46A-PG-77123 Open Source Documents Mentioning Murtha Type Serial Description ELECTRONIC PRINT ARTICLE FROM WALL INSERT STREET JOURNAL RE SEARCH EMAIL 41. 56MURTHA&#39;S BIG-GAMELINK FEDERAL RAID ON PLANT HAS RESIDENTS N EWSPAPE 57 WORRIED AN ABC NEWS ARTICLE BY EMMA INSERT 61 SCHWARTZ AND JUSTIN ROOD FIRMS TIED TO MURTHA HAVE TROUBLED 4N EWSPAPE 92 PAST TWO FORMERor-we DEALERSTIED TO NEWSPAPE 100 MURTHA-BACKED FIRM KUCHERA HAUNTED BY &#39;82DRUG NEWSPAPE 101 CONVICITON MURTHA&#39;S TIESTO COMPANY OWNED BY NE92NSPAPE _1 02CONVICTED DRUGDEALER QUES CONTRACTOR TIED TO MURTHA PLEADS NE92NSPAPE 105 GUILTY N EWSPAPE MURTHA ALLY HELD BY FEDS IN KICKBACK EX-COLONELS SENTENCED IN MILITARY OTHER 115 CONTRACT CASE DEFENSE CONTRACTOR SUSPENDED OVER NEWSPAPE 119 KICKBACKS CONGRESSIONAL ETHICS OFFICE NEWSPAPE 121vRECOMMENDS NO SANCTIONS AGAINST FW: Searchesyesterday WallStreet Journal Page1 of 2 FW: Searches yesterday Wail Street Journal h Sent: Monday,January26,zoos zmzsm be |,7¢ Tm l . -unrv~1u--<..r-4.-n-..-t-i-uq"; _ --.~_-1»" ._____.__.e=..*.,-.1 __._e.=--_;_ _+_.-.,q- >&#39;__;- A 1 , This artide appeared inthe WSJ lat Friday, JanuaryZ3, 2009 Federal agentsraided two small Pennsylvaniadefense contractorsthat: were given millionsof dollars in federal funding byRep. JohnMurtha, chairmanof thedefense appropriationscommittee andone ofthe mod powerful men in Congress. Kucheralndustriesand Kudrera DeienseSysternsshutdownfcrthedayaiiertheraid hyofcersfromthe Defense CriminalInvestigative Service,the FederalBureau oiInvestigation andan Internal Revenue Service crimind unit. In a statzementThursday night,the PittsburghU.S. attomeyconnned that offices inWindber, Johnstownand Summerhiil wereraided as part of an ongoinginvestigation. A second federal ofllcial said that ties to lawmakers wouldbeexamined as partoftheprobe. A spokesmanfor Mr.Murtha, MatthewMazonkey, said,"We know nothing more thanwhat we&#39;veread in the press today,referring to an initial report on the Web site of the Tribune-Democatnewspaper inJohnstown. Messages iei&#39;tlast night for Kucheraexecutives werentreturned. l I News, photosand backgroundon key players and issues In the Obama administration: rst 100daysfroml:heWSJ andacrossiheweb. ~ .I.na.i!9uratiQn The Economy Foreign Affairs Obama Photos| Inauguration.Photos Pentagon auditorshave beenlooking atthe use of earmarks,which are special-interest spendingitems directed boa spedccompanyby membersofOongress.An Oct.30, 2007, page-onestaory inTheWaliStreetJoumal identied Rep. Murtha asthe largest eamrarkerin the House. Meanwhile,a senior Democratic lawmakeris pushingback onthe Obamaadministration&#39;s choice for the No. 2 Pentagon officialbecause ofpotential conictsof interest and recentlobbying work for defense contractor Raleon Co. The new resistance comesa day after PresidentBarack Obamaunveiled toughlobbying rulesto curtail sudr https://www.324mail.com/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Notc&id==RgAAAABIb%2bZ583cXQJ£..*4 7 l/26/2009 FW: Searchesyesterday Wall Street Journal Page 2 of 2 conicts. William J.Lynn, the nominee tobecome deputysecretary ofdefense, isa fonner Pentagon ofcial and Senate staffer. He was a registered lobbyist from2003 throughJune 2008while workingas a senior executive in Raytheons Washingtonofce. Michigan DemocraticSen. CarlLevin, chairmanof the Senate Armed Services Committee, whichmust approve Mr. Lynn&#39;sappointment, said Thursday that heneeded moreinformation abouthow theadministration planned to deal with his Raytheonties in light of the new lobbying rules. The issuecame up lastweek at Mr. Lynn&#39;s conrmationhearing. Atthe hearing,he said he would follow the highest ethicalstandards. Mr.Lynn, 55 years old, couldn&#39;treached for be comment Thursday. A White House ofcial said Thursdaythat the administration willprovide Sen.Levin withwhatever waiver language hemay need. Raytheon declined to comment. Yoc/1/ J. Dreazen cantbuted to this article. Write to John R. Wilke at [email protected],August Coleat august.cole_@dowj_g_nes.cpmand T.W. Farnam at [email protected] n the Wall Street Journal today https://www.324mail.com/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAABIb%2bZ583cXQJf... 1/26/2009 Murtha&#39;s Bi g-Game Link - WashingtonPM-t. Investigations Page 1 of3 w0sI|irtgt0np0$t.com Sign in | Register Now Prim IlltmlllillltillilEdition isub»-the /_ 92&#39; Ego . UEQ 1 NEWSPOLITICS W OPINIONS LOCAL SPORTS H ARTS 8- LIVING [GONGOUT 1 GUIDE JOBS CARS " REALESTATE 7RENTALS SHOPPING sermon; Try Our New Search @ @ wasnlngtonpostxom Q Web : Results by GQU8{Q&#39; | Search Archives wahingtonpoltcom > Nation 1 About This Blog | Meet the Investigative Team lg Subscribe Advertise rnmr WashingtonPost Investigations _watc . _ hd9q_ i°9m?I_I§m,.. Wk ,._. {F9}?! ihe_Posta_nd aroundgthe Web SPECIALREPORT TOPPICKS HAVE A TIP? Inside Bet Latest Picks Talk to Us Cracking the two biggest cheating . ,, V ~ _/I Our editors comb the Web "t if you have solid tips, news scandals in the I. y , - each week in seardi of or documents on potential history of online . r , notable in-depth and ethical violations or abuses poker. investigative reports from news of power, we want to know. - Full Report outlets across the nation. Send us your suggestions. - Dally Read [Top 10 of 2008 - E-mail Us Murtha&#39;s Big-Game Link CAT §G_QRI.ES POSTED: 04:16 PM ET, 01/26/2009 by Derek Kravitz TAGS:Congress, FBI, conicts, ethics D Post Investigations In-depth investigative new: and multimedia from The A big-game ranch in western Pennsylvania, Washington Post. where longtime Rep. John Nlurtha D-Pa.! - Special Report! threw a lavish $100_000 fundraiser last year, - The Blog is now at the center of a federal investigation. GIReporters Notebook Last week, federal agents raided a Kuchera An insider! guide to industries facility in Murtha&#39;s district along with investigative news: reporters offer insights on their stories. the homes ofthe electronic tim1&#39;s founders, Bill and Ronald Kuchera. Authorities declined to release details of the investigation. D "rm Daily Read A dailylook at investigative But unnamed sources told_ the Tribune Democrat in Johnstown, Pa., that news of note across the the federal investigation is focused on the use of corporate money for Web. "unapproved purposes. namely a 161-acre private ranch run by Bill Kuchera. D Top Picks A weekly review olthe best Customers at the LBK Game Ranch in Summerhill, Pa., located about 80 in-depth and investigative reports from across the miles east of Pittsburgh, pay a fee to hunt big game on the site; records nation. show the ranch rakes in about $150,000 per year. Kuchera bought the property in May 2006 for roughly $800,000. E Hot Documents Court filings, letters, audits The ranch has been used in recent years to entertain clients and, last and other documents of year, Murtha used the site for a $100,000 "high-end" fundraiser, interest. according to the Tribune Democrat. B |:>.c.Region Federal Elections Commission records show that Kuchera Industries Post coverage of investigative news in employees and their families contributed more than $60,000 to Murtha Maryland, Virginia and the over the part three election cycles, and congressional lobbying disclosure Distnct. forms show $140,000 in payments since 2001 from Kuchera to Ervin Technical Associates, whose chairman is Murtha ally and former Rep. B Washington Watchdogs A periodic look into ofilclal Joseph llll. NlcDade R-Pa.!. Ads by Google government investigations. In a 2006 Post article, Kuchera himself called Murtha supportive of everything you can think of around here, from roads and sewers to B Helpl What ls RS3? Steven Bankler CPA CrFA Find out how to follow Post defense contractors. But without Jack Murtha, there&#39;d still be a Kuchera. He was the sole forensic accountant for US Senate 92Nhitewater Committee httpI//voices.washingtonpost.com/washinetonoostinvestilzations/2009/O1/murthas bie-Qame linl<.html>wnr.< l/77/7000 Murtha&#39;s lSBIlI!#i9 TryBig-Game OurNew Search Link - Washington ii® @MnitiQaimll$l.comPoe investigations i- Web : Results by G0i;8lQ l Seamh com Page 2 of 3 RS5reader. &#39;i Murtha is well known as a champion of pork-barrel spending in his Investigation §oftware HOT. COMMENIS Demos & Case Studies. Web-Based. Customizable Investigation district, which is made up of once-impoverished fomier steel towns. In Software ./&#39; It is unbelievable 2007,he snagged $162 million in federal earmarks, the most of any WWWlFlV9Sl.iQ8i920lISySlBl&#39;Yi.COm thatthese people House member he was named "Porker of the Year" by the watchdog W ant Fge §|jan1Mongy1 would jeopardize group, Citizens Against Government Waste!. "As the top Democrat on Get up to $50,000 Free Grant Money with this Govemmerit Grant theircareers over pennies. the House military spending subcommittee, he often delivers Democratic Kit! They all either have personal FreeGrantsFast com wealth or have jobs that pay votes to Republican leaders in a tacit exchange for earmarks for himself very well. Maybe one could and his allies," The New York Times noted. sympathize with a small businessman or farmer who Murtha&#39;s use of earmarks has come under attack in the past. In 1998, he employees dozens of people Flue PQ5T ikygsllggl oils QN_: and has to cut corners helped start Concurrent Technologies, a tax-exempt charity that has wherever possible to stay grown into a contracting powerhouse despite its lackluster results. The n Facebcok i_l Scribd _ Twitter competitive, but how sorry Post&#39;s Robert O&#39;Harrow found. Between 2003 and 2007, Concurrent Friend-teed
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