Dirfributfoo / Independent Dotty f 16,600 mmm, Mt, f«c waiter p y ( HOMDArTHUJVCH/UDAr-UTIf JJ V lulled D»lly. Monciiy throuih Friday, entered n Second Clan Matter RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1960 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE VOL. 83, NO. 126 at the Post olflce at Red Bank, N. J., under tha Act ot March J. 1879. Receive Federal OK Jacobsen's Farewell For Sewer Project He Blames Public for His Departure Air Secretary KEYPORT— Borough Attorney wned by the New York and Edward W. Currie announced Keansburg Steamboat Co. SEA BRIGHT - Council Presi- lOrough Council, he has taken r the past several years and, last night that the federal govern- The attorney told Borough iver its presidency by general the mayor's absence, has con- dent Neils Jacobsen—an official ment has approved specifications Council that purchase negotia- igreement among all concerned ucted meetings. here since the 1920's—last night for the planned $363,600 sewer ions are still in progress and Recalling his past life as a plant project, and authorized ad- hat if necessary, the borough bid farewell to local government ommercial fisherman, he said 'ertising for construction bids. vould condemn the land. and said he would not be back. you can all remember, it was Engineering Contract acobsen who put up the very The borough has received a So upset by circumstances was The firm of Elson T. Killam, undations of this borough hall. 1108,000 federal grant for the Mr. Jacobsen, a Republican and tiillburn, was appointed as engi- ; was a fish packing house ewer renovation. Is Appointed •lmost traditional chairman of eer for the sewer project, at en, but it cost only $9,000. To Before the project can be this resort's streets and lights fee of 6.95 per cent of construc- iut it up \ today would cost $40,- started, the municipality must committee, that he said: tion costs. The vote was unani- 00 or more." acquire a parcel of land, less "I will not be here for the New than an acre in size, adjacent to mous. Battle With Sea Kennedy Year's reorganization meeting :he existing plant, for construe- By 4-2 vote, Mr. Currie was Monday, 1 do not want to sit Mr. Jacobsen recalled his ef- :ion of the new building. iamed as special counsel for the down and have to get right up brts to cut back a jetty that Mr. Currie said the property is ewer project, at a fee of 1 per •gain." irought in the sand which he ent of over-all project cost. aid "made our municipal beach Names Councilmen Henri J. Hansen He also told newsmen and his wssible—and it is this beach ind Robert J. Strang voted friends that "after this, I could Railroad Aid hat everybody here counts on so igainst the appointment. Mr. not be persuaded to run again." much to hold down their taxes. ansen said he felt the Iega A public which the councilman nd I helped get this beach pro- Zuckert Bills Signed rork for the project should be said mistakenly had put the ;ram started." landled by the incoming bor- PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) blame on the governing body for Several persons attending the TRENTON (AP) — New Jersey >ugh attorney—the law firm ol President-elect John F: the tax increase after the assess orough Council meeting re- won't tax it own taxes under a Roberts, Pilisbury and Carton, ment basis rose to 100 per cent minded the saddened man that bill signed yesterday by Gov. Vliddletown — to be appointed Kennedy today tapped Eu- of true valuation was blamed by municipal elections occur every Robert B. Meyner. Monday, replacing Mr. Currie, gene Zuckert to be secre- him for his defeat. ear and that he was well quali The measure provides that the Council voted to consolidate tary of the Air Force. He "I am so sorry that the public ed to enter the next race. But $6 million state subsidy to rail 'ive expenditures, including thre was assistant secretary in decided to blame this council for Nells Jacobsen e would not listen. "No," he roads will not count as income street improvements, purchase ol this mistake by the state—which said, "I am going out now." for the railroad franchise tax. If he Wygant waterfront property the Truman administration was no more our fault than if it Beating Mr. Jacobsen in the it were counted, the state would »nd purchase of a new fire truck, and also has served as a mem- had been caused by a newborn Council Plans ov. 8 election were Mrs. Rob- take some of the money back. nto one bond issue, totaling $99,' ber of the Atomic Energy Com- rt F. Norton, leader of local Meyner also signed four other baby," said Mr. Jacobsen, with [97, to be sold Jan. 23. mission., tears in his eyes. romen Democrats, with 342 measures in the package to help Matawan to Keyport Announcement of the selection Action On •otes, and William J. Darby, an- New' Jersey railroads meet a Harvey G. Hartman, specia! Gave Job Everything ither Democrat, with 318. Mr. financial crisis. of Zuckert, 49, came after Ken- borough counsel in the Rollc nedy had picked John B. Con- In an emotion-choked voice, he acobsen drew 273 votes. Going Three, sponsored by 11 of the (See FEDERAL Page 3) nally—Texas lawyer, decorated announced that "at last, this Zlotkin Tract iff the council with him is an 21 senators, would exempt future Navy veteran and long-time po- looks like it will be my very ther Republican, John A. Carl improvements to railroad cross LITTLE SILVER - The Bor- litical associate of Vice Presi- last meeting. And I have served son, the police commissioner. Mr, ings from property taxes and re- ough Council will move next dent-elect Lyndon B. Tohnson— here since 1927. I have given the Carlson did not attend the meet- quire the state to pay 85 per 60 Injured month to purchase the 29-acre to be secretary of the Navy in better part of my life to Sea ing, which Mayor Thomas Farrell cent of the cost of improving or Iotkin tract on Town Neck the new administration. Bright and everyone in it." djourned sine die until the Jan enlarging grade crossings and Creek for recreation facilities. reorganization session. separations. In Bombings Zuckert and Connally, 43, are Still, he said it "has been my That was the prediction made Stepping out of the door, Mr. The fifth bill, sponsored by As- Democrats, very real pleasure to serve here, last night by Councilman Nelson semblymen J. Edward Crabiel, In the outgoing Eisenhower ad- to make the people's problems acobsen took a long look at the Train Wreck M. Ayers, who told the counci D-Middiesex, and Earl A, Mar- ministration James H. Douglas my own. I can say honestly tha jorough Christmas tree. Getting that immediate use of the land ryatt, R-Bergen, would have the HAVANA (AP) - More than is secretary of the Air Force I never have cast a vote, hen the tree always had been among would cost $1,700. state pay maintenance costs of 0 persons were injured yester- and William B. Franke is secre- on this board, except that t fell :he jobs he took upon himself. The tract is east of Seven highway bridges over railroads, tary of the Navy. The Jobs pay it was for the best interest oi No more," he said. day in bold daylight bombings Bridge Rd., near Point Rd. and a train wreck blamed on $22,500 a year. all the people." The borough's option on thi saboteurs trying to undermine MEET WITH THE PRESS —Rep. John Rooney ID-NY) Kennedy headquarters also an- He told of countless hours h land, valued in excess of $40,000, Prime Minister Fidel Castro's re- nounced that the President-elecl has spent to help put through expires Jan. 31. Planners Suggest gime, i and Vice President-elect- Lyndon B. Johnson talk to news- will confer at his Atlantic shore programs to save Sea Bright "We want to start proceeding! Bombs exploded in two stores men outside the Palm Beach, Fla., home of President- iome here tomorrow with Sen. after big storms. "It was nothing to purchase the property befor and a main power station in Ha- . William Fulbright, D-Ark.. easy to find the funds for all ol elect John F. Kennedy. They told reporters that during the option expires," Mr. Ayres vana. Fourteen persons were in- hairman of the Senate Foreip" this ... But, somehow, we did. said. "But formal action will Tract Be Upgraded jured, mostly by flying glass, in the two days of conferences there they have discussed Relations Committee. They will By far, the senior member o! have to wait until council reor- one of the stores. the evaluation of the space program and the strengthen- discuss foreign policy matters. ganizes Monday." T FAIR HAVEN - The Planning According to the Plannin, A Camaguey-Havana passenger ing of the foreign service. (APWirephoto) And on Friday Kennedy wi' Mr. Ayres said he had re- ; Board last night proposed to the Board, upgrading would brin train collided with another train meet at his home with Frank! - ceived preliminary estimates to- Cigarette Borough Council that the Lovett construction 'of houses in tb at a crossing in Camaguey Prov- D. Roosevelt, Jr., son of the latn talling $1,700 to put a portion of tract on Ridge Rd. be upgraded. $50,000 class.
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