab refugees (1948-9): 204-5, 271, 285 Ankara (Turkey): 115 Arab riots (in Palestine): (of 1920) 47, Annan, Kofi: condemns a killing, 629; 48; (of 1921) 47, 48,
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