Supplementary Guide to UEB Reference Materials V.8.31.16

Supplementary Guide to UEB Reference Materials V.8.31.16

Supplementary Guide to UEB Reference Materials v.8.31.16 Unless otherwise indicated, page numbers refer to The Rules of Unified English Braille, 2013 For referenced BANA Guidances visit: * indicates definition of entry word A @ sign, 25 Caret, 24, 42 Abbreviations, 106, 152 Cent Sign ¢, 26 Accented letters, 42, 190 Chemistry, 89, 178, see BANA Guidance capitals, 80 Code switching, 199-210 in fully capped words, 89 how to use, 202-203 Acronyms, 106, 152 indicators Addition foreign language, 191-192, 195 non-technical materials, 31 IPA, 199, 207-208 technical materials, 169 music, 199, 208-209 Alphabetic wordsign, *7, 9, 15, 103-106, Nemeth code, 199, 209-210 164 non-UEB, 199, 203-208 Ampersand &, 21 Coinage, 26, 64 Anglicized words, 45, 158, 186, 189 Colored type, 11, 97 Apostrophe, 18, 69, 105, 107 Comma, 69 Arrows, 21, 174 numeric mode, 59 line mode, 219 Comparison, signs of, 169,31 Asterisk, 21 Compound words, bridging, 146 At sign @, 25 Computer material contractions in, 155 B email addresses, 155 Blank to be filled in, 73, 160 grade 1 indicators, 52 Boldface indicators, 91 Computer notation, 178 Brackets, opening and closing, 69, 78 Contracted (grade 2) braille, *7, 14 Braille grouping indicators, 23, 45, 172 usage cross-referenced, 14 Braille order, list of symbols, 275 Contractions summary, 9 Bullet, 24, 34, 37 Contractions, *7, 9, 103-168 abbreviations, 152 C acronyms, 152 Capitalization, 79-90 alphabetic wordsigns, *7, 9, 15, 103-106, grade 1, 55 164 indicators bridging, 146-152 choice of, 87 aspirated h, 146 passage, 83 compound words, 146 placement of, 87 dipthongs, 151 terminator, 83, 86 prefixes, 147 word, 80 suffixes, 150 small caps, 98 computer material, 155 use of, 79 dash, 165 words, 80 dialect, 156 Captials, modified (accented), 80, 89 foreign language, 188 1 Contractions, continued Cube roots, 174 fragments of words, 156 Currency signs, 26, 36, 64 groupsigns Cursor indicator, 13 final-letter (dots 46, 56), 10, 132-135, 143- 145, 167 D lower (ea, be, bb, con, cc, dis, en, ff, gg, in), 9, Dagger, 21 116, 143, 144, 166, 167 Dash, 72, 99, 165 strong (ch, gh, sh, th, wh, ed, er, ou, replaces two hyphens in print, 74 ow, st, ing, ar), 9, 109, 143, 144 terminates numeric mode, 62 with short forms, 140 Dates, 64 initial-letter (dots 45, 456, 5), 7, 9, Decimal point, 69 124-132 numeric mode, 59 lisping, 158 technical material, 170 lower sign rule, 116, 123, 145, 165 Definitions (terminology), 7 omitted letters, 160 Degrees, 27 preference, 142-145, 157 Diacritics, 42, 45-47 punctuation within words, 158 Diagonal lines, 221 shortforms, 10, 135, 139 Dialect, 156 as parts of words, 137-140 Digit, numeric mode, 59 as words, 136 Diphthongs, 152 avoiding confusion, 140 Ditto mark ", 28 division of, 167 Dividing words, 162 list (Appendix 1), 229 Division ÷, 20, 31, 169 not in Appendix 1, 139 Dollar sign $, 26 see Shortforms Dot, 69 with "s" or apostrophe "s", 229 Dot locator for "mention", 28 with grade 1 indicator, 141 Dot locator for "use", 29, 53 speech, hesitation, slurring, 160 Double dagger, 21 spelling, 160 stammering, 161 E strong (and, for, of, the, with), 9, 108 EBAE: English Braille AmericanEdition, 3 syllabified words, 162 Ellipsis, 74, 99 unfamiliar words, 157 Email addresses, 56, 155 word division, 162 -eng, 47 word list (Appendix 2), 241-274 Englishalphabet, 41 wordsigns, *9 English, early forms of, 181-183 alphabetic wordsigns, *7, 9, 15, 103- Equals sign, 31, 61, 169 106, 164 Equations, examples of, 23, 27, 31, 52, lower (be, enough, were, his, in, was), 57, 61-62, 170-172, 174, 206, 209-210 9, 112 spatial, 65, 178 strong (child, shall, this, which, out, Exclamation mark, 69 still), 9, 106, 164 Euro €, 27 Copyright ©, 25 Crossed-out type, 97 F Crosses, 21, 25, 31 Facsimile transcription, 11 Crosshatch #, 33 Feet ', 30 2 Female ♀(Venus), 30 Graphic sign, *7 Final-letter contractions (dots 46, 56), 10, Greater-than >, 20, 31, 169 132-135, 143-145, 167 Greek letters, 48 preference in contractions, 144 Grouping indicators, 23, 45, 172 Final-letter groupsigns (dots 46, 56), *7, with lower wordsigns, 40, 113, 115 10, 132-135, 143-145, 167 Groupsigns, *7 preference in contractions, 144 as parts of shortforms, 140 Flat ♭ (music) in UEB text, 32 contractions, preference in, 142, 145 Following print, 10 final-letter (dots 46, 56), 10, 132-135, Font Attributes; see Typeforms 144-145, 167 Foreign Language, 185-197, see BANA lower (ea, be, bb, con, cc, dis, en, ff, gg, Guidance in), 9, 116, 143, 144, 166, 167 accented letters, 42, 48, 190 strong (ch, gh, sh, th, wh, ed, er, ou, anglicized words, 45, 158, 186, 189 ow, st, ing, ar), 9, 109, 143, 144 code signs, 192 Guide dots, 227-228 code switch indicators, 195 contractions in, 188 H punctuation in, 190 Hash #, 33 use of non-UEB indicators, 203 Highlighting, 11, 97 World Braille Usage, available at Horizontal line mode, 217 Hyphen, 15, 72, 73, 82, 99, 163 Formatting, see BANA Guidance with question mark 75 Forward slash (Solidus), 74 terminates numeric mode, 62 Fractions, 52, 61, 170 Hyphenated words, division of 163 G I General Rules, 7-18 Icons, 34, 176 General Symbols and Indicators, 19-40 Inches ", 30 Grade 1 mode, 51-58 Indicators, *7, 11 capitalization, 55 arrow mode, 12 confusion with contractions, 54 boldface, 91 confusion with shortforms, 141 braille grouping, 23, 45, 172 indicators capitals, 79 choice of, 56 choice of, 56 numeric, 53, 62 dot locator for "mention", 28 optional use, 57 dot locator for "use", 29, 52 passage, 52, 56 grade 1 mode, 12, 51-57, 59 punctuation with, 72 optional use, 57 symbol, 51 italic, 91 terminator, 53 letter, 93 word, 52 level change, 172 stammering, 56 ligature, 46 Grades of braille line contracted (grade 2) braille, *7, 14, 103 continuation (numeric mode), 66, usage cross-referenced, 14 horizontal line mode, 12, 217 uncontracted (grade 1) braille, *7, *9, 13 poetry, 211 usage cross-referenced, 14 3 Indicators, continued Level change indicators, 172 list of, 19 Ligaturedletters, 46 "mention", 28 Line continuation, numeric mode, 59 non-UEB, 199 Line mode, 217-227 numeric, 12, 53, 59 Lisping, 158 passage indicator, 66, used in math Long dash, 73 context only (AAExpert 9/3/15) Long numbers, dividing, 66 order of, 101 Low line (underscore), 72-73 passage, *8, 52 Lower groupsigns (ea, be, bb, con, cc, dis, script, 91 en, ff, gg, in), *9, 116, 143-145, 166-167 shape mode, 12 preference in contractions, 143 shapes in technical materials, 176 with punctuation, 124 superscript & subscript, 12, 36, 62 Lower sign rule, 116, 123, 145, 165 symbol, 93 Lower wordsigns (be, enough, were, his, terminator, 53, 96 in, was), 112 transcriber-defined, 91 with capitalization, 113 transcriber's note, 39 with punctuation, 40, 113, 116 typeform, 91-101 underlined, 91 M "use", 29, 52 Male ♂(Mars), 30 with punctuation, 99 Mathematical signs, 20, 31, 169 word, *9, 52, 94 grade 1 indicators, 52 Infinity sign ∞, 289 print spacing, 31, 169 -ing, 112 Matrices and vectors, technical material, rule for, 165 177 Initial-letter contractions "Mention", dot locator for, 28 (dots 45, 456, 5), *7, 9, 124-132 Minus sign, 20, 31, 169 Integral sign ∫, 281 Minutes, 27 IPA Mixed Numbers, 61, 171 code switching indicators, 199, 203 Modes, *8, 11 use, 48 indicators, 12 with scansion, stress and tone, 215 arrow mode, 12 with UEB text, 207 grade 1 mode, 12, 51-58 , 59 ISBN, 64, do not use numeric passage line mode, 12, 217-227 indicator (AAExpert 9/3/15) numeric mode, 12, 59-68 Italics indicators, 91 shape mode, 12 Modifier(s), *8, 41-49 L Modified letters Less than <, 19, 31, 169 accented, 42 Letter/number combination, 51, 53, 62 with contractions, 44 Letters, 15, 41-49, 51, 79, 106 foreign letters in English context, 45 Greek, 48 capitals, 80 modified (accented), 42 Money, 26 omitted, 160 Multiplication, 31, 169-170 -sequence, *8 cross ×, 20, 31, 169-170 single, with punctuation, 15 dot ∙, 306 4 Music P accidentals (♭ ♮ ♯) in UEB text, 32 Paragraph sign ¶, 33 code switch indicators, 199 Parentheses, opening and closing, 69, within UEB text, 208 113, 115 Parts of words, 156 N Passage, *8 Natural ♮ (music) in UEB text, 32 capitalization, 83 Nemeth code, [ignore UEB rules pg209-210] grade 1, 52 see BANA Guidance indicator, *8 single word switch, Guidance pg3 numeric, 66, use in math context switching indicators, 199 only (AAExpert 9/3/15) within UEB text, Guidance pg1 typeform, 96 Nesting, *8 Percent sign %, 33 Non-technical materials Period, 69 examples, 65 numeric mode, 59 mathematical signs, 31 Plus sign +, 20, 31, 169, 177 shapes, 34 Poetry (scansion), 211-215 Non-UEB indicators, word and passage, Pound sign #, 33 199 Pound sign £, 26 Number/letter combination, 51, 53, 62 Preference Number sign #, 33 in choosing contractions, 141 Numbers within contraction embedded in text, 53 (syllabification/pronounciation), 157 divided between lines, 66 Prefixes space in, 64 bridging syllables, 147 Numeric mode, 59-68 UEB, *8, *2 contractions, 62 Prime sign ', 30 indicators, 53, 59, 62, 66 Print passage indicator, 66, used in errors in, 11 math context only (AAExpert 9/3/15) facsimile transcription, 11 spatial format, 65 when to follow, 10 symbols, 59, 60 Printing history, do not use numeric termination, 61, 62, 66 passage indicator (AAExpert 9/3/15) with dash, 62 Pronounciation, 42, 46, 47, 80 with hyphen, 62,65 Proportion, 19, 31 with space, 62 Punctuation, 69-78 in foreign language, 190 O standing alone, 16-18, 72, 75, 105 Omission, 73 uses & rules, 70 Omitted letters, 160 within contracted words, 158 Operation, signs of, 31, 61, 169 with grade

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