Cumulative Index Edited by Mary Ellin D'Agostino with Robert V. Kemper (volumes 1-40) Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Number 78, 1995 The Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, Number 79 C 1995 Kroeber Anthropological Society Mary Ellin D'Agostino, Editor Membership: Subscription is by membership in the Kroeber Anthropological Society. Dues for student members are $18.00, for regular members (including institutions) are $20.00, and all foreign subscribers $24.00 in US currency. Back issues ofthe Papers are available for $12.00 per issue plus $2.00 shipping and handling in the United States, Mexico, and Canada; foreign orders should add $4.00 shipping and handling. Prices subject to change without notice. Informationfor authors: The Kroeber Anthropological Society publishes articles in the general field of anthropology. In addition to articles oftheoretical interest, the Papers welcome descriptive studies putting factual information on record and historical documents ofanthropological interest. The society welcomes student research papers ofhigh quality. Submitted papers should not exceed 30 typewritten, double spaced pages and conform to the style used by the American Anthropological Association. Two paper copies and one computer copy ofthe manuscript should be submitted. Computer copies should be on 3V/2" diskette in formatted for either Mac or DOS, text should be in WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, or plain (ASCII) text format. Email submissions are acceptable, but should be followed up with regular mail. All inquiries should be sent to: Kroeber Anthropological Society Department ofAnthropology University of Califomia Berkeley, CA 94720-3710 email: kasgqal.berkeley.edu Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, No. 78, 1995 Cumulative Index Edited by Mary Ellin D 'Agostino with Robert V Kemper (volumes 1-40) First published in 1950, the Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers is the oldest student run, student edited anthropologyjournal in the United States. The first cumulative index, published in volume 43, was prepared by Robert V. Kemper for the first forty volumes ofthe Papers. This index includes all ofthe first seventy-seven volumes ofthe Papers as well as the three volumes in the Special Publications series. Kemper's index is fully incorporated here with minor modifications. Page numbers in all sections refer to the first page of the article. Contents: Contents, 1950-1994 ................ I Author Index, 1950-1994 ................ 16 Subject Index 1950-1994 ................ 33 Contents Volume 1 (1950) Volume 4 (1951) Establishment and Aims ofthe Kroeber Olive Oatman's Return by A. L. Kroeber I Anthropological Society by Clement W A Glance at Statistical Procedure by Meighan iii Thomas W McKern 19 Pre-Columbian Trade between North and Linguistic Elements in Bird Vocalization South America by Chester S. Chard 1 by David G. Nichols 27 Observations on Early Man in Califomia Piro Myths by Esther Matteson 47 by Robert F. Heizer 28 The Idabaez: Unknown Indians of the Choco Coast by John H. Rowe 34 Volume 5 (1951) A Reconstruction ofAboriginal Delaware Suggestions for Field Recording of Culture from Contemporary Sources by Information on the Hippocratic Mary W. Herman 45 Classification of Diseases and Remedies by Black Market in Prerogatives among the George M. Foster andJohn H. Rowe I Northern Kwakiutl by Ronald L. Olson 78 Papers Relating to the Trial of Feodor Nepenthe in Aboriginal America by Bashmakofffor Sorcery at Sitka in 1829. Franklin Fenenga 81 Translatedfrom the Russian by Ivan Petrov, with Ethnographic Comments by Dorothy Menzel 6 Volume 2 (1950) New Light on the Racial Composition of Animistic and Rational Thought by Sol Tax I Northeastern Siberia by Chester S. Chard 26 Thoughts on Knowledge and Ignorance by A Tentative Analysis ofthe Pluralizaiton of John H. Rowe 6 Kisi Nouns by William J. Samarin 48 Southern Dieguenlo Use and Knowledge of Lithic Materials by W D. Hohenthal Jr. 9 Volume 6 (1952) The Present Distribution of Indian Languages in Highland Bolivia by John F. The Tapaj6 by Curt Nimuendaju', Goins 17 Translated and edited by John H. Rowe I Kutsavi, A Great Basin Indian Food by A Daily Journal Kept by the Rev. Father Robert F. Heizer 35 Juvenal, One ofthe Earliest Missionaries to Ivan Current Theories on Incest Prohibition in Alaska Translated by Petrov 26 the Light ofCeremonial Kinship by The History of the Guayqueri, an Approach Charles J. Erasmus 42 to the Anthropology ofNorthern The Indian Tribes ofNorth America by Venezuela by Thomas McCorkle 60 David G. Mandelbaum 51 A Journey up the Sambui River to Visit the Volume 7 (1952) Choco6 Indians byArne Arbin 79 The Montagnais Indians, 1600-1640 by A Provisional Phonemic Analysis of Kisi Kenneth S. Lane I by William J. Samarin 89 KentS.Le Shellfish Foods ofthe California Indians by Robert E. Greengo 63 Volume 3 (1950) Lost Lake: A Study of an Agricultural Volume 8/9 (1953): Walter B. Cline Community Established on Reclaimed Memorial Issue Land by Alan R. Beals and Thomas Walter Buchanan Cline: A Memoir by McCorkle 1 Carleton S. Coon ix 2 Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers No. 78 Walter Buchanan Cline: Personal Volume 12 (1955) Reminiscences by Ralph C. Altman xiii Aspects of Andean Native Life by Oscar Walter Buchanan Cline: Bibliography by Nuiez del Prado I Laubach Freed Nancy xvii Analyzed Piro Text: A Boy and a Jaguar by Population Control and the Family in Esther Matteson 22 Feudal and Post-Restoration Japan by Executions by Stoning among the Sierra Gordon T. Bowles I Miwok and Northern Paiute by Robert F. The Kamchadal: A Synthetic Sketch by Heizer 45 Chester S. Chard 20 Time Perspective in Ethnography by John Clans and the Joking-Relationship Among H. Rowe 55 the Plateau Tonga ofNorthern Rhodesia by Trans-Pacific Similarities in Folklore: A E. Colson 45 Research Lead by Edward Norbeck 62 Acculturation in Californian Awl Forms by ClementMeighanW. of Cultures of 61{ CoastalRelationshipsMontereyPrehistoricCounty, California by The Relation between Slit-Gongs and Arnold R. Pilling 70 Renown in a Solomon Islands Culture by Douglas L. Oliver 69 Mioshie: A New Messianic Cult in Japan Volume 13 (1955) by Ronald L. Olson 78 Primitive Man as an Ecological Factor by Eleven Inca Prayers from the Zithuwa Robert F. Heizer I Ritual by John H. Rowe 82 The Mesolithic Combware Culture of Culture Loss and Culture Change among Finland by Pertti J. Polto 32 the Mocmac ofthe Canadian Maritime The Problem of Race in the Mesolithic of Provinces, 1912-1950 by Wilson D. Wallis Europe by RobertJo Squier 55 and Ruth D. Wallis 100 Physical Types ofthe Amur-Sakhalin Hot Climates and Hight Civilizations by Region by Chester S. Chard 105 FrederickR. Wulsin 130 ReinbChsrSCad10 in R. Radcliffe-Browne by W E. H. AreduaismA Dualism in PomoPomoin CosmologyCosmology0byA.MA.by A. M. Stanner 116 Halpern 151 Volume 10 (1954) Volume 14 (1956) Sonoma Mission: An Racial Types in Northeastern Asia by Reconstruction ofthe ArchaeologicalMission San Chester S. Chard 1 Francisco de Solano Quadrangle by Adan The Selection of Recording Equipment for E. Tregansa I Field Use by Alan P. Merriam 5 A Survey of Balkan Houses and Farm o Notes on the Panare Indians of Venezuela alka huses 19 BuildingsBurveyby Majda Thurner 1 by Carroll L. Rikey 10 Abstracts ofPh.D. Dissertations, The Piro ofthe Urubamba by Esther University of California, 1946-1949 93 Matteson 25 Dissertation Abstract: The Cultural Affiliations ofthe Gila and Colorado River Volume 11 (1954) Yumans by Kenneth Stewart 93 Dissertation Abstract: Japanese Buddhism The Travels of Coyote: A Karok Myth by in the United States, 1940-1946: A Study William Bright 1 in Acculturation by Robert F. Spencer 94 Piro Phonemes and Morphology by Esther Dissertation Abstract: Hupa Education: A Matteson 17 Study in Primitive Socialization and Climate and the Aboriginal Occupation of Personality Development by William J. the Pacific Coast of Alaska by Francis A. Wallace 95 Riddell 60 1950-1994 Contents 3 Dissertation Abstract: A Comparative American Indian Hero Tale by Bert A. Study ofEskimo Mythology by Frank J. Gerow 78 Essene Jr. 96 Dissertation Abstract: The Concept of Dissertation Abstract: Aboriginal Skin Property among Shoshoneans by Stephen Dressing in Western North America by C. Cappannari 79 Arden R. King 97 Dissertation Abstract: Culture Change and Dissertation Abstract: Aboriginal Use of Native Trade in Southern Yukon Territory Fishery Resources in Northwestern North by Catharine McClellan 80 America by Gordon W. Hewes 98 Dissertation Abstract: The Cultural Dissertation Abstract: Temporal and Areal Position ofPonape in Oceania by Saul H. Relationships in Central California Riesenberg 81 Archeology by Richard K. Beardsley 99 Dissertation Abstract: Disease Concepts Dissertation Abstract: A Comparison of the and Plant Medicines in Native South Folklore ofthe Northem, Southern and America by Clarence E. Smith Jr. 82 Pacific Athabaskans: A Study in Stability Dissertation Abstract: The Topanga ofFolklore within a Linguistic Stock by Culture and Southern California Prehistory Tamie Tsuchiyama 100 by Adan E. Treganza 83 Dissertation Abstract: The Structure of Dissertation Abstract: Mindoro Twana Culture by William Elmendorf 101 Anthropometry and Racial Origins in Dissertation Abstract: A Comparative Northern Indonesia by Leo A. Estel 84 Analysis ofPrehistoric Skeletal Remains Dissertation Abstract: Some Aspects of from the Lower Sacramento Valley by Culture Change in a Mountain Russell Newman 102 Neighborhood ofEast Tennessee by Marion Pearsall 84 Volume 15 (1956) Dissertation Abstract: The Concept of Cultural Marginality and Native A Survey of Italian Godparenthood by Agriculture in South America by William Gallatin Anderson I D. Hohenthal Jr. 85 Dissertations in Anthropology: Titles of Dissertation Abstract: The Concept of M.A. and Ph.D. Theses Accepted in the Dualism in American Indian Folklore by United States in the Academic Year 1955- Burton S. Lowrimore 86 1956 III Dissertation Abstract: The Hazara Mongols ofAfghanistan: A Study in Social Volume 16 (1957): In Honor of Ronald L. Organization by Elizabeth E. Bacon 87 Olson Dissertation Abstract: Excavations Near Umatilla, Oregon: The Archaeology ofthe Ronald L.
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